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Naruto Parody: Tier 1: PDF Copy exclusive



Naruto: Gem Hybrid: Orange Ruby – Navel Gem Weapon: Shield Size: 13 Inches

Juugo: Gem Hybrid: Pearl – Lower Back Gem Weapon: ??? Size: 8 inches fat

Sasuke: Human Size 5 inches

Kiba: Human Size 7 inches

Shikamaru: Human

Kakashi: Human

Asuma: Human



Chap 5 Mission to Wave

“Juugo...” the orangette heard his name being called. He was young his tiny body rushing over to the voice of someone very familiar. “Juugo, you love Naruto don’t you?” he blushes and gives a nod. “You will do anything to protect him won’t you.”  

“Yes!” the man smiles.  

“Good I need you to do something for me...” Juugo’s eyes shot open. ‘A dream?’ his head felt fuzzy. ‘But that voice, it sounded like Minato.’ the more he tried to think about his dream, the fuzzier it got. ‘Was that a memory or...’

Zzz Zzz Zzz

He heard Naruto’s soft snores, and he blushed realizing Naruto was in his bed. Technically it was his bed, Juugo was adopted by Minato, and even given Kushina’s last name. He cuddles back up to Naruto, his pearl glowing in delight. ‘Why were we seperated? Why was he in that temple?’ such questions melted away. ‘It doesn’t matter he’s back, and I’m not gonna lose him again.’  

Naruto hummed in his sleep, a hand coming up to pet Juugo. The male blushed harder, feeling his heart flutter once more. The blonde’s free hand roamed down his back, and brushed his pearl. “Ahh!” Pleasure burst through his form and his cock erupted. He couldn’t help what happened next, his gem’s glow lit up and the two fused. Narugo gasped bolting up out of bed. “Oh man, Juugo got a little too excited huh, ehh no matter.” he got out of bed and stretched. “Guess I’ll grab a shower and have some breakfast.”  

Narugo was naked, his massive 21 inch dick swaying too and fro as he walked. While he carried on doing the morning rituals, inside his soul…

“Ahh Naruto-sama!” Juugo moaned, bouncing up and down on the blonde’s 13 incher, his fat 8 incher bouncing and bobbing as he went. “Forgive me!” he moans.  

“Well wasn’t expecting this to wake up to.” He smiles at Juugo. “But it has been a long time since we were together.” he feels up Juugo’s hips, giving a light grope to his ass. His touch was electrifying, his penis twitching as if having an orgasm. Naruto watched Juugo ride him, feeling up his muscles, and offering several words of praise.  

“Ah ah ahh!” Juugo shivered in delight, the blonde’s blue eyes were intense. For Juugo it felt like he was swimming in those eyes. His own hands move to play with his nips, pinching his own nipples as Naruto’s words of praise hit him like arrows of pleasure. He wasn’t able to hold back, his cock twitched in orgasm, his semen vanished into the sphere they were floating in.  

Every minute fused was like having a mini orgasm. They were on cloud nine, every touch and caress stirred it up creating a storm of pleasure, with lightning intense climaxes. Juugo found himself just being embraced by Naruto was bliss, receiving kisses on his forehead, cheeks, lips, even his nose. It was adorable!

He even found himself on his back, Naruto sucking his cock, and fingering his hole. Even the cum inside Juugo eventually dissolved and faded away strengthening the bubble around them. The only way they could savor each other’s semen was to drink it, he learned this as he came into Naruto’s mouth and the blonde drank it down. With this in mind he quickly got to work, worshipping Naruto’s huge cock.  

Relaxing his throat he swallowed the 13 inch monster down to the root. The blonde laced his fingers into orange hair, massaging his scalp, and earning something that felt like a purr. Pleasing vibrations raced through his rod, and Naruto moaned in delight. “Juugo!” the moan had Juugo doubling his efforts. Naruto achieved climax, toes curling and back arching, stuffing Juugo down into his crotch nose buried in thick nest of pubes.  

The thick hot cum rushed down Juugo’s throat and filled his belly. The blonde’s pubes tickled his nose, and the musk overwhelmed him, mixing with the taste of semen, and Juugo found himself cumming as well.   

If Juugo could describe fusion it was like the feeling of someone you love’s hand combined with amazing sex, like holding hands was enough to achieve release. Naruto’s pleasure, and his pleasure, seemed to be in perfect sync, to the point where if Naruto touched himself, and sucked his cock, Juugo felt both stimulus at once.   

The two were simply cuddling as Narugo finished breakfast. “Thanks for the meal!” he glowed and the two split up. The experience, the food, the shower, the exercise was transmitted to them and the two felt oddly refreshed. “So what’s the plan for today?” Naruto asked.  

“A meeting with Team 7, training, then lunch, then we’ll meet with Lady Tsunade for missions.” Juugo said, body feeling tingly from the prolonged fusion. “It’s weird we were fused and ate, but it felt like I ate breakfast already.”  

“That’s right, as a fusion we aren’t just 1 person, or two people, we are an experience!” Naruto explains how a gem’s well gem stores energy inside, gem energy was very similar to nature chakra, gems were once known as the masters of it. The gem breaks down all food and converts it to energy. Juugo understood it meant his hole was for mating.  

Their fusion ate, the food broken down by their combined gems and was shared when they split. “Since we are heading for training you should learn how to make clothing with your gem. Picture it in your mind and let it take hold.” Naruto’s gem glowed, and soon he was dressed in orange baggy pants, a red haramaki, and an orange jacket with ripped sleeves. “Now you try.”  

“Right!” Juugo focused, trying to think, in the end he was able to make clothes but not adjust the color, ending up with a white vest, and white baggy pants. The vest was cut short so his sexy back and his pearl was shown off. “I couldn’t get the color right.”  

“It’s okay, it suits you.” They didn’t need to get any ninja weapons, Juugo was a living weapon thanks to his power, and any weapons Naruto needed he’d conjure from his gem. “Next is gem storage.” he got some rations. His gem glowed and sucked in the rations. “And when you need it just think of it, and think summon!” Naruto showed this off restoring the rations.  

Juugo nodded. They headed out to meet Team 7, at the training grounds. Kiba was waiting with his partner Akamaru. Sasuke was meditating. “Yo!” Naruto greets.  

“Naruto, Juugo!” Kiba and Akamaru race over to them. “Kakashi is late again as always.”  

“Late again, he does this a lot?” Juugo and Kiba nod. Sasuke was doing his best to ignore them, but he agreed silently.  

“Well, let’s fix that!” Naruto shapeshifted into the large fox beast. He used nature chakra to track down Kakashi’s chakra. “Roar!” Energy ripped from Naruto’s mouth, and in seconds Kakashi found himself ripped from his location and transported into the training grounds, in all his naked glory. Kakashi was even without his traditional mask.  

It seems he was fapping in the shower, his body glistening from water, cock hard in his hand, his skin flushed with arousal. “What?!” Kakashi gasped and tried to cover himself. “How?”  

Everyone shared a blush, as Naruto reverted back to normal. “Kakashi is still as handsome as ever.” Naruto says with a laugh. This was the first time seeing Kakashi’s face, it truly was sexy! Every inch of the man was sexy down to his hard 10 incher. Team 7 certainly got an eyeful, but atleast Kakashi was on time for training.  

Naruto conjured up some underwear for him to take home and retrieve some clothes. Kakashi blushed as they were tighty whities. “You can wear these, so you can head back to your place.”  

“Don’t you have anything bigger?” it was embarassing trying to stuff his erection into the small undergarment.  

“Nope, you better hurry.” Kakashi managed to stuff his cock into the underwear, groaning as the tight fabric rubbed against his sensitive flesh.  

“I’ll be back.” Kakashi rushed off, the tight underwear hugging his toned ass.  

Sasuke glared at Naruto. “You know he’s just gonna take his time coming back here, probably be even later just to spite us.”

“You think so?” Naruto’s gem glowed and from it appeared a strange remote. “I think he’ll come back right on time.” he pushed the button.  

Kakashi made it to his house and he was gonna take his sweet time getting back, until


Kakashi’s knees buckled and he dropped like a sack of potatoes. The underwear was vibrating! His hard cock, his heavy balls, his plump ass, his strong hips, all hit by the strong vibrations. Kakashi tried to remove the underwear but as soon as he tried a seal appeared around the band. He couldn’t take them off.  

“Every minute the vibrations increase.” Naruto explained. Kiba lost it, he rolled on the ground with laughter.  

Kakashi, who had been close to cumming in the shower, lost it and came into the tight underwear. The clothe absorbed his seed and clung to his crotch tighter, making the vibrations more intense. “Ahh ohh ahh ohhh eeehhhh!” his knees buckled. ‘This feeling, so familiar.’

The vibrations to his sensitive cock, so close after orgasm, he couldn’t help but cum again. By the time he got dressed and returned to the training grounds he had cum for a third time. He panted, as the underwear finally stopped vibrating. “Good timing, I think those underwear suit you.”  

Kakashi’s eye widened. These underwear, he’d worn them before. Minato made him wear them when he kept showing up late for traning. He looked at Naruto in shock, as the blonde grinned.  

“Right, it’s time for training.” They worked on the basics, they needed to see what Naruto could do after all. If he was gonna be on a ninja team. It bugged Sasuke how easy it was for Naruto, when he struggled with it at first.  

Naruto worked with Juugo, the male needed to summon his gem weapon. “Juugo has become a gem now to, so you’ll be able to summon a gem weapon like me. Focus your mind.”  

“This is stupid.” Sasuke snaps.  

“Shut it!” Kiba elbows him. “This is interesting.”  

Sasuke pouts and watches. His gem starts to glow, and Juugo reaches back and takes hold as the weapon takes form. He pulls it out and grabs it with both hands. It hits the ground with a heavy hit, cracking the ground. “Whoa!”  

“It’s a battle axe!” Naruto grins. “It’ll make a fine weapon for you Juugo.”  

“How can that heavy thing be a good weapon, a ninja needs speed!” Sasuke scolds.  

Naruto ignores him and looks to Juugo. “Heavy?” Juugo lifts it up with one hand and handles it with ease. “I think he’s got it. A gem’s weapon is suited to their personality and body.” They had some sparring Naruto and Juugo faced off so he could get used to his gem weapon, while Kiba and Sasuke sparred.  

After sparring they had lunch. “Hey Naruto, could you fuse with me? I wanna try it.” Kiba asked excitedly.  

“Hmm, we could practice the moves, but me and Juugo have history together a bond, its why our fusion is stable. If I fuse randomly who knows what might happen.” he patted Kiba’s shoulder.  

“I understand, me and Akamaru have a super cool jutsu, but when we tried it years ago we were too young and went wild.” he pet Akamaru who barked in agreement.

Naruto leaned in close. “But I look forward to fusing with you Kiba.” The dog nin felt shivers run up and down his spine. He blushed and felt his cock twitch.  

“Fusion seems like a cheap tactic to me, to make two weak nin stronger.”  

“You wanna fight me Uchiha?” Kakashi got between them.  

“That’s enough!” Sasuke and Naruto glared at each other.  

It was time to go see Lady Tsunade to get their missions. “Welcome Team 7, you are on time today, very good.”  

“Do you have a mission for us Lady Tsunade?” Kakashi asked.

“Indeed, an escort mission.” she gestured and an old man entered the room. “I ask team 7 to guard this man, Tazuna. He’s a bridge builder and needs to be returned to his home in the land of waves. This is a C Rank mission, I trust you will handle it?”  

“Yes Hokage!” Kiba, Sasuke, and Juugo say. “Thank you Hokage-sama!” Naruto eyes the drunkard. ‘Is this really a C ranked mission?’  

To be continued...Chap 6 From C to B  


I didn’t expect to find another Gem here, let alone awake.  

You might be a gem, but I won’t forgive you for laying a hand on my Juugo!  

“Rasengan Cannon!”  

End Preview


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