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Yugioh GX Parody: Patreon Reward


Chap 3 Duel Academy Order

The new students were airlifted to Duel Academy. Looking out they stared in wonder at the island that would be there home for the next four years. "Wow, it looks amazing." The island was huge, the academy itself stood proudly at the center. The helicopter landed and the students marched towards the schools. "Single file everyone, you will be receiving your duel academy ideas, along with your uniform for your respective dorm, you will take them and go get changed for the assembly after your assembly you will be given your Student Handbook, don't lose it as you will need it. It has various functions including communication. Lastly, you'll be given your room assignments upon heading to your dorms. Is anyone unclear about these instructions?" Their guide asked.   

“No, sir!" Was the resounding call.   

“Good, move along." the students collected their items and headed towards the locker rooms. The guys began to strip down, it seems the academy's uniform went down to the underwear. After Jaden stripped things started happening, the locker room smell was filled with a strange aroma. He smelled like an exotic forest. Believe it or not, Centaurs do not smell like a barn, a centaur's sweat glands aren't like a normal human, one of the many things different from a centaur's body to a human.   

The scent filled the room, and the boys grew more and more excited. The boys blushed and soon got excited, cocks rising up. All sense of shyness melted away as some boys started fapping right there in the locker room. Jaden removed his underwear and released an even more potent aroma. This drew everyone’s attention. “Holy crap!” Now Jaden had their attention and erection.  

Naked horny boys swarmed around Jaden. “He’s so big!” Jaden’s cock was only 16 inches soft. “Guys that strange smell it’s coming from him?” some of the boys started sniffing Jaden. “It is him!”  

"Oh fuck he smells so good." Jaden blinked and sweatdropped. "Fuck his ass is great too!" some guy pressed against Jaden's backside, hot dogging his ass. "His balls are so huge!” One guy lifted Jaden's leg and began licking the underside, another guy took the opportunity to sniff Jaden's foot. Two other boys went to lick Jaden's other foot.   

"Uhh, easy guys!" They should have headed Jaden's warning, one guy buried his face in Jaden's pit, sniffing and licking and he lost control, cumming all over the ground. ‘Oh, crap here we go.' The weaker males started cumming from Jaden's scent alone, one whiff of his crotch pushing them over the edge. A powerful scent-gasm rocked them to the floor, trembling as they came themselves silly. Those that took a taste of Jaden's body soon followed suit, his sweat tasting sweeter than fruit. ‘I tried to warn them, only strong males can handle a centaur's musk.'   

The other centaur told Jaden, that his father nearly lost his mind when he first came to live in their village. One can get used to a centaur’s aroma and others can go completely mad. Thankfully Jaden was able to use his shadow charm to make them forget about his scent. ‘Best not start an orgy on my first day.’ Clothing an armor could dilute the aroma, so it was best to get dressed.   

There were two boys also affected by Jaden's scent but didn't lose themselves. Syrus was on his knees pumping his hard 7-inch dick. One hand pumping his cock, making his balls bounce as the other played with his perky nipple. ‘Jaden...' he shivers in delight as his climax hits him. Seeing Jaden's big dick did excite him as did Jaden's plump rear.   

Jaden got back to getting dressed, bending over to put on his blue underwear. Syrus pants and moans, finding his release, spilling his seed all over the floor. After cumming, Syrus felt his heart flutter. ‘Oh man, oh man!' his body felt warm and yet refreshed. He just jerked off to Jaden! Syrus wasn't the only one, Bastion had caught a whiff of Jaden's scent and felt his heart race.   

He heard the commotion with the other boys clamoring over Jaden, upon seeing his big dick Bastion felt his knees buckle and his hole throb. He watched the big man meat sway as Jaden moved. He was brought to his knees and he couldn’t stop himself. Bastion brought two fingers to his wanting hole, the twitching entrance opened up for his fingers and let them inside.  

Bastion fingered himself, with one hand and pumping his 8 incher with the other. ‘What is this feeling, I can't hold back.' from his position he could see Jaden's sexy body and he was fingering and playing with himself out in the open. ‘I should stop, I'm gonna get caught!' He pants, scissoring his ass hole open. With a moan, he cums painting the floor with even more seed.      

Jaden finishes dressing, dressed all in blue and white, and catches both of them in their naked released state. The two blushed. ‘Busted!’ the two think, and a wave of fear hits them. Is he gonna be mad? Is he gonna call them disgusting? Is he gonna insult them? No, instead Jaden smiles. “You two are special, I’ll be keeping my eye on the two of you.” he grabs the naked boys and lifts them up taking them to the shower room. “These guys got too ahead of themselves.”  

He showed off massive strength carrying the boys of various size with ease and putting them in the showers. “They’ll be fine.” he turns on the water and washes away the seed. “You better get dressed, we’ll be late for the assembly.” he heads off.

The two rush and start putting on their clothes, the random Ra and Slifer boys came to, having no memory of what happened. They rush to the assembly. The first years stand together, with the year 2 and 3 duelists up in the stands watching the new meat.  

Chancellor Shepard came on the large screen in the room. “Good morning and welcome, my students. I’m Chancellor Sheppard, the headmaster here, and you are the best and brightest young duelists in the world.” Jaden looked around excited. “I trust you will work hard and hone your skills here, now please get yourselves settled in at your assigned dorms. I think you will find them quite comfortable-- depending on how you ranked of course.” He chuckles.  

The students pooled out. Jaden was hanging outside with Syrus outside. "I think I'm gonna love it here," Jaden says, taking in the fresh air.  

“Yeah, do you think we can be friends?” Syrus asked. ‘Hopefully more than friends,’ he thinks.

“What are you talking about Sy, we are friends.” he throws an arm around him, the closeness makes Syrus tingle in delight. “I'm looking forward to getting to know you Sy, we got 4 years together."   

“Yeah...assuming I don’t flunk out.” he sulked.  

Jaden sighs. "Sy, we gotta work on that confidence of yours," he says. That's when Jaden got an idea, he suddenly grabbed Syrus and pulled him in for a heated kiss. The bluenette blushed as red as his blazer. His gasp allowed Jaden to deepen the kiss, the centaur's tongue slipping onto Sy's mouth and playing with tongue.   

The kiss ended and Sy needed to sit down, he couldn’t feel his legs. “Wow!” his heart was beating fast. His cock pulsed and throbbed in his tight pants. Jaden cupped his crotch and palmed him.  

“I can see how special you are, don’t doubt yourself kay?” Syrus just nods, his words locked in his throat at the moment. Jaden sits down next to him. “Looks like I’m in the Obelisk dorm.”   

Syrus blushes and checks his handbook. “Looks like I’m in the Slifer dorm.”  

"That's sweet, red is sweet, the color of passion," he says giving Sy a thumbs up. Bastion comes up to the two. "Hey, Bastion what dorm are you in?" he asked.   

“I’m in Ra Yellow,” he says, showing off his jacket. “Tell me Jaden, you seem to be quite open about nudity and sex, do you have a boyfriend or something?”  

“No, just where I’m from we believe that love is not a limited force, sharing love and passion in a group of men, you love and trust and respect there is no greater joy. Sex is meant to be an experience, a good experience, sometimes you have only a temporary partner and other times you may find a mate to stay by your side," he explains.   

“That's beautiful," Syrus says.   

“Well, you certainly are interesting." Bastion says. "I may be in Ra now, but I will show my skills and reach Obelisk Blue. I hope we can have a duel to see who the number 1 first year is."   

“Sounds fun, and maybe you and I can have some fun after the match.” his words pierced Bastion’s heart, making his cock twitch.  

“I uh don't have time for such distractions," he says, but the blush and bulge in his pants give him away.   

“You should relax, like in the locker room.” Jaden grins, and Bastion’s blush grows darker.  

“I have to go!” he says and walks off.  

“See you around the dorms," he calls, making Bastion stop.   

‘Does he not know how this academy works? Well, he'll learn.'   


Syrus accompanies Jaden to his room in the Obelisk Blue dorm. It was huge! The place was clean, a large couch, it’s own private washroom. The place had a big bed, nice furniture, a large TV, a fancy desk, and a great view. “This place is huge,” Syrus bounces on Jaden’s bed. “It’s so fluffy.”  

Jaden chuckles. “It’s very nice,” he looks around. “So this is gonna be my place.” he unpacks some of his stuff.  

“I wonder if my dorm is anything like this?” Syrus says.  

“I can walk you there, let’s go.” They head out and bump into Chazz and his cronies. The trio glare at Syrus as they pass by.  

“What’s that slacker doing here?”  

“I don’t know, but the newbie needs to learn the pecking order,” Chazz says glaring at Jaden’s back.  

Upon arriving at the red dorm, Syrus groans. “It’s awful!” Jaden didn’t have words. The place was falling apart, the stairs were shaky at best. The place looked run down, the floor was creaky and the floorboards not level. ‘This is their dorm, I’ve seen prison cells nicer than this.’ Their facility was a joke.  

“Ahh you must by Syrus, the Slifer dinner will be starting soon.” A tall teacher named Prof. Banner found them. “I’m Prof. Banner the head of this dorm. Who are you?” he asked Jaden.  

“I’m Jaden Yuki, nice to meet you.” he gives a polite bow. “Syrus was hanging with me, I walked him back.”  

“How nice of you, but you should run along, the Obelisk Blue dinner will be starting soon.”  

“Right...” he looked at Syrus. “I’ll see ya around.”  

“Bye Jaden,” Syrus said and was led inside. He goes to put his stuff in his room and runs into a boy named Chumley.  

“You think that Obelisk Blue student is your friend?” he laughed.  

“He is my friend!” Syrus snaps.  

“Not for long he’s not. I came to this school with friends too, but once they went to Ra and Obelisk let’s just say we couldn’t be friends anymore.” They go down to eat their meager meal.  

Meanwhile Jaden made it back to the blue dorm, and despite the glorious feast prepared his hunger was soured. “Not hungry?” Chazz comes up to him.  

“Not really.” this wasn’t like any party he’d been to before.  

“Listen, let me let you in on how things work at duel academy.” he leans in close to Jaden.  

“Oh?” he doesn’t back away.  

“Yeah, at this school there are three kinds of students, Obelisk, Ra, and Slifer. We are the Obelisk Blues, we are the elites, the best of the best.” At the same time, Chumley was explaining the system to Syrus, telling him how the Blue’s got in either through money or connections, though some are pretty skilled duelists. “The Ra’s are okay, they the closest to us, those with potential to become great.” Chumley explained that Ra’s had the best scores from the duel exam, and had the most potential. “And then there is the trash, the Slifer Red’s, the slackers and weakest duelists here, it’s best not to associate with those beneath you.” Chumley pretty much said the same, calling them the Red Wonders, as in I wonder when these losers are gonna drop out.  

“You should ditch that little twerp, you are among the elites now.” Jaden hung his head low, and Chazz thought the boy was gonna see the light.  

To be continued



Oh wow, didn't expect an aura of lust surrounding Jaden! ^__^; This one is definitely oozing sex through the pores, looking forward to its future. ;)