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Pocket Monster Parody: Tier 1


Trainer Stats

Gary 10 inches

Ash Original 7 Inches two cocks Lamia Form: 13 inches two cocks

Poke Stats

Ekans: Intimidate: Weakens the attack of Pokemon. Moves: Dig, Poison Sting, Bite, Glare

Chap 3 Ash catches a Pokemon!

Setting out on Route 1 Ash slithers out onto his journey. He was using rubber gloves and rope to drag Pikachu with him. Ekans sighed. “Yes, he’s being difficult, but maybe he will warm up to us.” They were in an open field when Ash set up camp. He found an apple tree, and using his long tail he got them some apples. “Come on Pikachu, I’d like to be friends.” he takes off the gloves and rope and offers him the apple.

The electric mouse turns his nose, running off and goes into the apple tree and takes an apple for himself. Ash sighs and eats his apple and gives one to Ekans. While he could hypnotize Pikachu and make him obey, he didn’t want that. It wasn’t like messing with Gary, as a part of him actually enjoyed the dominance and craved the loss of control, Pikachu didn’t want anything to do with him.

He looks at his Pokedex. “Trainers are able to catch Pokemon by battling them with their Pokemon, weakening them and then throwing a Pokeball,” his Pokedex explains. “Some Pokemon moves can inflict status effects, such as Paralysis, Poison, and Sleep. Pokemon under these effects are easier to capture.”

Ash peers out, trying to see if there were any Pokemon around. “Let’s see,” his eyes scan the open field. “There!” He spotted a Pidgey. “Who’s that Pokemon?”

Ash’s Pokedex, Dexter, scanned Pidgey. “Pidgey is a Flying Pokémon. Among all the Flying Pokémon, it is the gentlest and easiest to capture. A perfect target for the beginning Pokémon Trainer to test his Pokémon's skills.”

“Alright!” Ash comes up to Pidgey. “Pidgey, I would like to battle you and try to capture you.” Well, he certainly was honest. Pidgey tilted his head to the side. Ekans slithered out to battle.

From the start of the battle, Ekans’ ability weakened Pidgey’s attack power. It charged with a Tackle. “Dodge it Ekans!” his partner does, diving underground with Dig. “Now Ekans, Glare!” He burst out of the ground and caught Pidgey by surprise.

His eyes glowed and Pidgey became paralyzed. “Now use Poison Sting!” A barrage of needles hit the tiny bird Pokemon. Ash adjusted his hat and readied an empty ball. “Pokeball Go!” he throws the ball and hits Pidgey, it sucked the bird type up, changing its form into energy. The ball jiggles...and jiggles...and jiggles...only to stop with a ping.

Ash’s eyes lit up, sparkling in joy. “Yes!” he slithered over and picked up the ball. “I caught a Pidgey!” Ekans cheered with him. “We got a new friend!” he laughed. He was so excited, so happy.

“Pika!” they heard a cry behind them. Ash and Ekans turned to see Pikachu being attacked by another Tiny Bird Pokemon.

“Hey!” Ash slithered over, as he moved back towards the tree, he used Dexter. “Who’s that Pokemon?”

“Spearow a Tiny Bird Pokemon: Unlike Pidgey, Spearow has a terrible attitude. It is very wild and will sometimes attack other Pokémon and humans.” Dexter explained.

Pikachu cried as it was attacked by the bird. “Leave him alone!” Ash through an apple and hit Spearow, knocking him away from Pikachu. Spearow was about to turn his aggression on Ash, but Ekans hissed.

The flying type yelped and quickly fled. Pikachu fell from the tree and Ash caught him. “Are you okay Pikachu?”

“Pi...ka...” it said weakly.

“Ekans let’s go find some berries.” Ekans nods, slithering to find some. Ash slithered quickly. “It’s gonna be okay.”

The air grew colder, dark clouds forming in the sky, wind building up as the sky crackled. They found some berries, but before Pikachu could partake…

“SPEAROW!” came a loud cry from behind them. Ash turned, and his eyes widened. It was an entire swarm of Spearow. While Spearow was scared of Ekans and other snake-like pokemon when in a swarm they had a mob mentality and would gang up even on their natural enemy.

As they attacked a storm began, a heavy rain pelting the ground, the birds and our heroes. The swarm of Spearow charged attacking Ash and Ekans, Ash using his body to protect Pikachu. “Leave us alone!” Ash lashed out with his tail shaking some of them off.

He couldn’t even use his poison in the rain in this situation. Ekans was strong but he couldn’t fight all of these Spearow. “Pikachu, Ekans, get in your balls you’ll be safe in there.” Pikachu shook his head weakly, and Ekans refused.

Ekans continued to fight, firing Poison Sting, and doing his best to Glare, even giving a few nearby Spearow a Bite. There was just too many, even if he could hit one or two with an attack, three more would attack him.

The adrenaline and Ash’s racing heart was allowing the boy to keep his body temp up despite the rain and fierce storm pounding him. He used his body to shield Pikachu, getting scratched and pecked.

After a barrage of Pecks and Fury Attacks, Ekans was down for the count. “Leave us alone!” he lashed out with his tail and pulled Ekans to him. He wrapped Ekans and Pikachu up with his coils, shielding them with his very body. “Don’t worry you guys, I won’t let them get you!”

The Spearow continued to attack Ash’s body, trying to get at Ekans and Pikachu, but also wanting to hurt Ash. ‘Why? Why is he doing this for me?’

“Ekans, I’ll hold them back long enough for you to recover, once you do use Dig and escape with Pikachu.” Ekans whimpered not wanting to do that.

“Here me Spearow!” Ash roared. “I am Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town, I will become a Pokemon Master one day. These Pokemon are my friends and I won’t let you hurt them.” As he spoke the Spearow continued to attack him, but Ash refused to let them get to his friends. “If you are angry I will take it! Come and get me!” he shouts.

The Spearow leader cries out, and all the Spearow charge as thunder roars. Pikachu escaped Ash’s coils, jumping out to defend Ash against the Spearow. Lightning struck hitting Pikachu just as he released his power. The result was a powerful explosion that zapped the Spearow hard and sent them running.

Pikachu, Ash, and Ekans were caught up in the blast as well and didn’t escape unscathed. The storm passed, the warm sun hitting the scene. “Pikachu...” Ash says the pokemon opened his eyes. “That was amazing, thank you.”


“You are really amazing, you beat em.” he pulls the little guy in. Pikachu leans up and licks Ash’s cheek. “Does this mean we can be friends?” Pikachu nods, and Ash hugs him. He holds Pikachu and lifts Ekans up.

“Together at last.” A golden light draws their attention and the trio look up. A pokemon cloaked in a golden light flies through the air, a rainbow following it. “Wow, look at that!”

He tried to use his Pokedex, but there was no info available. As it flapped its wings a strange feather came flying down. It was a rainbow of colors and seemed to have a strange aura. Ash put it in his bag.

Ash slithered off, they needed to get to a Pokemon center to recover. He was weak and his temp was dropping, but he kept going, even as his own wounds needed treatment. They could have hunted for berries but didn’t want to risk the Spearow coming back.

They made it to Viridian City and ran into an officer Jenny. “You there...oh my!” At first, she was shocked at Ash’s monstrous appearance, and the fact that he was carrying Pokemon, but then noticed his injuries. “Are you okay?”

Ash slumped against her. “Please...my Pokemon...help them!” he was losing consciousness. The look in his eyes said everything Jenny needed to know.

“I’ll get you to the Pokemon center right away.” She gets Ash into her sidecar, before driving like a total badass and getting them to center in no time. Joy was shocked, to say the least, as the officer zipped into the center on her motorbike. “We have an emergency here!”

“Chansey, let’s move.” Joy took Ekans, Pikachu, and Ash’s Pidgey. Chansey lifted Ash up with absolute ease and they carried them back to be treated. Jenny found the letter explaining Ash’s condition. ‘Poor kid he must have been attacked by Spearow.’ She sent the letter into a multi-message, so every one of her sisters would know about Ash, and not try to attack him for being a “monster”.

The group was placed in their own room, Chansey was overseeing his care. Joy met back up with Jenny. “That boy...I’ve heard the legends but...”

“I remember the old stories when I was a little girl, of powerful giant Pokemon who terrified people and pokemon alike,” Jenny says.

“And the humans who stood against them often ended up cursed,” While Ash’s appearance came as a surprise, this is a world full of monsters after all, though Viridian was close enough to Pallet Town, so it’s legends were more known here. Other towns and cities might not take to kindly to his appearance. “Poor thing.”

“How are they doing?” she asked.

“The Pidgey had the least amount of injuries, he should be recovered soon, Ekans took a lot of damage but he will recover with time, Pikachu and Ash though...they need a lot of time and care if they are gonna pull through.”

“Got it, I’m gonna patrol the area. We’ve gotten reports that some Pokemon thieves have been in the area.” she salutes Joy. The nurse gives a polite bow in kind.

“I will look after them.” Jenny leaves, unaware of the fact the Pokemon thieves she was looking for were heading to the Pokemon center at that very moment.

To be continued...Chap 4 Lamia Hunger

Preview: Team Rocket cuts the power to the center and proceeds to sneak around to try and steal the Pokemon. James slips into Ash’s room, only to be met with a very hungry or some would say thirsty lamia.


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