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 Pocket Monster Parody: Tier 1

Trainer Stats

Ash (7 Incher) Badges: 0 Pokemon: 3

Gary (5 Incher) Badges: 0 Pokemon: 2

Prof. Oak (6 Incher)  


Hoopa (4 Incher) Hyperspace Hole, Confusion, Astonish, Magic Coat

Charmander (4 Incher) Scratch, Growl, Ember

Pidgey (3 Incher) Tackle, Sand Attack, Gust, Quick Attack

Chap 4 Team Rocket

What Ash didn't know about the little wager Oak and Gary made. Oak made a special condition to help teach Gary a little lesson. He called his grandson and told him the good news, now for the rest of Gary's journey he had to wear this frilly pink and white panties.  

‘No way I can't believe I have to wear these!' he blushed as he gazed down at his panty clad ass and crotch. Much to his surprise, the soft fabric felt great on his cock and balls, which stirred to life happily tenting the panties. Ash would be in for a surprise when they crossed paths.  


Up above the pokemon center, the infamous team rocket was planning to make their move. Officer Jenny was patrolling the town looking for them. They were wanted thieves, the group robbed people of their pokemon and were looking for strong and rare ones to help take over Kanto.   

This team consisted of James, a blue-haired young man, fit from his training, a skilled trainer that really did care for his pokemon, and they loved him to despite not knowing their strength. The other member was Jesse a red-haired long-haired woman, she had the potential to be a great trainer but tended to take the easy way out in training. The third was a wild talking Meowth.   

They snatched their wanted poster and smirked at it like it was a badge of honor. “Such a picture hardly captures my beauty," Jessie says.   

“Still, with this city on high alert, we should make one big score and get out of here."   

“I know the perfect place," Meowth says. They were flying a balloon with Meowth as its head, and it was heading towards the Pokemon center. Team Rocket were not the only ones.  

A girl with orange hair was riding her bike towards the Pokemon Center. “Aww man, no luck at all, I didn’t catch a thing.” This girl is Misty, she parked her bike and entered the center.  

Ash's pokemon had fully recovered and the group was partaking in some doughnuts Ash had made. Ash had spent his allowance on a doughnut maker, it made Hoopa happy, the dough was easy but the glaze he made from various berries. A doughnut glazed with honey could attract pokemon and even make them easier to catch. “To our first stop, Viridian City!” they bumped doughnuts and all took a bite. “MMMM!”  

“Ah!” They heard someone screen and turned. “You there with the Charmander!”  

“Uhh, my name is Ash." he sweatdropped.   

“Alright Ash, I want to battle!” she says.  

“Umm, not that I mind, we kinda in the middle of our meal. Why don’t you join us and have a doughnut?” he offered.  

“Are you making fun of me?” she snatches the doughnut and crushes it.  

“No!” Hoopa cried.  

“I don’t want a doughnut, I just want to battle your Charmander.” Ash blinked.  

“Why Charmander? I do have other pokemon.” Pidgey raised his wing, and Hoopa was itching to battle with the doughnut destroyer.  

"Why? Because I happen to be a Water Pokemon trainer, working to become a Water Type Master!" she smirked. "Fighting Fire types who are weak against Water-types is the best way to gain quick and easy experience. My water types can take on that pipsqueak no problem."  

Now Charmander was pissed. “Let me at her!” Ash had to hold him and Hoopa back.  

“That’s not very nice, apologize!” Ash snaps.  

"I'll apologize if you beat me in battle?" she says holding a Pokeball.   

“Excuse me!” they turned to see Nurse Joy. “No battles in the center.” Misty straightened up and got polite.  

“Oh Nurse Joy, could you have a look at my Pokemon?”  

“Sure dear, right this way.” As soon as Joy’s back was turned Misty glared at Ash. “We will finish this later!” she whispered.  

“Oooohhhh let me at her!” Hoopa snapped, Ash held him back.  

“That girl is weird best to stay away from her.” Their quiet evening couldn’t get back on track as the power was suddenly cut. “What’s going on?”  

“I got this!” Charmander used his tail as a lantern and they found Nurse Joy.  

“This is terrible, someone cut the power.” she and Chansey were going around trying to take care of things. “Switching to Emergency Power.”  

They had a Pikachu Power System, it put the center into emergency mode. They had emergency lights, but all other power was going to help the injured. Misty joins the two.  

“What’s happening?” she gasped. Before she could get an answer smoke began to fill the room. The humans and Pokemon cough.  

“Prepare for trouble.” a female voice pierces through the smoke.

“Make it double.” a male voice joins in.  

“To protect the world from devastation.”

“To unite all people within our nation.”  

“To denounce the evils of truth and love.”  

“To extend our reach to the stars above.”  

"Jessie!" A red-haired woman appeared.  

“James!” a blue haired male appeared.  

"Team Rocket blasting off at the speed of light," Jessie says.   

"Surrender now or prepare to fight," James says.   

“Meowth, that’s right!” Meowth finishes off their motto.  

“Team Rocket?” Ash coughs.  

“They are a group who steal Pokemon.” Joy explains.  

The smoke was coming from James’ pokemon Koffing. Jessie had her own Pokemon out Ekans. "That's right, and we are here to steal all the Pokemon at this center," Meowth says.   

“That Meowth it talked!” Misty and Joy gasped.  

“Surprised!” Hoopa says.  

"I didn't know Pokemon could learn to talk like this," Ash says. "Pidgey!"   

“I’m on it!” Pidgey used Gust to blow the smoke away.

"Thanks, buddy." It was Meowth's turn to be shocked.   

“He can understand Pokemon!” He pointed at Ash.

“What are you talking about Meowth?” Jessie asked.  

“I’m telling you, there’s something weird about that kid, it’s like he can understand what his Pokemon are saying.”

“Are you surprised?” Hoopa comes out. “Hoopa granted Ash’s wish!”  

“Who’s that Pokemon!?” James gasped.  

“I’ve never seen a Pokemon like that.” Jessie chuckled. “It must be our lucky day, we came here to steal Pokemon and we come across a really rare one. Go Ekans!”  

"Yes, master!" Ekans launched at Hoopa.   

“Get them Koffing!” James ordered.  

“Right on!” Koffing charges. Hoopa dodged their attacks.  

“Leave my Pokemon alone, Charmander and Pidgey!” he calls.  

“We got this!” they cheer. Pidgey clashes with Koffing and Charmander with Ekans. The flying type’s Quick Attack hits Koffing hard, and the fire type uses Scratch.   

“You okay Hoopa?” Ash hugs his friend.  

“They startled me a bit.”

“Ekans use Poison Sting!” Ekans fired a barrage of glowing needles.  

“Koffing use Sludge attack.” Koffing spat a powerful sludge attack.  

Charmander was hit and got poisoned. "I feel sick." he whimpered. Ekans quickly caught him in a wrap.  

“It’s been poisoned!” Joy gasped.   

Pidgey got covered in poisonous sludge, to which Koffing followed up with a powerful Tackle. Pidgey was unable to battle. “Pidgey!” Ash called out. “Charmander!”  

“This is what happens when you send a fire type to do a water type’s job.” She sent out a Goldeen, who was quickly beat by Meowth and his Scratch attack.  

“If you want your Pokemon to survive, hand over the rare Pokemon as well as all the other in this center.”  

“You want me? Come and get me!" Hoopa floats away, making Team Rocket give chase. This was a trick of course as Ash had plenty of berries to help his Pokemon recover.   

Charmander was still able to fight, so after a Pecha Berry and an Oran Berry he was ready to fight. “Nurse Joy, please look after Pidgey, he needs a good rest.”  

“I will,” Ash runs off to go help Hoopa.  

Hoopa tricked them outside, dodging their attacks. “He’s fast!”  

“He’s not only rare he must be powerful.”  

“Let’s slow him down, Koffing use Poison Gas!” Koffing released a powerful cloud of toxic smoke.  

“Hoopa use Magic Coat!” Ash calls.  

“Here we go!” Hoopa created a magical barrier, the poison gas was bounced back and Meowth was poisoned.  

“The kid is back!”  

“Charmander use Ember!”  

"Payback time!" Charmander spun releasing flames hitting Ekans.   

“Hoopa use Confusion!” Hoopa hit Koffing with a psychic attack. He became confused and ended up crashing into Ekans and the two fainted. Team Rocket returned their Pokemon and grabbed Meowth.  

“We’ll get you!” They got in their balloon and tried to get away.  

“Hoopa Hyperspace Hole!” Ash says.   

“Alleyhooparing!” Using his rings he teleported right next to Team Rocket's balloon and struck. "Bye-bye!" BOOM!  

“Team Rocket is Blasting Off!” they cried out as their balloon exploded and they went soaring off to the horizon. Ash breathed a sigh of relief. The center got the power going, and the Pokemon were safe.  


Team Rocket survived their blast off. They made a report to Giovanni, saying they located a strange and powerful Pokemon. It was nothing they had seen in Kanto. “This kid has it, and not only could he understand what his Pokemon were saying, the Pokemon said it granted the boy’s wish.”

"A wish-granting Pokemon?" Giovanni seemed to be in thought. "Carry out your mission and bring me that Pokemon, this will be your prime mission unless I need you for an assignment.”  

“Yes sir!” they salute.  


Ash’s Pokemon were fully recovered. “You guys did great.” Hoopa sulked a bit though. “What’s wrong?”

“Hoopa seems to cause nothing but trouble.” Ash hugs him, and Charmander and Pidgey join the hug fest.  

“You are my friend, I’m not gonna let you be taken away by some criminal team. Besides you used yourself as bait to lure Team Rocket away that was very brave.” he kissed Hoopa, who returned the kiss.  

“It’s better to know about Team Rocket now, next time we won’t be caught unprepared.”  

“Right!” they cheer.   

Misty gets her bike and goes to leave. “Hey Misty, I thought you wanted a battle?”  

“I did, but after seeing the pathetic way you and your Charmander battled I know he’s too weak to give my Water Pokemon any experience.” she rides off laughing, and the group flips her off.  

“We are just starting off on our journey, we are gonna get lots stronger!” Ash says. He registered for the Pokemon League, receiving a cash card.  

“When you battle registered trainers, the cash card records the data and gives you funds based on how you do. You can use those funds at Poke Marts to purchase items to help you on your journey,” Joy explains. “You will need at least 8 badges to enter the pokemon league.”

“So where is the closest gym?”  

“We do have a gym here, but it’s closed right now. The next gym is in Pewter City.”  

"Pewter City? Sounds great!" he says. "Thanks, Nurse Joy."   

“It’s us who should be giving you thanks, you helped save the center.” Ash blushed.  

He leaves with his little band of Pokemon. Using the directions Joy gave him, he headed for Route 2, which would take him to through the Viridian Forest.  

To be continued...Chap 5 Bug Types and Hoopa Pranks

Preview: Team Rocket returns to try and steal Hoopa once more, but gets a little more than they bargained for especially James.