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PaperFox Update

Hey everyone, PaperFox here, so it’s been a couple weeks and I’m sure those on patreon have noticed something I haven’t been posting. The Fox’s Fan Book, I haven’t forgotten about this, in fact it’s still something I wanna do. However, recently while trying to pay my bills I overloaded myself with projects and was struggling to complete them in a timely manner.  

The Fan Book does take a lot of time to make, it’s different from any other post I’ve done before, while it’s been in the planning stages of mine for some time I think I tackled a big goal a little too soon. Something I’m doing to try and build up to this is working with another creator to try and get cover art for the PDF Volumes, giving something a little extra to the patreon supporters.  

Now the Fan Book idea isn’t dead, but with my current level of patreon support, weighed against my bills I do not have the time to put into it. I’m trying to use the time I would be putting into it to work on other projects and get fics done faster as well as work on my originals which before were getting very little love but now I’m working on them a bit more.

So much like with the raising of commission prices I had to do I weighed my options with the fan book. I either wait on doing the Fan Book until I reach my first patreon goal of 250 dollars, or have the Fan Book be an exclusive reward post set at a higher dollar amount. Because where it stands right now, I could not divide my time into the fan book.  

So if I reach my first goal of 250 dollars a month, I will bring back the Fan Book. I was scrambling really hard to pay a bill recently which is why I had to raise the comm prices, I was doing more work and not getting enough money to pay the bills. Which caused me to get a tad overloaded, or overwhelmed which didn’t help my current health issues.  

So yes I’m sorry for the delay on the update, and the heads up please know I’m fighting with everything I got and I’m working my hours to try and get the most out of my time.  

PaperFox’s Writing Schedule

12 PM to 5:30 PM Free Writing/Patreon Rewards

5:30 PM to 12 AM Commissions
12 AM to 4 AM Original Writing

Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday: Normal Days
Wednesday: One Shot Wednesdays One Shots  

Saturdays: New Saturdays: Tackling At Least 1 New Project

Sundays: Redux Sunday: Tackling at least 1 Redux or Patreon Upgrade


Lord Zero 1606

I really hope more of your readers turn into patrons. I've been reading your story for years and it's a shame when money interferes with creativity.