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One Piece Parody: Tier 1: 


Chapter 11 Protecting One’s Treasure!

A large ship drew closer and closer to the Baratie, a threatening size, if not for looking like a ghost ship. The sails were wrecked, it looked like it was hit by a hurricane. The cooks of the Baratie couldn’t believe it. This was Don Krieg’s ship? If it was, where was the rest of his fleet?  

The civilians were evacuated. “You lot should leave to.” Luffy says.  

“We can’t this place, it is our home, it’s our treasure, and we’ll be the ones to defend it!” Sanji says, and the other cooks cheer.  

“We are the toughest cooks on the sea, we fight pirates for entertainment.” It was true, guests even showed up for it, dinner and a show. The wrecked ship got close enough, but this was just a distraction. Gin had returned to the ship, and retrieved his injured and on death’s door captain.  

“Please, help us!” Gin says.  Krieg was leaning against his first mate, to weak with hunger to stand for himself. His stomach was speaking louder than his words, he raised a shaky hand. “Food, please...”  

Don Krieg was sweating, he was pale, with a touch of purple. It was clear he was starving, his stomach roared demanding food.  

“Please help! He hasn’t eaten anything in days! He really will starve!” Sanji doesn’t hesitate and heads upstairs. Gin looks around, but no one moves.  

Patty laughs. “This is a riot, to see the famous Arch Rogue Don Krieg like this!”  

“We have money this time. We’re customers!” Gin says.  

“Don’t be ridiculous, oi!” he shouts at Luffy who looks up at him. “Hm?”  

“You are marines right, catch this guy and lock him up, if he wants food so bad he can have food in prison.” Luffy looks between them but doesn’t move.  

“What should we do Luffy? Don Krieg is a really dangerous pirate.” Coby explains. “It started in a prison, he pretended to be a marine soldier, and took over a navy ship by killing the senior officer.”

“He’s at his weakest now, this is a once in a life time opportunity.” Gin grits his teeth.  

“Th cook is right Luffy, he’s got a bounty on his head, there’s no telling what he’ll do after he’s eaten.” Nami says.  

“Once he’s back to normal I’m sure he’ll attack the restaurant straight away.” one of the cooks says. “Even giving him a glass of water is too dangerous.”  

“I won’t do anything...” Don Krieg says weakly. He bows his head and pleads. “Once I eat, I promise I’ll leave quietly.” Gin begged him to stop, believing his words were honorable and true.  

The cooks weren’t buying it, they knew all about Don Krieg. Sanji returns and kicks Patty out of his way, he had food and water with him. “Sanji!” He gives them food.  

“Luffy stop him!” Nami shouts. “Don’t you know who this is?”  

“I know, Foul Play Krieg, name given for his actions and cruelty, known for flying the white flag of surrender and even posing as marines to get the drop on his enemies.” Luffy says. “I know a lot about the pirates in my home sea.”  

“Knowing this, you’ll still let him eat?” Nami says shocked.  

Johnny and Yosaku look to Zoro. “I trust in Luffy, what he says goes.” he says. Don Krieg starts stuffing his face with Gin’s thanks. The cooks were in uproar talking about Krieg’s various crimes.  

Krieg slammed his drink down, silencing them. “I’d like to give my thanks.” he says and hits Sanji with a lariat. The blonde went flying, but Luffy was on it, he turned to slime and caught him. Gin was shocked at this, not about the slime but that Krieg attacked Sanji.  

The blonde blushed being in Luffy’s arms. He had hearts in his eyes as Luffy cradled him.  

“Don Krieg, this isn’t what you promised! Sanji-san saved our lives!” Krieg grabbed him by the shoulder, nearly breaking it in his hold.  

“Yes, I feel alive again.” he says as Gin cries out in pain. He’s dropped as Krieg glares at the cooks. Zoro, Johnny, and Yosaku looked ready to fight. “This is a good restaurant, I’ll take this ship!”  

“So that’s what he wants...”  

“Sanji try not to move.” Luffy reforms and stands between them.  

“My ship became a wreck, so I want a new one.” he smirks. “This one will do nicely, with this ship I’ll relaunch my fleet.” It was a sinister plan, <I could lure people in with this ship, rob them innocent, kill his enemies, hold marines for ransom. This ship is the perfect cover>  

“Huh?” it was like his inner thoughts were being broadcast.   

One of Luffy’s slimes appeared from the top of his head. He projected Krieg’s thoughts. “What the hell?” he takes the little ball of slime and smashed it to the floor, not that it did anything it reformed and slithered back to Luffy.   

“Slime Antennae, my slimes can project the thoughts of others, it’s good for interrogating pirates.” The little slime was absorbed back into Luffy.  

“So you have devil fruit powers, so what, I’ve killed your kind before.” he snaps. Typical Krieg, so arrogant in the face of anothers power. He glares at them. “You cooks can either serve me, or get the fuck off this ship, because it’s mine now!”  

Gin asked him to stop but was ignored. “There’s at least 100 of my underlings aboard that ship. They’re weak with hunger and injuries. I want you to prepare 100 meals and water for them.”

“You must be crazy, why would we feed pirates who are gonna turn around and attack our ship!” the other cooks agreed.  

“Don’t get the wrong idea, I’m not placing an order, I’m giving one. No mater who you are...don’t you dare defy me!” He shouts, shocking the other cooks. “You must be acting cocky thinking the marines are gonna protect you.”  

Gin apologized, as the other cooks cursed his foolishness. Sanji in turn gets up. “I’ll do it.” he says but the other cooks refused, pointing their weapons at him. “Don’t move Sanji!”  

“Go ahead Sanji.” The cooks looked to Luffy. “You aren’t the kind of man who can walk away from those who are hungry.” he smiles. “That’s why I like you so much!” he says and Sanji’s heart flutters. “Let him go, if they cause trouble, I’ll handle it.” He says.  

“You’ll handle it huh?” Krieg says, removing his glove to reveal a diamond encrusted gauntlet. Without warning he punches Luffy blowing his head clean off. “Don’t talk tough you brat.”  

“Luffy!” Sanji shouted. Luffy’s body doesn’t fall though, instead his head simply reforms. “I’m okay, because I’m a slime!” he says with a grin.  

“Devil Fruit powers huh? You’re just some kind of freaky monster!” he shouted throwing insults like a child who wasn’t getting his way.

Patty had enough of this and brought out a strange looking lobster canon. “I got your food right here! Meat Ball of Doom!” he fired and it hit Krieg, Luffy dodging easily with Shave. Boom!

The blast shook the restaurant but it didn’t leave a scratch on Krieg, it did reveal however the man was fitted with some kind of armor. Krieg smirked. “I’ll teach you!” Mantels flipped open on his armor, revealing guns, ten in total, and he pulls out two dual pistols. A barrage of gun fire was heard as he let loose an assault of fourteen rounds a second.  

Luffy however was faster. “Slime Wall!” A wall of slime rose up between Luffy and Krieg, blocking the barrage of gunfire. ‘But how he’s made of slime my bullets should pass right through!’ he thinks. Luffy simply smirks.   

To everyone’s surprise it was Zeff who brought the food. Krieg froze in terror. “Z-Zeff...” he stutters.  

Zeff gave him the food. “Owner Zeff, what are you thinking, they gonna attack us?!”  

“If they are fed and recover they will over take the ship!” he shouts.  

“If they have the will to fight, that is...” he says. “Right, defeated warrior of the Grand Line?” This shocked many of the cooks.  

“No way, does that mean a fleet of 50 ships couldn’t handle those waters?” Gin was clearly freaking out. ‘What hell did they witness?’ Sanji thinks.  

“So you were alive, Red Foot Zeff, an incomparable pirate both cook and captain of his ship.”

“What’s it matter to you if I’m alive, I’m no longer a pirate, just a cook now.” Krieg laughed.

“Pretty words, but isn’t it that you only can live as a chef now?” he pointed to his leg, which was peg leg now. “A master of kicks who’s lost his leg can’t possibly be a pirate any longer. To you, losing one of your legs must mean you are unable to fight.” He had heard the rumor, that he had an accident at sea, but Sanji knew the truth.  

“One leg or two doesn’t matter, so long as I have these hands I can cook.” he says. “Say what you really want.”  

“Red Foot Zeff, you are a man who went to the Grand Line and returned unhurt, what I want? I want your logbook!” Zeff twitched at that. In truth he already handed it over to Luffy, when they had gone over his past, the boy had given it back to him. ‘You should have it, it holds the pride of your crewmen you traveled with.’

“I have it, but I won’t hand it over to you.” Zeff states. “It’s too precious to give to you.”  

“You stupid old man, fine then, I’ll take it by force.” he shouts. “It’s true I fell from the Grand Line. Even if that’s the case, I’m still the strongest man!”  

‘This guy is so full of himself.’ was the shared thought between the marines.  

“It’s merely a dark sea route. To sail across it I had enough power...forces...ambition!” he says. “What I only lacked was information.” he went on a tirade about becoming great again, but in truth he just sounded insane.  

“You’ll die,” Luffy says. “The Grand Line, The New World, the One Piece, such places are not for you.” Don Krieg was about to snap, but Gin reminded him that the crew needed food quick. Krieg took the food and left.  

“I’m sorry about this, he promised he wouldn’t touch the restaurant.”  

“Gin, it’s fine, just don’t get mad when I have to beat up your fellow crew mates.” Sanji says and takes a drag on his cigarette.  

“See he’s really cool!” Luffy says, Sanji swoons. The cooks mentally prepared themselves for battle. “We have to protect this ship.”  

“Luffy, you don’t have to do this, this is our problem.” Sanji tells him and Luffy just laughs.  

“It’s our job as marines to protect the citizens of the sea. Besides I like you, if this place is special to you then I wanna protect it to.”  

“You!” Gin stands up and glares at Luffy. “You said we would die if we go back how did you know?”  

“Well I get shipped around from base to base while training, I’ve seen my share of pirates and marines alike head to the grand line and beyond. I know the dangers, and the risks that’s why I asked to be assigned here as an inspector. I wanted to find my own crew, men who I can trust, and teach them what I know so they can face the dangers ahead. When the time is right we’ll be sailing to the Grand Line to.”  

“So cool!” Johnny and Yosaku cheered.  

“You don’t get it!” Gin shouts. “There are pirates far greater than anyone can imagine in those waters. On the seventh day in the Grand Line, we ran into a monster...our fleet...all 50 ships were taken down by one man!”  

“What was his name!?” Zoro asked.  

“Dracule Mihawk!” he shouts.  


Krieg returned to his ship but he remembered it well. This one man this terror, as soon as he appeared he destroyed ship after ship, if not for a sudden storm they would have been sunk themselves. Krieg had it in his head he was chosen to survive, chosen to rebuild his armada. ‘With a new ship and that logbook I’ll have the means to return to that sea and rule it!’  


Zoro was stunned. ‘Dracule Mihawk!’ he gripped his sword tight. “Luffy, Dracule Mihawk is the man I seek to face.”  

“Oh?” he wasn’t that surprised.  

“You are crazy!” Gin shouts.  

“I seek to be the world’s greatest swordsman, that title is held by the man they call Mihawk.”  

“Dracule Mihawk is a member of the Seven Warlords, a pirate but answers the call of the marines. I’ve seen him only once.” Luffy explained.  

“You’ve seen him?!” Luffy nods.  

“I was at a base with my Grandfather, it seemed a call of the warlords was issued and a few of them came to the base. They were all quite strong, so I swore I would get even stronger!”  

“Luffy, if I fought him now, do you think I could win?” Zoro asked seriously.  

“No,” he says, shocking Johnny and Yosaku. They tried to scold Luffy for saying such things but the slime human faced Zoro. “However, if you keep training and become a 6 powers master, then...” he grins.  

“Thanks Captain,” he says.  

“Zoro is strong, you are the only one I want to be my swordsman.” Zoro blushes.  

“I won’t let you down.” he says.  

Sanji sighed. “It’s crazy if you ask me, going up against a monster like that you’ll be throwing your life away.”  

“It doesn’t matter, I’ve already sworn my life on my dream!”  

“What a fool.” Sanji says.  

“Well nobody asked you!” Zoro snapped glaring at the blonde. “Aren’t you willing to die for your dream?”  

“Don’t get me wrong I’m all for fighting to the end and dying with honor, I have a man’s pride after all. Still, chasing such a big fish when you are from a small pond, that’s why I call you a fool.” Zoro and Sanji at each other.

“You looking for a fight?” he asked, drawing one of his swords.  

“Zoro, now is not the time for this!” Coby shouts.  

“Let’s focus on the task at hand, we can focus on the future after we deal with this crisis. Krieg and his men will attack, but we have an advantage they want this ship, so they will do their best not to attack it.” Luffy and Coby began planning for battle while Johnny and Yosaku went to Zoro.  

“Zoro-bro, how can you take talk from that guy?” Johnny asked.  

“What’s so special about him?” Yosaku added.  

“Guys, Luffy is strong, stronger than me. Yet instead of mocking me, he offered his hand and opened a path I never knew was there.” he used Shave and the two gasped. “I will get stronger. This is just the first power I’ve learned, and Luffy has a lot more to teach. If I want to call myself a swordsman I’ll take the training I’ve given and sharpen my body into a fine blade!”  


Krieg’s men stuffed their faces, and regained their strength. Krieg rallied them despite them not wanting to return to the Grand Line ever. He shot the person who spoke up against it and the crew fell in line.  

Little did they know a little birdie followed them from the Grand Line.  

To be continued

Luffy Inspector 8 inches/Thick 6 Powers: 6/6  

Zoro Swordsman 9 Inches 6 Powers 1/6

Coby Cabin Boy 5 inches 6 Powers 1/6

Sanji Cook 7 inches 6 Powers 0/6

Nami 6 Powers 0/6

Johnny 6 powers 0/6

Yosaku 6 Powers 0/6

Chapter 12 Foul Play Krieg: Luffy’s Weakness?

It didn’t take long for the Krieg pirates to recover, the food was that delicious. They weren’t however exactly thrilled about Krieg’s plan to return to the Grand Line, but didn’t dare speak up. They felt the terror of the Grand Line, while Devil Fruits were close to rumors in the East Blue they were common place in the Grand Line. ‘That man must have had devil fruit powers, that’s the only explanation of how he beat us!’ he thinks. “Men, once we get the ship and the log book, we will conquer the Grand Line!”     

Krieg had promised them death when he returned and he was gonna see to it. “No Marine is gonna stop me, men bring me that ship!” he ordered.  

Nami had no intention of fighting the Krieg pirates, she was distracted by a wanted poster. Gin was trying to talk them out of all this. “You don’t understand Don Krieg, he is the strongest! He will kill you all, just run!”

“No, he won’t.” Luffy approached Gin. “Gin, you are strong, and you are very loyal. I won’t ask you to fight, but I want you to sit back and watch.” Luffy grins. “He may have all those weapons, but I’ve got something he doesn’t.”  

“What? Devil fruit power, training?” The boy’s grin grew.  

“Something to protect. I like you Gin, I don’t wanna see you die either.” he says and leaves the restaurant. Krieg and his men were preparing for battle, the Baratie’s fins were up providing plat forms to walk on.  

“Slime Boy!” Krieg shouted. “As a marine I know you have a duty to protect people and stop pirates. I wonder, can you really protect anyone with your kind of power?” he smirked. His men had loaded the canons, they were aimed at Fullbody’s ship, and the ship of the customers who had fled.  

“He wouldn’t!” Sanji gasped. “That bastard!” Zoro curses. “He would!” Coby cries.  

“Protect them!” Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang His cannons rang out, and cannon balls flew towards the evacuating ships.  

“Moon Walk!” To the shock of Sanji, the cooks, Johnny and Yosaku, and Gin Luffy took off into the air, jumping as he got in range. “And Tempest Kick, Tempest Storm!” Being made of slime Luffy could freely manipulate his body, so he spun like a top letting out a barrage of tempest kicks which cut through the cannon balls making them explode safely in the air.  

“How did you do that, you are just a slime?!” Krieg shouted. Luffy continued to moon walk, hopping in the air.  

“Slime Pistol!” a barrage of slime bullets hits the cannons, and smashed them. “I’ve trained my body, I’m not a weak little slime! You are dealing with a 6 Powers Master!”

“Six powers?” Krieg glared. He pulls out his shoulder plate. “Needle Machine Gun!” he launches a barrage of thick needles.  

“Paper Art!” Luffy’s body shifts and dances, avoiding the barrage of needles. The more he dodged the angrier Krieg got. The cooks cheered Luffy on, but reminded Krieg of the presence.

“What nonsense, you are just a monster, and I know your weakness!” he turned his weapon on them, he wasn’t worried about damaging the ship, because he knew. “You can dodge me but can they!?” He opens fire on the cooks.   

Luffy glares, dashing forward. “You coward!” Luffy stands in front of them. “Slime Festival!” he releases a barrage of slimes, they harden with Iron Body and take the hit protecting the cooks.  

“Luffy!” Coby shouts.

“You bastard fight fair!” Johnny shouts.  

“This is bad, Luffy-bro is focusing on protecting us, he can’t fight back.”

“Luffy...” Sanji couldn’t believe it.  

“Hahaha, this is your weakness fool,” his barrage of Needle’s breaks through Luffy’s Slime Festival and some slam into Luffy’s body. “Hahahaha!” Luffy had to harden his body to keep the needles from passing through him and hitting everyone behind him. Because he hardened his body, he felt the hits, making him cry out.    

Zoro glares at Krieg. “Shave!” Zoro vanished and in a blurr of sword play he cut through the needles stopping the assault. “Luffy,” Zoro rushed over to him. “Are you alright?”  

Luffy sits up. “I’m fine.” he pulls the needles out of his body. “Hurt though, but an attack like that won’t kill me.”   

“YOU WILL DIE I’LL SEND YOU ALL TO A WATERY GRAVE!” he shouts. “Men shoot them dead!” his men cheered and whipped out their guns. A barrage of bullets rained down upon the Baratie.  

“Slime Wall!” The wall blocked the hail of bullets but that was what Krieg was waiting for.  

“Shuriken Bomb!” The bomb hits the wall, exploding and sending shuriken in all directions. Luffy does his best, but he has to defend against shuriken and bullets. Some took damage but no casualties. Zoro helps defend against the Shuriken, blocking them with his swords.  

“Shave!” Coby zips around and attacks Krieg’s men, hitting them hard and knocking their weapons into the sea. Krieg goes to attack Coby with his diamond studded gauntlet. “You little brat!” he snaps.  

“Krieg!” Luffy charged at the armored man. The man smirks. ‘Here he comes!’  

“Die Marine!” he revealed another weapon a flamethrower. The flames hit Luffy point blank range. “How many weapons does Krieg have!” Sanji’s hands balled into fists. Luffy used Iron Body to protect himself from the flames but his clothes didn’t survive. The naked marine got through the flames and punched Krieg hard in the face. “Iron Boxing!” Luffy punched Krieg with a solid fist. Sanji blushed seeing Luffy’s naked body, his hard 7 incher swelling with delight. ‘Fuck, not now!’ His dick pushed against the fabric, only fueling his pleasure as his length rubbed against his confines.  

Zoro and Coby both blushed, they’ve seen Luffy’s naked body before, but it’s an image they don’t think they’d ever get tired of seeing it.

Johnny and Yosaku blushed, getting a nosebleed from the sexy sight, their cocks hardened and pushed at the front of their pants. They did their best to cover themselves, but didn’t dare look away.  

Even Gin found himself blushing, eyes roaming Luffy’s naked form, he licked his lips. ‘He’s so hot!’  

Luffy was certainly not shy, as he continued fighting without any clothes on. “So you are a pervert as well as a freak huh?” Krieg hisses getting up.

“You were the one who burned my clothes off.” Luffy retorts. He takes a fighting stance, showing off his cock, balls, and sexy ass. Zeff steps up to Sanji and pats him on the shoulder. “You got a real man there.” Sanji blushes red. “Shut up old man!” Zeff just smirks.  

“I will crush you! I am Don Krieg!” he pulls out a massive mace and chain, swinging it and launching it at the two. Luffy grabs Coby, and quickly jumps away, his mace slamming into some of his own men. Luffy gets them back to the Baratie.  

“Slime Pistol!” Luffy fires slime bullets from his fingers, they struck Krieg’s armor not leaving a dent.  

“Your pitiful slime powers can’t pierce my armor!” Krieg laughs. “You are one lowly Marine, I am Don Krieg!”  

‘Not sure about that, but I’ll need to get close.’ Luffy thinks, his hands flex and he stretches, making his boys gulp. He springs forward using Moon Walk.  

‘I know your tricks now brat.’ he thinks. “Time to die! Bakudan!” he tosses an array of small spheres at Luffy, as soon as they touched the water…

Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom

“Luffy!” the others cried out. A massive tower of water came with the explosions, and Krieg laughed.  

A slime arm came out stretching back and grabbing the Baratie. “He’s okay!” was the cheer, but a blob of slime is what came back to them. Luffy reformed, but he was missing an arm and a leg. The boy was panting. Sanji’s heart clenched. ‘No...he’s gonna die!’  

Zoro and Coby rushed towards him. “That one took me by surprise,” he gave a weak chuckle. He closed his eyes and focused, his core began to glow, surprising Krieg. He regenerated his arm and leg.  

“Don’t scare us like that.” Zoro scolded. Luffy grins. “Sorry.” he says and stands up.  

‘That’s it!’ Krieg thinks. ‘His core, the slime core I destroy that he dies!’ he chuckles darkly. ‘I’ve got your weakness now!’  


Krieg’s ship was suddenly cut up, the massive ship cut down in seconds. His men screamed as they were dropped into the sea. “It’s him!” Zoro says, clutching his sword.  

A man in a coffin like boat rolled in. “Don Krieg...It’s him, it’s Mihawk!” Krieg glared.   

“He followed us from the Grand Line?” he curses.  

Mihawk was wielding a massive black blade. “He did all that damage with just one sword?”

“Stop panicking fools, no man could do that much damage, he must have devil fruit powers.” he says. Luffy rolled his eyes, Krieg really was foolish. Mihawk had no devil fruit power, and there was nothing special about his sword either, he cut the ship down with pure skill.  

“I was gonna cut you down sooner, but I was enjoying the show.” Mihawk says. “Monkey D. Luffy, you have grown up to be a fine young man.” he smirks at the naked boy.  

“You’ve gotten stronger Mihawk, were you bored in the Grand Line?”  

“Perhaps you would consider joining me, I’m sure your presence would relieve my boredom.”

Before Luffy could give any response, one of Krieg’s men found another gun and aimed it at Mihawk. “Monster!” he fired two shots, but Mihawk deflected the bullets with ease. It happened so fast Krieg’s men couldn’t even see what he did.  

“I will happily deal with this trash for you, if you would accompany me for a date.” Mihawk says.  

“No thanks I got this.” Mihawk laughs.  

“Still as interesting as ever.” he sheaths his sword.  

To be continued...Chap 13 Duel of Swordsmen  


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