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Pocket Monster Parody: Patreon Reward: PDF Copy Available at Chap 5


Chap 2 Pallet Starter: A cold morning makes lamia’s sleepy  

Ash and Ekans were so excited about becoming trainers. He went back to school, taking classes, and training with Ekans again. His father left him a scroll, giving him details about his new form and what he could do.  

His curse was from a Pokémon, so like a Pokémon he had to hone his abilities. Ekans was happy to help, they battled together and got stronger together. Even Gary, became part of his training.  

Ash had very special eyes, if they flashed gold they could paralyze someone. Over time he developed a new gaze, his eyes flickered into a rainbow of colors, he could hypnotize someone. His vocal cords vibrate becoming a soothing tone, that draws people in. It helped sell his hypnotic gaze, drawing them even deeper.  

He found he could hypnotize Gary, and make him do things. He developed quite the voyeur tendency, watching Gary play with his cock and ass for him, or sometimes just playing with his nipples till he came. He wanted Gary to enjoy the experience to so… “You will remember this time together. This pleasure, these sensations I want you to remember them.”

So Gary did, in his dreams, this caused a series of wet dreams for the brunette. Even when he awoke he could still feel Ash’s eyes on him. His body arching to be touched, needing to be pleased. Their time together was remembered fondly by Ash as well, he used the memories as fap material.  

As the days rolled on he continued learning about his new abilities.    

His saliva had healing properties, and his semen had aphrodisiac properties, his pre acted like a natural lubricant helping make his partner hot happy and high. He could produce a similar venom through his fangs, he could also produce a spitting venom that could paralyze.  

It seemed he didn’t want to hurt anyone, so his body evolved to suit his tastes. To stun, but never kill! He was strong, flexible, and fast. Delia really loved his new form, he was great help around the house. When he ran errands he got them done so fast, he was able to lift and carry things with ease.  

For all his benefits, his curse did leave him vulnerable in one aspect.  

On the eve of his Pokémon journey, Ash and Ekans were so excited. They stayed up watching Pokemon News, it wasn’t a big deal, thanks to Ash’s curse his body broke down food 100%, giving him bounds of energy, he only needed 4 hours of sleep.

When they finally turned in they set their alarm, and another alarm just in case. They had everything planned, what they didn’t plan on was the cool day that would follow. Snakes were cold blooded, normally Ash’s heart would accelerate to keep his temp up while awake, but asleep, his heart rate slows.  

The cool temp caused his body temperature to drop, making it difficult for Ash to awaken. His body felt sluggish and heavy, and he couldn’t bring himself to awaken. ‘So cold!’ he shivered and curled into himself. An open window was the cause of this chilling breeze.  

Gary had gotten his Pokémon, but he hung around waiting for Ash. ‘Where is he? That loser, did he sleep in?’ As two more Pallet Town trainers arrived to collect their Pokémon, Gary was officially worried.  

Delia had gone out shopping early that morning, she didn’t realize what had happened, until Prof. Oak gave her a call. “What, Ash didn’t show up to get his starter Pokemon?” she gasped. “I’m so sorry, I don’t know what happened. Thank you professor, thank you.” she says before hanging up the phone. “Ash, sweetie...” she raced up the stairs, when he didn’t respond. As she got closer to the door she heard the alarms. “Ash!”  

She found him and quickly started doing her best to warm him up. Her efforts were a success and Ash bolted up under a mountain of blankets. “Huh? What’s going on?” he blinks. Now that he was awake his heart was pumping.  

“Your temp dropped sweetie, you slept in.”  

“What?!” he bolted out of bed, not even bothering to put on clothes, he slithers out of his room with Ekans hot on his tail. “Oh man, oh man, it’s late, I’m late!”  

“Ekans!” his Pokémon calls out. “Ek, Ekans, Kans.”

“Yes I know, we are late, and I know it’s not our fault but this is so bad.” They slither as fast as they could and ran into Gary. He knocked the brunette down, and his face landed right into Gary’s crotch.  

Gary sat up groaning, rubbing the back of his head. “Oh man!” He blushed seeing Ash’s face in his crotch. He sat up, chuckling. “Hey Gary!”

“Don’t hey me, you idiot.” the two stand up. “You are late, I’ve already got my Pokémon, you are dead last.” he scolds.  

“I know my temperature dropped, and I couldn’t move.” he chuckles sheepishly.  

“Idiot!” he scolds again. “You better hope Grandpa saved you a Pokemon.” he says.   

“I still have my Ekans, but I was really hoping for a Kanto Starter, maybe Charmander, or Bulbasaur, or Squirtle!” he says excitedly. Gary felt a little bad, as he already picked Squirtle. “I’ll go see if he has a Pokémon, go ahead and go Gary, we’ll see each other again.”  

Gary blushed. “I wasn’t waiting around for you or anything, idiot!” he says and quickly leaves, dashing off. Ash smiles at him fondly, staring at his booty as he ran off. Ekans nudged him. “Right!”  

They go inside Oak’s lab. “Ah Ash, I hope you are alright?”  

“My temperature dropped, I wasn’t able to move.” he says.  

“Ahh, I see, we did get a bit of a chill in the air didn’t we.” he opens the door for him. “Well come inside and we’ll get you a starter Pokémon.” he says.  

Oak had been the most accepting of his new form. Everyone’s eyes had shifted when he had changed, though people accepted him now, but when Oak looked at him he never changed. Ash was so happy he didn’t question it.  

He helped run tests on Ash, analyzing his fluids and body as it developed. It was thanks to him he learned about his semen’s special abilities. Oak was very kind and helpful, but kept his motives to himself.  

Ash raced into the lab and found the three pokeballs containing the potential starters. “I choose Squirtle!” he says, he picks up the ball only to find it empty. “Already taken I’m afraid.” Oak says.  

“Oh, okay then, then I choose Charmander!” he picks the ball only to find it empty. “Oh no!”  

“Also taken by another young trainer.”  

“Then, Bulbasaur!” he picks, but again the ball is empty. “Oh no they are all gone.”  

“I’m afraid so, but don’t be upset I do happen to have another Pokemon.” A ball rises from the center, it had a little lightning bolt on it. Ash opened it and out came Pikachu. “Pika!” it cheered.  

Ash was so excited, he rushed in and hugged him. Pikachu tensed up and glared. “Pi!” it shocked Ash and Prof. Oak.  

“It has a bit of a temper.” he says, and the two slink to the ground. Ekans uses Glare and paralyzes Pikachu.  

Ash comes over to Oak and starts to lick him, his saliva healing the man’s wounds. Oak shivered and blushed, fighting to contain his arousal. “How do you feel Professor?” he asked and Oak fought back a moan.  

“Great, Ash thank you.” They get up. “Here is your Pokedex and PokeBalls.” he hands the items over. “Your status has been informed to the police, so if you run into any trouble bring your pokedex to them.”  

“Thank you professor.” He couldn’t wait to start catching Pokémon and making new friends. The Pokemon League had adjusted their rules recently. Trainers could carry up to 12 Pokemon at a time, you were allowed to fight trainers in either 1 on 1 matches, using anywhere from 1 to 6 of your Pokémon, or 2 on 2 battles using up to 12 of your Pokémon. Gyms and the league itself had special battles where you could even have to use 3 on 3 Pokémon at a time.   

Ash gives Pikachu a kiss and heals him. The electric type was surprised to say the least. Ash brings Pikachu outside, his mother and some fans of his were waiting, they had banners and posters of him. “You can do it Ash!” His mom brought him his back pack and clothes. Ash put on his shirt, vest and fingerless gloves. He put his Pokedex and balls into his vest pockets.    

Pikachu still wasn’t happy, when Ash tried to return him, he smacked the ball away with his tail. He kept trying almost making it look like they were playing catch. Pikachu was about to shock them all, but Ekans gave him a warning hiss. His ability Intimidate activated. “You don’t like being in the ball do you?” Pikachu shook his head. “That’s fine Ekans doesn’t like it either, and it’s more fun to hang out together.”  

He smiles and offers his hand. “Let’s be friends.” he says. Pikachu touches his finger, and shocks him. Ekans stuns him with Glare. Not the best start, but his Pokemon Journey it was just beginning.       

To be continued...Ash catches a Pokemon!


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