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Naruto Parody: Tier 6: Vol 1 and 2


Uzumaki Size

Naruto 17 inches
Kakashi 10 inches
Zabuza 10 Inches
Haku 7 Inches
Asuma 9 inches
Sasuke 9.5 inches
Kiba 9 inches
Shino 8 inches
Chouji 5 inches
Shikamaru 6 inches

Sakurai 8.5 inches

Chapter 11 The First Test!

Naruto gave a rundown of what happened yesterday with his mates. As terrifying as Gaara might be, it seems many of the ninjas here were strong and even dangerous. Kakashi, Zabuza, and Asuma took his concerns to heart. 

These exams were a show of power anyone from Chunin and above knew that. While others saw this as an event, almost sports festival-like festivity. No matter which village held the exam, the reasons were the same, to evaluate the next generation’s abilities and powers and to gauge the villages potential power. 

To the world at large, it also helped build relationships between the villages. The experience, strengthening the military forces on all sides. 

Naruto wasn’t making these concerns in terms of power. Facing strong ninja was a way of seeing your own weaknesses and ways to improve. These ninjas were not just strong, they were dangerous. 

Kyuubi had given him the rundown of Shukaku, and the demon was probably the most restrictive. He was very weak to pleasure himself, so he likes to make his partner sensitive and keep them tied up so he has the control. ‘I can bet he’s no doubt has his vessel locked up, to make him sensitive.’ 

Shukaku’s sexual appetites aside, there was no doubt Gaara of the Sand was dangerous. Naruto felt a heaviness on his very soul, his eyes held a sorrow that Naruto knew all too well, but a coldness had spread in them that chilled him to the bone. 

If Gaara had killed them, the blonde knew he would feel nothing, he might have even enjoyed it. “I would like you to leave Gaara to me, I don’t know if even I can handle him, but I want to try and help him.” Sasuke knew how much Naruto cared for them. He wanted to face Gaara on his own so they wouldn’t get hurt. 

Gaara had reacted to his divine rod, which means there was a good chance he’d make a good mate, but the boy was broken. If he just brought him into the family it could be dangerous, Gaara being another jinchuuriki also complicated things. At least with Zabuza and Haku while rogue nin they were stable beings. His mates believed in him, and his decisions, if anyone could save Gaara it’d be Naruto. “We’ll stay away from him as best we can, but he’s in the exam. It may be unavoidable.” Naruto nods. 

“I want us all to do our best and try to pass the exam, just add some extra caution.” With the Gaara problem settled, for now, he moved on to the other issues. 

Juugo was also a wildcard, his power was very intense, but the bigger concern was the white-haired male. Juugo was one thing, but one who can control him is scarier still, the guy with six arms was no slouch either. Naruto felt a secret power in the other two that had him on edge. 

While Kakashi and Asuma, had not heard of the Sound Village before, Zabuza had. “It’s an upstart village, while not much is known about who is running it, they have been collecting a lot of skilled ninjas, rumors say they were even experimenting on their ninja to surpass limits. They have their hands in a lot of underground networks.” 

“We’ll look into the Sound Jounin, but we want you all to be careful, while Naruto’s concerns might be valid, the number of other skilled ninjas here is gonna really test your limits. People have died in the exams, so be careful.” Kakashi says. 

“Your training up till now may have been brief but we believe in your skills, but if you decide to drop out at any stage we trust your decisions.” Their teachers had faith in them, though Kiba and Shino’s teacher wasn’t here, but still. 

They had each other’s backs, and each other to support. 


Little did they know their confrontation with the Sand Siblings was overseen by more Sound Ninja. Things were moving in the shadows, and Konoha had invited this into the heart of it. 

Gaara was in agony, his cock was hard and wanting, but his sand armor was acting like a cock cage, binding the boy’s dick. Even if he wanted to touch himself he couldn’t cum. His nipples were hard and his hole was throbbing. ‘What is this feeling, who was that guy?’

Shukaku was just as curious. Kyuubi may have been the most perverted of them, but even he did not have the power to cause this effect. ‘So his vessel is just as dangerous as the beast inside. It matters not Kyuubi I will punish you, even if it means going through your vessel!’ 

He wasn’t the only sand sibling effect by Naruto’s divine rod. The image of the massive man meat was planted firmly in his mind. Unlike his brother, he was fully intent on satisfying his desires. Adjusting one of his puppets with one of his favorite dildos. ‘It’s way smaller, to think such big dicks like that exist.’ Kankuro shivered. 

Kankuro fingered himself, stretching his ass open, lubed fingers stretching open his tight ring of muscle. His cock twitched beneath him, it had been a while since he played with his ass. One finger, two fingers, three his hole opening up more and more. ‘How long has it been since I scratched that itch.’ He was born with quite the fat cock himself, and his motto was if the dude was smaller than him he’d top bigger, he gets topped. He thought he’d trained his ass pretty well, but he’d never seen a cock so large. His cock had a darker shade to it making it seem it was well used. 

His ass was itching to be filled with that monster. He fitted his puppet with the biggest dildo he had on him, and got to work, with one hand gripping his cock, the other hand controlling the puppet he made it move. 

The lubed dildo kissed his hole, slowly working inside of him. “Ohh yes!” Kankuro started stroking himself, using his puppet to thrust the dildo in and out of his ass. He bucks back impaling himself on the fake cock. “Ugh ugh ugh yes yes yes pound my ass!” his fingers flexed, pulling chakra strings to make the puppet fuck him faster. 

His pre-cum spread over his cock by his stroking hand, allowing him to move faster. No matter how hard the dildo slid home, he couldn’t help but image the blonde’s dick sliding deeper inside him filling more than any toy he’s ever used. It was almost a tease, being haunted by the blonde’s dick. His climax inevitably hits, and he explodes all over his sheets. “Damn...” he pants. “When everything is done, maybe I’ll take that blonde guy and make him into one of my puppets.” He smirked, his cock twitched at the thought. 


Juugo, Kimimaro, and Kidoumaru were being scolded by their Jounin. “You fools, I told you to keep low, you will ruin everything if the wrong person found you.” 

“We are sorry,” they bow. The Jounin sighs, he manifests a snake. 

“Here are the answers to tomorrow’s first test, memorize them and make sure you pass.” golden eyes peer at Juugo, making him freeze with fear. “And Juugo go wild again, and it won’t be you who is punished, but Kimimaro.” 

“Yes, forgive me...” he bows lower. 


The next day Iruka came to visit Naruto. “Hey, Iruka-sensei!” 

“Hello Naruto, I haven’t seen you around much.” 

The blonde blushed. “Yeah, I’ve been really busy.” It’s been a wild ride, hard to believe before he fooled around with Sasuke, Kakashi, and Asuma in the bathhouse, he had been having ramen with Iruka-sensei celebrating his passing to become a genin. 

“Naruto, you’ve been told you are gonna be entering the Chunin exam?” Iruka was fidgety. 

“You bet, I’m really excited about it!” 

“Naruto...the exams are dangerous...people have died in it...I don’t want anything bad to happen to you.” 

“It’ll be okay Iruka-sensei, I have my friends and my team, just have faith in us.” Iruka couldn’t help but smile. 

“Alright, but I’m still gonna worry.” he hugged the blonde, Naruto hugged him back. He had lots to worry about, not just from nin from outside the village, but inside as well. 


Team Gai’s team was gunning for Team 7 since their sensei and Kakashi were rivals. “You gotta feel sorry for rookies who don’t know what they are getting into.” Neji, Lee, and Tenten, they were older than Naruto but chose not to take the Chunin exam last year, to hone their skills. 


The teams gathered at the exam site, their Jounin having given them their Chunin Exam applications, this just meant they had the chance of entering the exam. They had to bring the applications to room 301, there was quite the crowd in front of the door. Wham! A boy in a green jumpsuit was knocked back, landing flat on his ass. “You think you can take the Chunin exam with that?!” 

“Let us through!” Tenten orders, only to get kicked away. 

“Hey!” Lee rushed forward only to get pinned. 

“Listen we are giving you a kindness, we’ve failed the exam three times already. Those who have taken the exam has quit being a ninja altogether, those are the lucky ones others have lost their lives.” he held a weapon near Lee’s throat in warning. 

In a sudden burst, the guy was knocked away, by a swirl of orange. “Be that as it may, we still want to take the exam, so would you mind removing the barrier, and letting us pass to the third floor?” Naruto says. This caused quite the shock and murmuring of other applicants. Lee gets up and wipes his chin. 

“What’s he talking about?” 

Sakurai chuckled. “They put up a genjutsu, we aren’t even on the third floor this is the second floor.” 

With the truth revealed the room numbers reverted to their original state, 301-201. “We’ll be going now!” Naruto says. 

“So you saw through the illusion, but that doesn’t mean you pass through.” the two charged, one wielding large weapons the other using taijutsu. The one with weapons attacked Sasuke and Sakurai, the other with taijutsu attacked Naruto. 

Sasuke blocked the weapons and Sakurai worked some genjutsu of his own. In an instant, the guy thought his weapons melted, which made him drop them. He was quickly subdued by the two. 

As for Naruto, he didn’t get a chance to fight as Lee blocked the other boy's attack. ‘What’s with this guy he’s not the weakling I was kicking around before?’ 

“Lee, wasn’t it your idea not to draw attention to ourselves?” 

“Yes, but I had to repay the favor.” he bowed to Naruto. “Thank you for assisting me.” 

“It was nothing, you could have escaped his hold it seems.” Naruto smiles and Lee blushes. In an instant he started straightening himself up, brushing his hair. Naruto sweatdropped. 

He gave a shiny teeth smile and a wink. “I am Rock Lee, what is your name?” 

“Oh um, Naruto...Naruto Uzumaki...” Lee took his hand and knelt down. 

“Ahh Naruto what a lovely name, please go out with me!” he says and kisses the back of his hand. Sakurai’s jaw dropped. ‘What a weirdo!?’ 

Sasuke and Kiba, both glared at Lee. ‘He’s dead!’ 

“Lee we don’t have time for this, we need to go.” Neji looks at Sasuke and gives him a condescending smirk. 

“Right, let’s go Naruto!” Sasuke grabs him and pulls him away from Lee. 

“It was uhh nice to meet you,” Naruto said waving. 


As it happened the two boys were really examiners. They chuckled. “So that’s Kakashi’s team?”

“Looks like this is gonna be a fun year, for us examiners too.” It was their job to thin the herd, a preliminary test to see if they were even worthy of taking the exam. Some dispelled the jutsu on their own, some used raw power to break through, some snuck past them all together. No matter the method, getting past the examiners was step one, the rest of the trials would be a whole lot harder. 

To be continued...Kabuto’s Info Collecting and Cheat To Pass?


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