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One Piece Parody: Redux: Original Chap word Count 1151 New Word Count: 2283


Shadow Shadow Luffy Redux

Luffy eats the Shadow Shadow Fruit, while Moria eats the supposed more powerful Shade Shade fruit. While Moria’s fruit is superior, his laziness has caused a lack of development. Luffy does do well with his own fruit and builds a crew of his own.  

Chapter 1 Shadow Shadow

Gecko Moria one of the seven warlords of the sea, was the holder of the Shade Shade fruit, it gave him power over shadows, he could steal and control them, and bring life to the dead, the shadow retaining it’s owner’s skills. Those he cursed by stealing their shadows can never go out in the sun again or die.  

Normally if one who had their shadow stolen died, the shadow in kind would vanish from the world, but not with the power of the Shade Shade fruit. Should someone die by sun Moria is able to claim their shadow forever, an eternal slave. It seemed the person had to die of natural causes, either by the sun or old age for Moria to keep their shadow. A small price to pay and it didn’t bother him.  

He had a good system going in the Grand Line, chilling in the terrifying Florian Triangle, snatching up pirates weak and strong to build his undead army. “Go out and make me King of the Pirates!” was his motto. He was quite the lazy man, relying on his power.  

Little did he know there was a fruit out there that could undo all his schemes. The Shadow Shadow fruit, while the Shade Shade fruit might be seen as superior, capable of doing more than the Shadow Shadow fruit, this fruit’s command over the shadows could ruin everything Moria has built.  


Said fruit was found in the East Blue, only to be taken by pirates. These pirates were led by Shanks, a ruggedly handsome pirate with red hair, the man could spin many tales of adventure but his past was a well kept secret.  

He had taken to use a small village in the Goa Kingdom as his unofficial base. He and his men were Freedom Pirates, they just ate, drank, and had fun. The villagers enjoyed having their company, as they didn’t cause any trouble and were men of honor.  

A boy named Monkey D. Luffy grew the most attached to them, loving their stories of their grand adventures and wanted to go with them. Of course being a kid, he was shot down time and time again. So the boy decided to prove his bravery by stabbing his cheek.  

To celebrate his crazy but brave act, the pirates went to the local bar, ate, drank, and made merry. Singing Brinks Brew, and dancing like fools. Despite this act of bravery, Shanks still refused to let him join. Makino gives Luffy some food to cheer him up.  

“Come now Luffy, you are too young, I got a boy just a little older than you. I may have had to leave him behind, but the sea was calling to me!” Yasopp cheered, and received cheers from the others. The rest of Shanks men really liked Luffy, and didn’t object to the boy coming along, until Shanks said he could if they he took one of their spots.  

That had the men quick to drop the subject. “Hey!” Luffy yelled.  

“What makes you think you can be a pirate, you might be a good swimmer but it takes more than that to be a pirate?”

“I’m more than just a good swimmer, I got punches like pistols!” Shanks did not look impressed. He quickly tricked Luffy with a glass of juice laughing at him saying only kids drink juice.  

Luffy was upset and still hungry, so he noticed a strange fruit in a treasure box. He ate it, even though after the first bite it tasted awful, but food was food. While Luffy chomped down on the fruit, some bandits came in and started causing trouble.  

They tried to antagonize the pirates, but they didn’t react. Even as the bandits tossed more and more insults, the pirates said and did nothing, much to Luffy’s confusion. Even when the bandit leader spilled booze onto Shanks, and dumped food on him.  

Their party had drunk the place dry, except for the one bottle, which was dumped onto Shanks. Pissed, the bandits left mocking the pirates and Shanks, when they were gone Shanks and his men simply laughed it off much to Luffy’s anger.  

He didn’t understand. “Luffy, you’ll learn that some fights aren’t worth fighting, all he did was spill some food and booze on me it’s no big deal.” He still didn’t get it, but he was young, and men he looked up to had been insulted.  

Luffy finished the fruit much to Shanks’ horror. “Luffy...you didn’t eat that fruit did you?” he grabbed the boy and shook him upside down. “Spit it out spit it out right now!”  

The boy freaked out and his power activated. His shadow bubbled up and a swarm of round shadow bats burst out, causing Shanks to drop Luffy. The bats grabbed him and brought him down to the ground safely. The bats merged into a single being it looked like Luffy but all shadowy. This was Luffy’s Doppelman.  

“Oh no,” Shanks face palmed. ‘This isn’t good, if Moria finds Luffy he’ll kill him for sure!’  

“Luffy once you’ve eaten the devil fruit in exchange for power you lose your ability to swim.”  

“What?!” Luffy gasped.  

“You dumb ass!” Shanks scolded.  


The crew explained things to Luffy, he had eaten the Shadow Shadow fruit. “Listen Luffy, devil fruits can be broken up between 3 main types, logia, zoan and paramecia. You are a paramecia type.” Shanks sat Luffy down. “With devil fruits, there are some naturally stronger than others. There is a fruit similar to yours but it’s power is far stronger.”  

“Okay...” Shanks grabbed him by the shoulders.

“Listen to me Luffy, the one who owns this fruit is known as Gecko Moria, he’s one of the seven warlords of the sea, if he finds you he will kill you!”  

“Kill me...why?” Shanks could see the terror in Luffy’s eyes.  

“Because your fruit is a threat to his own power and plans. If he discovers you, he may not hesitate to kill you.” the boy gulped.  

“Captain...” Shanks looked at his crew, then back to Luffy who was sweating, his shadow trying to comfort him.   

“Luffy...I’m sorry...” Benn Beckman could see Shanks was blaming himself. Moria was a sick bastard, the warlords varied as far as pirates go, but his loss to Kaido changed him. He used to care about his crew, but now…

The events overwhelmed Luffy, so Makino put him to bed. As he slept his shadow man loomed over him keeping watch. She left the room and told Shanks what she saw.  

“I see, it’s okay Makino, the shadow is just guarding him.” he ran his fingers through his hair. “I don’t know what to do.”

“Captain, we could take Luffy with us, teach him, and if Moria does find out about him we’ll be there.”  

“And rob him of his own future?” Shanks was a firm believer in following one’s own path, his crew joined him because they shared the same path, but Luffy he saw a bright future for the kid and now he cast a shadow on it.  

The crew had sailed out the next day, it was normal for them to head out and come back. Luffy was trying to do right by his powers even helping Makino out, and running errands for her. The bandits had come back to drink at the bar, and they were laughing and making fun of pirates and Shanks.  

Luffy couldn’t take it. “Don’t make fun of Shanks, he’s a way better man than any of you!”  

“Luffy!” Makino tried to stop him, worried for the boy’s safety. The bandits didn’t take him standing up to them very kindly, dragging him out into the town to beat him silly.  

“This kid makes a fun punching bag, hahaha!” they laughed as they took turns beating him.  

Despite the beating Luffy continued to demand they apologize for Shanks. Also Luffy was holding his shadow power back, even though with each punch and kick his Shadow wanted out to protect him.  

Makino brought the mayor, and the old man pleaded for Luffy’s life, offering money and booze to appease the bandits, anything to just let the boy go. The leader Higuma thought about it. “Leave it to the old guard to know the way the world works, but no!” he pulled a gun and shot at the mayor, he missed but knocked the man back. “This kid insulted me, and no one who insults me can live!” He and his men aimed their guns at the villagers.

“No!” Luffy’s shadow broke up turning into round bats. The bats attacked snatching away the bandits’ guns.  

“What the hell?!” they gasped.  

“Don’t hurt...them...” the boy groaned.  

“You little freak!” Higuma raised his sword ready to bring it down and kill the boy.  

“I was wondering where everyone was.” Shanks and his crew stood behind Makino. “No one greeted us at the docks.” he started approaching Luffy and the bandits.  

“Don’t move, or the kid dies!” Higuma had a sword pointed at Luffy. The red head wanted to kill the bandit leader. Shanks kept moving, making Higuma sweat.  

“Our leader said stop!” one of the bandits pulled a gun on Shanks.  

“Are you ready to bet your life?” the bandit was confused. “Now that you’ve drawn your weapon, you are putting your life on the line.”

“What are you...” Bang!

Lucky Roo shot him in the head and brought him down. The bandits were shocked they could play so dirty. “Dirty, you aren’t dealing with saints here, we’re pirates!”  

Shanks stepped forward. “Listen up, if you wanna dump food on me, spill booze on me, even spit on me, I’ll just laugh that stuff off. However, no one, no one hurts a friend of mine!”  

The bandits charged, and Benn took them all out on his own. “Oh wow!” Luffy was amazed.  

Higuma acted fast, using a smoke bomb to escape with Luffy. Shanks freaked. “Ahhhh he took Luffy, what are we gonna do?!”  

“Calm down captain, we’ll find him.” Benn couldn’t help but smirk.  

“What a guy.”   

On the open sea

“Haha no one would expect a mountain bandit to escape to the sea. Now thanks to you my crew has been crushed but I know a way to build an even better team, by selling you a devil fruit user, I can make tons of cash.” He pulled a flier for the slave auctions, it had devil fruit users at a high price.  

While he stared at the flier and thought of all the money he was going to make, he failed to notice the sea monster approaching him.

The lord of the coast rose up and swallowed Higuma and his ship in one bite, throwing Luffy off into the sea. He sank and the sea monster swam towards him. Before it could kill him Shanks got in the way, saving him at the cost of his arm. “Get lost!” the creature froze in terror and ran away.  

Luffy cried over his sacrifice. “It’s just an arm Luffy, you were more important.” They make it back to shore and Shanks was patched up. The man was curious…

“Luffy, you talked about how strong you were, if you used your devil fruit power you could have handled a few bandits?”

“I didn’t want to be like that Mokia guy, so I didn’t want to use my powers on them.” It was Moria but Luffy wasn’t the best at remembering random names.  

Shanks sighed. “That’s my fault, Luffy you should use your power as you like, especially if it’s to defend yourself.”

“Then...I’ll use it to get stronger so I can protect myself and others!” Luffy said confidently.  


The latest events forced a decision of the Red Hair Pirates, they had been using the village as a temporary base, but it was time for them to sail on. Luffy was there to see them off.  

“I’m not gonna ask to go with you this time.” Luffy says, the crew was shocked. Shanks teased him.

“Blehh we weren’t gonna bring a runt like you along anyway.”  

Luffy seethed. “I’m gonna become a pirate on my own and raise a better crew than yours!”  

“Better than us huh?” he couldn’t help but smile at that.  

“Right, I’ll form a mighty crew and obtain the ultimate freedom! I’ll become King of the Pirates!” Those words touched Shanks more than he could possibly know.  

“Alright then,” he placed his treasured straw hat on Luffy’s head. “Why don’t you keep this for me, you can give it back once you’ve become a great pirate.”  

Luffy touched it, feeling the tears fall from his cheeks. Shanks told him how special that hat was, it meant more to him than any other treasure. He gripped the hat tightly, Shanks turned to leave. “Shanks wait...”  

“What, change your mind already?”  

“No, but I want to give you something to.” Luffy touched his shadow, and using his power brought it to life. The shadow slithered up Shanks’ body to his severed arm and took form becoming a new arm and hand.  

The man gasped. “It’s not much, but your shadow will have your back and protect you.”  

“Luffy...thank you...” he gave the boy a hug.  

He left, leaving Luffy his hat, a dangerous power, and a dream!

To be continued  


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