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Digimon Parody: Tier 1: PDF Copy available at chap 5


Chap 2 Capturing Courage

Playing with the digimon really got Izzy thinking. He had already gotten awakened to his past and present, but now he had practical experience. Tai was their leader, he took charge, and tried to keep them all safe. He also trusted each of them, using their own strengths.  

When Tai was gone they all fell apart. One by one, and Tai got them all back together. There was something special about him, it was why he needed Tai first. It wasn’t just because he wanted Tai’s cock first, no not at all.  

Izzy sits and watches Tai play soccer, seeing him kick and watch that mighty man meat shift in those shorts. He came to all of Tai’s games unless he had something with his parents. He watched Tai work up a nice sweat scoring the winning goal for his team.  

After his victory, Izzy followed Tai to the locker rooms, he watched Tai strip out of his soccer uniform, his tiny tool lurching at the sight. Tai was so toned, that soccer player body was so mouth watering. His skin was flushed from the game, making him look even more erotica as he stripped off his clothes.  

Izzy stared memorizing every inch of him. ‘Was he always so beautiful?’ he thinks feeling his cock throb. The jock strap fell and Izzy nearly jizzed himself. ‘Yes, yes he is!’ Tai’s dick wasn’t even hard and it looked so big.  

He stretched in his nakedness, before heading off to shower. While Tai went to get clean, Izzy however got a little dirty. From his experience with the digimon, scent became a bigger intrigue to him. He brought the jock strap to his nose and took a deep whiff. ‘Ohh yeah!’ He slipped his hand into his pants and began playing with his cock. ‘Tai!’  


Tai stood under the shower, letting the warm water wash over his body. He sighed, and cleaned up. ‘I wonder what Izzy wants to talk about.’ he thinks. Normally the boy didn’t wait for him let alone follow him into the locker rooms. ‘He must have something important to talk about.’ He thinks, while washing his hair.  

He washes lower and starts washing his crotch, cleaning his soft 11 incher, and washing his balls. He hums in delight fondling his family jewels, stroking his cock as the water cleansed him.   

As he cleaned himself...Izzy played with his cock, sniffing the soccer player’s jock, his 2 incher throbs and pulses in delight. He cums, hot semen spraying into his underwear, just as Tai finishes his shower. His jock strap back in place and the brunette none the wiser. Even as his friend stares at his wet naked form, water dripping erotically from him. ‘Holy fuck!’ Izzy feels his cock harden despite the climax he had.  

“Say Izzy is there something you wanted to talk to me about?” he asks, not hiding his dick in the slightest and instead focuses on drying off. He didn’t even notice Izzy staring.  

“As a matter of fact yes.” he takes his eyes off Tai’s swaying cock. “I may have found a way to go back to the digital world.”  

The towel dropped, and Tai rushes over to Izzy. “Really!?” he says excitedly. “That’s amazing!” he hugs Izzy, the young genius blushing as red as a tomato. ‘So naked!’  

“We should go tell everyone.” Tai rushed over to get dressed. He bent over to pull on his boxers. Giving Izzy a look at his tight hole and plump ass, the nerd got a nosebleed. By the time Tai gets dressed, he’s recovered from the bloody nose.  

“We can’t, it’s not fully tested, but once we do we can give everyone the good news.” he explains. Tai finishes getting dressed.  

“Yeah, that sounds good, no point getting everyone’s hopes up.” he grabs his bag that has his digivice. “Let’s go!”  

Izzy leads Tai to the computer lab. Using his own digivice he opens the gate to file island. Tai brings up his digivice, and he is drawn in. Izzy following him just a few seconds after.  

Tai looks around and he smiles. “You did it!” Tai cheers, looking at Izzy. “This is amazing!” Izzy gives him a smile. ‘It’s time!’  

“Tai, Tai,” the boys hear, and a small dinosaur like digimon comes racing towards them. The brunette's eyes glistened. “Agumon!” he runs forward.  

Agumon comes racing towards them. Tai didn’t question the ring on his claw, too happy to see his partner. The two raced for each other until they embraced. “It’s good to see you buddy!”  

“It’s good to see you Tai!” he says happily. Tai didn’t notice the ring on Agumon’s claw, nor did he notice the second. Agumon clasped the ring on Tai’s neck. “Now we can finally be together!” he says.  

Tai’s eyes flash, as knowledge fills his brain. He always knew he was gay, the company of other guys always excited him. Now he knew who his master is, the knowledge of obeying his command. At the same time Izzy got all of Tai’s knowledge, those lonely nights where he fantasized about his friends, even Izzy.   

He looks back to Izzy. “Izzy...” he says smiling, the male is silenced as Izzy captures his lips. ‘I love you Tai!’ he thinks. Tai moans into the kiss, and Izzy deepens the kiss. The courage crest holder kisses back, their tongues matching and caressing the other. ‘This is great!’  

Agumon uses his claws to shred Tai’s clothes, he wouldn’t be needing them anymore. Tai’s cock hardens slowly, swelling and rising to full mast, Izzy’s hands roam over his naked form, feeling muscles, memorizing every inch of him till he reaches Tai’s ass and cups the plump cheeks. “Mmhhmm!”  

Their kiss only breaks for air. “Come Tai, let me show you my empire.” he leads the soccer player, followed by Agumon.   Tai’s hard 11 incher bounces and bobs as he walks. The tour ends at the pleasure room, where Tai sees a naked Leomon, with his ass left high in the air, his hard dick throbbing between his legs. Agumon steps forward, and mounts the anthro digimon, stuffing him with his massive 14 incher.  

He realized Leomon’s ass was Agumon’s reward for capturing him. He watched his little friend pound the furry ass making Leomon howl, his own massive dick, twitching beneath him. “Tai,” the leader turns to his new master.  

Izzy stripped, revealing his hard 2 incher. Tai approaches Izzy and kneels. “Tai, I need to satisfy my curiosity.” he says, bringing his foot to Tai’s crotch. The brunette moans and bucks his hips. “You’ll help me satisfy that curiosity, right?” he rubs his foot against Tai’s dick, using his toes to squeeze the boy’s cock head.  

“Yes!” he moans. Pre spills over his soles and between his toes. Izzy smiles and spreads his cheeks, exposing his tight hole.  

“I want to know how it feels to be fucked by you Tai.” The brunette obeys, crawling forward and kissing Izzy’s hole. “Ohhh!” Tai licks his entrance, lapping at the boy’s tight pucker.  

Tai caresses Izzy’s legs, feeling them up as his tongue works his hole open. Darting it, he slowly forces the hole open. Once open enough the wet muscle pushes inside, wiggling into his ass. “Tai!” he moans.  

Izzy plays with one of his nipples with one hand, and his tiny tool in the other. Tai’s tongue wasn’t as big as Leomon’s but it felt very nice as it worked its way inside him. ‘Tai’s kissing my ass, french and deep!’ his toes curled in delight.  

It was just an appetizer of what was to come. Tai’s tongue fucked his ass, wiggling and curling and getting his hole nice and wet. Tai’s own cock twitched excitedly, pre overflowing and running down his dick.  

“Tai...ohh Tai I’m cumming!” Tai pulls back just in time, as Izzy cums, his seed pelting Tai’s face in ropes of white. Tai shudders and pumps his own cock, he coats his cock in his pre.  

“Are you ready master?” Tai asks, not even bothering to wipe his face. Izzy smiles and spreads his legs. “Fuck me!” Tai lines up his cock, the tip rubbing against his entrance.  

Izzy felt so excited, this was really happening. He could feel the head kissing his entrance and he was about to lose his anal virginity to Tai. His heart was racing, and his cock was hard again.  

Tai pushed forward, and both boys moaned. Inch after glorious inch stuffed Izzy’s hole. Tai’s dick stretched him wide, sinking deeper and deeper. The brunette rocks back and forth a bit, letting Izzy adjust to his size, before giving him more. “Ohh Tai, so big!”  

“Izzy, so tight!” he moans. He pulls back till only the tip was inside, before filling him up again. A few minutes pass, and Tai finally buries his length inside him, his balls resting against Izzy’s ass cheeks.  

‘So full!’ Izzy shudders, his toes curl in delight. The red head wraps his legs around Tai and draws him close. “Ohh yes!” Tai stills inside him, letting Izzy’s inner walls massage his cock.  

The genius groans. “Tai move, please!”  

“Yes sir!” he pulls out, and thrusts back in, his hefty balls smacking his plump cheeks.  

“Tai!” the boy moans, every thrust made his insides feel so hot. Back and forth, back and forth, the friction was mouth watering. “Tai yes!” he moans.  

The soccer player pants and moans, driving into Izzy faster and faster. A hot pace is set, the teens being driven higher and higher in pleasure. Izzy wraps his arms around his neck, and pulls him into a kiss. Tai kisses back, their tongues dancing in an erotic dance.

‘This is great, so good, Tai’s cock is amazing!’ Izzy feels hot, his tiny tool twitching, pre soaking his crotch. ‘This is anal sex, prodigious!’ He was fucked in his throne. Tai’s cock brushing his sweet spot again and again.  

“Tai...cumming!” he howls, back arching as he climaxes. His semen erupts between them, his insides tightening around Tai’s thrusting cock. “Fuck, Izzy!” he moans, he gives a few thrusts into his clenching heat, his own climax hitting.  

Tai cums deep into Izzy’s body, making the nerd tremble in delight. His seed coats his inner walls, and pumps deep inside. “Ohhh!” Izzy shivers. Tai’s cock softens and slips out of his ass.  

His cum starts leaking out of the emperor’s ass. “So sexy!” Tai says staring.  

Izzy smirks and creates a new ring. “I can get even sexier with your help.” He slips the ring over Tai’s cock, it shifts clinging to his dick perfectly. It pulsed and Tai moaned. His cock rose back up to full hardness.  

“How?” Tai asks.  

“Give me your cock,” he reveals his new digivice. “Offer it up to me.” His digivice lights up revealing his crest. Tai does, feeling his cock tingle. One inch drops from Tai’s arousal, going from 11 to 10 inches.  

In that moment Izzy’s cock grows to 3 inches. Izzy palms himself. “I need more Tai, give me more!” Tai moans as pleasure tears through him, his cock tingles and shrinks another inch.  

As Tai shrinks Izzy grows, he was up to 4 inches, and he was able to pump his new cock. Tai watches. ‘Bigger!’ he thinks and feels his penis tingle and he loses another inch. Izzy’s dick grows to 5 inches. “Thank you so much Tai!”  

Izzy pumps himself, loving how Tai watches him. Tai in turn plays with his own shrinking cock. A tingle is felt and his cock shrinks again and he watches as Izzy grows again. He licks his lips, he wanted to wrap his lips around the growing cock. It looked so good on him.  

Tai cums and one more inch is taken away from him. “Izzy!” he moans as he cums. His cock had gone from 11 inches, to 6 inches, his cum shoots all over his pumping hand. Despite his orgasm he was still hard.  

Izzy climax hits hard and he blows his load all over Tai, painting the former leader in thick ropes of cum. ‘So hot!’ he thinks as he looks over Tai’s body now marked in his cum. His cock had grown from 2 inches to 7. He could have taken more, but he felt this was fair, he had other targets to claim after all.  

“I control your body and your mind Tai,” he says and his digivice reacts. Tai moans as his body is forever changed. His cock would remain permanently erect, and his man hole was now for mating only. His body would break down food one hundred percent, this would give him a boost of energy to keep his cock hard. “What do you say?”  

“Thank you master!” Tai says happily. He crawls forward and starts sucking Izzy’s new dick.  

“Ohh yes!” Izzy moans, his hand coming into brown locks. Tai slurps and sucks him, moaning in delight, he licks along his shaft. ‘Tai belongs to me now.’ he thinks as he stares at the male’s ass.  

It was time to take his new dick for a test drive.  

To be continued...Love for the Emperor!


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