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Digimon Parody: Patreon Reward

Knowledge Emperor Characters

Izzy Size 2 Inches New Size 7 Inches

Leomon 17 Inches

Tai 11 Inches New Size 6 Inches

Agumon 14 inches

Chap 3 Love for the Emperor

Izzy was loving his new size, the hard 7 incher was hard and ready to play. Tai stood in a daze of pleasure, cock hard, perky nipples pebbled in pleasure, pre dripping from his aching cock. ‘Beautiful!’ Izzy thinks, and licks his lips.  

He lines his cock against Tai’s. ‘It feels so great to be bigger than someone.’ he thinks excitedly. He rubs his 7 incher against Tai’s 6 incher. The brunette moans in delight, bucking against Izzy.  

The genius feels up Tai’s body, finding his perky nipples. “Ohhh!” he pinched, flicked and teased the boy’s nips, all while humping against Tai’s crotch. Their balls clapped together, the friction between their members growing hotter. Pre spilled out and soaked their manhoods, allowing Izzy to go faster. Tai’s face twisted in pleasure, and Izzy watched it, every second and reaction getting memorized. ‘So hot!’ his cock twitched, feeling Tai twitch back.   

It was almost an experiment seeing what stimulus would draw out the greatest pleasure. Rubbing the buds had Tai trembling, pinching the buds made his back arch, his breath catch, and his cock weep more, and giving a little tug had Tai crying out in pleasure.  

Izzy was having so much fun, but he knew if he was gonna take Tai’s cherry he needed to be properly prepped. He spotted Agumon who had just finished fucking Leomon silly, the large anthro lion like digimon was laying in a puddle of his own cum, his ass gaping and filled to the brim with seed.  

He gave the dino a look, and he smiled. Agumon rushed over and spread Tai’s cheeks. His tight pink pucker was twitching in delight. Agumon took a moment to sniff his hole, his cock hardening back up. The digimon buried his face between his cheeks and started licking.  

“Ahh!” Tai arched his back, his partner’s tongue ran across his crack, the spasming hole opened slightly. The dinosaur’s tongue slowly worked him open, adding more and more pressure, until finally the thick wet muscle pops into his ass. “Ohhh!”  

Tai shifts as the dinosaur’s tongue wiggles in his ass. “Mmm!” Agumon moans into his ass, and proceeds to tongue fuck him, getting his ass loose and wet for his emperor. This was his act of love, love for Tai and love for his Emperor.  

Izzy pushes forward kissing Tai, rubbing himself against the soccer player’s body. Hard nipples rubbed against each other, in an erotic dance similar to the one below their belts. Izzy was going to town, humping and grinding.  

Tai couldn’t take it, he was caught between his partner and his emperor. Agumon was wiggling his tongue in his ass, he had no idea how long of a tongue he had, and it was thick and oh so flexible. Izzy was rubbing on him in such an erotic away, that lap dancers would applaude.  

He came, shooting his cum all over Izzy’s dick and crotch. ‘Perfect lube!’ He pulls back and pumps himself, slicking up every inch and making his cock glisten. “You ready for my cock?”  

“Yes please, Izzy fuck me!” Tai was so excited, his cock bouncing like an excited puppy. Agumon pulls his tongue out of his ass, letting out a please sigh. The brunette bends himself over Izzy’s throne exposing his ass, he gives his butt a shake.  

Izzy inspects his hole, seeing it stretched and wet inside. “Well done Agumon.” the emperor pet him. Agumon shuddered, blushing from the praise, his balls lurched and he came. “Tentomon reward him please.”  

The bug like digimon flew in, giving a salute. “Thank you!” he cheers, his cock was long and tentacle like, drawfing even Agumon’s cock. The dino like digimon turns round and offers his ass to get mounted by Izzy’s partner.  

Tentomon buzzes happily as he fucks Agumon into the ground. Like digimon, like partner as Izzy steps up behind Tai, his hard 7 incher hotdogs his ass. The heat of his manhood licks his hole, making the wet hole spasm. “Izzy please!” he moans, bucking back his cheeks clenching, hugging the male’s dick.  

Izzy gripped his hips. ‘This is it, this is finally happening.’ He runs the cock head along his crack, Tai shivering as the head rubbed against his entrance. The fat head pushed against the tight pucker. “Ahh!” he arched his back.  

‘So hot!’ the fat head popped inside, breaching his tight channel. “Ohh!” the two moaned. ‘He’s tight!’ Izzy thinks pushing in slowly. Partly because he wanted to go easy on the virgin hole, the other part wanting to savor every moment.  

This was his new cock’s virginity, and he was giving it to Tai. Inch after inch stuffed the soccer player’s perfect ass, after giving him his two inches he pulled back. He rocked those two inches back and forth, before pushing more inside.  

“Izzy!” Tai moans, his hole hugging every inch Izzy feeds him. His lower mouth was swallowing up his emperor perfectly. “Tai!” Izzy reaches around and grips his aching cock.

He pumps him in time as he rocks inside him. “So...So good!” Tai was trembling, pre dripping onto Izzy’s throne. It got even better as the last inch pierced him. ‘Tight so tight!’ Izzy was almost in tears. ‘My cock is in Tai’s ass, he’s so hot and tight!’ every inch was stuffed inside him.

“So full!” Tai moans. Izzy stills inside him relishing every second he had inside him. His pre spilled inside Tai, the soccer player’s inner walls squeeing him so wonderfully tight. He didn’t expect Tai to be so soft inside, but it was amazing.  

Izzy kissed his back, one hand roamed up to tease one of his perky nips. “Ahh! Please Izzy move!” Tai bucks back, rubbing his ass against Izzy’s pelvis.  

“With pleasure.” he pulls back, till only the tip remained inside. The friction was heavenly, but for Tai, Izzy left a void inside him, and he desperately needed it to be filled. The emperor thrust back in and all was right in the world.  

“Yes!” Tai moans, the emperor chewed on his lip, fighting the urge to cum. Izzy starts off on a slow pace, making Tai feel every inch he has to offer. “Mmm yes oh yes yes yes Izzy!”  

‘Fuck, I didn’t know Tai could sound so erotic.’ friction, back and forth, back and forth, Izzy’s pre making his insides nice and wet to stuff. ‘It should be around here?’ he changes the angle of his thrusts and sure enough. “Fuck yes!”  

‘Found it!’ Izzy smirked, having a shiver of his own as Tai’s ass tightened around him. He places both hands on his hips, and speeds up his thrusts. His cock hitting the soccer player’s prostate again and again. Each hit was like a lightning bolt of pleasure, making his back arch and his hole tighten, increasing the friction.  

Now every thrust had Tai’s 6 incher swinging, pre whipped this way and that, his heavy balls bouncing. “Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah fuck me ah ah ah ah ah ahhhh!” he drooled.  

“Cum for me Tai, cum from me fucking your ass!” Izzy moans, he drove into him harder and faster. His pelvis smacked his ass, making the cheeks ripple.  

“Izzy! Ohh fuck Izzy yes!” he cries out and his climax hits hard. Thick white cum splatters over the emperor’s throne. His orgasm made his insides tighten. “Tai!” Izzy moans, giving a few more thrusts before he to climbs aboard the orgasm train. He cums hard, spilling his seed deep into his tight ass. “Bliss!” he moans.  

He pulls Tai back and captures his lips. “Mmm,” they make out, softly at first, the kiss deepening and getting hotter. ‘I’m making out with Tai, I’m making out with Tai with my dick in his ass, I’m making out with Tai, with my dick in his ass stuffed with my cum!’ His mind continued to spiral.  

“Don’t think this is over.” He pulled his cock out and Tai whined at the loss. Tai rubbed his belly, feeling Izzy’s semen shift inside him. “Leomon!” The digimon came over to them, cum rushing out of his ass and down his furry legs. “On your back!”  

He obeyed. “Leomon is gonna clean you out, if you thought Agumon’s tongue felt great just wait.” Tai obeyed, and sat on Leomon’s face. He felt the beastly man purr, a shiver raced up his spine. Big strong hands held his hips, as his tongue thrust into his ass. “Ohhh!” his toes curled in pleasure.  

Izzy got between his legs, lining his cock up. He didn’t hold back with Leomon, one thrust he buried his length into him. Leomon moaned into Tai’s ass, but the pleasure only made him lap faster.  

He hugged the digimon’s thick muscular legs and pounded his ass. Leomon’s massive 17 incher bobbed back and forth, from the force of his thrusts. Tai moaned as he was rimmed, Izzy was right Leomon’s tongue was amazing he wanted it all over him. His hand found its way into his crotch and he began to revel in his pleasure.  

Fucking Leomon’s cum filled ass was a treat, each thrust had Agumon’s cum gushing around him. Leomon was the first to cum, his huge massive dick erupting like a volcano. His seed shot high and rained down upon the boys, it was a glorious shower. Cum everywhere from head to toe, Tai even leaned his head back and stuck out his tongue, catching some of the big man’s seed.  

Tai came next, his seed vanishing in the sea that was Leomon’s cum. Izzy was the last to cum, Leomon’s tightening heat pulling him over the edge. It seemed Leomon enjoyed being cum inside of, as he came again another eruption of cum.  

After the love session it was time for clean up. Agumon was put in charge of cleaning the throne, and Leomon gave them each a tongue bath. “Izzy this is great, we should get the others in on this.” Tai says, as Leomon licked his pits.  

“Tai, that is a wonderful idea.” Izzy smirks. He was enjoying watching Leomon bathe Tai with his tongue. His turn would be next, and then the two would watch as Leomon bathe himself, hot damn was he flexible. It gave Izzy ideas for later, but for now he had to think of the perfect boy to bring in next.

To be continued...  

Patreon Reward


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