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Apprentice Witch

In a small town where weird and strange things occurred, you will find a witch in the last stages of his training. With dreams of becoming a full fledged witch in his heart he works on completing the final rituals needed to claim the final rank.  

Chapter 1  

In The Graveyard With Zombies

It was a dark, yet clear night, the moon was shining bright. The peaceful sky glittered with stars, above the small town of Hollowbrook. A crisp autumn wind blew through the town, making the changing leaves dance on the breeze. It was the first day of October, and the people were growing more excited as Halloween approaches.  

Some of the citizens already had their decorations up, while others prepare in a positive way, not everyone shared in the sacred spirit of the holiday.   

The peaceful night was disturbed with the sound of shovels digging. The hard metal piercing the earth, tossing it into the air as two young men dug into the ground, a third keeping watch. “Hurry up you two!” he whispers harshly, “We don’t have all night.” the boy was in his late teens, wearing a dark hoodie and jeans, wearing tennis shoes with the laces undone.  

“You could get your ass in here and help.” his friend is covered in dirt, he pulls his hoodie back exposing messy blonde hair. “This was your dumb idea.” he to was wearing a hoodie and jeans, but caked in earth.  

“Shut it, and keep digging!” the second says, hefting up another shovel of dirt and flinging it at the first boy outside the hole. This guy was the tallest of the three, broad shoulders, and thick arms. “I’m doing twice the work here.”

“Fine, fine.” he gets back to work shoveling.  

“This isn’t a dumb idea it’s gonna be great, we are gonna be the only ones in town with a real dead body for our haunted house.” he chuckles. “I told you guys I would split the prize money for best haunted house right?”  

The two share a look. “You did, but we are doing all the work.” he stabs the shovel into the ground and...clunk. The boys are gasp in surprise. “We found it!” the two clear off the dirt and indeed, they found a coffin.  

“Oh man this is gonna be so epic!” the one outside says, “Bring it up!”  

“Bring it up? Are you crazy, do you have any idea how heavy a coffin is?” the tallest boy asks.  

“Fine, then open it up and just bring up the corpse.”  

“WHAT?!” the second shouts. “You have lost your mind!”  

“Shh!” the one outside shushes. “Keep it down!”  

“Man, I’m not picking up any corpses, get your ass down here and help us get this out of here.” the tallest boy says.  

“That’s what I’m paying you for!” he snaps.  

“Then you were cheap, we need more guys for this, I’m not touching any corpse.”

“Neither am I!” the taller boy agrees, and crosses his arms.   

Knock Knock  

All three freeze, looking down towards the coffin.  


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