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My Hero Parody: 


Frog Quirk

Izuku is Tsuyu’s cousin, his father has the frog quirk and always works overseas. Izuku wants to be a hero, but his mother worries about his safety. Izuku’s quirk has given him some very unique traits.  

Chap 1  

It started a long time ago, the first instance of super powers was a baby, born glowing like the sun. From that moment on quirks began to appear in the world, and a new proffession began to take hold in this super human society...Heroes!  

There were always those who abused their quirks for their own selfish or villainous ends. Villains caused trouble and heroes took them on, such was the balance of the world.  

Four generations down, a young woman with the Quirk: Attraction of Small Objects met a man with a frog quirk. They got together and had a son, he was named Izuku, but the man Hizashi didn’t hang around. He wanted a big family with lots of kids, but Inko just wanted one.  

As soon as Izuku was born it was kids this and kids that, it was like he didn’t care about his first born at all. She couldn’t take it, he had this plan wanting to have 5 in 5, five kids in 5 years, and that was just a start. It made her feel like she was nothing but a baby factory. Hizashi never even picked up Izuku, or held him, and all he talked about was the next kid this, next kid that. Finally she had enough and they seperated, Hizashi took a job overseas and paid child support but otherwise had little to no contact with them.  

She kept in touch with his family but otherwise she washed her hands of the man. His family was all frog quirks, and his sister and her family lived nearby. Izuku was all she needed, the boy was her precious little man. She wanted to protect him, hoping he’d find someone nice that would treat him right, get a nice job and have a long life.  

Little did she know he son would have dreams of becoming a hero.  

Izuku’s Pov

My favorite video was an old one. “Mom it’s computer time!” I was bouncing around like an excited rabbit.  

“Alright, sweetie.” She finished the dishes and we went to the computer. “I don’t know how you can watch this video, it’s too scary for me.” I was so excited. “You’ve probably added over a million views just by yourself.”  

I clutched my All Might action figure as the video loaded. In truth the scene did look horrible, it was the debut scene. [Did you see that?!] A tall muscular figure rose from the wreckage carrying atlest 15 people on his back. [He has already saved 100 people!! And it didn’t even take 10 Minutes!! Really, what a monster!!]  

“HA HA HA HA” he was smiling. “You no longer have to worry! Why, you ask?” through all the carnage he stood proudly shining like a beacon. “Because I Am Here!!”  

“Sooooo cool! When I get a quirk I want to be a hero just like him!” I raised my action figure up high. Wanting to become a hero, one that can save people with a smile on their face, that was my dream.  

My cousin Tsuyu Asui, shared my desires to be a hero, though I wanted to be like All Might. She wanted to be like the rescue hero Thirteen, though she liked All Might to. He is the symbol of peace! With him on the scene crime rates dropped, and the young aspired to become heroes just like him.  

I could tell my mother wanted to support my dream, but she was still my mom, so she worried. Hero work was dangerous, and not all heroes made it out of a villain fight unscathed. Tsu thought it’d be better if I went into the Rescue Circuit more than the Active Hero agencies.  

The Active Hero, were the ones on the front lines, on call to fight villains, doing patrols, while the Rescue Circuit was back up and support, helping rescue civilians supporting the heroes against villains if possible.  

I did get my quirk, one from my father, I never met the man, but it was frog. Tsuyu had her quirk longer than me so she gave me the basics. Just because we shared similar quirks didn’t mean were exact copies. Just like Tsu’s mother and father sharing a quirk they looked different, and had different abilities.  

My tongue was actually thicker than Tsu’s, and most of my bodies changes were internal than external. I was still capable of powerful jumps and sticking to walls. Something a tad more embarassing my penis developed these small pearls. I got a new one every year.  

We went to a doctor just to be sure it wasn’t serious, it wasn’t apparently those with reptilian based quirks gained unique genitalia, this was just one kind, some men even had it done getting a pearl implant piercing. Mine was just all natural. The doctor said I’d stop gaining new ones once I reached 16.  

The real consern was my sweat. After my quirk developed I got the standard physical, which meant giving samples. This was deeper than a normal exam, since quirks varied. My sweat had a toxin in it, I would learn years later that it had a powerful aphrodesiac effect, with some minor healing properties.

For now I had to take medicine to nuetralize the effects.

Despite being friends with Tsu and her little brother Samidare, I also tried to make friends with the neighborhood kids. That’s how I met Bakugo Katsuki, who I call Kacchan. He is so smart, brave, super cool, and his quirk Explosion was powerful and flashy.  

He became the leader of the neighborhood kids. I thought we were great friends, but things got weird between us after an incident.  

Kacchan was leading us to go bug hunting. “Your quirk is so amazing Kacchan!”  

“Heh, way better than yours Deku.” he calls me Deku, teasing me as I wasn’t as good at things as he was. “You’ll be lucky to end up as a hero’s sidekick.” the other kids laughed, I just smiled at him.  

“Maybe, but I’ll give it my best, I want to save people, like All Might!”  

“Tch, whatever Bakugo Hero Squad move out!” We marched till we found a log over a creek. “Let’s go, yeah!” I gave a weak yeah while the others cheered.  

We were moving across the log, until Bakugo slipped falling into the water below. “Kacchan!”  

“He’s fine.”  

“Yeah, Bakugo is tough!” I couldn’t believe it, he could be hurt. I rushed down to check on him. He laughed, claiming he was fine.  

“Kacchan, are you okay?” I reached my hand out to him. “It would be bad if you hit your head.” He looked mad and he slapped my hand away.  

“I was fine, I didn’t need your help!”  he climbed out of the water.  

“But Kacchan?”  

“Cram it Deku!” Our relationship became more strained after that. I tried to apologize but that just made him angrier. I hoped things would get better for us, I really liked him.  

Over the years I studied heroes, filling notebook after notebook with hero data. I also trained, practicing my quirk every day, trying to get stronger.   

My relationship with Kacchan often got strained. Like one time at the park…

“Stop it, he’s crying, you are being mean Kacchan!” I stood infront of a young guy who was crying. “I won’t let you continue, if you keep this up I’ll stop you!”

Kacchan smirked, his two followers behind him activating their quirks, one stretching his fingers out, the other sprouting red demon like wings. “You think you can stand against me Deku, with a quirk like yours!” He punched his palm releasing a fiery explosion. “You are asking for punishment Deku!”  

They rushed at us, but I was ready. My tongue shot out and wrapped around the boy with wings. I whipped him into the long fingers quirk holder. The two gasp and groan.  

Kacchan rushes at me, and I hop over him, avoiding an explosion. “Don’t defy me Deku!” he growls.  

“What is the matter with you!” All the boy did was give me a flower, and Kacchan stomped over and got all mad. I jump around him avoiding his explosions. Why was he so mad?  

I did a spring tackle and pinned him to the ground. He thrashed around for a bit then stopped. He blushed and quickly looked away from me. “Don’t think you’ve won Deku!” he released a bunch of explosions and we ended up parting.  

Kacchan was such a mystery to me, he was so prickly and yet he had a love for All Might that rivaled mine. He wanted to surpass All Might, and be the greatest hero in the world. He’s so cool!

End Pov

It would be several years before Izuku was able to figure out why Bakugo acted like he did. He had a major crush on Izuku, like hardcore!  

He hated it when “small fries” or “extras” tried to get close to Izuku, his Deku. The real reason he gave him that nickname is because he thought it was cute, and that it suited him. His feelings for Izuku confused him for a bit so he acted out by getting possessive, or lashing out when Izuku got close to him.  

Katsuki was a smart boy, he figured it out around the time he and Izuku were going through puberty. He loved him, he liked guys, and he wanted Izuku. The boy challenged him, and that excited Bakugo to no end, it kept him on his toes.  

He also got pissed at himself whenever he upset Izuku. His mother saw it. Whenever he stormed into the house she would say, “Pissed off Midoriya again, didn’t you?”

“Shut it old hag!” Smack! She slapped him upside the head.  

“Watch your mouth brat! You should grow a pair and ask him out instead of being a little shit.” he grumbled. “You should do what I did with your father. When I saw him I knew he was for me, so I pursued him non stop!”  

“Shut up, I don’t need any dating advice from you!” he snapped. As much as he hated to admit it, she had a point, he wasn’t a coward. If he wanted his Deku then god help anyone who got in his way.  

To be continued...Chap 2 First Times  


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