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Bleach Parody: Vol 1 Available: Tier 1


Ichigo 10 Inches Soft 12.5 inches hard

Grimmjow 6 inches soft 8 inches hard

Grimmjow’s Toys  

The first set were vibes, the smallest being 6 inches to 10. After the vibes were two very large dildos, one looked bigger than all the vibes and incredibly thick, the second was smaller but had little rubber spikes along the shaft. A string of anal beads, Two butt plugs that were simple but thick, A cat tail butt plug. A ball gag, an assortment of cock rings, one of which had a little bell on it.  

Last but not least, was a set of cat ears, a collar with a bell on it, special underwear with holes in special places, and a full on cat boy outfit, there was even a leash.

Chap 7 Outing

Ichigo was pulled from his sleep in possibly one of the best ways possible, but before that the orangette was having a wonderful dream. It was possibly the best sleep he’d gotten since the incident with him. The boy groaned, panting softly as he felt a wonderful wetness around his cock. His dick was in a warm wet cavern, something sinful brushing against the underside of his length.  

His vision was still blurred from sleep, he rises and rubs his eyes. “Mmm,” he feels hands caressing his spread legs. “Wha-aaahhh!” His vision clears, and he sees a mop of blue hair blocking his crotch. “Grimmjow!” The orangette shuddered as Grimmjow bobbed his head, slurping and sucking his massive rod.  

‘How long has he been doing this?’ he thinks, cock pulsing in the bluenette’s hot mouth. Grimmjow was enjoying himself, his master had woken up in perfect timing. He nuzzled the boy’s orange pubs, humming his delight. ‘Damn him, this feels so good!’   

Grimmjow had been at this since he’d woken up, serving his master’s morning wood in slow loving sucks, but now that he was up up, he doubled his efforts. ‘Good morning master!’ he thinks, with a smirk. He fisted his sheets, his pleasure burning up, till he couldn’t take it anymore.  

“Cumming!” his toes curl as his back arches off the bed, hot cum rushing through his length. Grimmjow was ready, giving one hard last suck from base to tip. Ichigo exploded into his mouth, Grimmjow holding his thick man milk in his mouth for as long as he could before he gulped it down. His cock twitched and he came all over his master’s bed. ‘So good!’  

Grimmjow knew the best cocks, gave you pleasure even when you were the one sucking them. Having Ichigo’s hot man meat between his lips excited him to no end. Every lick, every whiff, the taste burned inside him, making his cock throb and weep. Ichigo’s cum was just the icing on the cake, having the boy’s seed wash down his throat nothing sweeter when it came to blow jobs.  

He pulled back, licking his lips, giving a cheek rub to Ichigo’s still hard cock. “Good morning master, sleep well?” he asked, a cat that ate the canary smirk on his lips. Ichigo sighed, rubbing his face.  

“It was fine.” At Ichigo’s answer Grimmjow moved down and began licking balls. “Don’t you ever stop?” He shivers.

“Do you want me to stop?” Ichigo groans, and Grimmjow grins. “How do you normally wake up, and handle this?” he asks rubbing his cheek against Ichigo’s dick.  

“Meditation, morning stretches, and a shower.” he says blushing.  

“Well consider this a substitute for meditation, more fun ya?” Ichigo shivered. He turns around resting on his elbows and knees, ass raised high, he shook his ass letting his cock sway in the process. “How about this for morning stretches?”

His hole was twitching, and Ichigo’s cock twitched in response. “You are a fucking naughty kitty.” Ichigo says.  

“Only for you.” Grimmjow licks his lips. “Master!” Ichigo’s cock was wet with his saliva, and judging from the stretched entrance Grimmjow was prepped here to. He gets up and lines his cock up with the bluenette’s hole, the tip rubbing against him.  

He pushed in and the two moan, Grimmjow’s insides were wet and warm, hard to believe someone with such hard muscles had such perfectly soft insides. They hugged Ichigo’s dick either way. Inch after glorious inch filled him, his cock twitching as it returned to it’s latest home. Ichigo held Grimmjow’s hips as he buried his dick fully inside.  

“Is this how it’s always gonna be, every morning?” Ichigo panted.  

“If you want, I’m used to waking up early.” Ichigo looked at his clock and saw it was barely 6 am. ‘Early...’ he mentally groaned. It wasn’t a school day so he intended to sleep in.  

“No fooling around before 7 am!” Ichigo starts to move, pounding the bluenette’s tight body.  

“Yes master! Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!” the bed creaked from the force of his thrusts. Ichigo’s pelvis smacked Grimmjow’s ass, making the sexiest noise Grimmjow loved to hear. The boy’s thrusts slowly gaining speed, making the hits sound like applause, his ass cheeks rippling from each hit. ‘He fucks me so good!’  

His cock swung and slapped his abs with each thrust, adding a little kick of pleasure through his crotch. “Grimmjow,” Ichigo moaned. ‘It feels like my dick is melting inside him!’

Grimmjow’s cock wept more and more, a sign of his approaching release. “Master, I wanna cum!” Ichigo gulped. His heart picking up the pace at the wanton and lustful look Grimmjow was giving him.  

“You want to cum? Then cum from from me fucking your ass!” Grimmjow shivered at the words, and Ichigo’s thrusts got harder, he fucking loved it.  

The neko came first, his cum erupting all over the sheets and Grimmjow’s abs and chest. His clenching heat pulls Ichigo over the edge. “Grimm!” the male moans, his dick swelling and his cum shooting into his tight heat.  

They collapse into the sheets. “So this is gonna be my life for the next 6 months, fucking you into the mattress each morning?” he pulls his still hard cock out of him. Grimmjow rolls over. “Pretty sweet huh?”  

“My bed is a mess.” Grimmjow leaned up and licked his cheek. “I’ll clean it up later promise, now...” he gets up and stands. “How about that shower?”Ichigo’s cum was rushing down his legs.  

Ichigo’s face turned beat red. “Let’s go before my family gets up, we don’t get up this early except for school.” The two get to the shower, the water was nice and warm, perfect for early morning showers.  

“Master, may I play with myself as I play with you?” he asks.  

“S-Sure!” they step in, and Grimmjow kneels down and worships Ichigo’s cock. “Oi, ohhh!” Grimmjow could suck him down to the root so easily, practice Ichigo guessed.   

Hot water washing down onto the two, but it was nothing compared to Grimmjow’s mouth, or the sight he made. “Grimmjow!” Ichigo moaned, running fingers through wet blue hair. As Grimmjow sucked him, he pumped himself with one hand, and fingered himself with the other.  

The bluenette looked up at him, and their eyes met, and they shared this moment. ‘So hot!’ Ichigo thinks. ‘So cute!’ Grimmjow thinks.  

He got Ichigo off first, cumming a few seconds after. As much as he wanted to continue to play, Ichigo’s body was glistening from the shower and was begging to be licked. “We have our first outing today, master are you excited?”  

“Yeah...” An outing was basically a date for pets. ‘When was the last time I’ve even been on a date?’ he thinks, suddenly feeling nervous. Grimmjow playfully smacks his master’s ass. “Hey!”  

Grimmjow pinned him against the wall. “I am, I’’m very excited, this is my first outing with my master.” he stares Ichigo in the eye. “Master may I have a kiss?”  


“A kiss,” he puckered his lips. “I’ve been a good boy right? Can’t your kitten have a kiss?” his whole face heated up. He leaned forward and captures Grimmjow’s lips.  

The bluenette was shocked, not expecting it, but quickly closed his eyes and leaned into the kiss. He purred loving the feel of his master against him. Their hard wet bodies fitting together so perfectly.  

Their kiss breaking only for air. Grimmjow grabbed some soap and started washing himself. “Hey Grimmjow,” the male looked at him. “Kisses, you don’t have to ask for that.”  

Grimmjow nearly dropped the soap in surprise. “Noted, master.” Ichigo shivered. ‘I don’t think I’ll get used to him calling me that.’ They washed up, dried off, taking care of all the morning rituals before returning to Ichigo’s room. While Ichigo had a towel around his waist, Grimmjow had his towel over his shoulder letting it all hang out. ‘Does he have no shame...right he doesn’t!’  

They made it back to the room without being seen. Once inside Grimmjow went and got his bag of toys. “What are you doing?”  

“Getting ready for our outing, I need to be properly dressed up for it.” he caressed his collar. He bent over Ichigo’s bed, showing off his well fucked hole. “I’d like to wear something special for you, if you’d like to pick.”  

“And whatever I pick you’ll wear it the whole time?” Grimmjow nods. “Alright...” he walks over and examines Grimmjow’s collection. The bluenette was curious and excited to see what his master picked for him.  

The leash and cat outfit, were passed over. ‘That’s fine those are more for shows anyway.’ Ichigo picks a cock ring, and his dick hardens into a semi hard state at the thought. He picks the special underwear that showed off his hole and crotch.  

His eyes roam over the dildos, vibes, and plugs, and Grimmjow chews his lip in anticipation. Ichigo chooses the fat dildo, it stands at 11 inches with a mouth watering girth. “I think these will do.”  

“Excellent choice master.” his cock is hard as a rock. He puts on the special underwear, his balls were hugged nicely but his cock stood at attention. A hole for his ass and hole for his dick. Ichigo places the cock ring on him first, placing it firmly around the base of his twitching erection.  

“Bend over!” Grimmjow shivers and obeys. Ichigo had that fire in his eyes, that spark growing with each toy he examined. Ichigo gets lube for the toy and makes sure it’s nice and wet for penetration.  

He lines up the toy and pushes it in. “Ohhh, master!” Grimmjow trembles with each inch. Ichigo was slow putting it in, not wanting to hurt his pet. Grimmjow’s ass stretched wide around it, swallowing it up like a good boy. He stands up, looking damn sexy, ass stuffed, cock bound, nipples hard from pleasure.  

Grimmjow kissed Ichigo, and his master caressed his aching erection. “Make sure my sheets get washed, and then we’ll go out.” he nods, licking his lips. Every step he took his ass hugged the fat toy inside. “Yes master!” he is quick to obey.  

He throws on some pants and a shirt and strips Ichigo’s bedding. As he gets them in the wash Ichigo gets dressed for their outing, and left a note so his parents wouldn’t worry. “I’m ready, let’s go!” Grimmjow says excitedly.   


Ichigo was still a little nervous with Grimmjow’s collar and all. It was early so not a lot of people around. “So what do normal pet outings entail?” They were walking around together.

“We hang out like any normal date, its a way for master and their pets to get to know each other.” he looks at Ichigo. “So tell me, is this your first date?”  

Ichigo blushes slightly. “No I’ve dated, not a lot but I’ve dated.”  

“Any old girlfriends?” Ichigo shook his head. “Boyfriends?” Yes he was prying, he wanted to know who hurt Ichigo so. The healing could begin, but he needed to know what happened. Ichigo hung his head low.  

“Let’s go get breakfast, I’m hungry.” he walks off. Grimmjow frowned. ‘Okay strike one, careful now don’t push him to hard or he’ll only shut down.’ He followed after Ichigo. They sit down and have some pancakes, they sit in silence.  

“So uhh any questions for me?” Grimmjow tries to break the silence.  

“Okay, I know I’ve been quiet, there’s just some stuff in my past I don’t like to talk about.”

“I get it, ex-anythings can suck. This is new for both of us, especially for you, but new contracts can be awkward at first.” Ichigo takes a deep breath.  

“Well you asked me about dating and ex girlfriends, so what about you?”

“Dating was never really my scene before I got into pet play. One of my first trainers was a woman, but I prefer men.”  

“I got that,” Grimmjow chuckled.

“She wasn’t that bad, she taught me a lot, helped me discover things about myself that I needed to know.”

“What does she do now?” Ichigo asked, finishing his breakfast plate.  

“She actually runs one of the best pet shows in town. I’ve performed at her place time and time again with my masters.” at Masters Ichigo felt a little bubble in his chest.  

“How many masters?” Ichigo found himself asking. Grimmjow raised a brow.  

“Not too many, I had a few temporary contracts just to experiment, I’ve met some good masters.” Ichigo’s grip tightened on his cup. ‘Then why choose me at all, I don’t know what I’m doing.’  

“But none of them have the potential you do.” he rested his face on his palm. “I haven’t had a proper master in a long while, the last master I got well...let’s just say he was a rotten bastard.”  

“Grimmjow...sorry...” he looks down. ‘Great, nice going Ichigo, you aren’t the only guy who’s been hurt by someone.’  

“Hey, it’s no big deal. We each got a past, what I want to know is the now.” He took hold of Ichigo’s hand. “If you want to share your past with me, you can, and I’ll share mine with you.” he gave Ichigo’s hand a comforting squeeze.  

“If things get to personal or intense we can use the safe word thing right?” Grimmjow nodded. “Shiro, that’ll be my word.”  

“Understood.” He hoped this would be a step in the right direction. He wasn’t kidding when he said Ichigo had a lot of promise. Most of the master’s he knew could only handle one pet, but Ichigo...Grimmjow felt he could handle the trifecta and keep them all very satisfied.  

They tossed the wrappings in the trash and continued walking around. Grimmjow continued to ask Ichigo questions but kept it simple, favorite food, color, and Ichigo asked him in kind. As much as Grimmjow wanted to ask about Ichigo’s mystery man, the one who hurt him and how, he knew that Ichigo had closed himself off, and while he did want to know why, he didn’t want to be another reason as to why.  

They hit the arcade, had lunch, even took pictures together. The first 3 were classic friend photos, but the fourth they were embracing, Ichigo blushing rather cutely. The fifth Grimmjow kissing Ichigo’s cheek, and the sixth well Ichigo retaliated by capturing the bluenette’s lips.  

They collected the photos, and carried on, but Grimmjow notices that Ichigo had brightened up a lot more. Ichigo was having so much fun, he had forgotten about the toys Grimmjow was currently wearing. He pulled the bluenette into the nearest bathroom. “Grimmjow I’m so sorry, I completely forgot!” Grimmjow blinked at him, but shivered as the male cupped his crotch. “Ohhh!”  

“Does your cock hurt?” The bluenette chuckles.  

“I’m fine master.”  

“But we’ve been out for hours.” Again Grimmjow chuckled, leaning forward to lick Ichigo’s cheek.  

“My record for having my cock caged is a week. This has been lovely.” He embraces him, and nuzzles Ichigo’s neck. “It could have only been better if Master had pumped me full of cum before leaving the house.”

Ichigo blushed, he trailed his finger around Grimmjow’s rim. “Idiot!” he teases Grimmjow’s ass with the toy, and caressing his aching cock.

“My master is truly sweet.” His body was tingly.

Grimmjow’s pants were pulled back up, tucking his erection back down into his pants. The bluenette couldn’t stop grinning. “Stop it, I was worried about you.”  

“I know, it makes me happy.” Ichigo blushed harder.

“Let’s go home, I think my kitten has been very good.” Grimmjow shivered, and followed his master home. His ass despite getting rubbed by the toy all day, it was hungry for his master’s big cock.  

To be continued...Chap 8 The Invitation


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