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Hunter x Hunter Parody: Patreon Reward: Chap 1-2 will be available in Fox's FanBook. pdf copy will become available at chap 5


Chap 2 Stormy Weather

“I promise I’ll become a great hunter!” Gon shouted, waving to his family and friends. “Once I become the greatest Hunter in the world, I’ll come back!” A dark heavy chuckle made him turn, these men were laughing at him. Some were looking at him like Gon was gonna be the next trophy on their wall. The boy wasn’t phased.  

“The best hunter in the world?” some of the men stood. “He’s underestimating it.”  

“You should have stayed hidden on your island monster boy.”  

“You aren’t a hunter so you technically aren’t protected.”  

“Well, accidents happen during the Hunter Exam.” Some of the men chuckled.  

“Don’t get cocky just because you are a monster, millions of skilled applicants enter the hunter exam, but only a handful are selected.  

A man was openly looking at a porn book. One side had yaoi images, the cover had bara boys, the back had bishounen and even some monster boys on the back. This man Leorio had no shame, reading the smut out in the open, a lecherous smirk on his face.  

Another young man was gazing out at the sea, a sad look on his face. Gon ignored their laughed and slithered forward. Some men rushed at Gon, but the boy slipped passed them in an instant. ‘So fast!’ It was clear the boy was on high alert, a frontal attack was impossible, but it was a long ship ride, plenty of time. Leorio whistled.  

The sea was alive, the passing breeze, the sounds of birds, the crashing of the waves, it was quite peaceful. Gon was looking around, taking in the sights of everyone around him. “What do you think you are doing Katzo!?” Gon looked out onto the deck, a young sailor had tripped, or was tripped knocking over the cargo he was carrying, a crate of apples.  

The fruit scattered everywhere the sailor trying to collect it. “At this rate, you’ll never make a decent sailor.” Just as he collected some of the apples and tried to lift the crate up, he was kicked from behind and down he went.  

“Hey!” Gon snapped. The men just laughed, Gon slithered down onto the deck.  

“Hey losers!” The crusty sea captain came out, a bottle of booze in his hand. “Don’t slack off!”  

“Aye sir!” they were quick to run off. Katzo was stumbling trying to collect his apples. Gon helped him collect the apples.  

“Thank you.” Katzo says and dashes off. The captain takes a drink, and Gon’s ear twitches. The nearby birds started to squawk.  

“A storm is coming!” the captain looked at Gon in surprise.  

“How can you tell boy?” the captain asked.  

“That’s what the birds are saying!” Gon says. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath through his nose. “Plus, I can smell it.” He slithers up the mast to the crow’s nest. The breeze flows through his hair, and he takes another whiff. “A real big storm is coming our way!” he shouts.  

The captain was shocked, but he could tell by the look in his eyes he wasn’t lying. ‘Those eyes...could he be...’ he thinks.  Sure enough, the once blue sky turned dark, thundering clouds covered the sky, the once calm breeze became a roar of wind, the rolling waves grew wild! Rain wailed upon the sailing ship.     

Their ship rocked and was thrown about by the violent waves, as lightning flashed through the sky. The applicants and sailors were tossed about, if they weren’t careful they’d be flung overboard.

“Captain!” a man bursts into the steering room. “The mast won’t last much longer!” he says. “We should lower the sails!”  

“Don’t be stupid!” the captain says and smirks. “The fun’s about to start.” A massive tidal wave lay before them. The ship got lifted up by the water. “Hard to port!” he spun the wheel and the ship literally sailed up the wave. “Let’s fly!” he roars as the ship breaks over the wave.

The sailors looked ready to hurl, except the captain who happily downed his drink. “Ehh those waves weren’t much.” he says, sounding almost disappointed over their brush with near death. “Take the helm.” he says and leaves to investigate the applicants.  

One of the men do, but not before getting a tad sea sick. ‘Damn, this is one lousy crew.’ he opens the door and finds most of the applicants unconscious. Some were under crates and cargo, some had passed out, some were clutching their stomachs in pain. “Jeez, not one of them can stand.” some were upside down, groaning in defeat. “And this lot wanted to take the hunter exam?” he laughs. “Hmm?”  

Gon slithered around, passing out herbs. “Here you go, chew on these it’ll help with your stomach.” The man he spoke to was purple in the face.  

“W-Water...” he groaned.  

“It’s coming just a moment.” he says.  

The captain notices not everyone was wiped out. A blonde haired boy was chilling in a hammock reading, looking as cool as a cucumber. The tall man with short spiky hair, was eating an apple.  

‘I see, so there are a few with some iron in them...’ he thinks.  Katzo comes in with water, and helps Gon treat the fallen applicants. Both the blonde and the male with glasses take notice of Gon’s actions. He was even helping those that tried to attack him earlier.  

The trio were brought to the helms room, and stood before the captain. “First, tell me your names.”  

“I’m Gon!” the lamia boy says happily.  

“I’m Kurapika.” the blonde says, based on the tone of his voice he might have been mistaken for female, but Gon could smell he was male.  

“It’s Leorio.” the tall male with glasses says.  

“Why do you wanna become Hunters?” the captain asks.  

Leorio had enough. “Hey! If you’re not an examiner you can’t boss us around!” he shouts pointing.  

“Just answer the question.” the captain says, unfazed by the male’s outburst.  

Gon smiles. “My dad is a hunter, I left Whale Island, because I want to know why my dad wanted to be a Hunter so much. Plus my aunt worries about me being hunted, so if I get a license I’ll be placed on the protected species list.” Gon’s tail wagged excitedly.  

‘Whale Island...So this is Ging’s son.’ he had his suspicions but this confirms it.  

“Hey kid!” Gon turns to Leorio. “You’re not supposed to answer his question.”  

“Why not, it’s not really a big secret or anything.”  

Leorio sighs. “Not a team player, huh?” he pokes Gon in the forehead. “I don’t want to reveal why I’m here.”  

“I agree with Leorio.” The two turn to Kurapika.

“Hey! Aren’t you younger than I am?” he points at him. “Show some respect!”  

Kurapika ignores him, irritating Leorio further. “One could simply avoid the question with a plausible lie.” Leorio fumed. “But I consider lying a sin and it’s dishonorable.” he places a hand over his chest. “That said, if I were to tell you the truth, I would be exposing my deepest secrets. That is why I cannot provide an answer.”

“Hey you...don’t ignore me!” Leorio snaps trying to get into Kurapika’s face, but Gon gets in his way.  

“In other words, you refuse to answer my question.” the captain says, before taking a drag on his pipe. “Hey Katzo!”

“Aye, Captain.”  

“Tell the Exam Committee we have two more dropouts.” Leorio and Kurapika gasp.  


“You still haven’t figured it out yet?” the captain says with a laugh.  

“This ship is apart of the Hunter Exam isn’t it?” Gon says, shocking the two and surprising the captain. “Oh so you figured it out?” Gon nods.  

“Yes, when I smelled the storm, we were far enough away to avoid it, but instead you sailed into it. No doubt this area is known for it’s wild and violent storms. Your ship is also well built for handling the rough seas.” Gon had been on ships before and many ships made noise under his weight, but as Gon had explored the ship the wood made no sound, which meant it was built for toughness.  

“Good kid, you’re right, the Hunter Qualification Exam has already begun. It’s my job to weed out the weaklings.” he explains.  

“What?” Kurapika and Leorio gasp.  

“As many people want a Hunters License as there are stars in the sky, Hunter Examiners simply do not have the time or resources to review them all.” he removes his pipe from his mouth. “So they hire people like us to screen the applicants. Everyone else besides you three already have been marked down as drop outs.” he chuckles. “It’s for the best, if they couldn’t handle a simple storm like this, they’d never handle the tougher parts of the Hunter Exam.”

“To put it simply, you can only proceed to the main exam if I pass you.” The captain goes back to smoking. Leorio groans, Kurapika stands quiet, thinking about what he must say.   

“He should have told us sooner.”   

“I am the last survivor of the Kurta Clan.” Gon and Leorio look at him. “Four years ago my clan was massacred by a band of criminals. I want to become a Hunter and capture the Phantom Troupe.”  

The captain wasn’t phased by his words. He knew of the Phantom Troupe and how dangerous they were, but nothing more than that. “So, you’re out to become a Black List Hunter then!” They are a Class A bounty. “Not even the most grizzled of hunters can touch them. You may be throwing your life away.”  

“I do not fear death.” he says. “I fear only that my rage, will fade over time.” His eyes flash red.  

“So, in other words, you want revenge.” Leorio says. “You don’t have to be a Hunter to do that!”  

“That may be the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard, Leorio.” he counters.  

“That’s Mr. Leorio to you!” he snaps, again Kurapika ignores his anger.  

“Places accessible only to Hunters, information only accessible to Hunters, actions otherwise impossible but to Hunters. There are more reasons than your brain can handle.” he says calmly. That just angered Leorio more.  

Before Leorio could snap, Gon steps in. “Hey! Why do you want to become a Hunter, Mr. Leorio?”  

“Me? Well I suppose I can tell a cutie like you.” he says. “I want money. Money can get you everything!” he goes on a tangent about all the things you can buy with money. A big house, a nice car, top shelf booze, even the company of lovely...  

“You can’t buy class with money, Leorio.” he says, snapping Leorio out of his fantasies.  

“That’s three times now.” a vein in his forehead was throbbing in anger. “Step outside. I’ll end the filthy Kurta bloodline, here and now.”

“Take that back, Leorio!” Kurapika snaps. Leorio simply walks towards the door, he stops and the two glare at each other. “That’s Mr. Leorio to you.” he says and exits. Kurapika follows, despite the captain telling them to stop.

“It’s best to let them go.” the crew looked to Gon. “Aunt Mito told me once, if you want to know more about a person. Find out what it is that makes them angry. It’s important for them to understand why they’re so mad.”

The two walk down the hall in silence. “So we should let them settle it themselves.” They picked a bad time to do this as a cyclone was starting to form on the horizon.  

“Lower the sails now!” the captain orders. “I’ll help!” Gon shouts and the men move out. He follows Katzo out and the Captain takes the helm.  

As the crew worked on closing the sails, Leorio and Kurapika were having a stand off. “Take it back, and I’ll forgive you, Leorio.”  

“I’m gonna have to teach you some manners. I won’t back down, till you show me some respect!” he pulls out a knife.

Kurapika takes out his Bokken. “You leave me no choice!” They get ready to fight as the cyclone draws even closer. Some of the men were thrown off the ropes, so Gon was holding fast to three, one in each hand and his tail holding the other.  

Katzo’s group wasn’t so lucky, the men got thrown off and Katzo was sent flying. He flew right between the two idiots trying to fight in a storm. They set their pride aside and rushed to save him. They grabbed the edge of the ship and reached out for him, but he was too far. “Damn it!”  

Suddenly Gon flipped, his tail whips out and catches Katzo, Leorio and Kurapika quickly catch his hands. They pull the two up. Gon had his tail wrapped securely around Katzo.  

“Idiot!” Leorio scolded. “If we hadn’t grabbed your hands, you’d be shark bait now!”  

“Honestly...” Kurapika joins in the scolding. “How reckless can you be?” Gon just smiles.  

“But you did catch me.” they blink in surprise. “You both caught me!” the two blush.  

The storm had cleared up a bit. “Gon!” Katzo came running over. “Thanks Gon! You saved my life.”  

“I couldn’t have done it alone.” he says. “These two helped save you.” Katzo gave them a bow.  

“No need to thank me.” Kurapika says.  

“Yeah, I’m glad you are okay.” Katzo runs over to get back to work.  

“I apologize for my disrespect. I’m sorry, Mr. Leorio.”  

“W-What’s with the sudden change?” he blushes. “It’s fine you can just call me Leorio.” Kurapika smiles. “I’m also sorry. I take back everything I said.” He gives the blonde a smile. “I was wrong.”  

The captain laughed. “You boys aren’t half bad, I like you!” he says. “I’ll bring you boys to the port closest to the exam site.” The trio smile at passing, as Gon cheers.  


“Gon, Gon,” Leorio gestured the boy over. “What is it Leorio?”  

“Tell me, is it true, do lamias really have two dicks?” he was blushing from ear to ear, his glasses were fogged up.  

“Yes!” he says, and reaches down to part his slit, his two dicks slip out and throb in the air.  

Leorio gets a nosebleed, making stroking gestures with both hands. “Two dicks, one for each hand, two in the ass!” he shivers and he pitches a mighty tent. “Leorio?” Gon blinks.   

The man fixes himself up and tries to look cool. “Gon, let’s go somewhere more private and...” he’s cut off as Kurapika hits him on the head.  

“How vulgar!” Kurapika says. “Don’t teach Gon such things.”

Leorio glares. “Oh I see, you want Gon’s dicks for yourself!” Kurapika blushes.  

“That’s not true!” he says, but his eyes drift to Gon’s twin dicks and he blushes harder. Leorio notices and smirks.  

“Hey now, there’s two dicks, two of us we can share you know?” he grins, and Kurapika is ready to punch him.  

“I don’t mind.” the two look to Gon. “I like you guys, I wouldn’t mind mating with you both.”  

‘Too cute!’ they think.  

“I can take you both one on one or together, I’m flexible.” he says and strokes his hard cocks. Kurapika and Leorio get a nosebleed.  

‘Too sexy!’ they think, cocks throbbing in the confines of their pants. Their journey to port would take awhile it seems Gon has the entertainment in mind.  

To be continued

Patreon Reward


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