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My Hero Parody: Tier 1: PDF Copy exclusive to patreon


Chap 5 Pass or Fail?! The one with the lowest score is expelled?

All Might told him right now he was a simple vessel, but as he trained he would shape his vessel more and more allowing him to draw out more of his power. He had passed the torch, and while it was just a small spark now, it would grow into a mighty flame.  Also there were some other side effects of taking in One For All, in Izuku’s developing body his 9 incher growing into 13 inches. This did shock Izuku, and it wasn’t like he couldn’t restore his size if he wanted to. “Hehe, that’s natural, my cock had gotten a boost back when I first took in the power.” he blushed. He used to be 7 inches, gaining four inches like Izuku did, he could channel the power and boost his cock size an additional 2 inches like in hero mode.   

Izuku was thankful all Might’s power could be masked by his own, explaining any training injuries by stating he was working on his Auto Pilot’s functions. His mother was a bit worried, but it was Bakugo that was really pissed off. “I don’t like this way of training you’ve been doing.” The two were in Izuku’s room.  

“I know...but...” Bakugo covered his mouth with his palm.  

“No buts!” he growled. The two were in Izuku’s bed. “I know you wanna be stronger, we both do but you can’t go breaking yourself.” They were naked and Bakugo’s hand left his mouth to rest on his chest. “I can’t lose you idiot, what happens if something goes wrong when your training all alone, and if no one finds you.”  

“Dumb, stupid, fucking nerd, baka, inconsiderate, fuck, shit, asshole!” Bakugo let a string of curses fall from his lips as he rode Izuku’s pearl implanted cock. The new size came as a shock but Bakugo sure as hell wasn’t complaining, loving how big it was, and how deep it could reach. “You can’t be all talk, you promised me I wouldn’t regret becoming yours, you promised me a big family. You promised me you’d get stronger but you can’t do it by breaking yourself baka!” Izuku was handcuffed to the bed, punishment for his most recent breaking of his arm, Recovery Girl had fixed it, but since Midoriya was a student she had to call his mother, Inko told Mitsuki, and Bakugo overheard hence the current punishment.  

“Sorry, Kacchan...” the blonde growled at Izuku’s words. He pinched the greenette’s nipples and rode Izuku faster. The pearls rubbed against his insides, teasing the tight ring, making his hole turn a lovely shade of red. Bakugo didn’t question much of Izuku’s new size, puberty and all, and Izuku said he could shrink it back down if he wanted. To which Bakugo responded with a quick “No!” only to blush and quickly took a ride on Izuku’s big dick.

“Don’t fucking apologize! Do better damn it!” he moans. Bakugo rides Izuku hard and fast, letting the anal stimulus draw him closer to orgasm, his cock had been restored to it’s 8 inches bouncing and bobbing as he rode. It slapped Izuku’s abs as he moved, his body shivering as the head brushed his sensitive bundle of nerves. Each press was like a big old pleasure button, his nerves lighting up like an explosion, his inner walls clamping down on Izuku’s penis.  

“I will, I promise.” Izuku shivers, Katsuki’s clenching heat intensified the friction they shared between them. Bakugo’s ass was hungrily squeezing him, causing his pre to spill out and soak his insides. It just allowed Katsuki to move faster, and he did working his sexy ass over Izuku’s big dick. His insides were twitching like crazy, ‘He’s getting close.’  

His thrusts became more wild and less controlled, his cock weeping pre all over Izuku’s abs. “FUCK DEKU OHH FUCK DEKU DEKU DEKU DAMN IT!” he bucks as the anal pleasure overtook him, his balls lurch as he cums spraying his seed all over Izuku, getting his face, pecs, and abs. Izuku moans as Katsuki’s heat pulls him over the edge to, his dick swelling as he pumps his fresh seed into Bakugo’s tight heat. Bakugo’s expression was priceless as Izuku’s semen filled him up. His cock twitched in another orgasm, the manhood softening, well spent.  

“Kacchan, the hand cuffs?” the male protests.  

Bakugo smirks, “You look sexy in them.” he says giving Izuku a toothy grin.  

“Be that as it may, I don’t wanna sleep in them.” Bakugo sighs, drawing circles in Izuku’s chest. “I’m really tired, maybe after cuddles.”  

“Get me out of these cuffs, that’s an order!” his collar pulsed and Bakugo obeyed. He came to as Izuku rubbed his wrists.  

“Spoil sport.” Izuku chuckles, and wraps his arms around Bakugo.  

“It’s more fun to cuddle when I’m able to hold you.” Bakugo blushes. “Yeah, this is better.” he snuggles against Izuku and the two turn in. It was a big day tomorrow, their first day at U.A.


The first day of the elite hero school Yuuei, the school was packed full for opening ceremonies, students dressed in the uniforms of Yuuei. The business courses, the general studies courses, and of course the hero courses. Izuku stood before the gate, feeling tingly all over. He had his controller, he had his books, he was dressed for class he was ready to go. “Izuku, sweetie, I just want you to know I’m proud of you.” With kind words from his mother Izuku was ready to face his first day of school. Bakugo had returned home to get his stuff for school and they planned to meet up in class. They were both in Class 1-A due to their high scores.  

“Man, what a huge door, this is amazing!” he stood before the door of class 1-A. He found himself both nervous and excited at once. Before he opened the door, Ojiro came up to him, rushing to him from down the hall.  

“Izuku, I see you passed, are you in Class 1-A to?” he asks.  

“Ojiro-kun, it’s good to see you, I’m glad you passed, are you also in 1-A?” Ojiro nods. “That’s great!” he suddenly hugs Ojiro and the blonde blushes.  

‘Oh crap, he smells good.’ they part. “I don’t know how I made it, but I’m glad I did, I was hoping to see you again.”  

“I know how you got in, I saw you in the exam, your skills are awesome, may I?” he asks, looking at his tail.  

“Oh,” he moves his tail. “Sure go ahead.” he blushes a little and scratches his chin. Izuku touches his tail, massaging the heavy appendage.  

“Amazing, you’ve trained it well, it’s so strong.” his touch felt nice, just the right amount of pressure as he massaged the appendage. Izuku was going full on nerd/fanboy mode, loving to examine someones quirk. “It’s amazing.”   

“T-thank you,” he shivers at the touch, he couldn’t help but smile. “No one really compliments my quirk.”  

“It’s not just the quirk, it’s you.” he smiles at Ojiro. “You are really amazing Ojiro-kun.” The blonde blushes, his whole face heating up.  

“Umm, Izuku...this might seem forward but,” he rubs the back of his head. “Bakugo, is he your boyfriend?”  

“Yes,” not missing a beat. Ojiro felt a weight fall on his heart. Izuku had been on his mind since the exam, he learned that he was involved in the sludge villain incident. It was quite the amazing scene. Although there was no news crew there, one of the best reporters had a memory quirk that allowed him to turn memory into film, he got the footage from interviews. That’s how many villain fights were covered if news teams couldn’t be there they got the footage from first hand experience.

The green haired boy had caught his interest, but then there was Bakugo. It was clear their relationship was more than just friends. A part of him tried to raise the point that if they were that close meant Izuku liked guys, and his hormone driven brain began to work up the possibilities if he and Izuku could be together. He’d be to embarrassed to admit it, but the boy had haunted his dreams the last few nights. ‘I guess a plain guy like me didn’t have a chance.’ he thinks.  

“He’s apart of my harem.” Izuku says, and the air suddenly grew still. Ojiro freezes, as the words were processed through his brain. Izuku blushes, and rubs the back of his head. “He’s actually my first lover, but we want a big family so I’m looking to get more lovers to join it.”  

‘He’s serious.’ he blinked. ‘A harem, wow!’ he had to admit that was a bold declaration. You had to seriously have a pair to confess such a desire, judging from the look on Izuku’s face he was serious. After the initial shock wore off, Ojiro began to process the possibilities. ‘Does that mean I have a chance?’ the possibility let his walls come down and his mind began to flip through all the not safe for work material that had been licking at the blonde’s brain.  

“Do you wanna join Ojiro?” he asked.  

Ojiro gasped. “Oh um...” Izuku looks down, and Ojiro follows his gaze, only to gasp to see his cock was hard, his tail curls and he hides himself. Izuku chuckled.  

“You asked if Kacchan is my boyfriend, so I’m guessing you have an interest in me?” Ojiro gulps. “The harem thing might seem weird, but if you’d like to be with me I’d like you to join.” he leans forward and kisses his cheek. “If not, I hope we can be friends.”  

“Izuku...” the greenette stopped him.  

“We are both very serious about this, take some time think about it, really think about it.” Ojiro nods. “There won’t be any hard feelings.” The blonde calms himself down, and the two go into class.  

“Bakugo!” A tall boy with glasses was getting into it with Katsuki. This boy is Iida who was at the same exam site as Izuku was. “You need to show respect for Yuuei, and keep your feet off the desk.”

“Huh? What’s with you, what school did you go to you extra?” Iida was very expressive, using his hands as he talked.  

“I’m from Soumei Junior High, my name is Tenya Iida.”  

“Soumei?” Bakugo chuckled. “So you are some elite huh? Good I look forward to crushing you.” Iida gasped at his words.  

“Crushing me? How vulgar, are you sure you are trying to be a hero?” Bakugo brushes him off, turning his head to see Izuku in the doorway. Iida turns and sees Izuku as well. He stalks over to the boy, introducing himself as he walked.  

“Yes I heard, I’m Izuku Midoriya, it’s uhh good to see you again.” he sweats.  

“Midoriya I must apologize, I misjudged you.”  

“Ehh?” he blinked.  

“You divined the actual nature of the practical exam didn’t you?” he grinds his teeth. “I was blind to it.”  

“I actually didn’t, the rescue points thing was a big shock to me, I just want to be a hero that does his best to save people.” he admits. Iida’s eyes shed tears, his hand balling into a fist trembling.  

“You truly are the better man, I can see your heart is truly full of the hero’s spirit. I was too focused on the test aspect after all, you were living out your ideal of heroes right then.” he gets down on one knee and takes Izuku’s hand. “I look forward to learning by your side.” He kisses the back of Izuku’s hand making the greenette blush.  

“Oi!” Bakugo gets up snapping. Iida stands.  

“My apologies if that seemed forward. I look forward to training with you Midoriya.” he shakes Izuku’s hand.  

“If you kids are done, it’s time for class.” they freeze and look back seeing a man in a large sleeping bag. ‘When did he get there?’ he climbs out of the sleeping bag revealing a shaggy looking man, scruffy and dressed in black. “This is the department of heroics.” he comes into the room. “It took you lot 8 seconds to quiet down, life is short and you kids are lacking in common sense.”  

“Deku you know this guy?” Bakugo asked.  

“Hmm, he looks familiar, he’s a teacher at Yuuei it means he has to be a pro.” he pondered and pondered.  

“I’m your Homeroom Teacher, Aizawa Shouta.” He reveals their gym uniforms. “Head to the locker rooms and get changed.”  


All Might was settling in as a teacher, looking over the Yuuei system. The school was tough, just having the wrong Homeroom Teacher could be bad. He was looking at Izuku’s file while drinking coffee, and when he saw the name of Izuku’s homeroom teacher he spat out his coffee in shock. ‘Oh no it’s Aizawa!’ he rubbed his temples. He had Aizawa’s record to, he had expelled the most students out of any of the other teachers. Even dismissing a whole class. ‘This is bad...young Midoriya.’  


The boys were changing in the locker room, Ojiro stole glances as Izuku and Bakugo changed. Izuku was ripped, body hardened from his training, Bakugo was well toned as well. Red eyes noticed the stealing looks, and their eyes met. Ojiro blushed and quickly looked away. “Hm,” Bakugo ignored him for now and continued changing.  

“Oohhh!” a sudden cry surprised the boys. Izuku was changing into a jock strap so his cock was briefly on display when he removed his boxers, All Might boxers of course. A boy with red hair came over to him, he was bare ass naked letting his own man meat swing to and fro as he walked. “Sorry for shocking ya, you got a really nice piece of man meat.”  

Ojiro looked and felt his own cock harden, not just the size but the pearls. His fat 9 incher throbbed in delight, thankfully no one noticed his erection as everyone took a look at Izuku’s unique piece. Not only was he the biggest in class, beating out Shoji at 12 inches, but the pearls were an erotic addition. “It’s a pearl implant right, that’s hardcore man.” Kirishima says, giving him a thumbs up. The red head had also gotten hard at the sight of his manhood, he stood at 11 inches.  

“Thank you, I must say you have a nice piece as well.” Izuku compliments, the red head’s piece was throbbing, standing tall below a crown of thick red hair, a set of heavy balls hanging below.  

“The name is Kirishima Eijiro.” he offers his hand.  

“Izuku Midoriya.” they clap hands, and give a firm squeeze. “Nice to meet you.”  

“I’d say a pleasure.” he smirks, giving a big toothy grin. Ojiro noticed that despite the red head’s flirting, or flaunting Bakugo wasn’t getting angry or jealous.  

“Kirishima-kun!” Iida in only a jock strap rushes over. “This may be a men’s locker room but have some shame won’t you!”  

“What? What are you on about, we are all guys here, and what’s wrong with showing appreciation for one’s manliness.” he places his hands on his hips. “Big or small a guy should be proud of his size, and should have no fear it letting it all hang out!”  

“Big or small...” Iida blushed, Izuku noticed a change in his stance. “Ahem, well be that as it may we shouldn’t be late we should finish changing.” he says and goes back to his locker.  

“Oh man, that’s right! Later Izuku, I’ll catch you later.” he says and dashes off letting his hard cock bounce and bob as he moved. Everyone finished changing and headed out to the field, where Aizawa was waiting for them.  

“Finally, we’ll be having a quirk apprehension test.”  

“What?!” everyone gasped. A girl named Uraraka stepped up.  

“What about the opening ceremonies, and the guidance counselor meeting?”   

“If you want to be heroes you don’t have time for such niceties.”  he gives them a look. “You all understand the school’s reputation for freedom on campus, that freedom goes for us teachers as well.”  

“……...” everyone was stunned.  

 “Softball pitch, standing long jump, endurance running, grip strength test, sustained sideways jumps, upper body exercises, and seated toe-touch. These are all activities you know from school, physical tests you were barred from using your quirks.” It was true the world was still working on standardizing those sorts of records or keeping track of the performance levels of quirk holders. Using quirks in schools was often against the rules, even using quirks in the city was frowned upon.  

“Bakugo, how far could you throw a softball?”  

“67 meters.” he says stepping forward. Aizawa tosses him a soft ball.  

“Try using your quirk this time around, as long as you stay inside the circle anything you do is fine.” Bakugo stretches. “Don’t hold back.”

Bakugo smirks. “You got it!” he winds up the pitch. “Die!” he shouts releasing an explosion, sending the ball flying far.  

‘Die?’ was the shared thought among the students. The ball landed after it’s scorching journey.

Aizawa lifted up a scanner. 705.2m “I’ve never agreed with the public system, it’s foolish to not take quirks into consideration. Before anything else, one must know what they are capable of. This is a rational metric that will form the basis of your hero foundation.”  

“705 meters unreal!” another blonde boy says.  

“We can really use our quirks now?! That’s the department of heroics for you! This looks fun!” a girl with pink hair and skin says, getting excited.  

‘8 trials huh? This is bad.’ he looks down at his controller. His quirk was manipulation based and he didn’t have full control of his One for All quirk.  

“It looks fun huh?” Aizawa’s tone was cold, he smirks. “All right, whoever comes in last place in all eight tests will be judged to have no potential, and be expelled.”  

“Huh!?” Everyone gasped. He was serious, Izuku began to sweat. ‘This is bad, my main quirk isn’t suited to use on myself, least not repeatedly, and I have no control over one for all yet.’  

“We’re free to do what we want about the circumstances of our students.”  he brushes his hair back giving them a mad look. “Welcome to Yuuei’s hero course!”  

With All Might…

“Oh brother, they have Aizawa, it hard ball on their first day.”  

Aizawa Shouta: Code Name The Eraser Hero, Eraserhead! Homeroom Teacher of Class 1-A Total Number of Expulsions: 154!  

The first day had turned into a huge ordeal.  

Back with Aizawa…

The news or threat of expulsion on the first day had shocked many of the students. “But this is our first day here, and even if it weren’t that’s too unreasonable!” Uraraka says.  

Aizawa sighed. “Natural disasters, massive accidents, ego-mad villains, all kinds of calamities can happen when we least expect them. Our world is full of disorder, and it’s our jobs as heroes the reverse it all and restore order.” he gives them a stern look. “We aren’t here for games, we are here to make you into the best heroes you can be. From now on, for the next 3 years all you can expect from your life at Yuuei is one hardship after the next.” he points at them. “I expect you to overcome these trials and climb to the top. Plus Ultra style!” he smiles at them, and if possible his smile was intimidating.   

‘The pressure is on, so this is Yuuei’s Baptism, the pinnacle of hero training...no choice but to give it my all!’ Iida thinks.  

‘Deku...’ Bakugo looks at his lover, he knew how his quirk worked, these tests weren’t gonna be easy.  

Trial 1 The 50-Meter Dash

Iida stepped up to the line with a girl named Tsuyu. Iida’s quirk Engine allowed him to blast through the dash in 3.04 Seconds.  

“Well that’s him in his element I guess, but that quirk won’t help him in the other trials.” Aizawa says, and records the scores. “It’ll be interesting to see what the others do here.   

Tsuyu’s quirk Frog, had her finishing at 5.58 seconds.  

Ojiro and Uraraka were next. ‘I can do this,’ he uses his tail for an extra bursts of speed. He got 5.49 seconds. Uraraka’s quirk is Zero Gravity, she can reduce the gravitational pull of what she touches to zero, however if she overdoes it, she gets sick/nauseous.  

Mina and Aoyama were next, Aoyama’s quirk was naval laser, and Mina could create acid. “Everyone, you’re not being creative enough.” he says. He crouched down and when they were allowed to go he jumps firing his laser, and getting launched by the force.  He doesn’t get to far before having to do it again. 5.51 Seconds was his score. Mina removed her shoes creating acid below her feet and practically skating towards the finish. “Shooting the laser too long hurts my tummy.” he says.  

Everyone sweat drops. ‘What’s with this guy?’ everyone thinks.    

‘The pushing of quirks to the utmost limits, it shows me how much room for growth each of them has, and allows me to take note of what they can and can’t do just yet. Show me your creativity.’ Aizawa thinks.  

Bakugo and Izuku were up next. The blonde looked at his lover in concern. ‘Come on nerd you better not get expelled.’  

“Go!” the robot camera shouts.  

“Blast Rush!” he shouts and brings his hands behind him using the explosions to launch himself faster, gaining 4.13 seconds!  

Izuku was scouring through his remote. His school record was 7.49 seconds, but that was then and this was now. While his quirk couldn’t be used here he wasn’t without skill, his training had strengthened his body, especially his legs. 6.02 seconds. ‘All Might told me the trick to using One for All is adjusting it.’ He was told he may not yield results in just a day or two, but that he had faith he would do it. As he stood he could draw out 100% of it’s power but one use lands him in the medical wing.  

He imagined the power like an egg inside of a microwave, All Might told him to focus on keeping the egg from exploding. ‘If I just need to keep the egg from exploding, maybe I can manipulate my body somehow.’  

Aizawa had seen the exam, Izuku’s auto pilot was quite impressive, but he was useless after using it.  

Trial 2 Grip Strength

Izuku was still formulating a plan on how to pass the tests with the way he was now. ‘Come on think, your quirk has evolved before, when you focused on learning close combat you developed the taser function, my vessel has developed so has my quirk.’ His grip strength improved from his non quirk score, thanks to his training but not enough.  

Mezo Shoji obtained the highest mark at 540 kilograms, are you a gorilla?” Sero asked. “Oh, an octopus!” Which led to someone saying Octopus are sexy! Izuku sighed, if this wasn’t such a tense situation he’d be enjoying examining the others using their abilities.  

Trial 3 Standing Long Jump

Aoyama, Bakugo, Uraraka and Ojiro were able to pass this exam very well. Izuku stood at the ready mark. ‘I’ve been able to adjust the power of my taser feature before.’ He stared at his controller. ‘Am I really stuck at either 0 or 100 percent?’ he frowns. ‘Do I use auto pilot and hope for the best?’ he instead pockets the controller and does his best to jump.  

Trial 4 Sustained Sideways Jumps

Mineta got the top score in this, using his sticky balls to bounce him back and forth. ‘We are to push our quirks to the limits, to show our potential through skills.’ Izuku thinks. ‘My quirk can manipulate the mind and body, I can restore the default settings, I’ve manipulated my body’s design before, but never like this. My autopilot shuts off my limiters to complete a task, if I go into autopilot I could get a high score for sure but autopilot takes a lot out of my body.’  

Aizawa had his eye on Izuku. The scores were tallying up fast and things weren’t looking good for Izuku.  

Trial 5 Softball Throw

Uraraka blew everyone out of the water with her infinity score. Midoriya steps up for his turn. “Midoriya isn’t doing to well is he?” Iida says.  

“It’s because his quirk isn’t suited for this kind of stuff,” everyone looks to Bakugo. “He’s been training hard to improve himself but his quirk at it’s core is best at subduing someone.” He’s improved physically since school but he had a feeling that’s not what Aizawa was looking for. ‘He’s modified his own body before, but can he do it back to back.’  

No, Izuku had thought about it earlier, he could in fact manipulate his body his controller offering a variety of settings breaking down his body. His current settings were saved, but in order to do a system restore it took time, and after a system restore he can’t make a change. Izuku knew his quirk better than anyone, it was One for All that was his wild card. All Might, Inko, and Bakugo, he had people counting on him, the pressure could be felt.  

He brings his controller up to his head. ‘I can’t back down now!’ He presses the button but nothing happens. “What the…?”

“I erased your quirk.” Izuku turned and gasped seeing Aizawa, his scarf moving wildly, his eyes glowing red, and a pair of goggles hanging around his neck.  

“You...your Eraserhead!” Izuku gasped. A hero not known for the spot light, but his quirk is legendary as he can seal the quirk of someone he’s looking at. All Might showed up to see what was happening.  

“This year’s exam wasn’t practical, your quirk was able to make use of the situation controlling the robots to do your bidding, I’ll admit you were able to handle robots, but real combat is far different.” In an instant Izuku found himself disarmed and pinned to the ground. “When faced with an opponent you couldn’t defeat you shut yourself down and let your quirk take over, and when it was all said in done you weren’t able to move after. Are you just gonna use your power and wait for someone else to come in and save you?”  

He gets off Izuku, and returns his controller. “Do what you want? I’ve given you back your quirk.” he used eye drops on his eyes. ‘If he breaks his body down, it shows he has no potential.’ he heard about his latest visit to Recovery Girl.  

‘If I had known I would have warned you, young Midoriya.’ All Might thinks. ‘He and I really don’t get along, and believe it or not your actions were in the media. Aizawa believes the media interferes with heroes, and heroes like me who stand out in the spot light are troublesome.’  

‘My quirk plus All Might’s,’ his mind was swirling. “That’s it!” He began punching in a code on his remote. ‘Normally all I have to do is inject one of my needles into my body to trigger auto pilot, but maybe I can...’ Aizawa raised a brow at him.  

‘Here we go, command set!’ he shoots a needle into his arm. A mighty force erupts from Izuku, his arm was sparking with energy.  

‘Young man did you do it, no wait I see you can’t control the power through your vessel yet but your quirk can manipulate one’s body like mine.’  

Izuku smirked. ‘It’s hot, this is just 1 % of One for All!’ He squeezed the ball tight. “Throw the ball!” Izuku shouts, and he does with one throw he sent the ball soaring.  

‘This kid!’ Aizawa couldn’t believe it. 1,000 km

“Aizawa-sensei,” he looked and Izuku pulled the needle out of his arm. “I can still move!” His arm was a little stiff and tingly but he could move it. 1 or 100 that’s where he was at.  

Thankfully Izuku was able to do better in the next two exams. Thanks to Izuku’s settings he was highly flexible, so sit ups and seated toe touch he was able to land decent scores. “How are you so flexible?” Kirishima asked.  

“Oh I edited my settings a long time ago when I modified my body, I’m super flexible.” Bakugo blushed, knowing just how flexible his lover was. Izuku did some quick yoga stretches, showing just how flexible he was, making Ojiro blush and Kirishima whistle. “I have a lot of time on my hands, and yoga is quite relaxing.” he blushes and scratches the back of his head.  

The last trial wasn’t anything special, Izuku couldn’t risk overloading his system the single limb trick was probably best shelved. The scores were tallied, and Aizawa pulled the scores. “Oh yeah that expulsion thing was a lie.” everyone gasped.  


“Guys of course it was a ruse, it was obvious so I didn’t say anything.” Momo says. Izuku didn’t care he slumped to the ground, laughing.  

“We passed, that’s all that matters.”  

“You guys can get changed and go back to class, good job.” he heads off and bumps into All Might. “What are you doing here?”

“Just seeing how things were going,” he crossed his arms. “A ruse huh? This from a man who’s expelled a whole class before.” he pointed at him. “Admit it, you saw something special in them.”  

Aizawa shrugs. “Maybe.”  

To be continued...Decisions and Desires


Lord Zero 1606

Izuku attracts quiet the attention.