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Yugioh GX Parody: Tier 1


Centaur Jaden

Jaden lived his young life in the shadow world, a place where human’s would say duel monsters lived. Jaden himself wasn’t human he was a centaur...well half...using a shadow charm left behind by his father he is able to shift back and forth. He’s come to learn all he can fighting in the shadow world, he decided it was time to test his skills in the human world. Tier 1

Chap 1  

Jaden Yuki, a young centaur who lived in the shadow world. Most humans would say this is the world of Duel Monsters, where the ancients tapped into this world using dark magic. His skills were honed on the battle field as just as humans could tap into their world, they could tap into the human world. Monsters with higher intelligence battled through dueling, while monsters with lesser intelligence acted as wild beasts.  

He wasn’t a full centaur, his father was human his mother was centaur. Because of this with a special shadow charm crafted by his brothers he was able to shift between human and centaur form. Jaden liked dueling, but he didn’t like those who ganged up upon the weak.  

Centaurs fought with honor, and Jaden had the centaur’s pride. He has grown up brave, strong, and smart. His brothers believed he was ready to go to the human world, and explore the other side of his blood.  

Jaden was making one last run through the territory of the centaurs. Their forest was Jaden’s home, has been since the time he could walk. His brothers taught him everything he knew, how to fight, how to hunt, reading, writing, and even dueling history thanks to mystic arts. He gained other skills by passing trials from other monsters.  

“Mew Mew,” he heard.  

“Who’s there!?” Jaden calls out, he dashes forward, his hooves striking the ground, letting out a heavy sound. He followed the noise and found a Dandylion all tied up by some strange insect monsters. There were seven of them, and they had poor Dandylion all webbed up he couldn’t move or defend himself. “Hey! Leave him alone!” Jaden charged in, he scattered the bugs away with his wooden sword, they spat at him with webbing, he dodged, landing on the ground with such force the earth trembled. It knocked the bugs off their balance giving Jaden the perfect chance to strike. “Hah hah hah hah hah hah!” he finished the bugs and got Dandylion out of the webbing.  

“There you go, all safe!” the creature pounced on him and licked his cheek. “Hehehe, quit it, your welcome.” he says. The little monster purrs and nuzzles him. “Do you wanna come with me?” It nods and a glow was shared between them as Dandylion’s card appeared. Jaden took it. “Looks like I made a pretty cool friend!”  

He returned to the village to find his brothers waiting for him.  Some were crying, others were clapping. This was Jaden’s going away party in a sense. Jaden has faced many trials in his life and passed them. The older centaurs were drinking and singing. A mighty feast was brought together, and no centaurs were not herbivores, they are omnivores.  

Another fun fact about centaurs they are born with 2 cocks, one is the massive cock born onto there horse half, they also have a secondary dick in a sheath hidden where the horse and human half meet. A centaur’s body had powerful stomachs, they break down all food and convert it into energy, they didn’t produce solid waste, there holes were just for mating.  

Centaurs loved to party, even if it was a going away party. The centaur tribe leader raised his glass. “Everyone, our young Jaden will be leaving us to explore the human world, so let’s raise our glasses.” they did. “To Jaden.”

“To Jaden!” they cheered and chugged their drinks, blushes spreading across their cheeks.  

“Aww thanks guys!” he chuckles and drinks his drink. Atonne, a male centaur, blue hair, and blue horse body, he keeps his hair long and in a braid. He stood up and brought over the charm. It was a bracelet with a green gem stone.  

“This charm will allow you to take human form, it’s powers are infused with the power of nature, use it well.” he took it placing it on his right arm.    

Balla, a male centaur with red hair and red horse body, he keeps his hair short, and he has dark skin. He stepped up. “Though you leave us, we will always be with you.” he offers Jaden his deck. “We’ve put ourselves in your deck along with gathered the rewards of your trials.” Jaden takes his deck and adds Dandylion to it.  

“Thank you!” he received a hug from everyone.

Cendrio, a greed hair and green body centaur, he is well built strong arms and mighty pecs, he stepped up to Jaden. “When your father left us, he promised to provide you with means of survival on the other side.” he handed over a pack to Jaden. Inside was information, some money, and some rations. They told Jaden he could make a living by becoming a duelist, and that he was the perfect age to try and get into Duel Academy. It was a solid plan. ‘Everyone thank you so much, for everything, for raising me, teaching me, I promise I will do you proud.’ They march towards the ritual site, they carried torches and horns were sound.  

“This isn’t good bye, we’ll see each other again, and when we meet I’ll be the number one duelist.” The other centaurs cheered and Jaden activated his charm. A portal opened up, the centaur approached, taking one last look at his family, before charging forward.  

The portal closed behind him. “I wish Jaden could have stayed.”  

“This is what he wanted, he’s half human. The boy will become a marvelous duelist.”  

“It’s safer for him in the human world, now that Jaden has reached the age of maturity, it means she will come looking for him.”  

“Our best warriors have tried to stop her, but none have returned.”  

“She will not find him here. Let us pray those two will never meet.”


He found himself alone in a park, using his charm he took human form for the first time. He looked himself over, in all his naked glory. “Not bad,” it was a little weird walking with only two legs, but he got the hang of it.  

Searching his bag he found the address, he looked around, finding his bearings he soon found the small apartment. There was a letter and a key waiting for him, with the landlord. “You must be Yuki’s boy, your father doesn’t come around much, but he told me you may stop by someday.” he says, and hands Jaden the key. “You raised in the jungle or something?”  

Jaden was wearing only a loincloth, and let’s just say it did little to hide his endowments. “You could say that.” Jaden heads up to his room. He goes in and starts to read the letter.  

“To my precious son Jaden, I’m sorry I couldn’t be with you, but I made a promise to your mother that I would take care of you if you come to this world. I do a lot of traveling but I made sure this place was paid for and ready for you to use. It’s all yours, I left some supplies, clothes, and about your lifetime’s worth of money in birthdays in an account for you. It was in my travels I stumbled into your mother’s world, when I returned I wanted to go back and be with you both, but knew I had to honor my promise to your mother. Follow the path you want my son, know I both love and support you.” Jaden couldn’t help the tears that fell from his face, it was his father’s words, he could almost hear the man’s voice, though it felt like a dream. “Well I know what I want to do, I want to become a duelist!”  

His timing couldn’t be more perfect, Duel Academy was holding it’s Entrance Exams soon. First was the written exam, this was more of the qualifier, if you failed the written test you weren’t even able to take the Dueling Exam. However, if you got the number 1 spot on the written exam, and if you passed the Dueling Exam then you could take a spot in Blue.  

The written exam scores were displayed for all to see. A boy named Bastion Misawa didn’t even look for his name at the low scoring end. ‘Let’s see if I made the top spot.’ he looked at the high scores board for his name.  

His eyes landed on his name, but he didn’t have the top spot. ‘I’m second!?’ he gasps, seeing the 2 by his name. ‘Then who’s the first?’ he checks. ‘Jaden Yuki? Who’s that?’ As Bastion began his search for the boy who bested him.  

Another young boy was panicking just trying to find his name. “Oh man, oh man, I hate tests, but please just tell me if I passed.” This was Syrus Truesdale, and he had really bad test anxiety. He actually knew a lot of the answers on his test, but as son as he read the question it seemed to leave his mind, then the pressure built up making it worse.  

A hand lands on his shoulder, and he jumps. “Ahhgghh!” he cries out.  

“Whoa easy there, are you alright?” Syrus turns and sees Jaden. ‘Oh wow!’ he blushes seeing Jaden’s handsome face, the boy had a calming air about him.  

“Oh um,” he blushes and nods.  

“Having trouble finding your name?”  

“My name is Syrus,” he says.  

“Nice to meet you, I’m Jaden. Now let’s see...” Jaden scourers the board. “Ah, there you are.” Syrus looks and blushes in embarrassment, he was in the bottom ten. ‘Oh man, he must think I’m a total loser!’  

“See that, you passed!” Jaden says with a smile.  

“I get really bad test anxiety, no matter how much I study as soon as it’s test time it’s like everything I learned flies out of my head.”

Jaden ruffles his hair. “Tests can be scary, but you got through it and you passed!” Syrus blushed. “But when that fear wells up inside you, hold onto this.” Jaden pulled out a green marble, he gave it a kiss and handed it to Syrus. “It’ll draw in all your fear.”  

Now the marble was nothing special, his dad had a bowl of them in his place. Syrus took the marble and blushed. “And if you need something extra, Jaden leaned down and captured the boy’s lips. In seconds Syrus’ brain melted.  

To be continued...Duel Exam and Placement

Centaur Deck


Centaur #1 Attonne

4 Stars

A male centaur, blue hair, and blue horse body. He keeps his hair long and in a braid. He wields a shield and sword.  

ATK 1600 DEF 1400

Effect: Gives a 400 ATK and DEF point boost to all Earth type and beast warrior type monsters.  

Centaur #2 Balla

4 Stars

A male centaur with red hair and red horse body. He keeps his hair short, and he has dark skin. He wields a bow an arrows.  

ATK 1600 DEF 1400

Effect: Each turn he deals 400 points of damage to the opponent.  

Centaur #3 Cendrio

4 Stars

Greed hair and green body and he is well built strong arms and mighty pecs. He carries a spear.

ATK 1600 DEF 1400  

Effect: Should a monster be face down in defense mode, Cendrio can destroy the monster with no effect triggered.   

Centaur #4 Dallim

4 Stars

A pink haired centaur with shoulder length hair, carries a lance and shield.  

ATK 1600 DEF 1400

Effect: When attacking a monster in defense mode, opponent will still take damage if ATK points are greater.  

Centaur #5 Elaine

3 Stars

A blonde centaur with a white horse body, carries a shield and a dagger. Thin almost feminine but still male.  

ATK 800 DEF 2000

Effect: Can attack directly, at the end of the turn can switch into defense mode.  

Centaur Priest Fauna

A golden haired, hair is long, and he keeps a lay of flowers in his hair, dark skinned centaur, with a yellow horse body. Carries a Staff

4 Stars

ATK 1500 DEF 2000

Effect: Each turn increase life points by 500 points.  

Centaur Bicorn  

White hair, dark horse body, has 2 horns coming out of his head. Carries flowers.

4 Stars

When this card destroys a monster by battle, instead of sending it to the graveyard take control of that monster. Should this card be targeted for attack, while you control an opponent’s monster you can change the target to the controlled monster.

ATK 1800 DEF 2000

Centaur Unicorn

White hair, white horse with silver hooves. Wears blue silk over his body, has a long silver horn coming out of his forehead.  

4 Stars

This card cannot be destroyed by card effects, when this card declares an attack destroy 1 spell or trap card on opponents side of the field. Once per turn you can send 1 card from your hand to destroy one spell or trap card on the field.  

ATK 1900 DEF 2000

Centaur Nightmare

5 Stars

Dark purple hair with a braid, dark purple horse body, wears a dark robe and carries a scythe.  

Effect: Once per turn you can bring back one beast warrior monster from your graveyard to the field in defense mode. If this card destroys a monster by battle can attack again. This card can negate it’s destruction by battle 1 time.  

ATK 2500 DEF 2800

Centaur White Horn

6 Stars

has long white hair, antlers, and thick brown fur horse body, wears winter clothing.  

When opponent summons a monster, this card can immediately attack it. Any monster destroyed by this card, is sent back to the opponent’s deck. This card cannot be destroyed by card effects.  

ATK 2600 DEF 3400

Heavy Centaur Roy

A bara like centaur, dark skin, thick muscles and thick horse body, long wavy dark hair. Due to his immense muscle size cannot wear armor.  

4 Stars

Earth Beast-Warrior/Effect: When this card is in defense mode and is attacked by an opponent’s monster, should this monster’s DEF be higher than the attacking monsters ATK, destroy the attacking monster after the damage step.  

ATK 1000 DEF 2600


Centaur Stampede (Quick Play)

Can be activated when 3 or more Centaur monsters are on the field, destroy all opponents monsters.  


Centaur Forest (Field)  

Increase the ATK and DEF by 400 points. So long as this card  is activated Centaur monsters cannot be effected opponent’s spell and trap cards.  


Enchanted Ropes

All Face up monsters on opponents side of the field cannot attack for 3 turns.


Nature's Blade (Equip Spell)

A Centaur that equips this card gains this effect. Each time they defeat a monster in battle attack increases by 300.  


Nature's Spear (Equip Spell)

The centaur equipped with this card gains 300 ATK points for each monster on the field.  


Nature's Shield (Equip Spell)

A centaur equipped with this card, cannot be destroyed in battle. Increase DEF by 500 points.  


Field of Charity (Continuous)  

So long a this card remains active, each player may draw 2 cards instead of 1 each draw phase.  


Enchanted Harp (Continuous)

So long as this card remains face of on the field, opponent cannot declare an attack. This card can only be activated if user has one monster, should the field be empty this card is destroyed.  


Giant's Hammer

Destroy the monster with the highest ATK on the field.   


Fairy Shield (Quick Play)

When this card is activated, no monsters on the field can be destroyed by battle or called effect, all battle damage is reduced to 0.


Storm Shelter (Quick Play)
This card can be activated whenever your opponent’s spell trap or monster effect destroys one or more of your face down cards, for the rest of the turn your spell and trap cards cannot be destroyed.  


Armor of the Centaurs

Any Centaur equipped with this card, cannot be effected by opponent’s card effects, should the monster equipped with this card be destroyed in battle destroy this card instead. Reduce the battle damage to 0.


Nature's Blessing

Increase Life points by 1000 for every Centaur on the field.  


Pot of Honor

Both Players get to draw 4 new cards.  


Golden Arrow

Randomly destroy one card in opponents hand, if the card was a monster special summon one of your own, if the card was a trap card deal 300 points of damage to opponent, if the card was a spell card increase opponent's life by 300.


Medusa’s Mirror  

Activate when an opponent declares an attack, reflect the attack back at opponent's monster and destroy it.  

Golden Lasso (Continuous Trap)

When your opponent special summons a monster activate this card. The special summoned monster’s effects are negated, it cannot attack or change it’s battle position. Halve the monster’s ATK until this card is destroyed. Should the monster effected by this card be destroyed by battle or card effect destroy this card. Should this card be destroyed by card effect destroy the afflicted monster.  

Invader’s Trap

Activates when an opponent declares an attack, destroy all face up attack position monsters your opponent controls.  

Centaur’s Pride

Activate when a Centaur monster you control is destroyed by battle or card effect, increase the ATK and DEF of all Centaur monsters on the field by 700.  

Warrior’s Drum
When a monster you control is destroyed by battle or card effect, you can special summon another monster from your deck the same level or lower.  

Horn of War

This card can be activated during either battle phase, this card forces all monsters into attack mode and all monsters must make an attack this turn.  

Centaur Sniper (Continuous Trap)

When you destroy a monster by battle, randomly destroy 1 card in your opponent’s hand. Should this card be destroyed by card effect, destroy all spell and trap cards on opponent’s side of the field.  

Forest Wine  

When your opponent summons a monster, cut their ATK in half, cannot activate monster effects this turn.  

March of the Centaurs

When this card is activated special summon as many Centaur monsters from your hand, they return to your hand at the end of the turn.  

Wrath of Nature

Inflict 400 points of damage to your opponent’s life points for each Centaur Monster in the graveyard.


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