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With the results of the poll here is where we are. The Fan Book has won the voting, with PDF Copies 5 chaps got second place. So each week I'll be posting PaperFox's Fan Book a patreon exclusive item. As soon as a fic hits 5 chaps, I'll post a pdf copy of that specific story. Similar to how jump does things.

Before I post the fan book I ask my patrons if you'd like to be mentioned in the credits of the Fan Book. Those that say yes will be mentioned in the credits. You can respond to this post or message me, you can give me an pen name you wish to go by if you like. 

If I can reach my 500 dollar a month goal, rewards I'd like to set into motion.(Please note I will only be able to do these rewards if I hit my 500 goal.)  

Parody Week: 4 Slots Available: Reward holders will get to choose a series I have either seen or written for. I will do updates for random fics 6 days out of the week and a one shot. The one shot I'll ask the reward holder for their otp or a pair they'd like to see. Commission Price 45 dollars Patreon Reward Price 30 dollars

Parody Month: 1 Slot Available: Reward holder will get to choose a series for the month, that I have seen or written for. If I don't have enough fics for the 26 days of updates, will work with reward holder, offering new ideas, and multiple updates for a specific fic(s). This gets the reward holder 26 random updates for their favorite series and 4 one shots. Commission Price 190 dollars Patreon Reward Price 100 Dollars

Hentai Parodies Please!: 4 Slots Available: If your a fan of my more hentai parodies, instead of yaoi supporting this goal will help you get you more hentai parodies. At least 1 a month for each reward holder.  

Monster Boys Please!: 4 Slots Available: If you are a fan of monster boy parodies, supporting this goal will help you get more monster boy parodies 1 a month for each reward. 

As of now, we are staying the course, I am working on originals, parodies, commissions, and patreon rewards. I will hope I can continue to do what I love, and continue to earn you support



As previously, I'm fine with being mentioned under my nsfw tumblr URL. Fingers crossed this newer format daws in more patrons. ;)