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Pocket Monster Parody: Patreon Reward


Trainer Stats

Ash: 11 Inches: 24 PokeBalls, 2 Premier Balls, 5 Shrink Balls, 3 Gender Balls,

Badges: Dom Badge

Pokemon: Pikachu, Charmander, Pidgey, Nidoran M,  

Cash Card: 0  

Oak: 6 Inches

Gary Oak: 11 Inches Former 1 Inch Present

(Pokemon Stats)

Charmander: Blaze: Scratch, Growl, Ember, Smokescreen

Pikachu: Lightning Rod: Thunder Shock, Thunder Wave, Quick Attack, Electro Ball

Pidgey: Keen Eye: Tackle, Sand Attack, Gust

Nidoran M: Poison Point: Peck, Leer, Focus Energy, Double Kick  

Chapter 4 Battle at the Pokemon Center

Jenny and Ash arrived on the scene, a bit late to the party. The power had been cut, and judging by the security lights they were running on back up power. “This is bad.”  

“Let’s go!” Ash and his Pokemon rush in, the center was filled with smoke. “Pidgey I choose you, blow the smoke away!” the bird-like Pokemon appeared and used gust to blow the smoke away. “Where is Nurse Joy?”  

“I’ll find her, and see if I can get the generators going.” Jenny rushes off, leaving Ash alone. Ash went to find the bad guys, and make sure the Pokemon were okay. What he found was a Meowth snatching PokeBalls and putting them into a bag. “Who’s that Pokemon?” he used his Pokedex.  

Dexter: Meowth, the Scratch Cat Pokémon. Meowth loves to roam at night to gather coins and other objects that sparkle, but it spends most of the daylight hours sleeping.

“Those aren’t coins those are PokeBalls, Chamander use Ember!” Charmander charged, spinning and striking Meowth with flames.  

“Waaahhh, who dares!?” he snapped.  

“He talks!” Ash gasped, even his Pokemon were shocked.  

“You bet I talk, I’m no normal Meowth, I’m a part of Team Rocket!” he pointed his claw at Ash. “Now hand over your Pokemon, or you are gonna get it.”  

“I don’t think so Meowth.” Pikachu stepped up.  

“Heh, like I’m scared of a rat.” He charged with his claws.  

“Pika!” Pikachu shocked him.  

“Gaaaaaaahhhh!” He fell back, scorched.  

Ash got the balls and put them back, there were little medical labels on each of them. “Meowth what’s taking so long...” A blue haired guy came in, with a poison type floating behind him. He saw Meowth on the ground knocked out, and Ash putting the balls back, with Pikachu and Charmander helping, Pidgey and Nidoran were standing guard. “Koffing go!”  

Pidgey intercepted the attack, but then got hit by Sludge and poisoned. “Pidgey no!” Ash gasped. “Thanks buddy, you protected me, have a rest in your PokeBall.” he cooed weakly and got returned. “Dexter Analyze!”  

Dexter: Koffing, the Poison Gas Pokémon. Koffing hovers in the air, thanks to the poisonous gases it contains, which have a foul odor and can explode.

“He’s strong!” Charmander and Pikachu stood guard.  

“You must be a new trainer, you are no match for James of Team Rocket!” he did a fabulous hair flip.  

“Well James, I might be new, but I’m a Dom Trainer, I won’t back down from a challenge. I am Ash Ketchum!” he introduced, and his pokemon backed him up.   

“A dom trainer huh?” James smirked, he palmed his crotch, eyeing Ash up and down. “How about a challenge then boy?” he flashed his own badge. “I defeat you, you’ll become mine!”  

“Fine, but if I win you’ll become mine!” Ash counters and the battle was on. ‘I’ll take this thief down.’


Jenny found Joy tied up, Chansey was paralyzed. “I got you,” she worked on untying the nurse when the door closed behind her.  

“Hahaha, to bad neither of you will escape.” A red haired woman stepped out with an Ekans.  

“You shouldn’t underestimate me.” She called out her Growlithe, the fire type charged and their battle began.  


It was to be a 3 verse 3 match, Ash’s Pikachu, Charmander, and Nidoran versus James’ Koffing, Weepinbell, and Growlithe.  

Ash was going all out against James, having Pikachu battle his experienced Koffing. “Pikachu, use Thunder Wave!” he obeyed, releasing a blue shock that hit Koffing, paralyzing it.  

“Koffing, use Sludge!” He struggled, but soon launched a barrage of poisonous gunk. The delay let Pikachu move, and he dodged the attacks. “He’s fast, Koffing use Smokescreen!” Koffing expelled a cloud of black smoke, blinding Pikachu.  

“Pikachu, Koffing is still Paralyzed, use Quick Attack and escape the smoke.” He glowed and zipped out, finding Koffing at the end of the smoke. Pikachu slammed into him.  

“Koffing get up, Poison Gas attack!” Koffing couldn’t move he was paralyzed.  

“Pikachu use Thundershock!” Pikachu zapped him with all his might sending him flying back. “Yeah!”  

“Oh Koffing,” James scooped him up. “You fought great, thank you.” Ash was shocked at the caring in James’ voice. The poison type was returned. “I’m not out of this yet, go Growly!” he called out a Growlithe of his own. He growled intimidating Pikachu, lowing his attack.  

“Pikachu come back, Charmander your turn.” It was fire versus fire, and the battle was just getting hotter. James could see Ash’s skills and his caring of his Pokemon, and Ash could see the same with James. “Your Growlithe is strong.”  

“Your Charmander is to!” The fire types clashed again and again. Scratch against Bite, Ember against Ember, Growlithe also had a powerful Flamethrower attack, which was powerful, but not very effective against Charmander.  

During their battle Meowth came to. “Hang in there Charmander!”  

“Don’t let him get away Growly!”  

Meowth smirked, Ash was completely distracted. His claws lengthened, with wicked glee they glowed and he jumped at Ash preparing a Scratch attack. “You’re wide open kid!” He went in for the scratch, making Ash gasp. He didn’t get close as Nidoran jumped in the way. He took the hit, and since he was still exhausted from their previous battle he was knocked out, but his effect kicked in Poison Point. Meowth became poisoned and quickly fainted again due to the poison.

“Nidoran!” Ash scooped him up. “You protected me, thank you.” he returned him so he could rest in his ball.  

“Meowth should not have interfered.” He returned his Growlithe. “Your pokemon are quite strong,” he retrieved Meowth. “I concede this battle as a trainer. Our dom match is a draw, so I’ll retreat for now.” He picks up Meowth.  

“Is that Meowth your Pokemon?” Ash asked.  

“He is not, but he’s a part of our team. Regardless in a match between Dom’s no one is allowed to interfere.” he smirks at Ash. “This isn’t over, next time I will make you mine.” he throws Ash a rose, and vanishes with a smoke bomb.  

“What a weird guy, he’s a thief but he seemed to really care about his Pokemon.” There was a ping, Ash received 1000 on his cash card. “He’s registered in the Pokemon League.


Jessie didn’t do much better, Jenny besting her in their match. “I’ll remember this!” she ran off. The two met up, James having stolen some potions and antidotes, and used them to treat their team. “That darn Jenny got in my way? Where is the haul?” she asked aggressively flipping her hair.

“I ran into some trouble, a trainer. His name was Ash.”  

“Oh James don’t tell me you were chasing guys again?”  

“Like you are one to talk, I fought him in a Dom Battle, but Meowth interfered.”  

“I see, I suppose it’s no surprise wild Pokemon don’t understand the importance of Dom Battles.” she says.  

“It was Meowth who lost the haul, but the boy was good, his Pokemon were very strong.” Yet he was more interested in the boy, the fire in his eyes, the passion. It made him think of how he’d look in bed, the same passion, that same fire, or something new! It excited the blue haired male, he felt his manhood stirring. ‘Easy boy, we’ll get him.’

“Sounds like a pretty good target.” he looked to his partner in crime. “Team Rocket’s mission is world domination, and the stepping stones to that are finding many powerful Pokemon.”  

James didn’t think it would be that easy, but going after Ash was quite the enjoyable plan. In truth before joining Team Rocket James wanted to be a Pokemon Master himself, but his life was being forced down the wrong path.  He ran away from home taking the few Pokemon he had on him, Growly and a Bellsprout. He got Koffing shortly after joining Team Rocket. He trained his pokemon with love and care, so they were all quite strong, which made Ash’s skills all the more impressive and enticing. It had been awhile since he had so much fun.  

They escaped using their large Meowth Balloon.  


Power was restored to the center and the Pokemon were safe and sound. Nurse Joy was able to treat Ash’s Pokemon. “Thank you so much for your help Ash, here is a little extra reward.” She gave him 3000 onto his cash card.  

“Thank you Nurse Joy.” he did have his eye on some stuff from the Dom Shop.  

“No, Thank you Ash,” she gave him a hug. “So will you be heading to Pewter City?”  

“You bet!” he smiled. ‘But first...’ Ash took his Pokemon over to the Dom Shop. This detour allowed him to escape Misty, who had come back wanting revenge.  

“Where is he?”  

“Who? Ash?”  

“Yeah,” she snapped.  

“He’s on his way to Pewter City.” Joy sweatdropped.   

“I must have just missed him, he won’t get away.” she got on her bike and raced off, not realizing she’s heading towards Viridian Forest, a place full of bug pokemon.  

“Oh dear,” Joy says as the girl left a trail of dust in her wake.  


Ash had made out like a bandit at the Dom Shop, grabbing some toys, and getting some Simple Dom Balls as a reward. “Great, I was wondering when I’d be able to pick some up, and I still got 500 on my cash card.” he grinned ear to ear. He headed towards Viridian Forest.  

To be continued


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