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Bleach Parody: Tier 1


Chap 2  

Grimmjow was gone. He didn’t come back, Ichigo would stay up for hours hoping Grimmjow would come back. He couldn’t sense him at all, which wasn’t uncommon normally, but Grimmjow was so strong Ichigo was always able to find him. ‘What if he’s hurt, or worse...’ he didn’t know what to do. ‘Grimmjow...Grimmjow...Grimmjow...’ he cried missing him greatly. First his mother, than Grimmjow, it was like he was losing everyone precious to him. ‘Why am I so weak?’  

A few years later Ichigo met a man named Urahara. Upon meeting the man, he could tell there was something different about him. He wasn’t human that was for sure. When he approached him Ichigo summoned up his barrier. “Oh, that’s a mighty fine power you have there.”  

“What do you want?” Ichigo asks, not dropping his guard. “If you can see it, then that means you aren’t human.”  

“Pretty smart there as well.” he opened his fan and smiled at him. “I have an offer for you Ichigo.” In a flash something zipped by Urahara cutting his cheek.  

“How do you know my name?” Ichigo asked, his spiritual power flaring up.  

“Easy, easy, I’m a friend of your mother and father, Kisuke Urahara.” Ichigo’s power calmed down. His father had mentioned this guy before. “So you’ve heard of me? Excellent!” he closed his fan. “I would like to help you hone your power.”  

“You...can help me get stronger?”  

“Yes, your power is still very raw, once honed you can do so much more.” Ichigo thought about it, but soon agreed. The years passed and Ichigo honed his skills, he did his best not to think about Grimmjow, with each passing year he feared the male was truly gone. It fueled his drive to protect what he had, his father and his sisters, and his friends.  

Urahara was truly impressed with his skills. He knew the depth of Ichigo’s powers, but he had no idea the boy would manifest them as a fullbringer. He was able to manifest small spirits, that were the embodiment of his power. Tsubaki was the embodiment of his Fullbringer power, and his main offense, he looked like a ninja, wearing all black and red but had a white scarf. His healing power was represented by a blonde male spirit named Shuno, he wears a red kimono with a yellow trim. His defense power was represented by the spirit Ayame, she wears a pink kimono with a white trim, and has a large red cloak that covers her entire body like a dome.  

Ichigo didn’t know it, but his mother was a quincy, his father is a shinigami, and when his mother was young, her soul became tainted by a hollow. The trifecta of powers were passed directly into Ichigo. His hollow powers were represented by a tiny spirit named Shiro, he was like a mini Ichigo, but he had pale white skin, black and gold eyes, wild white hair, and he wears a white with a black trim kimono. His shinigami power was represented by a brown haired spirit, wearing a white coat with a purple fur collar and trim, he had markings around his eyes, he could make spiritual threads, and seemed to be kido based. His quincy powers manifested as a tiny spirit with dark hair, wearing orange glasses, and he wore a dark coat. He fired arrows of golden light, and they weren’t like quincy arrows that destroyed hollows these arrows could purify. ‘It seems his powers support each other, blending and making up for the weaknesses of others.’  

The only spirit Urahara was concerned about was Shiro, it’s power and presence was similar to the hollow that attacked Masaki. It was no doubt one of Aizen’s creations so there was no telling what that man created.  


Grimmjow was pissed, almost 10 years, he’d been away from Ichigo for almost 10 years. He was furious but he was alive. Aizen had experimented on him and his pack, trying to create arrancars. They were his success stories, their masks were removed partially, and they gained human appearances. Their powers had grown stronger certainly, they had obtained shinigami powers as well. It was a new door for them, but Grimmjow was not pleased, not happy being used as some sort of experiment.  

Even with his new power he was not strong enough to beat Aizen. More hollows were found, those that had achieved the status of Vasto Lorde, when awakened as arrancar their powers easily drawfed his own. Among the arrancar the 10 strongest were known as the espada. He was espada number 6. Grimmjow trained, trying to gain new strength so he could escape and return to Ichigo.  

After losing to Aizen he was happy to be alive, but by becoming an arrancar Aizen believed he owned him. Arrancar were not allowed to leave Hueco Mundo, by Aizen’s order. As much as Grimmjow wanted to tell Aizen to fuck off, the man’s power was terrifying. ‘Ichigo I’m sorry!’ he missed the orangette terribly. Not a day went by that Grimmjow didn’t think of him.  

He often wondered, as the days turned to weeks, weeks to months, if Ichigo still thought about him, or if he thought he was dead. ‘Would he cry for me?’ he thought, he didn’t like that. The thought of Ichigo crying because of him, it made his soul ache. He wanted to go there, and tell him he was okay. That’s when another thought occurred to him. ‘Would he even recognize me now?’  

In both body and spirit Grimmjow had been changed, his spiritual pressure shifting as he gained shinigami powers. There was no going back, this is who he was now, the Sixth Espada, an arrancar. Though this new body did awaken certain possibilities. He was a man now, well he was always a man, but now he was human, had human form. ‘I could be with Ichigo.’ his heart started to race, his blood pumping and heading south.  

As months turned to years Grimmjow’s desire to see Ichigo only grew. He fantasized about the man Ichigo would become, he wanted to know how he would look when he became undone by pleasure, pleasure he gave him. He needed to hear him, to hear him say his name again, whisper it lovingly, or moan it with arousal and need. Ichigo was cute, he could almost see the beautiful creature Ichigo would become. He could almost taste his power, the boy had so much and freely gave, but older he could draw out Ichigo’s power in better ways.  

After a point there wasn’t a night Grimmjow wasn’t spending his alone time with his hand wrapped around his cock. His heavy 12 incher pulsed and throbbed in his hand, images of an older Ichigo danced in his mind, his dreams and fantasies continued to grow hotter and more wild, and the need and want to see Ichigo grew more intense. As his pre spilled over his length he pumped himself faster and faster, imagining filling Ichigo’s hot little hole. “Ichigo!” he howled.  

He came spraying his seed all over himself, his heavy balls releasing his potent seed in long ropes, it splattered his face, neck, pecks, abs, the rest spilling over his crotch. He collected his man milk and licked it up. ‘I wonder what Ichigo taste’s like.’ he licks his lips. Grimmjow got creative in his alone time, going as far as to suck his own dick, imagining Ichigo doing it. Oh yes, Grimmjow was quite flexible, he was able to suck at least 6 inches of his monster no problem.  

Such a sight to see, Grimmjow curved, his 6 pack flexing perfectly to allow him access to his manhood. It was good practice, he wanted to please Ichigo to after all. He didn’t know the boy’s size but that didn’t stop him from fantasizing. It was a good ace in the hole whenever he didn’t want to clean up after, he’d suck himself off and finish in his mouth, not wasting a drop.   

A small part of him, wondered if Ichigo would even want him like that, sure he was a sexy beast, he knew it as he checked himself out in the mirror. His power was great, he was strong, good looking, certainly not humble, and heavily endowed. He wanted Ichigo to explore every inch of him, just as he’d explore every inch of Ichigo, he was to be his queen after all.  

Finally after so many years Grimmjow couldn’t wait anymore. ‘I need to see him just once!’ Aizen was living a double life, he didn’t stay in Hueco Mundo very long, but in his absence he left his punishment squad in place to keep the rules in order. The Exequias and Rudbornn, the arrancar was given power by Aizen himself, even the other espada and arrancar weren’t privy to his abilities. They were considered the execution squad.  

Grimmjow had his fraccion distract the Exequias so he could open a Garganta. “Grimmjow!”  

“Shit!” he cursed. He had stolen a special cloak that masked spiritual pressure, it wasn’t as advanced as Aizen’s but it was better than nothing. He dove into the garganta but he wasn’t alone, several skull soldiers chased after him. Grimmjow’s garganta opened up in Karakura Town. “Damn it you pests!” Grimmjow drew his sword, as did they. “Get out of my way!”  

Grimmjow could crush them easily, but not without releasing big waves of spiritual pressure. Rudbornn may have been Aizen’s watch dog, but if the other espadas came after him it would bring trouble. “Get out of my way!” the skulls seemed to sense his hesitation and tried to swarm him. “I’m going to see him, and you lot won’t stop me!” he growled, using sonido he dove out of their sword strikes.  

He was about to fire a cero and blow them all away in one shot when…

“Tsubaki, I reject!” Someone swooped in and in a flash destroyed all the skulls in one go.  

“Oh wow!” Grimmjow froze. The one who helped him had wild orange hair. ‘No way, it couldn’t be...’ the boy was tall and well built. ‘There’s no way this gorgeous creature could be...’

“I’m Ichigo Kurosaki, and this is my town, what are you doing here?” the tiny spirit morphed into a black sword, to which Ichigo pointed at him.  

‘Oh no, he’s hot!’ Grimmjow gulped feeling his manhood swell. He was hidden by the cloak, but not for long.  

To be continued


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