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Naruto Parody: Original Word Count 4412 Upgraded Word Count Patreon Only: 5561: PDF Copy


Cursed Fox

During the Chunin exam Orochimaru places a curse mark on another member of team 7 but his plans take an interesting turn because the curse mark is changed and Naruto undergoes a transformation.




Shikamaru 7 Incher

Chouji 6 Incher Thick

Shino 7 Incher Uncut

Kiba 9 incher


Chap 1 The Fangs That Burn

Naruto’s body radiated with the Kyuubi’s chakra, his eyes blood red and his canines sharper than normal. He blocked the giant snake from killing Sasuke. He growled and flew at the grass ninja. The nin was shocked but just for a moment he deflected the blonde’s ferocious attacks. He prepared to do the Five prong seal but right when it was about to connect the Kyuubi reacted and Naruto let out a chakra filled roar and sent the grass nin flying.  

The blonde male raced after him and Sakura ran over to Sasuke to check on his wounds. The fake grass nin was impressed with the level of control for someone so young. ‘I could use him against the Akatsuki should they ever become a hindrance to my plans.’ The man performed a seal and his neck extended and flew at Naruto like an ancient demon. The nin caught Naruto off guard and sank his teeth into Naruto’s neck and placed a curse seal on the boy.

The false grass nin watched as the boy’s chakra began to react to his curse mark, he left Naruto to suffer alone and went back to the remaining two members of team 7.  

Naruto lay in the grass as his body shook in pain, but the pain to his body was nothing. Deep inside Naruto the boy lay in front of the Kyuubi’s cell. Kyuubi stared in shock and disgust as snakes made a circle around his vessel. The dark snakes made a seal around his body once the seal was complete a large white snake appeared in the center of the circle, the sinister beast had the eyes of Orochimaru, it began to coil around Naruto’s body starting with his legs, as it coiled around Naruto it left the spreading curse mark behind.

Wind chakra began to leak from Naruto’s body to fight off the white snake but his chakra could barely slow the beast down. Wind whipped and thrashed and the snake just continued on. Kyuubi did not like this situation. ‘Damn the snake bastard placing such an evil thing on the brat.’  

The white snake reached the boy’s belly and was met with great resistance his clothing was forced open and the seal appeared on Naruto’s belly and the white snake was crushed under the two extra sources of chakra. The dark snakes hissed in pain as a massive push of power erupted from the seal. ‘I won’t let that snake have his way.’ Kyuubi’s chakra poured out from the cage the chakra took the form of fox tails and whipped the dark snakes away. ‘This is nature chakra!’ he could feel it, as he smashed the snakes.   

Dark chakra came out in the form of snakes and the curse mark began to spread over Naruto’s body. The chakra snakes fought against Kyuubi’s chakra the snakes getting stronger as the curse seal spread over the upper part of Naruto’s body. More snakes appeared and began to slither into the Kyuubi’s cage, they coiled around his furry body only to get smashed or stomped. Kyuubi fought back with all his might but he knew if he did not do something it would be the end of both of them. Kyuubi stared at the seal and closed his eyes. “I’m so sorry…” Kyuubi said and howled his power blasting away the snakes and the curse mark, all his power flooding the seal. The seal glowed and began to draw out Kyuubi’s chakra to fight against the curse. The Kyuubi felt his life force being pulled away. ‘So this is it I save the son of my former vessel, and that’s it it’s all over!’  

Chakra exploded sending a shock wave across the forest of death and through Konoha, everyone felt the tremor of the Kyuubi’s power. The jinchuuriki all felt it and stopped, sensing this strange power shift in the world. A pillar of chakra rose up from where Naruto lay a mix of blue and red.

‘I’m…alive?’ Kyuubi thought as he opened his eyes. He was in a barrier of blue chakra. He was much smaller than before. ‘How did I survive?’ He looked around and gasped.  

Naruto was holding his small form but he wasn’t the same. His human ears were gone and replaced with fox ears with dark red tips, his whisker scars were thicker and his canines were sharper, his clothing was destroyed and revealed the full changes, blonde fur coated from wrist to his elbow from his ankles to his knees, there were dark pads on the bottom of his feet, his crotch was covered in a golden fur his cock and balls hidden inside a sheath. The golden fur looked like a belt that curved around his hips to where his tails were.  

‘I couldn’t let you die not after trying to protect me.’ Naruto sent to him mentally. ‘You saved me, why?!’ Kyuubi asked confused to the blonde’s actions. ‘It may sound silly but I felt you slipping away and I didn’t want to lose you, for so long I thought I was alone but you were always with me, I just couldn’t stand the thought of losing you, Kyuubi.’

“Kurama, my true name is Kurama.” Kurama said staring up at him happily. The blonde smiled. “Naruto Uzumaki great to finally meet you Kurama.” Kurama was accepted back into Naruto’s body but it was different there was no cage there was just the full warmth of Naruto’s soul.

The inner world faded and Naruto awoke to the changes and he sighed his 9 golden tails curling around himself like a barrier. “Naruto…I…” Kyuubi began but Naruto silenced him. ‘Kurama don’t be sorry for saving my life just like I’m not sorry for saving yours.’

Kurama hoped Naruto would be okay, for he was as much of a bijuu now as any of the tailed beasts. Kyuubi had heard of this kind of transformation before, but he’d never seen it. Nature chakra and bijuu chakra mixed with Naruto’s. He would need help getting control of his new power. ‘I’ll be here for you Naruto-kun!’    

To be continued



5 chapters in, and Naruto's endowments *still* haven't been revealed… kudos on managing to pull a modified Tartuffe, there. ;)