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Yugioh GX Parody: Patreon Reward


Jaden x 2 - 11 inches soft – 12 Hard

Syrus 5 inches uncut

Chumley 4 inches soft - 6 inches hard – 4 fingers thick

Bastion 8 inches

Torrey 4 inches

Chap 14 Courting...Pets and Servants

Lamia’s were very loving beings, when they mate it forms a strong bond. However there were times lamias collected humans not to mate but to serve the tribe. First were the servants, males or females who served the tribe, they received sex from lamias and received protection from them. They assisted in clean up, taking care of the master and the mates. Then there were the pets, males who served not only the master but the mates as well. Usually the master fucked the mates, holding the reigns in the bedroom, but with pets mates got to try out their topping skills.  

Mates, Servants, and Pets made up the whole of a lamia harem. Jaden explained these beliefs, just leaving out the lamia part. He had gathered everyone together, calling Torrey over from the Blue Dorms, they were still on winter break so the campus was still empty. Torrey was surprised to see everyone was free and naked here. “Interesting.” Bastion says. ‘So I’m a mate huh?’ he was very proud of that.  

“Yes, Torrey has become my servant.” the boy stood next to him. “Hello,” he gave a bow. “Please strip.”  

“Yes master,” he obeys, he strips off his clothing. Torrey may have been a book worm but he was fit, his cock was hard at 4 inches. He bowed once again. “I look forward to serving you.”

“Is this really okay, Torrey?” Syrus asked.  

“Oh yes, not only did Jaden save my life, I’ve always liked guys and Jaden is my type, I am happy to serve him and his harem.” he says.  

Jaden smirked. While his mates still haven’t received his special snake oil, Torrey did receive the lamia special for servants. He had Jaden’s venom pumping through his veins, his insides would remain nice and clean for his master to take him whenever he wished. Jaden had complete control of his body, if Jaden said stay hard he would, go soft he would, this was the level of bond between master and servant.  

“He needs lots of training, so I got him something special to train him.” he revealed a very large dildo.  

“He’s gonna ride that?” Bastion gasped at the thickness of the toy. Jaden’s cocks in lamia form were thicker.  

“Thank you master!” Torrey moans. The boys watch as Torrey takes the toy and begins to lick it. He got it nice and wet, making sure to lick every inch. Once it was wet enough he set it down and positioned himself over it. “How many rides master?”  

“Ride it till you cum, make sure you play with your nips to.”  

“Yes sir!” he sinks down onto the dildo, his ass opening up wide. “It feels good sir!” Torrey moans.  

“My word!” Bastion blushes. His hard cock standing at attention. He sinks down, ass stretching wide and swallowing the toy all up. Once he was about half way he started playing with his nips.  

“Ohh!” the pleasure makes him slide down, his penis twitching in delight. Torrey moans and begins to ride the dildo, sliding back and forth along the toy, he teases his nips as he moves. His cock bounces and bobs as he rides, pre getting whipped this way and that.   

Jaden comes over, scooping Syrus up and kissing him. The bluenette takes one of Jaden’s cocks into his ass, as the other slides along his cock and balls. Syrus takes the leading, seeing Torrey made him want to ride. “Mmm,” he moans. ‘So good, Jaden!’  

The lamia in human form doesn’t leave out Bastion and Chumley, the two sit on either side of him, and Jaden pumps their hard cocks. The trio moan under Jaden’s actions, pre spilling from their hard cocks. He used this to pump them faster earning more moans. “Jaden!” Bastion moans.   

“Oh man, oh man!” Chumley moans. Jaden rubs Chumley’s piss slit, and pumps Bastion faster, making his balls bounce from the force.  

Syrus moans as Jaden’s hips start to rock, matching his rides. The big dick grinds deep in his ass, as the second cock gives extra friction to his cock and balls. ‘So hot, so hot!’  

Chumley is first to cum, his seed erupting all over Chumley and Jaden’s stroking hand. The next to cum was Syrus, the friction inside and out pushing the boy over the edge. He cums hard, spraying his seed all over Jaden’s cock. Bastion follows suit, toes curling as he lost control and came all over himself.  

Bastion had to admit, getting some sexual relief helped him think and come up with new formulas for his deck. He still wasn’t sure if he was able to submit to Jaden completely. ‘Well, we’ll see who tops once we duel.’  

Torrey was the last to cum, but he had the most control over his release, slowing down on the toy to drag out his release. Once he came he blew his load all over the floor. “Ahhhh.”  

“Well done Torrey, please make sure to keep the toy inside, and carry out your duties.” Jaden rubs Syrus’ back easing him down his sex high.  

“Thank you master!” he stands up, his hole tightening up on the dildo to hold it inside. He shivers as he moves, the toy rubbing against his insides. He puts on a red thong looking garment, a gift from his master, it had a clothe cupping his balls and straps one riding along his crack, helping hold the toy inside two others helping cradle his balls.  

His cock was left hanging out. Jaden fitted him with a cock ring. “Once you finish your list of chores you’ll get to cum.”  

“Yes master!” Torrey was such a good boy, he cleaned the floor first, then gathered the laundry for cleaning. The boy didn’t hesitate to grab one of Jaden’s underwear and bring it to his nose. ‘Master’s scent!’ he shivers in delight.   

Torrey was a hard worker, and an excited one. Once he finished his chores Jaden offered to walk him home. “I’ll be back.” he says leading Torrey back to the blue dorm. In the safety of Torrey’s room Jaden reverted back to lamia form. “You did very well today.”  

“Thank you master.” Jaden removed the cock ring, and the dildo, and slipped his tail inside Torrey. “Master!” the scales rubbed against his soft insides, making the boy’s toes curl.  

It didn’t take long to make Torrey cum, not with the thick tail stretching his hole, Jaden was very good with his tail. It twisted, thrust, wiggle and spin, driving his servant wild in pleasure. “Master!” he howled as he came.  

Jaden pet Torrey’s head. “I’m asking a lot from you, although our contract was rushed.”  

“Don’t be master, I’m happy to serve someone as wonderful as you.” he gets wrapped up in Jaden’s coils. “I just hope the others get to know the real you soon.” he rubs his cheek against Jaden’s scaly tail. “Its wonderful!”  

Jaden chuckles. He didn’t know when he would reveal his secret to his mates, but having someone in the Blue Dorm would help progress his plans for the future. Torrey would be his eyes and ears in Blue.  

The lamia left Torrey with various toys to train with, he needed a lot of training, despite being a natural.  


Alas Winter vacation couldn’t last forever and classes started back up. Jaden was stuck in gym class playing Tennis. “Alright class, get your game on, tennis game that is!” Miss Fontaine says. They were playing doubles, Syrus and Jaden on one side, Mindy and Jasmine on the other.  

“Oh man, what does this have to do with dueling?” Syrus asks, groaning as he manages to hit the ball back.  

“Everything, taking turns, thinking on your feet, and the harder you play the better you do!” she hits his ball back.  

“Interesting!” Jaden says and tries to hit her ball, he does and the ball goes sailing, just not in the right direction. It was heading straight for Alexis! “Heads up!”  

The ball didn’t hit her as a young man rushes in and hits the ball away, right into Crowler’s face. The boy was rocking a mullet, with light brown hair. “Are you okay?” he asks. Mindy and Jasmine fell for his good looks in an instant, Alexis wasn’t as easy.  

“That’s okay, thanks.” she says.  

‘That’s Alexis Rhodes, she’s so beautiful!’ he blushes.  

“Umm do you need me to carry you to the nurse?” he chuckles, mildly embarrassed.  

“No, I’m good.” he takes her hand. “I’ve seen you around the blue dorm, not that I’ve had the pleasure of talking to you.” he blushes realizing he was touching her and pulls his hand back. “Anyway back to my match.” he chuckles walking back to his court.  

This guy was Harrington Rosewood, he had quite the reputation, a touch of a flirt with both girls and guys. As Tennis captain he used his position and dueling skills to dominate the others on the team.   


Jaden was getting chewed out by Crowler, like he was to blame for getting hit.  So he was forced to do drills with the Tennis Club captain, despite the captain being the one who hit Crowler in the first place.  

When Syrus and the girls came onto the scene it was tense. “Service!” Harrington hit the ball hard sending it flying. Jaden however was ready. ‘Snake service!’ he hit the ball back sending it flying back.  

Harrington was ticked, Jaden had returned every serve he had sent. ‘What the hell is with this guy!?’  

‘You have to be really fast to get past a lamia.’ Jaden thinks. Harrington kept trying to out serve Jaden, but the boy was countering him at every shot.  

“Come on hustle hustle!” he sped up his serves, but Jaden wasn’t backing down. Harrington may have had an athlete’s body, but Jaden was deceptively strong and fast. “You gotta sweat to become a threat!”  

Jaden continued to match his serve. “Alright, now you need to work on your forehand and backhand, a thousand strokes each.”  

“You are joking right.”  

“Well there is another way to end this.” he palmed his crotch. “That’s about all you Slackers are good for.” Jaden glared.  

‘Oh this guy is asking for it.’ He was a show off, wearing super short shorts, showing off his legs, ass and crotch.  

Jaden carried on with his insane training. Thankfully Alexis came in to put a stop to it. Harrington ran over to her. “Hey there, sorry I’m sweating so much.” he laughs. “I’ve been kicking this Slifer’s ass.”  

Alexis didn’t believe it for a second but she had something to speak to Jaden about. “Listen Jaden, I ran into Professor Banner, he told me someone spotted Chazz.” they went back and forth, but as they talked Harrington was seeing red.  

‘A Slifer Slacker like Jaden, talking to an Obelisk Blue like Alexis?’ he was burning up. ‘Slifers should only be allowed on the court to service the elites!’  

Harrington went off on Jaden, but the lamia had enough of his nonsense. “That’s enough, you got a bad attitude, and I’m tired of listening to it!”  

“Oh, you wanna settle this?” he chuckles.   

“What in tennis?”  

 “No in dueling.” he revealed his duel disk.

Alexis hung around to watch, as she heard that Harrington was as skilled as Zane. Syrus was now nervous.  

“Should I win, first you will not talk to Alexis ever again, second you will run across duel academy naked saying Slifer’s are Perverts, and lastly you’ll have to join the Tennis club and do whatever I say.” he chuckles.  

“Alright fine, but if I win you will become my pet!” Jaden says.  

“A pet!?” Harrington gasps. Jaden’s eyes flash gold.  

“You heard me, you lose you will surrender yourself to being my pet for the rest of your life.”  

“Fine, I don’t intend on losing.” he says.  

“Let’s throw down!” they ready their duel disks.  

Alexis didn’t know what was going on fully, but she just wanted to see if he really was as good as Zane. ‘Please be careful Jaden.’  

Harrington/Jaden: 4000

“I’ll start this serve off, with a spell card Service Ace!”  

“A spell card already?”  

“That’s right, this card will really make you sweat.” he says. “I pick a card, then you have to choose if it’s a spell, trap, or monster.” he grins. “If you guess right, you are fine. But if you guess wrong...you get served with a 1500 points of damage.”  

One out of three chance. Jaden guessed a Spell Card, but it was a monster. Harrington laughed, and the spell card blasted Jaden. “Good luck returning this one pal!”  

Jaden 2500   

Harrington set a face down and ended his turn.  

“My move,” he drew. “You aren’t the only one who can deal damage with spell cards. I activate Tears of the Lamia!” The spell card dealt 800 points of direct damage to the opponent.  

Harrington 3200

“Next I’ll summon Lamia Sister #3” The purple scaled lamia sister appeared on the field, she has long hair purple kept in a braid, she has purple scales and wears a purple top.  

ATK 1500 DEF 1600

“Now attack!” the lamia sister charged.  

“I don’t think so!” his trap card triggered Receive Ace. It blocked Jaden’s attack and dealt him with 1500 points of damage!  

“Oh man!” Jaden gasped as he was hit.  

Jaden 1000

“That’s 30-Love!” He had to toss 3 cards for using the trap but it was a small price to pay.  

“Well I’m not out yet, I’ll set a card face down and end my turn.” With his turn ended Lamia Sister #3’s effect activated, she spat poison, hitting Harrington and dropping his life points by 300 points.  

Harrington: 2900

Harrington went with a spell card next, Smash Ace. He turns over the top card in his deck and if it is a monster Jaden gets hit with 1500 points of damage. He flipped the card to reveal Shine Ball. “Looks like I win, get ready Jaden I’m gonna ride you hard as the Tennis club president!”   

“I don’t think so, I got a quick play spell!” his reverse card opened.  

Jaden’s spell was known as Toxic Spell: When an opponent activates a spell card you can negate it and the card is stuck in your opponent’s zone unable to be used.  

“Plus since I have Lamia monster on my side of the field, I get to add a spell card from my graveyard to my hand.” He added Lamia Tears back to his hand.  

It was Jaden’s turn. “I’ll kick things off with a spell card!” He used Lamia Tears, and blasted Harrington.  

Harrington: 2100  

“Next I’ll throw down two face downs and have my Lamia Sister attack!” she does spitting poison at Harrington. The male gasps and dances around as the poison burns holes through his clothes. “Ow ow ow!”  

Harrington: 600

“With that I’ll end my turn.” which triggered Lamia Sister #3’s effect, blasting him with more poison.  

Harrington: 300

“I’m not out of this game yet!” Harrington hissed. “First I activate the spell card Holy Serve, which refreshes my life points by 700 points.”  

Harrington: 1000

“Now I can play this card, Deuce!” with this card Harrington was able to change the rules of the duel itself, since they both had only 1000 points left. From now on they could only attack with one monster during the battle phase and life points don’t matter. “You win by being the first to damage the other twice in a row.”  

Jaden sweat dropped. ‘I can see why this guy is so cocky, but he underestimated me and the power of lamias.’ They were well versed in the mystic arts, which is why their spell cards could be just as lethal as they were.

Harrington summoned The Big Server! A three star earth monster with 300 ATK. “The reason why his serve is so big is because he can attack your life points directly.” And attack he did, hitting Jaden with a spiked ball.  

Harrington 1 Hit Jaden 0 Hit

He activates Big Server’s special ability he gets to add Service Ace to his hand and Jaden got a card to. “Not that it will matter, it won’t be as good as this one.” He was quick to activate it.  

“I don’t think so, because I have a Trap Card Magic Jammer, by sending 1 card from my hand to the grave I can negate your spell card and destroy it.” He did and Harrington’s card got destroyed. “Looks like I’m still in this.”  

“We’ll see if you are still in this when I play this, the equip spell Giant Racket!” It was equipped to Big Server. “You still in it?”

“To win it, I activate my spell card!” he revealed his face down. “Snake Venom, this let’s me destroy one of your cards, and I’ll destroy your Giant Racket!” Poison shot out and melted the equip spell.  

“Fine, you still can’t win, even if you attack you’ll only land one hit, and I’ll be able to destroy you next turn.” he laughed. “You idiot you should have destroyed my Deuce spell card.”  

“Nah, I decided to beat you at your own game, remember that spell card you let me have?” Harrington gasped. “I picked the spell Double Strike, which allows my Lamia Sister to attack twice during a battle phase.”  

“What no way!”  

Lamia Sister #3 attacked twice and Jaden got his two hits.  

“No I lost! I don’t believe it!”

“Believe it!” Jaden’s eyes flashed gold. “You lost so it’s time to honor the bet.” Harrington’s eyes glazed over.  

‘What’s happening?’   

Snake Eyes of Hypnotism!’ Jaden’s voice echoed into Harrington’s mind. ‘You shall forget about chasing skirts, and dominating guys.’

‘I will forget about chasing skirts and dominating guys.’ he repeated, and his mind accepted this as truth.  

You are a pet, who serves his master and his mates.’

‘I am a pet, who serves his master and his mates.’ he repeated, he felt his heart flutter. His cock began to swell in the tight confines of his pants.  

You crave cock, the taste of semen brings you joy.’  

‘I crave cock, the taste of semen brings me joy!’ he licks his lips. It had been so long since he tasted cock, so many guys in gym had such nice cocks to, they’d be delicious.

The act of being dominated fills you with pleasure, to feel your master’s cum gives you the greatest joy.’  

‘The act of being dominated fills me with pleasure, to feel my master’s cum gives me the greatest joy.’ he was leaking so much pre.  

You need to be free and naked, wearing any clothing besides your collar drives you mad.’

‘I need to be free and naked, wearing any clothing besides my collar drives me mad!’ his nipples were hard just from the fabric of the shirt rubbing against them. His cock and balls were itching to be free of the tight confines.   

You live to serve your master and his mates.’

‘I live to serve my master and his mates.’ he was so hard it hurt.  

Serving your master gives you pleasure.’

‘Serving my master gives me pleasure.’ his hole was twitching like crazy, he needed to be filled with dick.  

Who is a good pet?’

‘Me!’ he was drooling a little.  

Who is your master?’

‘Jaden Yuki!’ he was so close!  

Good boy!’ that did it, to be priased by his master pushed Harrington over the edge and he came into his tiny shorts. ‘Now get going I will retrieve you later. Repeat the pet’s mantra until I get you.’

‘Yes master,’ Harrington walked off. ‘To submit is pleasure, the more pleasure you have the more you listen, the more you listen the more you obey. To obey is to serve, to serve is to be a good boy, and being a good boy is to submit.’ This was a vicious cycle, a never ending loop and the more it repeated the hornier and needier he got. With each step he felt like he was going crazy, by the time he made it to the locker rooms he had cum running down his legs. His insides felt so hot, an itch needing to be scratched so deep.  

The hypnosis would fix Harrington up right, his powerful hypnosis took him over in seconds. He had completely weaved Harrington’s mind in seconds and none of the spectators were none the wiser.   

To be continued


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