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Killing Bites Parody: Tier 1


Nomoto aka Octo 14 inches roughly in therianthrope form.  

Yugo Tani aka Leo

Chap 1 https://www.patreon.com/posts/18950170

Chap 2 Morning After

Nomoto was having a dream, he was just a little octopuss swimming through the sea when he was suddenly caught and made into octopuss balls. The weird part is he smelled good, and he knew he tasted good “Nooo don’t eat me!” he bolted out of bed. “Man, that stupid dream again, it makes me hungry to.” He sat up, only to find something heavy on him. “Leo!” he couldn’t help but shout.  

In truth last night, he didn’t know what to do, Yugo was clinging to him non stop, plus he had destroyed his clothing, so he was butt naked and pumped full of his cum. ‘I can’t just leave him here.’ He didn’t know where to take him so he just brought him to his home. ‘Maybe it’s best if he sleeps it off.’

He got the male off him and put him in the guest bed, he had to use one of his hamper clothes to get him off. He clung to the offering, inhaling his scent. ‘Cute!’ He got him to take some medicine for the pain, and brutes recovered quickly so he should be good as new tomorrow. He kinda thought Yugo would kill him in the morning, probably…he was nervous even sleeping near the lion. ‘Maybe he’ll just leave once he wakes up.’ Probably go the hit it and quit it style, escape with his pride and they would never meet again.

He had tried to contact his provider, but got no response. Text: I brought Leo to my place, what am I supposed to do with him? Send!

Getting no response, he eventually turned in, which led to their current event. His shout echoing the tiny room, making Leo’s ear twitch.  

The lion brute groaned. “Damn it, you are too fucking loud.” Yugo growled, obviously not happy he had been stirred awake. “I was sleeping so well to.” he yawned. In truth it was the best sleep he’d had in ages, something had made him so content. “You yelled right in my ear to, I’m gonna kill you!” funny thing to say when his face was in his stomach.  

He rose up glaring at Nomoto, releasing a murderous aura but when he shifted Nomoto felt Yugo’s hard cock brush against his leg. He froze, the murderous aura fading as he blushed. Nomoto took this chance and rubbed his leg against the male’s crotch. “Ahhh,” he half moaned, half purred, his hips rocking into the male’s leg.  

“Uhh, good morning Yugo.” he smiled, rubbing his leg against his crotch.  

“Uhh, D-don’t good morning me!” he tried to growl. “You little shit, after what you did to me!” and yet he continued to rub his cock and balls against his leg. His body had already digested his semen, but his hole was twitching.  

“Hey, that was my first time to.” Nomoto says blushing. “If you really hated it it, I promise I won’t tell anyone, you can walk away and you’ll never see me again.”  

“That’s not...I mean...I don’t...” He blushed. “It was my first time to.”  

“What really, a guy as handsome as you, a virgin?” Nomoto’s praise was like an arrow to the heart, his praise making his body shudder in delight. Yugo wasn’t a virgin, he’d bedded men and women alike, but his anal virginity had remained intact, until yesterday. Not only had he lost, he had become the spoils of battle.  

It was a massive blow to his pride, but his lust…Sex with Nomoto was positively mind blowing. Yugo liked sex, liked to dominate and control, finding pleasure in that. He enjoyed fucking his partners until their minds were puddles of lust, especially in his brute form where his unique cock could really wreck some people. He’s been told the barbs on his cock, feel amazing inside, and provide extra stimulus.  

Though, even in his human form he’s never gotten any complaints, never had a partner that left his bed unsatisfied, or without a limp if it was there first time. He tended to get a little wild.  

Yet he can’t say he’s cum as many times as he had with Nomoto. Plus he hadn’t been more aroused then when he was under Nomoto’s care. ‘What the hell is wrong with me, I should be ripping this brat’s throat out.’ he thinks. The male’s scent was hitting his nose, being so close, and his cock twitched in delight. His balls were itching to cum, his cock begging to be touched, his ass felt empty he didn’t like that feeling.  

It wasn’t right, he should be full, his manhole twitched and a dull ache began to build. He wasn’t sore, despite taking the huge cock, he instead wanted to get stuffed again. He wanted to cum again, he’d gotten a taste for anal and his body wanted more.  

‘I’m the king I get what I want.’ Was the thought that crossed his mind, lust fed on his pride and he yanked off Nomoto’s boxers. His own morning wood sprang up, and Yugo gulped at the sight of it. ‘So big!’ In human form, Nomoto’s cock stood proudly at 12 inches.  

His cock was as big as his in brute form. Maybe not as thick in his brute form, but in Nomoto’s brute form his cock was even bigger. It would have been a blow to his pride except, he wanted it!  

He got closer to the boy’s dick, the smell beckoning him like a moth to the flame. “Hey what are you doing?” Nomoto gasped. Yugo looked up, doing his best to glare.  

“Shut up, or I’ll bite your dick off!” he snapped, it was a total lie, he never wanted to harm this beautiful piece of man meat. He buried his face in Nomoto’s crotch, shamelessly taking in a big whiff. ‘Fuck!’ his cock pulsed and he felt a mini orgasm tear through him.  

He starts licking his dick, his taste buds singing with each lick. ‘Fuck, he tastes as good as he smells.’ he moves up and down his length, even going as far as to lap at his balls. Nomoto moaned, and the noise made Leo shiver.  

Yugo took one of his balls into his mouth and gave it a good hard suck. “Mmm!” he moved up from the balls, to the tip of Nomoto’s penis. He wrapped his lips around the head, his tongue giving the piss slit a lashing, lapping up the boy’s pre. “Mmm!” he moans. ‘So good!’  

He purred as he slowly sucked down his cock. His purrs sent pleasing vibrations through his shaft. Nomoto moaned louder, and Yugo’s cock twitched harder. He relaxed his throat, and deepthroated the massive length, not stopping till his nose was buried in Nomoto’s pubes. The manly hair tickled his nose, and the musk filled his senses.  

Taste and smell mixed together in a hurricane of pleasure. His pupils dialate and he starts bobbing his head, slurping and sucking every inch he had to offer, his tongue lapping at the underside with each pass. ‘Cum, cum, cum, cum!’ He chanted, wanting to bring the male to climax first.  

Despite his best effort, it was he who came first. His balls lurched, and he came all over Nomoto’s leg. He moaned, as he came from sucking his dick.  

Nomoto cupped the back of his head, feeling close himself, he started fucking Leo’s mouth. His heavy balls smacked his chin, and the sudden act of dominance had Yugo’s knees buckle. “I’m cumming!” Nomoto howls as he cums into the other man’s mouth.  

To Yugo’s humiliation, even after just cumming, the taste of Nomoto’s cum pushed him over the edge again. His dick pulsed spitting more ropes of fresh hot baby batter as he drank Nomoto’s with an odd sense of joy in him.  

He pulls out of Yugo’s mouth and the two sit and bask in what happened. A thick air of silence fills the room, neither of the two males knowing how to break the silence. Yugo’s head was spinning, he had initiated this, he wanted to suck the guy’s big dick, he came from sucking it, and cumming again from tasting his seed.  

“Hey,” Nomoto finally breaks the silence. “Wanna get a shower?”  

Yugo finds himself smiling. “I’d love one.” The two head to Nomoto’s tiny bathroom and get in the shower. They share the shower, with Yugo stealing glances at Nomoto, as the water running down his form.  

He blushes as his cock rises back up. Nomoto sees and smiles, closing the gap between them, he kisses his neck and pumps Yugo’s aching shaft. ‘Why am I doing this, why am I letting this lesser creature touch me like this?’  

Yugo could have pushed Nomoto away, and yet he found his arms circling him and pulling him closer. He cums soon, and the shower washes away the evidence. Nomoto stares at him, and Yugo pulls him in for a kiss. ‘Fuck it!’  

He stopped thinking, he wanted this, fuck if he knew why, but he always did what he wanted. ‘Fuck he’s a good kisser.’ he shivered, he left openings for Nomoto to dominate the kiss, but he didn’t take it. The kiss was equally passionate and loving.  

By the time they finished their make out session, they had used up the hot water. Yet they didn’t care, they cleaned up proper and returned to Nomoto’s room. “I got some clothes you can borrow, they might be a little tight.”  

“It’s fine.” he says and puts on some of Nomoto’s clothing, no underwear, and the clothing was very tight.  

“Okay, let’s go get some breakfast.” Yugo nods and the two leave. People responded to Yugo’s handsomeness, their waitress blushing as she took their order. “You must get this a lot.”  

Yugo shrugs. He did actually, be it his good looks, or lion pheromones, he usually made people weak in the knees. He could smell the waitress was positively wet. On a normal day, he probably would have taken her in the back, and gave her what she craved, but now the scent of the aroused female bugged him.  

“So what happens now?” Nomoto asked.  

“Well, I lost, no doubt my client isn’t happy that I lost the Killing Bites.” he says. “He’ll probably want revenge, he might send someone to kill you.”  

“Ehh?” he sweat dropped.  

“Well, I was the best fighter in Killing Bites, did you think you would get away with taking out the best fighter?” Nomoto gulped. “That was your first Killing Bites wasn’t it?”  

He nodded. “You are the first therianthrope I’ve met.”  

“Well that’s pretty normal, most hybrids have to keep to the shadows. The very existence of hybrids is a well kept secret.” the waitress brings the food, getting all giggly when she offers Yugo his food.  

He ignores her until she leaves. “What do you know about the Zaibatsu?”

“We learn about them in school.”  

“For the past 400 years and counting the oldest and wealthiest families in the world are Zaubatsu. The families were divided, but not dissolved.” he takes a sip of his coffee. “But even now 4 Zaibatsu maintain control of the economy.”

Nomoto couldn’t believe this. “Killing Bites, you might say is a battle for representation. Time and time again the strongest are chosen and battle it out in a fight to the death. The victor getting to decide the fate of the loser.” he finished his coffee. “Theres a lot of rich bastards, with deep pockets and influence and they stop at nothing to keep Killing Bites from the public. So what do you think they would do, when one of their best piece gets taken away.”

He was trying hard not to freak out. “Calm down, I belong to you now, I have an obligation to protect you.” Nomoto blinks in surprise. “I’ll be your bodyguard, not that you need it.” he mumbles the last part.

“But I don’t know...” He’s cut off as his phone starts to ring. “Hello?”  

“Well done on your first Killing Bites. I put my money on you, but letting Leo live was a surprise.”

“I didn’t want to kill him.” he says confidently.  

“I know, it’s why I picked you after all. I’ve left a bonus for you at your place, do take care of Leo.”  

“Hey wait, am I in this tournament thing? What about Leo, he says people are gonna come after me?”

“Of course they are, you sparred his life, the paperwork is already in place, Leo officially belongs to you, until your death.” he heard a chuckle. “You performed better than I expected, do take care of yourselves, I’m expecting big things from both of you.” The call ended.  

“Wait!” he was answered by the repetive tone of the end call. Beep Beep Beep Beep. He closed his phone and rubbed his temples. “What have I gotten myself into.”  

“Well, you hold my contract now. I look forward to working with you.” he was curious about Nomoto, the one who beat him, dominated him, and awakened these feelings. “I have to run, and pick up my stuff.”  

“Your stuff?”  

“Yes, if I’m gonna be living with you from now on, I’ll need my stuff.”  


To be continued...Chap 3 Moving in and Assassins!



Never watched the series before… But I'm really liking the dynamic between the two! =p