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Had my RF today, so they burned my nerve endings and i thought i was gonna flip, they had to get a bigger needle! Whatever spot they hit made my right leg feel like it was on fire, then they stuck another spot that had my whole right side hurting and they proscribed my oxycodone

so as it stands right now i cant stand on my right leg without pain and my back is constantly sore and they say once the numbing medicine wears off my pain so....god help me


So last 4 days ive been quiet why? because the nice happy pain clinic forgot to order my oxycodone, so when the numbing medicine wore off i didn't have any new medicine to deal with the pain, it's finally been called in and i'm now taking it 4 days later, basically 5!  

I've been in so much pain i have barely moved, ive passed in and out of consciousness felt sick, felt like my whole right side has been constantly burning, just walking hurts so damn bad.  

Also I know they forgot because i called them and reminded them and then they got the order sent out and walgreens called me the same day. So yeah I've been suffering for days, but I couldn't help feeling worthless each day i failed to write anything so I kept trying it took me 4-5 days but i got something done. No one can say I'm not dedicated to my fans at least.



*hugs* hang in there bud!


Oh jeez... hoping for a speedy recovery for you!!


Please take care.

Damion Andrew

Please be ok. I'm wishing for a fast and full recovery.

Carter madison

Hopefully that is the end and it will be only happy days ahead of you. Wishing for a full and speedy recovery

Travis Van Dyne

Take your time Your fans are going no where your Health is what matters the most


Oh man! Medical 'care' indeed! So sorry you had to suffer so much due to their idiocy, mate. ;(