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Naruto Parody: Tier 1: PDF Copy at Chap 5: Chap 1-3 will be in Fan Book 4 

Naruto : (Size: 10, 13 in teen form) Hybrid Ruby – Left Palm – Gem Weapon: Shield – Nin Ability: Chakra Chains

Sasuke : (7 inches) Sapphire – Right Palm – Gem Weapon: Sword – Gem Ability: Sharingan Fire Manipulation

Kiba : (9 inches) Amethyst – Right Palm – Gem Weapon: Claws -

Shikamaru : Peridot – Chest – Gem Weapon : Helmet -

Chouji : Amber – Navel – Gem Weapon : Mace -

Itachi : Black Sapphire -??? - -???- Gem Ability : Sharingan


Sakura – Pink – Forehead – Spear

Ino – Yellow – Chest – Spear

Hinata – Blue - ??? - Spear

Kurenai – Indigo -???- Spear

Kakashi (Size 8 inches) – Silver – Upper Back – Spear – Gem Ability: Sharingan Lightning Manipulation

Human Ninja

Minato (Hokage) (Size 8 inches)

Asuma (Jounin)

Shino (Genin)

Iruka (Chunin)


Shikoji (Shikamaru/Chouji) Tall, four armed and four eyed male, the upper eyes were a peridot color, and the lower were amber has Shikamaru's Hair style but Chouji's hair color. Gems in Navel and Chest. Gem Weapon : Armor

Minaruto (Naruto/Minato) Tall, long wild mane, two blue eyes, four arms, and Naruto' whisker scars, cock is 16 inches. Gem Weapon - ???

Sasuto (Naruto/Sasuke) Tall, two armed male, he had Naruto's style of hair but it was black, with a touch of blonde highlights. He wore an open black jacket and black pants with an orange line running down the sides. He had three eyes, one eye was red the other blue and the third eye was the sharingan, Gem Weapon: Sword and Shield   

Kibato (Naruto/Kiba) Tall, two armed male, one red eye one purple. Kiba's markings but blue in color. Brown hair with a blonde streak. Wears an open jacket and fishnet shirt and black pants. Gem Weapon: Buzz Saw Shield  

NaSaKi (Naruto/Sasuke/Kiba) a giant, two legs, a huge chiseled body, 6 arms Sasuke's gem was in the upper right, Kiba's gem was in the lower right, while Naruto's gem was in the middle left. The fusion had a wild mane of hair, it was black with streaks of blonde and brown, plus some red purple and blue. He had a handsome face and he had two red eyes, one purple and one blue beneath the two red ones. He was wearing his ninja head band over his forehead. The fusion was shirtless and wore half orange half black pants. Gem Weapon: Shield/???

Chap 4 Missions

Naruto was quite satisfied with how he left Kakashi, not to mention he was excited to have become an official genin. ‘And here pop was worried.’ he chuckles. Naruto was quite good at fusion, having plenty of practice with his father, but still…

He blushed as he remembered the threeway fusion with Sasuke and Kiba. He had been their core, the center focus, doing his best to balance them. Both were such strong and conflicting forces, passionate and wild. Even for him it was intense, though he did his best not to show it. ‘If we need to do that again I’ll need to become a lot stronger.’ It wasn’t like they were the first Threeway fusion either. ‘Still, to think we were able to threeway fuse at all, it was epic!’  

Naruto was so excited he rushed home to give his father the good news. Minato was waiting for him at the door, naked as the day he was born. “How did the test go?” he says. Naruto smirks at him.  

The blonde transformed taking on his older appearance. His 13 inch dick bulging the confines of his pants. “What do you think?” he says and begins to strip.  

Minato blushed feeling his heart race.  

‘He’s super excited!’ he thinks before he’s whisked away to the bedroom. “Ohhhhhh!” he howled. Minato found himself laid across his older son’s lap. The gem hybrid toyed with his ass, rocking the toy in and out of him. “Oh fuck, Naru-ahhh!” Naruto brushed his sweet spot, making his inner walls tighten around the thrusting toy. His hard 8 incher wept, as Naruto’s 13 incher rubbed against his abs.  

As Naruto fucked him with the toy, he told his father everything that happened. Minato had to listen, if he was caught losing himself to pleasure Naruto would stop. The hybrid left nothing out, the feeling of the triple fusion, defeating Kakashi, stripping him naked, tying him up and punishing him. He finished his tale and Minato came, the images of what he did to his student running through his head. “Amazing!” he moans, his cock lurches and blows his load all over his son’s thigh.  

Naruto pulls the toy out, and rubs his father’s ass. “I wish I could have seen it.” he pants.  

“The fusion or punishing Kakashi-sensei?” he chuckles as his father blushed. “Would you have watched?” he pulls his father’s dick back between his legs and pumps it. “Would you have played with yourself as I teased your former student?”  

“Yes!” Minato moans. Again Naruto chuckles. There are no secrets between them, his father’s deepest desires are his to play with and bring to life.  

“On your back, hold your knees up.” Minato obeys laying back, he pulls his legs up, exposing his tight manhole. No matter how many times they fucked Minato remained wonderfully tight, be it his chakra system or Naruto’s seed healing him on the inside.  

Naruto’s cock was slicked up and positioned at his father’s hole. He pushes in and Minato howls in delight. ‘Sasuke is so worried about sharing thoughts, I wonder how they’d react if they saw all this?’ he thinks as he drives into his father’s body. The older blonde bucked and moaned, toes curling and back arching in pleasure.  

Minato was in heaven, the dildo was nothing compared to his son’s real cock. The friction the heat, his insides felt like they were melting, Naruto’s pre worked wonders filling him as he pulled out, soaking his insides. It made the journey back inside wonderful. Naruto’s heavy balls smacked his ass with every thrust, Minato’s stomach bulging from his son’s cock.  

He felt it, each time he went balls deep. His cock rubbed against his son’s abs spilling pre all over his muscles.  

Naruto’s left hand gripped his cock, the ruby glowing and Minato cried out. “Naruto!” he howled. His toes curled as he came, thick ropes of cum spraying all over himself. Naruto kept thrusting into his clenching heat, the ruby continued to pulse and Minato continued to orgasm. ‘He’s always so good to me!’ he thinks as he’s fucked to oblivion.  

Soon enough Naruto cums, and his large cock swells and pumps the hybrid’s seed into Minato’s tight ass. He releases Minato’s cock, and the manhood falls spent, laying in a puddle of cum.  

Naruto rests his forehead against his father’s his gem glows and the two fuse into one. Minaruto appeared and laughed. “Fuck the hell yes that was great.” he moans. He lays back in bed basking in his existence. Naruto shared his thoughts and memories of the day with his father. “Man I’m starving!” he gets up, yawns and stretches as he heads into the kitchen to eat. He let his massive 16 incher sway to and fro.  

“So missions start soon, guess I won’t be me for long. That sucks.” he says and runs his fingers through his massive blonde mane. He eats and drinks, basking in his existence. He was the embodiment of their love, so it was great to be alive. “I think Naruto’s worried about being the core too much, their fusion will get better the more the bond gets better, like me.” he says proudly, then laughs.  

He has some fun exercising and getting a shower, before returns to bed to fap. “Fuck, it feels so good to be me!” he moans, pumping himself with both hands. His climax hits and he passes out in a mess of his cum. ‘Better enjoy this now, while it lasts.’ he thinks.  

Minaruto lasted until morning, before the two split, still held in a loving embrace.  


Naruto was so excited for his first mission. He wanted to go out and see the world. He had high hopes only to have them dashed when he realized he’d only be getting D Rank Missions.  

‘This is so boring!’ Naruto thinks. D Ranked Missions were given to new genin. This included in village missions like finding lost pets, retrieving lost items, walking dogs, babysitting, and even farming. This of course was to get the new students used to taking missions, and working together.

This did help build their team work...as a team they were equally bored. The first couple of weeks were fine, they did their missions, completed them and then trained. The first month fine, the second month was pushing it, by the third month the team was collectively pissed at all the D Ranked Missions.  

They were equally annoyed when they found out Kurenai’s team had gotten to take a C Ranked Mission already, and Asuma’s Team had already taken 2 C Ranked Missions. So after finding a rich ladies cat, for the fourth time in three months they gems were fed up. “Dad what’s with all these D Ranked Missions, we are strong we can handle higher ranked ones.”  

“Naruto, show the Hokage some respect.” Iruka scolds. He was assisting Minato for the day. “It’s fine.” Minato says. “Naruto, the missions you are given are important for your training.”  

“With all due respect Hokage-sama, we are bored with all these missions. We at least want to try a C Ranked one.” Kiba says.  

“What’s the good of training if we don’t have a chance to test our skills in the field.” Sasuke adds.  

“Y-Yes...right?” Naruto didn’t want to be treated special just because he was the Hokage’s son. He was concerned that his dad might be trying to protect him, and keep him safe in the village. “Well I do have a C Ranked Mission I could give you.” he says and hands Iruka the file.  

“We just got this one, it’s an escort mission. You must deliver the bridge builder to the land of waves.” Tazuna enters and he...was drunk off his ass. ‘This guy is our mission?’  

“These brats are gonna be my escorts?” he hiccuped, and takes another drink.  

While the drunk soured Sasuke and Kiba’s mood, Naruto however was happy. “A C Rank Mission, this is gonna be great!” he cheers.  

To be continued...From C to B: Danger lurks in the Mist!


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