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Inuyasha Parody: Tier 1: PDF Copy at Chap 5


Inuyasha 10 inches

Hojo Human form 14 inches Lamia Form 16 inches

Kouga 12 inches

Ginta 8 incher  

Hakkaku 9 incher

Chap 4 The Pack

Ginta and Hakkaku had finished cleaning their former leader’s ass, his stomach was still swollen, but his channel clean. Leaving his plump ass they made out, sharing the flavor with each other, their hard cocks rubbing together. The kiss only breaking apart for air. “Boys, who wants to ride my cock first?” he wagged his hefty length.  

“Me!” the two shout in unison, thus the scramble began. The two fought each other trying to get to the massive snake demon cock. They started growling at each other, wrestling wildly. They had already gotten a taste of Hojo’s cum from their Kouga’s ass, now their holes needed to be filled. Hojo caught glimpses of their manholes spasming, opening slightly, giving a little wink.

Kouga and Hojo watched the two go at it. This was a common practice for wolf demons, you fight for what you want. It was Ginta who won out, pinning Hakkaku to the ground, hotdogging his ass in warning. His pre gushed and ran over his back. Hakkaku bared his neck in submission, it was Ginta’s win. He playfully smacked Hakkaku’s ass before bounding over to Hojo’s cock.  

Marvelling at the massive length, he turned around and rubbed his ass against the heavy cock. “Full, I want to be full!” the cock was hot and heavy, settling perfectly between his cheeks. His entrance twitched in want, pre running down, dipping into his hole. The essence bubbled as it sank deeper and deeper into his hungry channel. “Mmm!” he continued to rub himself against Hojo’s massive shaft.  

“You want it, take it.” Ginta shivered, he climbed up the massive shaft and sat on it, the head poking his entrance. The wolf demon, shivered in anticipation, just for a moment before he sank down.  

“Ohhh!” his tail wagged, the tip breaching his entrance. Inch after glorious inch was stuffed inside. Hakkaku watched, need and want in every fiber of his being, as each inch slipped inside his friend’s ass. He reached back playing with his own ass in need, his other hand pumping his own weeping erection. Ginta’s cock was twitching like crazy, each new inch made him moan louder, body shaking. “So good, so good!” he moans, a trickle of drool running down his chin. “So full!”

“Uh huh, you are doing good, you are about half way.” Ginta froze, his hole spasming.  

‘Only half?’ he looks down, and sure enough there were several inches left of cock to stuff him with. He lost it, his balls got hot and his cock swelled, and he came! Thick ropes of cum splattered his face, neck, and chest, the rest drenching his crotch. In his orgasmhe lost his footing and he slammed down onto Hojo’s cock. “Ahhh!” His belly bulged, and he had another orgasm. His seed painted his front, covering his face, neck, chest, and abs; some even landed on his tongue.   

The double orgasm had Ginta in a daze. Hakkaku was wide eyed. ‘Oh wow!’ he gulped. Ginta’s cock deflated to a semi hard state. His body couldn’t stop shaking, his hole spasmed around the massive flesh inside him. The wolf demon’s tail couldn’t stop wagging, pleasure spasms racing through his body.  

Hakkaku whined, he wanted to be full to. Hojo heard him and ated accordingly, his tail coiled around the wolf demon. He gasped as the tip of his tail poked his hole, his fingers retreated. The tip tickled his entrance, flicking the pucker and swirling around it. “Mmm!” Hakkaku wanted it, wanted it bad, his hole was begging to be stuffed.  

Hojo gave it to him, his tail pushed in and the wolf demon moaned. “Ahhh!” his eyes rolled up. His ass stretched wider and wider, his scales rubbed against his soft insides. Hakkaku couldn’t even touch himself, Hojo’s coils keeping his arms locked. His tail brushed his nipples and his balls, his cock left untouched, poking through the gap.  

His dick didn’t need to be touched, he was cumming from good old anal stimulus. One tail wiggle sent the wolf demon over the edge. His seed splattered his tail, and more tail stuffed his body, his belly bulging and stretching. Much like his partner he was cumming again. Hojo smirked and began to wiggle and fucking the two wolf demons.  

The two howled in pleasure, cocks rising back to full mast as their prostates were abused. The sensitive bundle of nerves sent wave after wave of pleasure through their bodies, their toes curled and their faces looked positevly lust drunk. His body rolled and rocked them. Ginta snapped out of his daze and started riding Hojo, bouncing up and down, riding the wave. Poor Hakkaku however was safely coiled, so all he could do was take it.  

It was a double dose of pleasure for Hojo has his the tip of his tail became an erogenous zone when aroused, so Hakkaku’s clenching hot inner walls felt very nice. His pre spilled into Ginta, soaking his inner walls completely. It made his insides hotter, his cock was certainly happy, bouncing and bobbing, weeping pre like a waterfall. His heavy balls bounced as he rode the lamia looking demon. “Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah so good!”  

Hakkaku was whimpering, his cock trapped between the coils, keeping him on edge. He had front row seat watching his friend get fucked silly. Watching his hole get wet and sloppy, his crotch bouncing like an excited pup. Meanwhile his own sweet spot was being tormented, constantly...insesintly! There were a few times he felt his vision blur, only Ginta and Hojo’s cock remained focused.  

Surprisingly it was Kouga who was the most jealous, his men were being pleasured and his cock hardened in want. He watched his master slither and fuck his men senseless, he panted, licking his lips at the overflowing pre. ‘I want to be played with to.’ he didn’t dare touch his cock, one hand was braced on the ground, the other played with one of his perky buds.  

“Kouga,” the wolf demon turned his head, Hojo was smirking at him. “Come here pet.” he bounded over, cock bouncing, tail wagging. He pulled the tan male to him, Kouga sat on his chest, and got swallowed, every inch of his cock in one go.   

“Master!” he moans. Hojo reaches around, fingering his needy hole. Kouga shuddered, Hojo his master was sucking his cock, non stop, not needing to pull back for air. ‘He’s gonna love this!’ His jaw opened and he swallowed Kouga’s balls, his cock sliding down his throat. “Oh my AaaaaahhhhhhHHHHhhhh!” his words turned into a howl, Ginta and Hakkaku followed suit with a howl of their own.  

Hojo bounced his balls on his tongue, his throat constricting around his penis. Kouga was in absolute heaven, he panted like a bitch in heat. His body shuddered, his hole tightening around his Hojo’s thrusting fingers. The snake like man’s fingers twisted and curled driving him wild. “Master, master, master, master!” His master was rewarding him, offering his mouth for his pleasure,  

Ginta was the first to cum, crying out his pleasure as he came. Kouga followed suit, cumming down his master’s throat. Hakkaku whined, his balls itching to cum. Hojo finally came, his seed pumping into Ginta’s tight ass, the inner walls squeezing his dick with all their might. Hojo’s cum pumped and pumped, making Ginta shiver, he couldn’t help himself he came again.  

His mind was mush, his hands came down and rubbed his swollen belly. “Yes breed me, I want your pups!” his belly continued to grow with his master’s thick semen. He felt free, both he and Kouga  had been bonded by their master’s seed. They were cum brothers! To no one’s surpise Hojo was still hard, he uncoiled around Hakkaku.  

Kouga helped Ginta off Hojo’s hard cock, laying him out with his ass in the air. Kouga said a prayer and quickly kissed his friend’s hole, lapping at their master’s cum inside him. He groped Ginta’s plump ass, fondling his cheeks making the semen flow into his hungry mouth.  

Hakkaku climbed up Hojo’s still hard dick. He was too horny to go easy, he slammed himself down onto Hojo’s mighty rod. “Master!” he howled as he came. His pent up seed erupted all at once, a steady stream of cum firing out of his pulsing cock. His stomach bulged from his master’s dick, the sudden stuffing making him see stars.  

His tail didn’t stay inactive, Kouga’s ass was looking lonely. He thrust his tail into Kouga’s channel, his moans muffled into Ginta’s butt. Hojo put Hakkaku doggy style position, he started moving fucking him wildly. His pelvis smacked Hakkaku’s plump buns, making his cheeks ripple with every thrust. The mohawk head, clawed at the dirt, cumming again onto the ground.  

Hakkaku had taken dick before, but no cock like this, the pre pouring inside him was so warm, and made his insides tingly. Which only amplified the friction of Hojo’s thrusting cock, back and forth, back and forth, coming or going Hakkaku was excited. “So full, so good master!” His cock bounced and bobbed with every thrust, slapping his toned stomach.  

The wolf demons came together, spilling their seed upon the earth, howling into the sky. Hojo groaned and found his release, pumping Hakkaku full of cum. His belly swelled, snake demon cum being quite potent. “I’m getting bred, thank you master!”  

“You did very well.” he caressed his tail, making the wolf demon shiver. “You still hungry Kouga?” he asked, pulling his tail out of his pet. Kouga licked his lips.  

“Very much so master.” Hojo smirked and pulled out of Hakkaku, the wolf demon whined at the loss, but soon Kouga was on him, kissing his wrecked hole lapping at his entrance. “Good boy!” Hojo pet him, he thrust his tail into Ginta.  

‘The sharing of cum bonds men together, wolf demons even more so.’ he smirks. Once the boys had another orgasm, it was time to cuddle.  

“It’s nice having the pack together like this.” Kouga purrs. In their mind, this was their pack, and Hojo was their leader.  

“Well our pack is still missing one.” the trio share a confused look, but he was coming.  


The Bone Eater’s Well glowed…

A naked silver haired demon rose from it, he was naked, ass stuffed with a thick toy, cock hard and weeping. He climbed out without an inch of shyness. He sniffed the air and smiled. “Master!” he bounded off to find him, wind dancing across his naked form. He looked almost older more mature, not an ounce of shame or fear inside him. He knew what he wanted, he knew where he was supposed to be.  

To be continued...Chap 5 Dogs and Peeping Monks


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