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Ben 10 Parody: Tier 1


Ben: 9 inches

Kevin: 7.5 inches

Rook: ?

Scout: ?

Chap 3 Joyriding and Punishment  

Ben was making friends at the Galaxy Police Academy, Kevin, Rook, Scout, each of them were so special to Ben. Ben had made a few enemies, Charmcaster, Manny, and Brannigan. There was another new recruit named Tack, he had blue skin, pointy ears, dark hair in a mohawk style, a lot of the older recruits picked on him for being wimpy. Manny and Brannigan messed with him the most. Brannigan was the leader and commander of the Alpha Squad, and he seemed to treat anyone else outside of Alpha Squad like garbage. Manny was trying to get into Alpha Squad as quickly as possible, they didn’t normally accept junior recruits, but if your skills were good enough and grades high enough.  

Brannigan was messing with Tack, and Ben stepped in. He was waling with Alpha Squad, and bumped into Tack knocking him over, spilling his food. “Watch it maggot!” Tack stood up to apologize, he was very polite.  Brannigan went to push him out of his way, only to be met with a mana barrier. “Have a problem maggot?” he glared at Ben.  

“As a matter of fact I do.” he steps up and gets between Tack and Brannigan.  

“You are Ben 10!” Tack gasped. “You defeated the Conqueror Vilgax at the age of 10.” That surprised many of the alpha squad.  

“It doesn’t matter who you think you are, here you are a lowly maggot!” Brannigan tries to act tough, but there wasn’t a recruit in the GP that didn’t know about Vilgax and the threat he was.  

“I’ve met a lot of guys like you, bullies who think you can push others around just because your bigger and stronger, or have some fancy status. But you know who you remind me of?” Ben crossed his arms. “Vilgax.”  

“Hey!” Brannigan grabbed Ben, and looked ready to punch him.  

“Did I strike a nerve, truth hurts.” Ben kept his guard down. Brannigan hesitated, Ben’s words scratching at his mind. “If you are really as great as you say, shouldn’t you be working on building up new recruits to make them better than constantly tearing them down and keeping them under foot?”  

“Tch,” he lets Ben go. “Let’s move out Alpha Squad!”  

“I guess the GP doesn’t teach a manners class.” Ben says. Tack gave a tasteful bow.  

“Thank you so much for helping me.” Ben used his powers to restore Tack’s lunch.  

“No problem, honestly I shouldn’t have been the only one. Guys like that bug me, I don’t see how they are allowed in the GP.”  

“Believe it or not he’s actually very skilled, and he’s got the best grades in the academy.” Tack says.  

“Doesn’t give him the right to treat others like that.” Tack’s eyes sparkled.

“You really are amazing as the legends say, I heard you are even the Grandson of Magister Tennyson, you come from a strong lineage.” His neck stretches and he rests his forehead against Ben’s.  

“I’m just Ben dude.” he blinks in surprise. Tack explained the head thing was a custom to show great respect. “If any of those jerks bother you just let me know.”  

“Thank you Ben Tennyson!”  

“Dude, just call me Ben. We are friends so you don’t have to be so formal.” They eat lunch together and actually have the next class together. Weapon Assembly and Target Practice. Before they made it to the class though they bumped into Manny.  

“You got some nerve talking back to the alpha squad.” He blocked their path. “You think your hot stuff huh?”  

“No I just don’t like bullies, considering we are training to become galaxy police, you’d think they would have a better attitude.” Manny stares at him before smirking.  

“I see, you got the hots for Brannigan don’t you?” Ben’s jaw dropped. ‘What’s with this guy!?’  

“I’ll be joining the Alpha Squad soon enough, maybe if you show me a nice time I’ll put in a good word for you.” he pushes Ben up against the wall leaning over him. “What do you say?”  

Ben smiled, and in a flash Manny found himself hog tied and strung up. “Oi let me down hey!” Manny shouted. They got to class and were waiting for the instructor, Ben fought back a groan as Hulka showed up with Manny in tow.  

“Ben Tennyson, did you read the GP Handbook?”  

“For the most part.” he says.  

“You are not to use your special powers or abilities outside of specific classes.” he states. Ben bites back a retort, he didn’t like this it’s why he took the power classes to begin with.  

“Yes sir.” He had heard this guy was the most decorated member of the GP, but what was with the attitude.  

“I’ve got my eye on you Tennyson.”  

“Great...” Class started, they were assembling blasters and firing at targets.   

“Your weapon is your friend, and right now your friend is in pieces put your friend back together now!” he yelled. Manny put his weapon together quickly, but Tack was having trouble assembling it. He dropped his power pack and it slid underneath a cabinet.  

“No!” he scrambled to try and retrieve it. Ben’s eyes glowed and he levitated the cabinet. Tack got his power pack back. “Thank you.”  

“Tennyson!” Ben set the cabinet back down. “What did I tell you about using your powers?”

“I was just helping my friend sir.”  

“Last warning Tennyson no powers in my class!” he shouts.   

“What is your deal?” Ben glared.  

“Your friend is in pieces Tennyson, fix your friend now!” he yelled.  

Manny finished setting up his weapon and landed a few good shots but not excellent. Hulka’s yelling was getting on Ben’s last nerve. He was trying to assemble it when Hulka started yelling again. “Move move move!” Ben snapped.  

His eyes glowed and his weapon assembled in an instant, he fired and hit the bulls eyes landing a perfect score on the shooting range. “Tennyson!” Hulka yelled.  

“I know!” Ben hissed. The two glared at each other.  

“You anodites really can’t control your emotions can you?” Ben growled, the itch to punch this guy very strong.

“You clearly don’t know anodites very well.” Ben pushes the blaster into his arms and walks away.  

“I know enough. Hit the track Tennyson 50 laps.” Ben growled again.  


After 50 laps, Ben was very wound up. ‘Man what is that guy’s problem, it’s like he has it out for me. Why shouldn’t someone with abilities use them, in a real fight you have to use everything at your disposal to win, even survive.’ when stressed out Ben wanted to blow off some steam, but his usual methods were...well…        

Ben didn’t know why but a good release always cleared his head. He thought about taking care of himself, but with a roommate that wasn’t the most accessible option. ‘I could ask Kevin, or Rook, or Scout to help me, but I don’t want them to think I’m using them.’ he sighed. It sucked, he had three cute guys who actually liked him, but he didn’t want to ruin anything. Anodites didn’t have the best reputation with their open love mentality. People tended to look down on them, and assume that their love style meant they jumped into bed with any Tom, Dick, or Harry they came across. It was deeper than that, when anodites feel that spark between them with their partner it was real and it meant something. ‘It’s to bad a good toss in the sheets is exactly what I need right now.’  

He opened the door to his room, and froze in the doorway. Kevin was working out, doing push ups on the floor, his skin glistening with sweat, those gym shorts hugging his ass perfectly. ‘Oh wow!’ His dick jumped to attention pushing at the fabric of his pants and boxers.   

“Hey Ben,” he gets up. “Sorry, would have worked out in the gym but the Alpha Squad booked it.” He gets up, muscles glistening, smelling so damn good.  

“It’s fine, this is your room to.” he says blushing, he heads to his bunk, letting out a tired sigh.  

“Something happen?” Kevin asked, drying off.  

“Just Hulka being himself, I swear that guy has an issue with me.” Kevin chuckles.  

“He’s like that with everyone, he’s a tough one but he’s known as the most decorated member of the GP.”  

“That guy, hard to believe.” he sulked, now he was suffering an arousal on top of everything else.  

Kevin snapped his fingers. “I know what you need, wait here I’m gonna hit the showers and we are gonna do something fun.” he left, leaving Ben alone with his arousal.  

The brunette hoped to rub one out before the raven returned. He frees his hard cock, and slowly thinks about his sexy roommate. Little did he know Kevin was doing the same thinking of him. Kevin was running through all the stress relief techniques and they always ended erotic, hence the erection.

Their climax was achieved and Kevin returned to the room. Despite the relief, just seeing each other had their manhoods stirring again. ‘Oh man, Ben looks flushed, could he have been...’

‘Kevin’s skin is glistening, he’s fresh from the shower and looks so hot!’ Kevin got dressed.  

“Let’s go.” He leads them to the hangar.  

“Kevin what are we doing here?”  

“Joy ride, its what I do whenever I got stressed. Sometimes I’d just drive and drive to clear my head.” he goes over to one of the ships. “So what do you say, care to take a ride with me?”  

Ben couldn’t help but smile. “Sure, sounds nice.” Kevin takes a small pod, just big enough for two. He entered the hangar code and the two were off. The ship they took had some kick to it.  

“Whooooo!” Kevin zipped through space, Ben just inches away from being in his lap. “Wanna see what this baby can do?”  

“Hit it!” Ben cheers, and Kevin turned on the boosters. The ship zoomed through space, Kevin turning on the tricks showing off his control. Loops, spins, sharp dives, Kevin was the master behind the controls.  

“This model of ship, has a lot of speed and control.” Ben was just enjoying the ride, seeing the stars zoom by. They even slowed down just to see the wonders space had to offer. Kevin set the ship to cruise mode.  

“Space is really a wonderful thing, we are so far away from earth, I don’t recognize any of these stars.” He relaxed against Kevin. The raven tensed, his hands itching not knowing what to do. Ben helped him, bringing his hands around him, Kevin did the rest hugging the boy to him.  

It was quiet, sitting out in space just the two of them. ‘Come on Levin say something, it’s just you and Ben, staring at the stars. This is the romantic stuff chicks like right? Does Ben like this kind of stuff?’ Ben was so close. ‘Damn it he smells so good to, damn it I’m getting hard again.’


“Uh yes?”

“This was nice, thank you.” he rests his head against Kevin’s shoulder. Before Kevin could talk to him more, their ship came to a halt. Jerking the two around. “What is that?” Ben gasped.  

Kevin tried to move the controls but everything was locked. “Oh no,” red lights started blaring.  

“ATTENTION CADETS!” an all to familiar shout came over the communication channel. “THERE IS NO UNAUTHORIZED USE OF GP SHIPS, PREPARE YOURSELVES TO BE TOWED BACK TO BASE, WHERE YOU WILL RECIEVE PUNISHMENT.” Two ships appeared and quickly locked onto them, and began to tow them back to base.  

“Kevin!” he rubbed the back of his head.  

“I may have sorta took the keys to the ship, and hacked the docking code.”  

“You didn’t.” Ben face palmed.  

“Sorry, it was the best idea I could think of that didn’t involve...you know...” he blushed. “I didn’t want you to think I only wanted you for sex, that I actually enjoy spending time with you.”  

“Well looks like we’ll be spending a lot more time together. I think we’ll be having disciplinary lessons together for months.”

“Worth it, for you.” Kevin hugs him and Ben turns and gives him a kiss. Things heat up as the two have a make out session as they are towed back to base.  


The two boys were dragged into Hulka’s office. “Do you have no respect for yourselves, do you have no respect for the GP?!” he shouted.  

“Sir,” Kevin stood up. “It was all my idea sir, Cadet Tennyson had no idea what I had done, until after the fact, I should be the one punished not him.” Hulka looked from Kevin to Ben, who was looking shocked.

“Is that true Cadet Tennyson?”  

“I uhh, umm Cadet Kevin was just trying to cheer me up sir. It was my fault we were out there.”  

“You both are idiots and you are both at fault, no excuses! Idle hands are the playthings of idiots, I’m sure I can find something to keep you two occupied. Get ready gentlemen the next three months are gonna be tough!” he glared at them. “Now, get out of my office!”  

The two bolted. It would be a long three months for them, Hulka signed them up for every cleaning duty, doubled their homework assignments, and their lunch credits were reducted to repay for the fuel they used, and made them run drills. They were lucky to have even 5 hours of sleep.   

Yet neither found it in them to complain, it was quite a night, spending hours together watching the stars. Yeah time had gotten away from them, it was how they got caught, Kevin had planned a quick spin, but being alone with Ben he lost track of time. They had gotten closer, and even through punishment they had each other.  

To be continued...Chap 4 Ben’s Feelings


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