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Yugioh Parody: Patreon Reward


Yugi 3.5 Inches Soft 7.5 inches Hard

Joey 2 inches

Tristan 3 inches

Chap 3 Deck Scales

Tristan had fit right in with Yugi and Joey. He didn’t move in with them even when he gave Yugi his anal virginity. It would be too cramped in Yugi’s current living condition, and even if he slept over he usually took a futon on the floor. He was very considerate, making sure they got their own alone time, and gave them space. At least four times a month Yugi would have them all share a bed, saying it was family bonding.  

They were currently in Yugi’s bed, Tristan getting spitroasted between the two. Yugi was pounding his massive 7.5 incher in and out of his hungry hole, meanwhile...Tristan had Jory’s cock and balls in his mouth, his tongue rolling over the balls, as Joey’s pre spilled off into his mouth and down his throat. Tristan slurped and sucked on his long time friend, moaning as he gets pounded. ‘This...is...awesome!’ his nose is buried in his friend’s crotch, taking in his manly musk with each intake of air. His tiny tool twitching in excitement, pre overflowing and dripping onto the sheets.  

Yugi’s thrusts are rough and fast, making Tristan’s penis bounce and bob along with his balls. He moans around Joey’s crotch, making the blonde moan in kind. The two start making out, over Tristan’s body, Yugi swallowing Joey’s moans. Tristan cums first, then Joey, last but not least Yugi. Tristan swallows Joey’s fresh man milk, gulping it down eagerly, continuing to suck on his cock to milk him of more cum. The brunette’s cum splatters the ground as his inner walls clamping down on Yugi’s thrusting cock. His soft inner walls gave him a hard grip, and Yugi’s cock swelled as he came. He buries himself down to the root letting Tristan’s ass hug every inch as he cums inside him deep.  

The boy was still hard and Joey was still excited to get his turn. He lays on his back, grabbing his legs and pulling them up to his chest. Yugi lines up his hard wet cock and slips inside. “Ahh Yugi!” the boy chuckles, hands playing with Joey’s nips as he pounds into Joey’s well used hole. The blonde is panting and moaning in no time, body trembling each time his cock was buried deep inside. His toes curled as the big rod stirred up his insides.  

“Man you two are so hot together!” Tristan watches, playing with a nipple with one hand, his cock with the other. He watched his friend get fucked silly, seeing his expression fall deeper and get more twisted by lust. The blonde was drooling towards the end, his climax hitting hard, his cum shooting all over his face, pecs, and stomach, the remainder of his seed spilling over his crotch. Yugi moans and came deep inside Joey, his hot cum making Joey shiver as it filled him up to the brim. Tristan moaned as he came all over his teasing hand.  

“I’m gonna grab a shower, wanna join me?” Yugi asked, pulling his soft cock from Joey’s hole. The blonde whined at the loss.  

“Maybe later, once I can feel my legs.” he chuckles, Yugi smiles and gives them both a kiss before heading off to shower. The two lay back in Yugi’s bed, sighing in bliss.  

“You know man, you look really happy.” Tristan says.  

“I am, Yugi is so good to me.” he blushes. “It sucks it took me so long to find happiness.”  

“Hope I’m not cramping your style.” Tristan says blushing.

“Nah man, it’s been really great having you here to.” Joey gives him a smile.  

“Thanks.” he smiles back. “I think we both might be voyeurs and exhibitionists.” he laughs.  


Things were taking the turn for the better with the latest game sweeping the world Duel Monsters, a creative card game that gave people the chance to earn prize money and titles, with their skills. Yugi, liking games started to play even building his own deck. He also taught Joey and Tristan how to play.  

Yugi started entering local tournaments winning money and treating his lovers. Not ones to be totally spoiled the two demanded to learn how to play so they could earn some cash themselves. The boys had just finished gym, they were in towels ready to hit the showers. “Man Duel Monsters is a tough game.” Joey says while trying to fix his towel.

“How many duels did you lose to Yugi this time?” Tristan asked.  

“Ten,” he sulked. “No matter I’ll get better with practice!” he says confidently and marches towards the showers. Someone was coming out and they crash into each other.  

“Wheeler! Watch where you are going!” Seto Kaiba, a rich boy, he was tall and fit, and had a rotten attitude, he socialized with no one. It seemed he certainly wasn’t shy, as he came into the locker rooms dripping wet with a towel over his shoulder. He let his 9 inch dick hang free, it was a power play he liked flaunting his huge tool in front of the other guys, it gave him a rush.

Joey gasped as his towel fell off when he was knocked back, exposing his tiny tool to the room. Kaiba stared at his crotch. “Damn Wheeler, I always knew you were pathetic but with a piece like that can you even call yourself a man?” he laughed and Joey blushed, going to hide himself.  

“Leave him alone Kaiba.” Yugi says.  

“Yugi...” he glares, but quickly puts on a fake smile. “I’ve heard you’ve been making quite the name for yourself in the dueling circuit. You shouldn’t bother defending weak trash like him.”  

“Kaiba!” Yugi snapped. “Apologize to Joey now!”  

“And if I refuse?” he pointed at Joey. “Why should I lower myself to apologize to someone who’s barely a man.”  

“Kaiba!” Yugi growled.  

“Heh, you’ll learn soon enough that without power you are nothing. This is true even of Duel Monsters, without power you will never win.” he walked off laughing. Despite his laugh Kaiba wasn’t too pleased with Yugi standing up to him, he had the perfect way to punish him and continue with his plans.

Yugi didn’t know what Kaiba was planning, but he soon found out. Kaiba put an offer in at the Game Shop, Solomon didn’t want to sell, business was doing well, but Kaiba was adamant. Kaiba was actually after something at the Game Shop. Solomon had in his possession the Legendary Blue Eyes White Dragon. It had the highest base ATK for monsters in current game. He wanted the card, and ownership of the shop so he could replace it with something bigger grander, and if Yugi suffered from having to move then so be it.  

Solomon continued to refuse to sell, so Kaiba put leans on Solomon’s suppliers. Solomon informed Yugi of what was happening. “That creep I can’t believe Kaiba would go this far.” Joey says angrily.  

“I don’t think this will stop anytime soon.” Yugi says. ‘A man like Kaiba is consumed by power, he’s not gonna stop until he gets what he wants.’ Yami tells him.

It wasn’t long till Solomon received a call from Kaiba, offering a wager, a duel if Kaiba lost he’d give up on the game shop and stop interfering with the business but if he won he’d have the shop and the card. “Get ready Old Man!”  

“Hold on!” Yugi rushed to the scene, Joey and Tristan behind him. “Grandpa let me duel him.”  

“You?” Kaiba laughs. “I’ve seen you duel at school, you don’t stand a chance against me.”  

“The deck I use at school is just a test deck to help train Joey and Tristan. I will face you with my real deck!” Yugi brought out his cards. “But Kaiba, this duel is more than just for the game shop, should you lose you will face punishment for your actions.”  

“Heh, interesting you think you can punish me? Fine, but if you lose, you will become my slave.”  


“Yugi!” Solomon, Joey, and Tristan gasped.  

“The Game Shop is our home, and Kaiba insulted Joey I will not forgive him.”  

The duel was not a normal one, as Kaiba had them using state of the art virtual dueling system. “I’ll start things off.” He summoned the Hitatsu-Me Giant. Yugi was surprised at the Hologram, it made the monsters look so real.  

2000 points.       

The early rules of duel monsters were simple, to allow new duelists to get used to their cards and learn how to use them and their abilities. If a player is unable to summon a monster then an opponent can make a direct attack.  

The sight of a real monster, had Solomon’s heart racing, which wasn’t a good thing. “I’ll take him outside for some air, if he worsens I’ll get him to the hospital.” Tristan takes Solomon away leaving Joey to watch the fight.  

“I’ll start things off with this, Magician of the Fortress!” A young looking magician in light armor and a wooden staff appeared. ATK 1400 DEF 1200. “Next I activate the spell card Supply Squad. Now attack Magician of the Fortress Fire Ball Attack!” The young mage summoned a fire ball and blasted the giant.  

Kaiba 1800  

“Now when my Magician destroys a monster by battle it gains 200 ATK and DEF.”  

Magician of the Fortress: 1600 ATK and 1400 DEF Boost

“Yeah!” Joey cheers.  

Mokuba Kaiba, Seto’s younger brother comes into the room. “Big brother!”  

“Not a bad move Yugi, but the game is just starting.” He summons Sagi the Dark Clown, then powers him up due to the spell card Negative Energy Generator. It’s ATK became tripled.  

Sagi ATK 1800

“Attack with Dark Light!” the clown blasts Yugi’s magician.  

Yugi: 1800  

“My spell card activates, since you destroyed one of my monsters I get to draw a card.” he draws. Yugi’s deck was a mix of magician spell and trap cards, with a few warriors in the mix as well. Yugi looks over his hand and a plan is already forming in his head. He’s forced to play defensive for two turns, Kaiba destroying Yugi’s monsters allowing him to draw more cards. “Yes! I summon Magician of Scales Libra!”  

A mage appeared on the field, he wore dark blue robes and he carried a large wouldn’t staff with a golden scale at the end, on the scale were two orbs one red the other blue.  

ATK 1500 DEF 1500

“Another weak magician, it can’t stand up to the power of my Dark Clown.”  

“You think so huh? Let’s just see! Libra attacked with Scale of Battle!” the red orb glowed and Yugi’s monster released a magic energy blast at Sagi. Much to Kaiba’s shock his monster got destroyed.  

Kaiba: 1300

“But how?!”  

“When my magician attacks an opponents monster he is able to shift the scales, gaining half of the targeted monster’s ATK points.” His magician smiled as he sported 2300 ATK points. “Next I activate the spell Card Battle Scale: This card changes the position of the monsters on the field.” His magician switched to defense mode.  

“You’ve played a good game Yugi, but it’s time you faced my true power!” It was Kaiba’s turn and he summoned Blue Eyes White Dragon. “What!?”

“No way! I saw that card in Grandpa’s shop.”  

“The legendary Blue eyes White Dragon, only four were made, I planned to take the card from your grandfather once I got the shop.”  

“So you could add it to your deck?”

“No, so I could destroy it, I already have the other 3, and once that remaining card is destroyed no one can match my power!” he laughed. “This match is over, there’s not a card in your deck that can stand up to my dragon’s power. Soon I’ll have your Grandpa’s shop, and you’ll be my slave!”

Libra had an ability in defense mode that allowed him to boost his DEF when attacked by half of the attacking monster’s DEF. Against the dragon’s overwhelming power it wasn’t enough, though Yugi’s life points were sparred. Since his monster was destroyed by battle Yugi got to draw another card. “First I activate Swords of Revealing Light!” Yugi had three turns to execute his plan, he just hoped he had the right cards. He set two cards face down, then activated his spell card. “Card Balance: This card allows me to return any number of cards to my deck, shuffle and redraw the same number of cards.” He returned 4 and got 4 back. ‘Yes!’  

He summoned Swordsman of Scales: ATK 1600 DEF 1600

“Ha, what can that pipsqueak do?” Kaiba set a face down, and that was the first turn of swords. Yugi drew and summoned the Dark Magician. With a mighty 2500 ATK, but it didn’t compare to Kaiba’s dragon.  

“You’ll find out in two turns Kaiba.” He ended his turn.  

Kaiba drew. “Hehehe, I’ll find out right now Yugi.” he revealed his face down, Dust Tornado. It blew away Yugi’s swords. “Now I summon my second Blue Eyes!” the second dragon appeared on the field. Both roared. “Now my first dragon attacks your swordsman.”  

The dragon fired a stream of white light. It struck Yugi’s swordsman but he wasn’t destroyed. “My Swordsman of Scales has a special ability, once per turn he can halve his points depending on the mode he’s in to remain on the field.” DEF 800

“Then he won’t survive me other dragon’s attack, go Blue Eyes!” the second dragon fired and blasted the swordsman to ash. Since he was in defense mode Yugi took no damage. “No more running Yugi, I play Valley of the Broken Shield: This field spell makes it so neither player can go into defense mode, if any monsters are set in face down defense mode they are destroyed.”  

“Oh man, Yugi’s life points are in danger now.” Joey comments.  

‘Will I be able to pull it off.’ Yugi thinks. He’d gotten 2 cards, one from his draw phase another from his Supply Squad. He had a couple of monsters, but they weren’t apart of his plan, losing Swords of Revealing Light was a big loss, but if he could hold out. ‘I can do this!’  

“I’ll set two cards face down, then I activate one of my face downs.” one of the earlier cards was raised up. “Battle Balance, for this turn neither of our monsters can be destroyed by battle, but in exchange for this turn they switch ATK points.”  

“What?!” Kaiba gasped. His dragon was drained and Dark Magician was rocking the 3000 ATK. He blasted the dragon and Kaiba took damage.  

Kaiba: 800

Yugi ended his turn, and the stats returned to normal. Kaiba drew. “Your tricks won’t save you Yugi, Blue Eyes destroy his Dark Magician!”  

“I still got a few tricks up my sleeve, like this!” One of his face downs flipped. “Guard Balance, for this turn my monster cannot be destroyed by battle.” Dark Magician was able to survive the attack, but Yugi’s life points took a hit. Kaiba wasted no time blasting his magician with his other dragon.  

Yugi: 800

Yugi drew his card, and set a card face down and ended his turn. Kaiba had Yugi’s magician blasted.  

Yugi: 300

“You are gonna lose Yugi, soon you will be my slave! If you are still not sure of this.” He entered his main phase 2 and summoned his third Blue eyes White Dragon.  

“You shouldn’t get so cocky Kaiba because I have a trap!” Shadow Balance was revealed. Since Kaiba summoned a monster and controlled more monsters than him, the conditions were met. “Since I have no monsters on my side of the field Shadow Balance destroys all three Blue Eyes!” The giant scale scooped up Kaiba’s dragons and smashed them.  

“My dragons!” Kaiba was shaking. “Yugi...you will PAY!” Kaiba slapped down a monster reborn bringing back his Blue Eyes. “You don’t have a card in your deck that can beat me!”  

Yugi drew thanks to Supply Squad, and drew for his Draw Phase. “Sorry Kaiba you are wrong, because all the pieces have fallen into place.” Yami smiled. ‘Do it!’  

“You are bluffing!”  

“Let’s see shall we. First I activate Soul Balance: This fusion card allows me to fuse two monsters, either in my hand, on the field, or in the graveyard, the condition being both cards must share the same space.” From his graveyard Libra on one side, and Dark Magician on the other. “Now bare witness because I summon Dark Magician of Scales!”  

He looked like dark magician but he was wearing dark blue robes, and his staff gained an additional scale to it. ATK 2800 DEF 2800  

“By sacrificing two of my spell cards, I can activate my Magician’s Special power.” he had one face down, and his supply squad. Destroying the two cards filled the scales, and the orb lit up. “Now my magician can halve your monster’s ATK!”  

“No it’s not possible!” His dragon was weakened again.  

“Dark Magic Attack!” The magician blasted the dragon turning him to dust, and Kaiba’s life points dropped to 0.  

“No this can’t be, my monsters had the power!” Yugi’s puzzle began to glow.  

“It is time for your punishment Kaiba! You mocked Joey, refused to apologize, and attacked my family!” The millennium symbol appeared on his forehead. “Take this Ha!” In a flash of power, Kaiba’s dark mind was shattered and his clothing shredded leaving him bare ass naked.  

Kaiba gasped as Yugi summoned the millennium scale. It’s powers rippled through the room, Kaiba’s cock stood erect twitching as the energy washed over him. ‘This is for Joey!’ Yugi thinks. The scale shifts and Kaiba moans.

Heat washes over his length, it was like an invisible hand was pumping him. “What is this feeling, ohh?” his cock tingled like he was having an orgasm, but nothing came out. Kaiba didn’t realize it yet, but he just lost an inch of his cock, his now 8 incher twitched in delight. Joey gasped as he felt heat wash through his crotch, his two incher growing into a nice three incher.

‘This is for your attitude!’ He drew Kaiba’s size towards him.   Inch after inch was sapped away from the brunette, three inches was sucked away, and Yugi’s hard on size grew by three inches.

Now Kaiba noticed. “What’s happening my cock, what are you doing to my cock?” His 5 incher throbbed and twitched overflowing with pre. His rage soon ended as pleasure pumped through his veins.  

‘This is for attacking my home and family!’ The scale shifted some more and Kaiba moaned as his cock shrank another 3 inches, with each inch it felt like having an orgasm. The brunette was drooling, his now tiny tool twitching. “Time to learn your lesson Kaiba, Ha!” his power sealed Kaiba’s size.  

The brunette came hard, harder than he ever had in his life, his cum splattered his deck, the dueling console, before he fell to his knees and he started cumming all over himself. His big balls felt so hot, and his dick continued erupting.  

Kaiba drenched himself from head to toe in semen, his toned body was bathed white, his nipples were hard from the overwhelming pleasure. Kaiba was changed inside as well as out, his inner walls were hot and tingly, becoming more sensitive. Now just the open air brushing against his hole had the tight pucker parting twitching for cock. Yugi’s soft cock grew in it’s final state.

The light faded and Mokuba gasped seeing his brother bare ass naked and covered in cum. “Seto!” he ran over, but his brother was in no state to respond, currently riding the waves of orgasm.  

Yugi breathed a sigh of relief. The duel could have gone either way, if Kaiba had used Dust Tornado on his Supply Squad would have made him have set backs. Drawing the extra cards helped give him the options he needed.

Kaiba was at least a man of his word, Solomon’s card supplies were open and his business was picking up. Kaiba was absent from school. Yugi wondered if he was okay. “Don’t worry about him Yugi, he’s probably just butt hurt over his loss.” Yugi nods.  


Yugi had no idea what events his victory over Kaiba set off.  

To be continued


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