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Pocket Monster Parody: Tier 1

Frontier Brain Bonds 

Ash: Frontier Brain: Party: Pikachu, Aipom

Kanto (Bulbasaur, Charizard, Kingler, Muk, Tauros, Snorlax)

Johto (Heracross, Bayleef, Cyndaquil, Totodile, Noctowl, Houndour)

Hoenn (Donphan, Swellow, Sceptile, Corphish, Torkoal, Glalie)

Forest Team (Bulbasaur, Muk, Bayleef, Heracross, Noctowl, Sceptile)

Rock Team (Larvitar, Tauros, Donphan, Torkoal, Charizard, Sableye)

Water/Ice (Lapras, Kingler, Totodile, Corphish, Snorlax, Glalie)

Mountain/Sky (Charizard, Pidgeot, Noctowl, Swellow, Heracross, Sableye)  



Chapter 2 To Sinnoh

Ash was so excited, he was an official Frontier Brain, he had his symbol, and he just received his facility. His Pokemon moved in, and began exploring their new home. Tracey and Brock inspected their respective facility. It was really touching that Ash made sure they got what they both wanted and needed.  

His Pokémon were having fun exploring their new home. “This place is great!” Ash cheers, and his Pokémon certainly agreed. Tracey had taken his knowledge he learned at Oak’s lab for two years, to assist with much needed planning. Brock’s breeder knowledge also helped shape the facility.  

Ash trusted them, and knew his Pokémon would love it. As a frontier brain, he received a salary to keep his facility running. Using the funds, he got Brock everything he needed to make Pokémon food. Once they were stocked with food, medical supplies, and other necessities it was time to move in. They had to say their goodbyes.  


Tracey packed up his stuff at Oak’s lab. He was missing one of his sketch books. “Looking for something?” Tracey jumped and turned to see Professor Oak, smiling at him.  

“Professor, I hope you understand. Working with you has been wonderful, but...” he says, and trails off. His thoughts turn to Ash, and he remembers their time on the Orange Islands. His cheeks heat up in a blush, and his heart flutters.  

“I understand more than you know.” he hands over one of Tracey’s sketch books. The artist blushes and takes it. Inside was several sketches of a very naked Ash. Some were posed, others were candid. Each sketch held a precious memory for Tracey. The boy had turned to these sketches when he needed to fap. His love for Ash never faded, and he missed the boy terribly.  

Tracey didn’t know it, but Oak had his own sketch book, with similar sketches. “Sometimes you have to follow your heart, and ride the adventure it sends you on.”  

“Thank you so much!” he says happily. He finished packing, and gave Oak a hug before heading off.   


Brock made a quick trip to Pewter City, he checked on the gym and his family. Both doing well. His brother Forrest was running the gym well enough. “So you traveling with Ash again?”  

“Yes I am.” he says, packing up his stuff. “Ash invited me to work at his facility.”  

“I bet he did, and I bet he didn’t have trouble convincing you either?” he wiggled his brows, making Brock blush.  

“I don’t know what you are talking about.”  

“Oh come on, you’ve followed him around for so long, heck I bet you fell for him the first time you saw him.” His brother could be quite perceptive at times. Brock knew he liked Ash, but it wasn’t till Johto did he realize how much Ash meant to him, and it wasn’t till Hoenn did he realize the depths of his love for him. It didn’t really change much, he still went gaga for Joy and Jenny, but he also got stiff for Ash.  

Their travels through Johto and Hoenn were eye opening to say the least. “Just don’t screw it up. You deserve to be happy, and Ash actually makes you happy.”  

“Thanks bro,” Brock ruffles his hair.  

“Tell Ash, if he wants more help, I’m available.”  

“Not a chance!” Brock snaps.  

“Oh come on sharing is caring bro!” he says. Brock rubs his temples. Sharing was something he had to do all to well, but sharing with his little brother is where he crossed the line.  


Ash was packing up his stuff, and Pikachu was packing several bottles of ketchup. “Oh sweetie I’m so proud of you.” Delia says, bringing Ash his new hat.  

“Thanks mom,” he smiles and gives her a hug.  

“You’ve really come a long way.” she comments on his status as a Frontier Brain. Ash chuckles and rubs the back of his head. “Is Gary going to Sinnoh to?”

“He is, he says he may not enter the league, but he’d be willing to challenge me for my symbol.”  

“You two are really so close.” She didn’t know the half of it. They were more than rivals, more than friends. Gary was Ash’s first, the explored the strange world of lust and pleasure with each other. This set the ball rolling for Ash to seek out with his companions. “I hope you two will be able work things out.”  

They did have things worked out. Sinnoh was their final rematch chance, while their rivalry ended in Sinnoh, their status as lovers had not been cemented. Gary was switching professions to become a Pokemon Researcher. His own path had changed slightly.  

Ash finishes his packing and says goodbye to his mother once again. His journey set to go.  


Taking a tip from the Pokémon centers, the rooms had bunk beds, allowing four to a room. So Ash, Brock, and Tracey would be sharing a room. “I think it’s great we get to do this together.” Ash says happily. “I’m glad you guys are with me.”  

“I wouldn’t miss this.” Tracey says.  

“Let’s have another go.” Brock says. They get the grand tour, ending in the control room. Ash’s Battle Carrier was up and running, it’s flying capabilities was powered by a generator. The generator could be charged naturally over time, which would mean after flying and landing, they’d need to spend time in an area while waiting for the generator to recharge.  

It could be charged in a pinch with the help of Ash’s Pokémon. They had enough power to get to Sinnoh, it normally took a boat ride, but Ash, Brock and Tracey were going to be going in style.  

The controls were simple, so Ash, Brock, and Tracey could man the helm. It had an advanced radar system, even an auto pilot. The cock pit, had other chairs and computers, so they could certainly bring on more help. They set off together, Brock and Tracey’s Pokemon going to hang out with Ash’s.  

Brock took his turn at the wheel, the facility soared through the air towards Sinnoh. While Brock piloted, Ash and Tracey, were joining the mile high club.  

The two kissed heatedly, crotches rubbing together. “Mmmhhmm,” they moaned, the kiss deepening. Ash’s tongue caressed his, and the boys swallowed each other’s moans.  

Their kiss only broke for air, and as soon as they parted, they started pulling at each other’s clothes. Once Tracey’s shirt came off, Ash’s hands caressed his chest. He fondled his chest, teasing his nipples to hardness.  

Tracey shudders and moans bucking against Ash. The raven’s shirt is pulled off next, and the kissing began anew. Their confined arousals rub together more and more, the heat and tightness was driving them both wild.  

The cocks demanded freedom, needing skin on skin contact. For Tracey it was worse as his nips were being teased, the icing on the make out cake. His perky buds, were pinched and fondled. Every caress, sent powerful jolts down to his aching dick.  

When the kiss broke for air, Tracey was left panting. “Ash...please...” he panted. His pants were undone, and Tracey groaned in relief as the trousers were dropped. His cock tented his boxers, pre had soaked the undergarment, making the cloth cling to his manhood.  

“So wet!” he fondles the wet spot, making Tracey moan again. “You must have been really pent up.”  

“Very...” he groaned. Ash removed his pants and boxers, allowing his cock to snap up. His dick was a lovely darker shade, a sign of well use. Tracey slides his underwear down and frees his cock. Their hard ons rub together and they kiss once more. “Ash!”  

“Tracey,” Ash moans between kisses. ‘He’s even bigger than the last time we did this.’ Ash was bigger than him by three inches, but despite Ash’s size he didn’t see normal roles in the bed room. When they traveled together, he’d fucked Ash’s tight ass, and gotten his ass pounded as well. ‘Fuck I’ve missed this!’ Their cock rubbing has their dicks nice and wet, glistening in the mix of their essence.  

Tracey’s hips rock faster, his balls smacking against Ash’s, the resounding clap sent ripples of pleasure through their crotches. “Mmm!” Tracey brings his hand between them and starts pumping their cocks.  

Their releases build, cocks twitching as their climax reach higher and higher until… “Ohh!” Tracey howls as he cums, Ash following just a few seconds after. Their cum splatters between them.  

Tracey gets a few seconds to marvel at Ash’s body, it had been 2 years since they’d seen each other and Ash had really toned up. He licked his lips, eyeing the cum covered muscle.  

He collects some of the semen and starts to play with his ass. One finger, became two, and then three. Not his first time playing with his ass. Ash watches, licking his lips. “It has been too long.” he coats his cock with his cum. “Are you sure you wanna bottom first?”  

“Trust me, I’ve been wanting this for sooo long!” he moans. He twists his fingers inside his ass, he pumps himself with his other hand, using the pleasure to help loosen him up.  

Ash shrugs, and comes around Tracey. His hands play with his nips to help boost the pleasure. Tracey responds fingering himself faster and faster. His fingers are stopped and Ash pulls them out.  

He lines up his cum covered cock, the tip rubbing against his tight pucker. “Ash...please don’t tease...need you!” Ash kissed his neck, pushing forward. The dick breached Tracey’s tight hole. “Fuck the hell yes!”  

Ash stuffs him nice and slow, rocking slowly back and forth, rocking in a little deeper now and then. “So big!”  

“So tight!” Ash moans. Soon he was stuffed into Tracey’s tight ass. “Ohhh!” they moaned.  

“Fuck I missed this!” The greenette moans. “Move!”  

He obeys and starts pounding into Tracey’s tight ass. The sound of skin striking skin filled the room. The friction Ash’s dick made inside Tracey made his insides melt. Ash’s hands continue to play with his nips, Tracey plays with his own cock, as the other hand braces against the wall.  

“I missed this to, I’m glad you came with me.” Ash whispers and continues to kiss the artist’s neck. “I couldn’t miss this!” Tracey panted.  

Ash’s dick continued to hit the boy’s sweet spot sending him further ahead on the orgasm train. “Ohh Ash I’m cumming!” he howls. His orgasm hits, and he cums, spilling his seed all over himself and the wall before him.  

His clenching inner walls pulls Ash over the edge. “Tracey!” his cock swells, and he cums deep into Tracey’s ass. The greenette shivers, as spurt after spurt pumps inside him.  

The two bask in the afterglow of sex, only for Tracey to whine as Ash pulls out. Tracey is pushed onto Ash’s bed, and the boy climbs on top of him. The raven is still hard, he collects Tracey’s cum and starts to finger himself. “I hope you are ready, I wanna take a ride on your cock.”  

Tracey blushed, and felt his cock harden for Ash. He watches him finger himself. ‘So hot!’ The boy sinks down, taking Tracey’s cock inside him. “Ohh fuck!” Tracey moans.  

They carried on into the next round, Ash bouncing up and down on Tracey’s cock happily. ‘I’m in heaven!’  

To be continued

Chap 3 Road to Sinnoh  


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