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 One Piece Parody: Tier 1: Updated PDF copy pending

Yami No Luffy  

Luffy doesn't eat the Gomu Gomu no mi, which changes things for him. When he takes a beating to protect Ace and Sabo he's within an inch of his life. As luck would have it one of Whitebeard's men was exploring the island and takes the boys in. Tier 1 Special


Luffy: Yami Yami Fruit: Captain: 10 Incher

Marco: Mythical Zoan – Phoenix: Navigator: 8 Incher  

Zoro: First Mate: 9 Incher


Chap 11 A change in plans?! Kaya murders Usopp?  

Usopp tells them to go to his place. While Luffy didn’t think it was the best idea, but if Kuro had won over the hearts of the people of the village they couldn’t hide there. Marco went full phoenix, and spied on the village, sure enough Kuro and the mansion guards were searching the village.  

“Oh man this is bad!” Usopp tugged on his hair. “I never liked that butler, but I had no idea he was a pirate.”  

“Not just any pirate, Kuro was well on his way to getting a high bounty till he was suddenly captured. He is a master strategist and he ran a very blood thirsty crew.” Usopp began to sweat.  

“He’s clearly up to no good, but if he’s here where is the rest of the crew?” Luffy says, and Usopp got really freaked out.  

“Oh no, a hoard of blood thirsty pirates are coming, they are really coming, what are we gonna do, what are we gonna do?” Zoro quickly hit him over the head. “Settle down!”  

Marco returned. “I don’t see any ships docked on the island, so if his crew is coming it’ll be awhile.” he sits down. “The village is a bust, Kuro has the guards looking for us.”  

“Oh man, it’ll be only a matter of time before he comes for us.” Usopp freaked out on the floor. “Shut up!” Zoro smacks him again. “This is not the time for panic!”  

“This is the perfect time to panic!” he yells, spraying it as well as saying it. “What is he gonna do to Kaya?”  

“He’s probably after her fortune, he’s been earning her trust for years. If she changed her will and named him as the successor, he could easily make it look like an accident.”  

The door opened and Kaya stood in the doorway to Usopp’s room. “It’s not true!” she shouts.  


“Usopp, it’s not true Klahadore is a good man. He’s taken care of me, I don’t believe it, I can’t believe it.” The straw hat crew of three look at each other. The girl was clearly struggling, and this wasn’t good for her health. “It’s not true!”  

“Kaya!” Usopp shouted. It was too late she shut herself in his room and locked the door. He tried to open the door, but no luck.  

“Leave her be, it won’t be good for her if you try to force her, she must come to the truth herself.” Marco says.  

“It’s all that butler guy’s fault.” Luffy punched his palm. “We should take care of him.”  


Kuro had called Jango to him. “Captain Kuro what happened?”  

“It matters not, I had a feeling this might happen, so I made a back up plan.” He handed over some instructions. “Follow it to the letter and everything will go as planned.”  

“Yes sir!”  

Merry comes in. “Klahadore, is it true, Miss Kaya has been taken, we have to find her!” he froze seeing the stranger in the room.  “Who is this?”  

“Merry, it’s good to see you. I had almost forgotten.” He slipped his cat claws on. “Klahadore what is this?” Merry backed away from him.  

“Do forgive me, but for my plan to work you’ll have to die!” With a swift swipe of his claws Merry was cut down, he dropped to the ground a pool of blood forming beneath him.  

‘I knew it, he still kept his murderous edge!’ he could tell by the way he adjusted his glasses.  

“Get moving, and signal the men!” Kuro hissed.  

“Right!” Jango ran off.  

“I’ll show you lot, what it means to mess with one of my plans.” he chuckled darkly. “Soon Miss Kaya’s fortune shall be mine!”


“We should take care of him.” Luffy says.  

“Question is how? No doubt now that he’s been discovered a cornered cat bears its claws.”  

A whistle was heard and a loud crack in the distance. They rushed to the window. “That’s a signal flare!”  

“Looks like we jump started the attack.” Marco says.  

“Oh no the village!” Usopp screamed.  

“Let them come we can take them on.” Zoro says.  

“We have two targets, Kaya and the village, Kuro will need them both gone to complete his plan.” Marco explains.  

“Alright, I’ll go beat up the butler. Marco what do you say about showing Kuro’s friends a warm welcome.” Marco smirks.  

“Yes captain!”  

“Zoro, you and Usopp stay here and protect Kaya.” Zoro’s jaw dropped.  

“I’m stuck babysitting?” Luffy cups his cheek, and kisses him on the lips. It was Usopp’s turn to drop his jaw, he blushed from ear to ear. “Zoro, we are caught in a game of strategy, we’ll need to cover our bases, or risk losing an important piece.”  

“Right,” he nods.  

“If we need to cover our bases, Usopp Pirates!” the kids salute. “Go and check the village, report back to me if there is anything strange.”  

Before Luffy could stop them they raced off. “Usopp are you sure that’s wise?”  

“They are apart of my crew, they will do me proud.” Luffy sighed, he’s still playing pirate. The look Kuro had in his eyes reminded him so much of Teach. That look that said he’d kill to get what he wanted. As the boys finished their planning and headed out Kaya continued to cry.

-x- Kaya’s POV-x-

It was painful. Usopp is my friend, and Klahadore he… tears ran down my cheeks. What Klahadore said was wrong, but Usopp’s friends why would they lie. I don’t want to believe it!  

My heart aches, who can I believe who can I trust? Klahadore please, someone tell me it’s not true. We were so close to our anniversary, I had even gotten you a gift. All the time we spent together was it all a lie?

I can still remember how much Klahadore took care of me, our shopping trips, the lessons. “Please someone!” I cried.  

Suddenly the door to Usopp’s window burst open. “Hello there little lady!” I gasped as a strange man wearing heart glasses. “No need to fear I heard your plea, and I’m here to help.” he says. “When a heavy heart plagues you, hypnosis is the key.”  

“Hypnosis?” the man nods.  

“Trust me, with a little hypnosis, all your doubts will be washed away.” he produced his chakra ring. I looked to the door, hand clutching my chest as I weighed my options. “Of course if you don’t want my help, I’ll leave you to your tears.” he starts walking backwards.  

“Wait!” he stops and comes back. “Please help me.”  

“Just watch the chakra,” he starts to swing it. “Soon all your problems will disappear.” my eyes follow it. “1...2...Jango!” Everything went dark.  

-x-End Pov-x-

With Luffy

Luffy had made it to the mansion, darkness swirling in his wake. The gate didn’t stand a chance, Luffy’s darkness crushed it under tremendous force. He headed towards the mansion. ‘I hear a voice, but it’s barely a whisper.’ he enters the home, and is met by guards. “Come!”  

These guards were just a distraction for Kuro. To test to see the limits of the intruder.  

With Marco

Kuro’s crew was sailing towards the island. “The captain has given the signal men!” the men cheered, it was a long wait and they were itching to kill. Once they docked they hit the beach.  

Marco landed before them. “Hello boys,” Marco’s arms were blazing wings.  

“Who the hell are you?” one of them asked.  

“I’m the welcome wagon!” he charged forth and the crew cried out in terror.  

With the Usopp Pirates

They walked the town searching for well anyone. It was like the whole town had vanished. The shops were empty the houses were bare. “What’s going on?”

“Yeah, where is everyone?”  

“I think...” a clatter made the trio turn. A shuffling of feet was heard as the villagers came out holding various items for weapons. “Wahhh!” Onion fell back.  

Their eyes were blank, some were drooling. “What’s with them?” One of them got too close, and the person brought a meat cleaver down. The boys barely dodged it. “Ahhh they trying to kill us!”  

“Run for it!” the boys ran, as the horde of hypnotized villagers made their way after them. “This must be that creepy guy, he did this!”  

“Stop talking and run!” they dodged swings, and the villagers followed them.  

With Zoro and Usopp…

The lock on the door were undone. “Kaya?” the girl stood in the door way, her eyes hidden by her hair. “Are you feeling better?” he approached her.  

Zoro’s eyes widened. “Wait Usopp!” It was too late, the girl pulled out a small knife and stabbed Usopp.  

“Kaya...why?” he stumbled back, blood staining his clothes.  

Her eyes were glazed over, she dashed forward and tried to stab Usopp again. Zoro blocked her with one of his swords.  

“Wait, don’t fight her, her body can’t take it!” Usopp shouts.  

“You say that but...” Kaya was fighting him with insane skill, if he could attack, he could defeat her, but Usopp was right if he struck too hard the girl would die. So he was stuck on defense, as Usopp clung his bleeding wound.  

“Kaya snap out of it!” Usopp shouts. The girl was intent on killing him.  

Carrot, Pepper, and Onion burst into the room. “Captain!” they shout. The villagers surround his home, banging on the walls and doors, trying to break in. “Everyone has gone crazy!?”  

As the villagers break in the kids gather around Usopp. “What are we gonna do Captain?!” Usopp was to busy crying and freaking out in absolute terror. Zoro had his hands full already with Kaya, but with the mind controlled villagers breaking in, he was losing ground.  

‘Damn it’ Kaya slipped past him, running at Usopp.  

“Gaaaahhhh!” the long nosed boy screamed.  

Back With Luffy…

Luffy had finished off the guards. Clap Clap Clap “Very impressive.” Kuro descended down the flight of stares. He had his cat claws on. “You may have stopped my plan A, but plan B, will deal with you and all your little friends.”  

“Why are you doing this?” Luffy asked.  

“Why? Because I was tired of being a pirate, coming up with plans for barbaric fools who couldn’t see my genius, and what do I get for my troubles?” he growled. “Marines chasing me, bounty hunters after my head, night and day, I didn’t have a moment’s peace.” he adjusted his glasses. “Then it hit me, the perfect plan, I’d fake my death and make sure someone else paid for it, then I could reinvent myself, and I stumbled upon this place. Everything was falling into place until you showed up.”  

Luffy glared. “Sorry to bust up your plans.”  

“Oh, you did plan A, but I had a back up plan, soon you and your little crew will be dead, and if you manage to kill some of my crew, saves me some trouble.”  

Luffy snapped. “Darkness Wave!” with a flick of his wrist he released a wave of darkness. Kuro dodged it vanishing from sight. Using observation haki, he knew right where he was. ‘To the left!’ with a flick of the wrist he hit Kuro with a wave of darkness.

The butler was slammed into the nearby wall. “You aren’t a real pirate!” he snaps! “I believe in my crew!”  

“Is that right, then like your crew, you’ll die!” Kuro slashed Luffy in the side, making the boy howl in pain. “As I thought, if you were a logia you wouldn’t have been dodging the guards’ attacks.” he raises his claws. “That means you can die!” his claw drops down.  

To be continued   

Chap 12 The Straw Hats Counter: Run Usopp Run!  

Marco had finished up with Kuro’s men. “This guy is a demon!” one of them whimpered. Marco dusted his hands off.  

“Now I’ll take out your ship.” he says, turning his arm into a burning wing. Before he could wreck the ship a chill runs down his spine. ‘Luffy?’ he used his observation haki, and sensed a great turmoil not towards the mansion, but Usopp’s house. ‘So many voices there, something isn’t right.’  

He felt a pull towards the mansion. ‘Luffy is your captain now, you have to trust him.’ as much as he wanted to go help Luffy, his captain would only get angry with him thinking he was babying him. ‘Luffy you better be alright or I’ll never forgive you!’ he turned into a bird and flew towards Usopp’s house.  

Sham and Buchi were trembling in fear. “What the hell, that guy is really strong!” Sham says.  

“No doubt, it shows the legends of devil fruits are real.” Buchi says. They come out and watch Marco fly off. “Sham, Buchi!” they hear shout, and see it’s the acting captain Jango.  

“It’s time for plan B boys, I need you all to fight!” the men groaned, clearly exhausted and worn out. “What’s that? I think you guys need some treatment.” he pulls out his pendulum, and starts to make it sway. “Forget your pain, summon up your rage, get your revenge, rampage and kill. One, Two, Jango!” he says.  

His powerful hypnotism works its magic, as the men forget their wounds and rise up, taking up their weapons and give a loud roar. Sham and Buchi’s sadistic murderous sides were drawn out ten fold. They led the charge as they followed after Marco.  

-x-With Zoro and Usopp-x-

Usopp screamed in terror as Kaya ran at him, knife drawn back ready to stab him to death. Carrot, Onion, and Pepper tripped her up, causing the knife to come down between Usopp’s legs, an inch or two higher and he would have been neutered. “Kaya you have to stop!” the Usopp pirates shouted, but the girl was not listening.  

Zoro had his hands full with some of the villagers, but he noticed how Kaya was still trying to go after Usopp. “Usopp!” he shouts. “Leave this to me and run!”  

“What!?” The long nosed male gasped.

“She’s only after you, if you run she’ll chase you, just keep running.” he says and blocked the town’s butcher. “I can deal with these guys.” he says.  

“You monster I won’t let you kill the villagers!” he says pointing his slingshot at him. “Captain!” the boys groan, trying to hold Kaya back.  

“Have a little more faith in me, I can deal with this without killing anyone now go!” he shouts. Kaya grabs the knife and starts swinging it, forcing the kids off her, they jumped off to avoid being slashed. Usopp eeped and began to dodge her swings. She stumbled over his legs and the knife came down, hitting the wall, nearly splitting Usopp’s nose.  

He paled. “Run Run Run, I must run!” he says and takes off. Kaya indeed gives chase, followed by the kids. Zoro turned his blades around, using the dull edge. He began to destroy the villager’s weapons, and promptly knocked them out.  

Since he didn’t have to protect Usopp and the kids, he could fight all out...well as all out as he could against hypnotized victims. Despite hitting with dull blows to knock them out, some of the stronger villagers kept getting back up. “Trying to act tough, I don’t want to hurt you!” he rushed forward. “Onigiri!” he cut down the stragglers, so to speak.  

Marco arrived as the last villager fell. “Looks like you had things under control after all.” he landed and returned to human form. “I heard many voices in this area, to think it was the villagers.”  

“It was that damned hypnotist freak! I should have cut him when I had the chance.” Zoro blinked. “Oh crap Usopp!” he filled Marco in on the situation.  


“Waaaaahhhhhhh!” Usopp cried as he ran for his life, Kaya following after him. He would have a good lead on her until she would trip. “Kaya are you alright?” he ran back to check on her, only for the girl to try and kill him again, and set off the chase once more. “Kaya please don’t kill me!” he screams as she chased him around the woods.  

Back With Zoro and Marco…

“I see, this is a mess, this hypnotist crap is a pain in the ass.” A sudden roar drew their attention as the Black Cat Pirates, now hypnotized and wild came charging for them. “Hey old man, looks like your slipping.”  

“Watch it, looks like the hypnotist is at it again.” he ran his fingers through his hair. ‘I could have killed them, but Luffy wouldn’t have been happy with that.’ Luffy didn’t like killing, to kill meant you destroy someone’s dream for good. Marco had decided to be the talon to cut down an enemy should Luffy’s mercy fall on the wrong soul. “Looks like I have a fight on my hand, go after Usopp, I’ll handle this!”  

“You sure?” Marco’s body lit up in blue flames. “I’ll be fine, they were barely a work out before this will be more fun!”  

“Fine, you handle them, I’m gonna...”  

“MEOW!” Sham bolted forward he was able to snatch two of Zoro’s swords. “Damn it!” Zoro cursed. Sham and Buchi blocked Zoro’s path. “Looks like these two won’t let me escape so easily.” he draws his remaining sword.  

It was round two the Straw Hat Pirates against the hypnotized Black Cat Pirates. They began clashing Sham and Buchi kept Zoro on edge, only because of his one sword. Even Marco found some difficulty, no matter how hard he hit these guys wouldn’t go down.  

Their blood lust was immense. ‘Not only did they recover from earlier, but the body’s limiter has been removed.’ Marco analyzes how the fight. ‘They are strong, and durable, but their minds are gone.’  

One of the larger pirates grabbed Marco. “Stab him, run him through!” he shouts. Two pirates rush forward and stab them, running Marco through.  

“Oh oww that hurts, oww.” Marco says before smirking. His body is lit up in blue flames, he heals from the attack. With a quick kick he sent the two flying back. Taking off into the air he dropped the large man into the ground. Marco takes flight grabbing some of the crew and using them as weapons to hit the others.  

Weapons had no real effect on Marco, his flames regenerated his body at ease. He brought havoc to them, before he was holding back now he was going all out. He was clearly on edge about something, and taking out his frustration on these mind controlled fools.  

As the crew took on Marco and Zoro, Jango went after Usopp. He had to finish the plan for sure. ‘Captain Kuro will kill me if I fail.’ he thinks.  

-x-With Luffy-x-

Blood rushed out of the open wound, running down his sides. Kuro had struck him with his claws. “The rumors of devil fruits have reached even here in the east blue, if you were a normal logia I couldn’t hurt you, but since I can that means I can kill you!” he smirks. Luffy tries to punch him, but he jumps back. “If you can bleed you can die!”  

“Shut up!” Luffy hissed, his darkness spreading out and closing the wound. He panted as he came down from the burst of pain. “I’m not gonna let some sorry excuse of a pirate beat me.”  

Kuro adjusts his glasses. “Oh you will die, first you then your crew, then the villagers, and then even my own crew shall die!” he says and charges at Luffy.  

Luffy while skilled in observation haki, pain could distract him from using it. So he had to fight without it, till he could fully calm down. He dodged Kuro’s cat claws, shifting into darkness and doing his best to dodge the man’s swift strikes.  

If things got hairy, he used his darkness to draw a heavy object to him and he used it as a shield. With a smirk, he caught Kuro’s claws in the nearby wall and broke them. He threw a punch and hit the mock butler hard. He shattered his glasses and sent him flying bat. “Darkness Pull!” he was caught and hauled towards Luffy. Luffy hit him again for good measure.  

Kuro was down, but not for the count. He gets up and his glasses fall apart. “You little brat, how dare you stand in the way of my plans, my dream of achieving peace at last. I will not let you!” he howls.  

He starts rocking back and forth. ‘What is he...’ Luffy begins to think only for Kuro to suddenly vanish. “Out of the Bag Attack!” he hears.  

Luffy stays still trying to sense him. ‘Ehh?’ he blinks. He couldn’t predict the movements. A random scratch hits the wall. Then the floor gets scratched. ‘What on earth?’ he blinks. Realization hits when one of the guards Luffy knocked out gets slashed. Then Luffy’s arm, and then more guards were slashed. Kuro was moving so fast he was striking at random.  

“Stop it!” Luffy shouts and places his hand on the ground. “I’m your opponent you bastard! Dark Floor!” His darkness spreads across the floor. “Heavy Pull!” Kuro was slammed into the ground.  

“My crew is tougher than you think, Usopp is tougher than you think all your plans will be consumed by darkness!” Luffy hardens his fist with Haki and he punches Kuro hard.  

Back with Zoro and Marco  

Marco had finished off the hypnotized pirates. Zoro was fighting Sham and Buchi with everything he had. He needed his swords back, but the two were staying on him like cats on a mouse. ‘All I need is a sword, just one!’ he thinks.

“Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill!” they chant as they swipe at him with his claws. Zoro tried to cut down Sham, but the male wore clothing that didn’t fit his lithe body. When he thought he cut him down all he got was clothe, which gave Sham a chance to do a sneak attack scratching Zoro’s arm. “Your blood! Ahhhh your blood!” Sham moaned sounding almost in pleasure.

“You sick fuck!” he says as Sham licks his blood off his claw.    

“Zoro!” Marco shouts and kicks his swords to him. He takes up his blades and smirks. “Thanks,” he says.  

“Consider it a freebie,” he says. Zoro cuts down the two quickly, Sham crumbling but Buchi’s fat protected his vitals. “You...you...I’ll make you pay!” he roars, his muscles swelling he charges at Zoro, claws lengthening.  

Buchi acts as a cannon ball, slamming about trying to cut Zoro down. He scratches Zoro’s chest, but the swordsman gets the win as he cuts Buchi down. He goes flying and lands hard.  

With Usopp

Usopp was running and running trying to avoid Kaya who was trying to kill him. He ends up running into Jango, who also tries to kill him. He swings his pendulum down trying to slash him. Kaya shows up, and Jango stops Usopp from running. He holds the pendulum to her throat. “Hold it right there!” he says. “Take a step and I’ll cut her throat.”  

The liar freezes and turns, pointing his sling shot at Jango. “Free Kaya of your control!” he says and Jango laughs. “Tell me how to snap her out of it!” he shouts.

“You fool, there is only one way to reverse outside of knocking them out. I would have to say Awaken, One Two Jango!” he says before laughing. Kaya snaps out of her hypnosis. “Captain Kuro’s plan won’t fail, you, your village, even your pirate friends will all die, and Miss Kaya’s money will belong to us!” he says and wham!  

Kaya kicks him in the balls and drops him. The Usopp Pirates jump in and attack Jango with a barrage of tools, as weapons. “YOU BRATS!” he howls jumping up, clutching his crotch in pain.  

“I’ll put you back under my hypnosis, this time the whole lot of you.” he began to swing the Pendulum. “One!”  

“Special Attack: Exploding Star!” Usopp fired and before Jango can even say two, boom! His glasses go flying and his face was burned. Kuro’s pirates were gathered up and dropped off on the ship. Instead of destroying the ship completely, Marco made off with their treasure and destroyed their helm.  

The villagers woke up with no memory of what happened, unaware that a liar and a bunch of pirates had saved their lives. Jango escaped, and Kuro was not found. Kaya had heard Jango’s confession, and Merry had survived to tell her what happened. ‘So it was true, in the end my real friends came to save me.’ she smiled happily. ‘I won’t let him get me down!’   

To be continued...A Ship...We Have a Ship!


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