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Naruto Parody: Tier 1: PDF copy available at chap 10


Chapter 9 In the Dark of the Night

Naruto had come face to face with Sasuke. The Uchiha was bare ass naked, his hard 5 incher standing proudly, pointing at the blonde. “I’ve been waiting for you Naruto!” he grabs his cock and pumps himself.  

“That’s quite a nasty look you have Sasuke.” Naruto says, referring to his sharingan. He sees Sasuke’s curse mark was sealed, but it wasn’t perfect. ‘If Sasuke gives into the power, it will spread.’  

As one hand played with his cock the other played with a perky nipple. “Don’t be mean.” Sasuke fondles his chest, teasing his nipple, and spreading pleasure through his body. “Out of all the others, I’m the most deserving of your touch.”  

‘That’s some arrogance he has.’ Kyuubi speaks to Naruto’s mind.  

“Tell me, why did you play with those weaklings, and leave me alone?” Naruto frowned.  

“Sasuke, we all have room to grow, even you, even me.” Sasuke scoffed. “You must be joking, look at you!” Sasuke approached him. “I had no idea you were the vessel of the Kyuubi, but now that power is flowing through your veins.”  

“Power is meaningless unless you use it to protect someone.” Naruto counters.  

“But your power can do so much!” Sasuke says. “You can help me get my revenge, and help me rebuild the Uchiha clan.” Sasuke’s mind had been partially corrupted via the curse mark. The mark seemed to respond to dark desires, much like Sasuke’s hunger for revenge, or his repressed lust.  

“Sasuke, calm yourself, you need to clear your mind and focus.” Sasuke growled, and pumped himself faster.  

“It’s your fault I feel this way!” He snapped. He blushed, oh he remembered the day he first got hard for Naruto. It was back when they had their accidental kiss. The moment their lips met, Sasuke had felt a shock race through his entire body. His penis had swelled, and he was in a bad mood after. Confused by the feelings he had bubbling up inside. “I was your first kiss! Yet you touch everyone else!” tears spilled down his cheeks. “You haven’t touched me at all, do you hate me?”  

“Sasuke...” Naruto embraced him. The curse mark flared, and Sasuke broke away.  

“You should love me, and me alone!” His sharingan spun, Naruto’s eyes widened as the sharingan formed in his eyes. This was a sign of Sasuke’s control over him. “You belong to me!” he had a few minutes of glory before...

“I don’t think so.” Naruto’s eyes returned to normal. “Your eyes cannot control me Sasuke.” Kyuubi had broken the jutsu. Such tricks couldn’t harm him, genjutsu had no power over them.   

Before Sasuke could act, he was caught by Naruto’s tails. “You are caught in a storm of suffering Sasuke, I cannot reach you until the storm calms.” the negative foreign chakra thrashed inside Sasuke. Sasuke’s own chakra system struggled against it.  

His sharingan deactivated, and the tears kept falling. “What’s happening to me?” he grips his hair, “It feels like my head is spinning, and I feel like my skin is burning. I need...I need your help!”

“I know what you need, do not fear Sasuke, you are also one I wish to protect.” he caressed Sasuke’s body, tails coiling around his arms and legs. The Uchiha shuddered and moaned bucking his hips in delight. The blonde’s hand grips his weeping arousal. “Ahhh!” he bucked into his grasp.   

Naruto pumped his cock, and Sasuke came hard. He kept pumping him, milking the Uchiha’s heavy balls. His dick was so wet, Naruto was able to pump him faster and faster, making his balls bounce with the force. “Ah ahh ahh ahh ahhh!” Sasuke continued to cum, rope after rope of cum shooting from his pulsing dick.  

The raven’s hole was twitching like crazy, Naruto brought his free hand to his entrance. Chakra coating his fingers, he slipped one inside. “Naruto!” Sasuke moaned, cumming again.

Naruto thrust his finger in and out, driving the Uchiha wild. He was brought to orgasm after orgasm, his seed being milked from him like he was a cow. One finger became two, and the kitsune really stirred up his insides. He stretched the tight pucker open wider and wider.  

The digits stroked and massaged his inner walls, his chakra pouring deep inside him. “Ohhh!” his eyes rolled up, and he began to drool. His body began to glisten with sweat, skin flushed with arousal. A few more orgasms had Sasuke’s fears, doubts, and the dark thoughts churned up by the curse mark; all melted away.  

He scooped Sasuke up and tucked him into bed. He gave the boy a genjutsu of his own, the raven’s eyes glazed over as in his mind he had a harem of Naruto’s all hard and ready to fuck him.  

The boy’s dick was spent, but it continued to twitch as he had dry orgasms. His cock twitching and body shaking in heated bliss. His genjutsu would relay the message he had given to the others.  

‘Dealing with his rage and lust, smart move. The curse marks feed on one’s dark desires.’ It explained why the curse was drawn to him, Kyuubi had been full of so much rage, before Naruto saved him.  

Sasuke was tucked into bed. Naruto headed out, continuing to make his rounds. Zaku was keeping any nin off his tails, acting as a distraction. Naruto made his way to where Kakashi was on lock down. “Sleeping Needle!” pulling a few strands of his fur from his tail, he blew on them hardening the fur.  

With a quick flick of the rest he knocked out the guards. Naruto entered his place of residence, and soon found a kunai at his throat. “What are you doing here?”  

“I wanted to see my sensei, is that so wrong?” the blonde turned and showed his face. The kunai dropped.  

“Naruto...” he hugged the blonde. The kitsune returned the embrace. “I’m so sorry, they locked you up, and I couldn’t stop them I...” the blonde cupped his cheek.  

“It’s not your fault, I knew what was gonna happen to me.” He explained what happened to him, and what he had done. Kakashi was impressed, he really is Minato’s son. “I think Orochimaru is making a move.”  

“I can bring you to the council, and we can make a plan.” Naruto shakes his head. “You know as well as I, the council will lock me back up if they find me again. I have to stay on the run for now.” Kakashi sighed.  

It was true, they didn’t even bother to get Naruto’s testimony when they apprehended him. They are so scared of the Kyuubi’s power, and their treatment of Naruto coming back on them. ‘These damn fools, this never would have happened if they just honored sensei’s last words.’  

“Do not worry, I’m not turning my back on the village, but you know what will happen once the Chunin exam is over.”  

“I do, I’m not gonna let that happen. I’m your sensei, please trust in me.” His words felt so hollow, he’s asking him to trust him when he wasn’t able to protect him from being captured.  

“I do trust you sensei, that’s why I came to warn you, so you can be prepared. I don’t think Orochimaru is done collecting ninja with his curse marks.”  

“Naruto,” he says, but finds pause. Words were meaningless, he needed to show his devotion. He reaches up and lowers his mask, exposing his handsome face. Naruto watches in wild fascination as Kakashi continues to strip, revealing his anbu tattoo, his muscled body, years of training well honed. Kakashi’s 11 inch dick, the treasure trail up to his navel, the heavy family jewels hanging below.  

Kakashi kneels down before Naruto. “Naruto Uzumaki, not as your teacher but as a man, I promise I will not let you down. Should I fail to help you I promise to follow you until the end.” he takes Naruto’s hand and kisses it.  

‘Well now,’ Kyuubi was impressed at the copy nin’s actions. Naruto blushed. Kakashi was so handsome, his body hot, his manly aroma delicious. He couldn’t stop the flow of lust that made his dick leave his sheath.  

“Oh wow!” it was Kakashi’s turn to gasp at the sheer size of his blonde student. Kakashi’s heart raced as his blood rushed south. He blushed realizing his arousal, and Naruto chuckled.  

“It’s been a busy night, would you be willing to give me a hand?” Kakashi licked his lips and nodded. ‘Sensei forgive me, but I can’t resist.’ Naruto sat on his couch, legs spread wide as Kakashi buried his face in Naruto’s crotch.  

He starts worshiping Naruto’s massive dick, tongue and lips making sweet love to the massive shaft. Naruto’s tails in turn play with Kakashi, brushing against his muscles. The fur was so warm and soft, so inviting.  

Kakashi starts sucking the blonde’s dick, and even his expert oral skills are put to the test as he tries to suck down Naruto’s cock. He was so hard it hurt, Naruto’s tails were driving him wild. Light touches, gentle brushes and teasing tickles.  

As Kakashi sucked Naruto’s dick, his hand reached back and began playing with his own ass. It seemed his hole was expert to, taking two fingers easily. Naruto purred enjoying the show, as well as Kakashi’s hungry sucks.  

Deeper and deeper he sank, till he deep throated the blonde down to the root. ‘Ohh fuck!’ his eye rolls up, and he cums blowing his load onto the floor. “Cumming from sucking my dick Kakashi?” the blonde chuckled. “So cute!”  

His words pierced his heart and he moaned, his body trembling as he came some more. Naruto gave in, and came as well. The cum flooded his belly, the force pushing Kakashi higher and higher, till only the head was in his mouth.  

Naruto’s semen kept coming, filling the older male’s mouth. The taste was explosive, and Kakashi’s back arched as he came again. Soon Naruto’s orgasm pushed Kakashi off his cock, and the copy nin got a face full of cum. “Ohhh!”  

Rope after rope of thick semen continued to pelt the man. Kakashi leaned back and basked in the pleasure as he was covered in the hot semen. The thick baby batter washed over Kakashi’s muscles, marking him. Such a promise Kakashi made often was sealed with a kiss, but this worked better.  

Kakashi rubbed the cum over his skin, smearing it over his arms, pits, even collecting some and putting it in his ass. Naruto’s orgasm finally ended, covering Kakashi’s face, neck, chest, abs, crotch, and legs. “Sorry,” Naruto says blushing.

“Don’t be,” he collects some of Naruto’s semen and sucks his fingers. “I consider it an honor.” Naruto had to leave, the guards would wake up soon, none the wiser of what happened.  


Sakura was so pleased. Naruto had been arrested and locked up like the monster he was. ‘No more Naruto, no more Naruto.’ she sing songs happily, as she hums down the street.  

‘Fufufu, such a dark and twisted heart.’ a dark chilling voice made Sakura freeze. “Despite your charm and beauty, you have yet to catch the man of your dreams.” she heard.  

Orochimaru approaches her, donning the jounin disguise of sound. “What’s it to you?” she asked.  

“The love of your life, follows the path of power, so the best way to win his heart is to gain power yourself.”  

“You’re right,” she says. “How can I get more power?”  

The man smirks. “I’m so glad you asked.” he bares his fangs, and quickly lashes out. Not giving Sakura even a chance to scream. He leaves her body in the street a curse mark forming on her person. ‘Greed, jealousy, arrogance, incompetence, and pride, I wonder what kind of creature you will become.’  

To be continued


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