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My Hero Parody: Patreon Reward


Izuku: Omega: 6 Incher: Quirk – Pheromone; he can release various pheromones inducing effects on those who catch them.

Bakugo: Alpha: 13 incher: Quirk – Explosion; produces nitroglycerin like sweat from the palms of his hands

Kirishima: Alpha: 11 incher: Quirk – Hardening; can harden his body like rock.

Ojiro: Beta: 9 Incher: Quirk – Tail; has a large tail that he can maneuver and use.

Chap 8 Final Phase of Heat  

Ojiro’s jaw dropped as they returned to Izuku’s room. The omega pheromones were thick and heavy again. It made the beta’s cock harden. “Yep, Deku’s going all out.” Bakugo says with a smirk.  

The door opened. “Oi Deku!” Kirishima was panting and drooling. Despite his cock hardening, Kirishima was losing it. Izuku’s insides were so hot it felt like his cock was melting. Izuku’s touches were no better, the omega was feeling him up, smearing his essence all over him.   

Izuku’s cock was bouncing and bobbing, as he rode Kirishima hard and fast. Kirishima couldn’t believe he’s held his hardening so long, but the happy look on Izuku’s face made it all worth it. The red head’s chest and abs glistened with Izuku’s seed and his sweat. ‘Omega’s in heat!’ Kirishima’s eyes rolled up. ‘I can’t...’  

His alpha pheromones were completely overwhelmed by Izuku’s omega ones. His toes curled as he fisted the sheets nearly ripping them. “Kiri...more...” Just riding wasn’t enough he needed a knot, he needed cum inside him.  

‘So hot!’ Izuku’s slick had his crotch drenched. ‘Izuku you are the manliest omega ever.’ The smell was making him dizzy, it looked like Izuku had a glow about him. ‘He’s an angel!’ His face was red, his body twitching.  

“Alright that’s enough!” Bakugo snapped. He created a small explosion in his hand, dispersing the pheromones. “Kacchan?” the greenette moans.  

He comes over and pulls Izuku off Kirishima. The boy’s hardening dropped, and his spent cock slipped from his hole. “Wait I can keep going, I can...”  

“Yeah, shut it weird hair!” he pushes Izuku towards Ojiro. “Mmm, vanilla!” the omega purrs and nuzzles the beta.  

“Oh come on Bakugo I can keep going!” Bakugo bopped him on the head. “Idiot, you reak of omega, you need to shower and sober up.” Kirishima shook his head.  

“Oi Tail Ass, take care of Deku. I’m gonna deal with this light weight.” he was dragging the red head away.  

“Light weight?” the boy groaned. “Moron, you are drunk on omega pheromones you bastard.” He wasn’t really complaining as he had gotten that way to. Izuku’s quirk made him the master of pheromones, but now in his heat rattled brain, he was deadly. His scent was so addicting, and powerful enough to make even the toughest of alpha’s buckle.  

Izuku couldn’t control himself, so his heated pheromones were like a cocktail of his best fragrences. Incubus, Peppermint, Super Relaxation, they were diluted all mixed together with his Omega and Heat pheromones.  

Bakugo knew it all too well, the peppermint kept his alphas stamina up, the incubus kept their arousal up, while boosting their sensitivity, the super relaxation soothed their inner alphas into a purring mess, which allowed the omega and heat pheromones to intensify the feelings.  

First heats are always the hardest. Bakugo kept repeating over and over in his head. He was shocked as the cloud off pheromones seemed to disperse. Checking over his shoulder he saw Ojiro cuddling Izuku, the beta scent calming the omega.  

His huge tail rubbed against Izuku’s back, the skin on skin contact making him sigh in delight. The beta’s muscles were comforting, Izuku nuzzled him, taking in as much of his scent as he could.  

‘Good job, tail ass.’ Bakugo thinks before leaving the room. The two alphas head for a much needed shower, leaving the beta to deal with the omega.   


Ojiro couldn’t believe it, even after sleeping with Bakugo, here he was with a hot and horny omega in his arms. “Ojiro,” the omega purred. Shivers raced up and down the male’s spine.  

Bakugo’s alpha cum was still running down his legs, his seed had Ojiro hard as a rock but the sights and smells made him painfully hard.  

He rubbed his aching 9 incher against Izuku’s 6 incher. “Did you have fun with Bakugo and Kirishima?” he asked. Izuku moaned and bucked against him. “Uh huh,” a hand reached back and caressed his wet hole.  

“Two alphas and your still so wet, you know betas have a different way of fucking.” Izuku nods, his hole twitching at the thought. “Then allow me to take care of you, my omega.”  

He’s taken to the bed and laid out. Ojiro proceeds to kiss Izuku’s cheeks, first the left then the right, then sealing over his lips. Izuku moaned into the kiss, but the kiss didn’t deepen, it remained warm and gentle.  

It left Izuku a feeling of calm in him, and he sighed when Ojiro pulled back. “They say betas are the missing link between alphas and omegas, capable of dealing with alphas and taking care of omegas. I can’t call myself a beta if I couldn’t take care of you, so lay back and let me work my magic.”  

He starts pumping Izuku’s dick, squeezing and stroking his manhood, making him squirm. “Ah ahh!” his thumb rubbed the sensitive head, Izuku’s back arching from pleasure. The way he stroked was so different from his alphas.  

As his hand teased Izuku’s cock, Ojiro started licking him, nuzzling his neck and lapping away a mix of sweat and cum. It didn’t bother him any, he kept licking enjoying the cocktail of flavors. Izuku shivered in delight, every lick, every caress made his heart flutter.  

Ojiro found his chest, leaving kisses and licks across his strong pecs. Once clean, he focused on the omega’s perky nipples, first the left. “Ahh!” licking, lapping and sucking on the pert bud. “Ojiro!” he moans.  

He moved to the right, sucking on the bud. “Ahh I’m cumming!” he cries out and his climax hits. Ojiro pumps him through his climax helping milk him of several spurts. Ojiro cleaned up the mess, moving down to lick Izuku’s abs.  

Izuku hadn’t felt so clear headed, Ojiro’s scent wasn’t overwhelming him or making him dizzy. He got to feel everything. He shivered, as Ojiro mapped his abs with his tongue taking time to lap at his naval.     

He laps up the semen off his hand as Izuku blushes. “Still hungry beautiful?” Izuku nods. A shift in position had the beta’s plump ass over Izuku’s face, his face burned red. ‘So big!’ Ojiro had a very plump ass, support for his massive tail probably. His hole was wrecked, the tight pucker glistening.  

Ojiro sits on his face, and Izuku moans lapping at his alpha cum stuffed hole. “Ohh yes!” Ojiro pumps his cock as Izuku rims him. The shy omega tongue grows bolder with each lick.  His tongue scoops up Bakugo’s cum and he greedily swallows every drop.  

He supports Ojiro by holding his ass with one hand, the other caressing his tail. The blonde shivered in delight, his tail being one big erogenous zone when he was aroused. Izuku felt his hole spasm around his tongue, so he pumped his tail faster, earning shivers in delight.  

It was Ojiro’s turn to cum, “Izuku!” he moans and cums all over Midoriya’s abs and pecs, the remainder of his seed runs down and drips onto his face. The boy grins, licking his lips in delight.  

Ojiro moved to the 69 position. His hard cock rubbing Izuku’s face, as the omega cock was before him. He consumed the cock in one go. “Ah ahh!” he moaned. The blonde didn’t waste a second, bobbing his head back and forth over his twitching cock.  

The blonde’s penis wagged infront of him. He was smaller than his alphas, yet he tasted as delicious. He licked Ojiro’s cock, lapping at every inch, before finally sucking his cock into his mouth. Shared moans sent pleasing vibrations through their cocks. Pre gushed into their respected mouths.  

Strong sucks slurped away the essence, every drop couldn’t be wasted. Tongues danced, flicking hard flesh, tasting the other and finding joy in it.  

Izuku cums first, shooting his load into Ojiro’s mouth. The blonde followed suit, his balls lurching as he spilled his seed into the omega’s mouth. The two shared in their climax together, basking in it. Their mouths keeping working their respective shafts, milking extra spurts of cum.  


Bakugo and Kirishima were showering. “Is Ojiro gonna be okay?” he asks washing his arms.  

“What shit you talking about now?” Bakugo snaps, washing his own hair.  

“I mean Izuku’s quirk and heated scent, can he handle it?” Kirishima asks. He had finally gotten more clear headed, and he realized that Izuku’s quirk had gotten him, not complaining.

“Dumb ass, betas have their own way of mating. He’ll be fine.” Kirishima grins.  

“You really have faith in him.”  

“Of course, he’s the beta I picked after all.”  


Ojiro was driving Izuku wild, fingers massaging his entrance, teasing his insides. He sucked on his balls as he stirred up his insides. “Ojiro, fuck me, please!” the omega begged, but he was ignored. The beta was having too much fun, he was working Izuku up into a tizzy.   

He held Izuku’s hand, giving it a comforting squeeze. He sucked on his balls, before licking up his shaft, swirling around the tip, before going back down to suck his nut. The omega found another release his cum splattering Izuku’s muscled form.  

He gave Ojiro that look, the look that would have an alpha mounting him in seconds. Ojiro gave him a kiss and continued to rub against him, adding a third finger. Twisting his fingers, he made the omega’s toes curl. “You want my cock?” he asks, rubbing his sweet spot.  

“Yes, yes please!” he moans.  

Ojiro felt his heart race. ‘This is it, I’m about to lose my virginity.’ he thinks, and he licks his lips. He removes his fingers and Izuku whines at the loss. Ojiro’s eyes roam over him, his omega.  

Izuku shivered. His beta, with the scent of vanilla and eyes like dark chocolate. The toned beta gave him one more kiss, before pushing in. Izuku had certainly taken bigger dicks, two in fact, but Ojiro’s cock still felt so good.  

At the initial penetration his ass tightened around the beta’s dick. His slick spilling over his cock, helping the penetration nice and easy. “Ojiro!” his ass swallowed his cock, his cock twitching against his abs. “Mmm,” Ojiro purred, loving the heat and tightness.    

‘I’ve lost my cock virginity!’ he mentally cheered. He’d already given his anal virginity to Bakugo.  

“Mascchan!” Izuku whined at the lack of movemant. “Move please!” he moaned, bucking back onto Ojiro. The blonde shivered, feeling the sexy omega ass grind into his pelvis.  

“Wrap your legs around me.” Izuku obeys, his tail comes around and wraps around his waist. The omega squeeked as he was lifted off the bed.  

“Wow!” Izuku smiles, Ojiro smirks and starts to pound his ass. Slow long thrusts, his heavy beta balls smacking Izuku’s ass.  

The omega was held off the bed, supported by Ojiro’s tail and cock. His thrusts slowly grew more heated as his knot swelled at the base.  

Beta knots only form when penetrating, while smaller than an alpha knot no less intense when pushed in.  

Ojiro’s knot smacked his hole again and again, the omega whining seeking to take the swell of flesh. “Ah ahh, ah ah ah ah!” Ojiro kept thrusting, driving Izuku wild. “Mascchan!” the beta cock brushed his sweet spot, and he saw stars.  

Another climax, this time cumming all over Ojiro’s tail. “You want my knot!” he asks not stopping his thrusts, even as his insides tighten around him.  

“Yes, please Mascchan!” he moans.  

“Then you will have it!” he stuffs his hole with his knot, and they both moan. Izuku cums again, brain melting from the sensation. The omega drools.  

Ojiro loses control and cums deep inside him. “Izuku!” he moans, as spurt after spurt pumps into the omega. His tail tightened around his shivering form. Izuku’s legs tighten around him drawing him deeper, as the last of his orgasm fills him.  

The two bask in pleasure for a few moments. “Want more?” Izuku nods and Ojiro smirks. “Izuku do you know the history of knot play?” the omega shivers. He had, the originators of knot play were in fact betas, they have smaller knots. Knot play intailed the alpha or beta yanking their knot out of an omega’s hole triggering an intense explosion of pleasure, only to thrust the knot back in.  

With alphas they needed to give proper prep, or even an omega would break from it. Beta’s were capable of doing knot play no prep, a trade off compared to alpha’s size.  

Izuku nodded cutely, his eyes sparkling in wonder. Ojiro chuckles and gives him another kiss, this time deeper.  

A shift in position, Ojiro’s tail between their legs, his hefty appendage capable of holding him up. Izuku hugs hit, nuzzling his tail hair. He inhaled the scent, and humped against it.  

Ojiro held his hips and began to move, his knot popped out of his ass making Izuku’s toes curl. When he thrust back in, he stuffed his cock and knot at once. Izuku howled, back arching and toes curling as he came.  

The blonde kissed his back, everywhere he could reach as he fucked his knot in and out of Izuku, sometimes he just worked the knot, other times he pulled all the way back. The omega’s body was truly something amazing, he licked over his sexy back muscles.  

His insides took the knot play with ease, the beta knot passing through his fluttering hole. Izuku couldn’t even focus as he had orgasm after orgasm, pelting Ojiro’s tail with cum. “Mascchan!” Izuku moaned in delight.  

“Izuku!” The blonde moaned and came again pumping his seed into the omega.  


The alphas showed up some time later. Izuku was cuddled up against Ojiro. “Shower free?” he asks. The two nod, and he carries Izuku out for a much needed shower.  

Bakugo smirked. “Told you he could handle it.”  

The final days of heat were spent together. Izuku slowly regaining more clarity as the days passed. He remembered being spit roasted between his alphas. Getting fucked by Ojiro and sucking Bakugo’s cock. Getting double penetrated by both alphas and sucking Ojiro’s manhood. He couldn’t take both knots but two alpha dicks felt very nice. Ojiro put on a show for knot play, and he began teaching the alphas how to prep Izuku for it. The last thing he remembered was being in the center of a circle between the three, the trio showering him with cum.  

Izuku’s heat finally ended and all his senses came back to him. The two alphas and beta found him hiding under the covers. “Oh my god, I can’t believe I did that, and that, and even that. Oh man oh man, does this make me a slut, am I a slut? Was it all the heat? Was it me? Oh man!” he hid himself in the covers.  

“Get your ass out of there Deku! You aren’t a slut.” Bakugo snaps.   

“He’s right, you are very manly and cool.” Kirishima says giving him a smile.  

“How are you feeling Izuku?” Ojiro asked.  

Izuku pops his head out of the blanket, he sees them, and he feels this wave of calm wash over him. “I feel great.” he smiles, and the trio pounce on him, for a much needle cuddle session.  

To be continued


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