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The Seven Deadly Sins Parody: 


Meliodas’ Life With Monster Boys

Meliodas is a young bar owner just trying to live his life. Yet the world he lives in is not normal, monsters exist, a whole continent of various monster species. In order to keep the world peaceful the government started the interspecies exchange act, allowing monsters to visit the human lands and learn how to fit in with society. It was on a whim that Meliodas signed up to be a host family.  

Chapter 1 Lamia in the House

Meliodas is a young bar owner, he worked hard to get his business, and it did alright. His job could be quite festive at times, stressful in others. The Boar Hat, was his pride and joy, but he couldn’t carry it with him.  

He returned home to an empty house. “I’m home!” he says, turning on the lights. “Not that there is anyone here.” he chuckles. As much as Meliodas hated to admit, there were things missing in his life. For one he can’t cook, the food always looked tasty but one bite you could tell it was awful, even his frozen dinners he managed to ruin somehow. He liked to offer a good meal at his bar, but he couldn’t make one for himself.  

After a long shower he dried off and sat on his couch. Turning on the TV he was hit with the news flash talking about the latest updates to the Interspecies Exchange Act. “Well the first Interspecies Band has made it to number 1 on the charts. Such talent is all in thanks to the Interspecies Exchange Bill that was passed just a few years ago.” the reporter says. “This past month has brought many great changes to the bill, including the marriage act, allowing a human and monster to marry. We had our first Monster Marriage it was a gorgeous event.”  

“They look happy.” Meliodas didn’t have any complaints against the bill, he got human and monster customers in his bar and boy could monsters really drink. Every stations had commercials asking for Host Families to take in an exchange student. He flipped through his channels as he finished his drink, once it was gone he turned the TV off and headed to bed.  

Meliodas sighed. ‘Maybe it would be nice to be a host family.’ he thinks. He called and made some arrangements, first came the remodel, he was fine with that, many businesses had to remodel to accommodate liminals. He had the renovations done on his bar.  

The remodel was fast and well done, now it came down to meeting his monster. His exchange coordinator was a weird one, she seemed eccentric, just looking in her eye you could almost see wheels turning in her mind. She handled the most unique cases.  


“I think this host family is gonna be perfect for you.” Merlin was driving a car towards Meliodas’ address.  

“That’s what you said last time, and the time before that.” red scales shifted in the back. “Face it, no one wants me.”  

“Don’t say that, I know the last few homes have been difficult.” Many of the commercials for liminals often showed the cute and cuddly monsters, so when some of the not so cuddly types showed up they didn’t exactly receive a warm welcome.  

Difficult was an understatement. Two families rejected him at the door, the two that actually took him in were always scared of him, after a week they were sending him back. The last one sold him to a shady guy who was a crook and just wanted him to steal for him. Just wanting to belong he obeyed, and when his host got caught he pinned everything on him. It wasn’t good but Merlin swooped in and cleared everything up.  

“I promised you I’d find you a good home, this is the one!” she says. “Here we are.” She pulled up to Meliodas’ house and the blonde came out.  

The liminal peeked out of the van. ‘He’s cute! He looks so young though.’  

“Meliodas-kun it is good to see you again.” they shook hands.  

“Yo, Merlin so is he here? Is he invisible?”  

“Yes, he’s here,” she turned back. “Ban, get out here now!” she calls.  

“Fine, don’t rush me.” he says, but is still hesitant of stepping out. ‘I can’t do this, not again!’  

“Ah so he’s in there.” Meliodas ran over, and Ban slinked to the back. ‘Here it comes.’ he braced himself for a scream, an insult, anything negative. “Why don’t you come out so I can see you?” It was quite dark in the van.  

“No way!” Ban hissed. “I’m not coming out just so I can get insulted and sent back. Just leave me alone!”

“Then I’ll just come in and see for myself.” Meliodas got into the back of the van. “Oh wow!”  

Ban gasps as his tail was touched. Meliodas was touching him, feeling up his tail, and it felt good. Meliodas’ hands were so warm, feeling up his dark red scales. They roamed over his lengths and lengths of tail. “So you are a lamia, that’s so cool.” Meliodas smiled, his tone happy and honest. No one had called him cool before.  

“You aren’t scared of me?” Ban found himself asking, slipping out of the shadows.  

Meliodas whistled. “Those hips!” he fondles Ban’s hips, making the lamia shiver. “That butt!” he gropes Ban’s ass, making a grin spread over Ban’s face. “Sexy abs and pecs.” his hands roam over the abs, Ban was rocking the six pack. Those hands moved up and groped his fine pecs.  

“Ohhhh!” Ban moaned, tossing his head back, his nipples hardened, and Meliodas toyed with the perky buds. “Ahh!” his head rolled back, body shaking, his tail was wagging he was so excited.  

‘Oh god, is this really happening, they are coming out!’ he started to drool, his sheath opened up and out slipped two hard cocks. They stood side by side, with a hefty girth. “Mmm!” Ban moaned as his cocks became exposed to open air.  

Another whistle, the hands left his nips, trailing down to his raging erections. “Two dicks! Nice!” Ban wasn’t expecting such touch, as the firm hands gripped his cocks and gave them a stroke he lost it.  

“Ahhh!” he came hard, two streams of cum launching through the air. Ban’s heart was racing, he felt warm and tingly every inch of him. He went slack, as his orgasm washed through him, it lasted for several minutes. Meliodas supported him.  

“Not scary at all.” He carried Ban out of the truck on his own. Merlin was impressed at how Meliodas handled Ban.  

Ban’s lamia form was quite large, his scales covered his hips and pelvis, but his ass was on full display. He had sharp pale blue hair and red eyes. He was toned, well muscled, and heavy.  

Meliodas was able to lift him up, showing his own unique strength. He carried Ban into his new home. He brought him to the couch laid him out, and got 3 blankets to cover him with. Lamias were cold blooded, so he wanted to make sure Ban stayed warm.  

He met with Merlin and finished the paperwork. “I’ll leave him in your hands.”  

“Thanks, I’ll take good care of him.” he smiles.  

“I trust you are aware, the bill has gotten looser with it’s rules, but if you wish to start an intimate relationship you both will need to fill out the proper paperwork, failure to do so will be met with disciplinary action.” Meliodas sweat dropped and nodded.  

She left and Meliodas returned to the living room. Ban was fast asleep, snoring as he laid out in the couch. Meliodas couldn’t help but chuckle and move over to him. He lifts the male’s head and places it in his lap.  

He pets his head, running his fingers through soft hair. Ban relaxes, letting the touch and Meliodas’ scent sooth him deeper into slumber. The blonde eventually drifted off, the male’s snores not bothering him in the slightest.  

-x-Later that Night-x-

Ban came to. ‘Oh crap I fell asleep.’ his eyes widen and he sees where he is. His cheeks redden, and he feels warm and safe. Looking down he sees the blankets carefully wrapped around his tail. ‘He actually sat with me?’  

One of his former hosts claimed his snoring was loud and unpleasant. “Glad to see your up.” The blonde yawns and stretches. “If you’re hungry I can order take out, or if your feeling brave you can try some of my cooking though I’m not the best cook though.” he chuckles.  

Ban’s stomach rumbled. “I’d like to try it, your cooking.” he sits up and let’s Meliodas stand.  

“Alright, let’s do this!” he cooks up some food and Ban watches. No one had cooked for him before. The food was set and Ban sat at the table. Rice, chicken, some meat, it looked amazing. He takes a bite and freezes. “It’s awful isn’t it?”  

Ban starts to cry, and he takes another bite. “Hey, if it’s bad you don’t have to eat it. I’ll order us take out.” Ban continues to eat, tears rolling down his face.  

“It’s so good.” he says. A Lamia’s taste buds are 1/10 of a humans. Even Meliodas’ terrible cooking can taste good to a lamia. All the flavors that someone would find gross don’t even register.  

“Finish up and I’ll show you around.” Ban finishes his plate and gets the tour. The kitchen and dining room were two rooms made into one with the remodel. The living room was huge, with larger furniture to accommodate Ban’s size. The flooring was reinforced even having a low level heater in them, giving the floor a nice warm feel that felt amazing. The bathroom was made much bigger,  his bathroom was given an add on dividing the toilet from the bathing half. All he used to have was a shower, now he had 3 showers and a massive tub for soaking and bathing. Ban was given his own room. “Here’s your room, we can get some stuff for you to put in.”  

Right now there was just a bed and a dresser. “My room is down the hall, we have an attic but it’s mostly used for storage.” he placed his hands on his hips. “Well this is your home now, welcome home Ban.”  

The male grinned. “Thank you!” he hugged the smaller male. They turned in for the night but Ban wasn’t able to sleep. His heart was pounding and he felt excited. ‘Is this love?’ he thinks. The blonde’s face appeared in his mind and his heart skipped a beat.  

He slips out of bed, and out of his room and heads to Meliodas’. Knock knock

“Meliodas?” the door creeks open and he pears into the blonde’s room. “Mmm, Ban?” the blonde sits up his blankets falling revealing his muscled form, so much muscle compacted in his body.  

Ban felt excited, his hard 8 inchers slip out of his sheath. “I can’t sleep, can I sleep with you tonight...” he blushed. “I mean in your bed.”  

“Sure come on in.” The lamia slithers inside and joins the blonde in bed. Meliodas was only in a pair of boxers, which hugged his form tightly. The blonde’s cock made a sexy outline in the garment, and part of his cock was even peeking out of the leg hole. ‘So big!’      

He snuggled into Meliodas’ warmth and his scent washed over him. The manly aroma was heavenly, he closed his eyes and shuddered in bliss. Meliodas embraced him and pulled him close. “Hey Ban,” the blonde spoke. “I’m really happy you are here.”  

Ban smirked. “Me to.”  

To be continued...Lamia Date


Lord Zero 1606

Don't really know the characters, but I really love this kind of fanfics. Hope to see this one getting continued.