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One Piece Parody: Upgrade Original Word Count 1520 Updated Word Count 3439 for chap 2: Chap 1 and 2 Available in FanBook 1: PDF Copy available at chap 5


Chap 2 Luffy's past

Mindflayers were well known, there were books about all kinds of mermaids and mermen, as well as fishmen. Sadly Mindflayers didn't have the best reputation, as an eater of thoughts. Like Luffy many Mindflayers were happy to just taste the minds of their partners or prey. They could dig deep, but only taste.  

There were however gluttonous mindflayers, ones who were not satisfied till they wiped the minds of their partners, turning them into mindless sex slaves. Fishmen merfolk and humans alike have come to fear and hate mindflayers. Seeing them as parasites of the sea.  

Luffy grew up people keeping him at arms length. The only person outside of family to get close to him was a man named Shanks. The man was so kind, and funny, him and his crew of pirates. They laughed and sang, and talked about their dreams. It filled Luffy with hope, he could have a nakama like this.  

He learned a lot from Shanks and his men, the boy was very observant, if he was actually interested in books and things he could have picked it up instantly. One major thing he learned was mating from Shanks.  

Red haired Shanks was an amazing lover, a skilled top that always made his partner cum three times over him. Still Luffy observed Shanks actually bottom to some of the males in the crew. Luffy was curious as to why, as Shanks would tell him that… “As Captain it's my job to see to my crew's needs. They may not all be bottoms, so I must be open to take care of them.” Luffy took this to heart.  

A quick nibble on Shanks' ear and Luffy got a taste of the man's mind. The asses he fucked, the dicks he'd taken, Luffy got a taste and he learned. “Ahh ah Luffy!” Luffy's tentacles caressed the man's body, sliding underneath his clothes, attacking the spots Luffy was sure were the man's erogenous zones.

His nipples, his balls, his cock, his pits, his abs and even back. “Shanks is so cool!” Luffy continued tasting Shanks' mind. He was learning so much.

For many mindflayers who enjoyed a true meal of one's thoughts, robbing them of their minds in the process. Luffy was happy simply tasting them. Shanks shivered as each taste made him relive every sexual experience he ever had.  

Luffy's tentacles caressed him in the best of ways, massaging his muscles, caressing his sensitive spots. “Luffy fuck!”  

The Scylla blinked at him. “Am I bad?”  

“No...” he groaned. “It's good, so good!” he was so close.  

“Yay!” Luffy doubled his efforts, and Shanks arched his back, drooling as his cock wept.  

“Luffy!” he arched his back and came.  

“Thank you Shanks, you've taught me a whole lot. When I grow up and get my own crew I'll be able to pleasure them with all my might.” Shanks wanted to correct him, but Luffy was just so happy.  

Shanks didn't know how to tell him how hard or how dangerous it would be. Luffy looked up to them, he tried to show them that he could be brave to, so he stabbed his cheek with a knife, to show his bravery to them. The men were so impressed they through a party for Luffy.  

The boy hoped to go with them when they left, but Shanks was adamant on him not going. “You’re too young, you might be a merman but you are still a kid.” he knew Luffy was full of dreams, but he didn’t have the strength to chase those dreams not yet. He got a crash course in the world.  

Some bandits showed up in town, and caused a bit of trouble. Luffy had no idea that merfolk were captured and sold in places. Finding a merman on land was a golden opportunity.  

They attacked Luffy when he was making his rounds. They tied him up as they basked in the future riches they’d take part in. “We got ourselves a mermaid men!” the leader cheers.  

The townspeople gathered round. “Please, let him go!”  

“He’s just a kid!” Makino rushed to get the Mayor.   

The bandits glared drawing their swords. “You wanna fight?!” they were fishermen not fighters, but Luffy was one of them.  

“Everyone...stay back...” Luffy says, only to get a kick.  

“Don’t try to act tough fish!” the bandits laughed.

“When Shanks finds out about this, he’s gonna kick your butt!” the bandits laughed at him.  

“You don’t get it fish, those pirates don’t care about you, see?” the leader shows Luffy the Human Shop Auction flier. “They were gonna sell you the first chance they got.” the bandits laughed as Luffy’s eyes widened.  

The merman fought back tears. ‘It’s not true, it’s not true!’ he told himself over and over.  


“Mayor, some bandits have Luffy!” Makino tells him, and the two race to the boy.   

“Stop!” The mayor shouts. “Please let the boy go!”  

“Sorry old man, this little fish is our golden ticket.” The bandit leader sneers.  

“If it’s money you want I’ll pay it, just let him go!” he bowed.  

The bandit leader simply laughed. “The elders know how the world works, but you are a fool if you think you have enough to match what we’d make off this brat.” he tossed a flier for a slave shop at them. The mayor’s face went pale.  

“No you can’t!” A gun shot, forced the man back.  

“How are you gonna stop us?”  

Makino was in tears. “Luffy!”  

“I was wondering where everyone was.” Shanks and his crew arrived on the scene. The bandits weren’t scared after their last encounter with the pirates, where the leader and the gang mocked them and spilled booze all over Shanks. The crew had just laughed it off. Luffy had gotten upset over the event, but Shanks told him that some fights aren’t worth fighting. “So it’s the bandits again.”

Shanks walked towards the gang. “Stay right there pirate, we caught this kid fair and square.” Shanks ignored him and continued walking.  

One of his men pointed a gun at Shanks’ head. “The boss told you to stop!” Bang!

It wasn’t the bandit’s gun that was fired, it was Lucky Roo’s, he shot the bandit right in the head. “That was dirty!” one of the bandits shouted.  

“Dirty?” Benn says. “You aren’t dealing with saints here.”  

“We are pirates!” Shanks says, looking positively pissed. “Listen here bandits, you wanna spill food on me, mock me, even spit on me, I’ll just laugh that stuff off.” He was trembling with rage. “But if you lay a hand on a friend of mine, you better expect to face my wrath!”  

“Get him!” the bandit leader shouts. The men rush forward and Shanks draws his sword. He takes on the whole bandit gang on his own, he cut through their weapons like they were butter.  

“Oh wow!” Luffy gasped. The leader’s gang lays beaten and bloody. ‘He’s so strong!’  

The bandit lets out a whistle and some of his men spring up guns drawn. Yassop takes them out with his expert sharpshooting skills. One bandit tries to launch himself at Shanks, the man doesn’t even flinch as Benn hits him so hard he goes flying. “Nice work.”  

“I’ll always have your back Captain.” The bandit leader, calls in some back up and a swarm of men rush towards the square. “I got this!” Benn takes out the second wave of Bandits all on his own. With the second wave crushed all of the bandit leader’s forces were wiped out.  

“Wait, wait, wait, I know you want to sell this brat to right? Tell you what, we’ll split the money!” Shanks says nothing, he draws his fist back and punches the bandit in the face.  

“I’m not scum like you!” he shouts, the hit was so hard the bandit went flying out into the sea. Shanks rushed to Luffy and untied him. He pulled the boy close. “Luffy, thank goodness you are alright.”  

“Shanks?” Shanks had never hugged him before.  

“I was worried when you weren’t at the bar, Makino was gone, the mayor was gone, and when I heard what the bastard wanted to do with you...”  

“So I’m not a monster? You don’t hate me, or wanna sell me?” Luffy cries. “I didn’t know, I never knew, this is why momma wanted to protect me.”  

“Luffy...I’m sorry!” He didn’t want to hurt Luffy, he wished Luffy hadn’t learned about the Human Shops, he was still a kid.

Benn smiled. “What a guy.”  


The bandit resurfaced. “Lousy pirates, I’ll get that kid, you’ll see, I won’t stop hunting him!” he was thrashing in his anger, which lured the local sea king to him. It opened its mighty jaws and swallowed him in one bite.  

-x- The next day-x-

“Captain, why don’t we take Luffy with us?”  

“Yeah, he’s brave, an amazing swimmer, if he learns some fishman and merman karate he’d get a lot stronger.”  

“Plus we can show him plenty, teach him everything we know.”  

Shanks was quiet.  

“We can protect him,” Benn says. Sharing what everyone was thinking.   

“Can we?” he says. “Would Luffy be happy with that, knowing we took him just because we want to protect him.” The men shared a look. “Is it right of us, to rip Luffy from his potential and his potential path, just because we want to protect him.”  

It was true, Luffy was a merman, and a mindflayer, he had skills and potential he won’t reach if he’s with them. “We need to leave, we’ve used this town as a base long enough.”  

“Aye captain,” their Captain had called on them because of their skills. Luffy was still young, the amount of his potential was as vast as the sea itself.  

Little did they know Luffy had heard everything. So he was ready when the crew tried to leave that morning. “Please Captain, at least say goodbye to Luffy, he really looks up to you.”

“This is for the best Makino.” he tells her. His men were loading the ship.   

“Captain Shanks!” Luffy called.  

“Luffy?!” the red haired man gasped. The boy came to him, this made it harder to say goodbye. “If your here to ask if we’ll take you with us the answer is still no.”   

“I know,” he says. “I’m not strong enough to join your crew!” His heart ached, he wanted to tell Luffy he was strong enough, but he couldn’t take him. “I won’t ask to join your crew, instead I’m gonna go out and find a crew of my own!” This surprised Shanks. “I’ll go out and build my crew and we’ll be even greater then you!” His words made Shanks’ heart flutter. “I’m gonna become the greatest pirate in the world, I’ll become King of the Pirates!” he shouts.  

‘Captain, his words remind me so much of you.’ he thinks. “Better than us huh? King of the pirates eh?” he says and takes his hat and places it on Luffy’s head. Luffy gasped, he knew this straw hat was Shanks’ treasure, that is was more precious than money or jewels. “I want you to take care of this for me, you can give it back to me once you’ve become a great pirate.”

Luffy touched it and was overwhelmed with emotion. “It’s a promise, I will protect it!” Shanks put on a brave face, but little did Luffy know, that Shanks sulked a few days after leaving. He knew he had to leave Luffy behind but it didn’t mean he was happy about it.  


Luffy’s grandfather Monkey D. Garp wasn’t exactly happy about Luffy’s desires to be a pirate. “I leave you alone for a few months, and you got your head filled with these ideas of being a pirate.”  

“Don’t bad mouth Shanks, he saved me from guys trying to sell me!” Garp stops. “Why didn’t you tell me?”  

“Luffy, if you become a marine, you won’t have to worry about that stuff. The marines will protect you.” Luffy said didn’t want that. Luffy wanted freedom, he didn’t want to be sheltered and protected like a child, he wanted to stand and fight like a man.  

So Garp’s great idea to raise Luffy into a fine Marine was leave him with a bunch of mountain bandits. Oh Luffy was pissed, openly saying how he hated them flat out. “Look after Luffy, and if anything happens to him I’ll crush you into powder!” The bandits began to sweat.  

Upon arriving there Luffy was introduced to his big brother, Ace. Their meeting didn’t go well, Ace fired a spit wad at Luffy. “You jerk!” Luffy shot him in the face with ink. “Gah!” Ace gasped. The two glared at each other, sparks flying in between.  

Their relationship didn’t get much better over the passing weeks. Luffy followed Ace around, the older male was adamant on trying to avoid him and leave him behind. Luffy wasn’t used to most of the jungle terrain Ace was.  

Some days he didn’t chase after Ace however, finding the sea he dove in and began to explore on his own. These ventures was how he came across Sanji. This also left Ace feeling strange, he actually missed Luffy, despite this feeling it still didn’t stop him from trying to ditch the merman.  

He had his own partner, Sabo, the two were quite infamous. They stole from pirates, bandits, the rich, slowly building up their treasure stash. This stash, was their pirate fund! Once they built up enough they planned to buy a ship and set off and become pirates.  

Ace was bragging about his latest score, he apparently robbed Blue Jam’s crew, stealing from one of his enforcers Porchemy. “With this I think we’ve made up to half the funds we need in our pirate fund.”  

“Pirates?” the two gasp as Luffy appears from the bushes. “You guys wanna be pirates, me to!” he says excitedly.  

“This is your little brother?” Sabo asks.  

“Don’t remind me!” he ties Luffy up, which made him freak. Only getting worse when they talked about killing him. “He knows too much, kill him.” he says passing a dagger to Sabo.  

“Me? I’ve never killed anyone.”  

“Neither have I?”  

Their argument cut short as Luffy cried. “I DON’T WANNA DIE!” he cried. The commotion he caused drew Porchemy and his men to them. They quickly untied him and hid in the bushes. Their stash was well hidden, so as long as they didn’t get caught it’d be fine.  

“Waaahhh Ace, Sabo, help me!” they took their eyes off Luffy for a second and he somehow got caught.  

“You know Ace and Sabo? Tell us where they are? Or better yet tell us where their treasure is?” he was asked, Luffy looked away whistling.  

“I don’t know...” he whistles. ‘What a lousy liar!?’ was the shared thought. The pirates took Luffy, no doubt to torture him to get the info out.  

“The kid will break, we need to move the treasure quick.”  

“Ace, we can’t leave him to them.”  

“It’ll be fine, he’s just a crybaby, he’ll talk...he’ll talk...” He and Sabo spend the next several hours moving their treasure, to a secret spot that not even Luffy knew about.  

“I’m gonna check on the old spot.” Sabo says and runs off. To his shock they weren’t there, they were still looking for them. ‘Oh god!’ The realization hit and he rushed back to Ace.  

“Hey Sabo, are the pirates checking out our old spot?” the boy was panting.  

“No...they are still looking for us.” Ace’s eyes widened. “Ace...all this time, he didn’t talk...he never gave us up!”  


Luffy was tied up, blood and tears dripping from his body. “Talk!”  

“No...way...” he says. His voice was hurt, from his screams and cries.  

Porchemy was done with Luffy planning to kill him with a ridiculously huge sword. “Wait sir, don’t kill him!”

“Why?! He won’t talk!”  

“We need the money right, let’s just sell the kid!” a sick grin spreads over Porchemy’s face. “Not a bad idea!”  

“Stop!” Ace and Sabo burst in and hit Porchemy hard, using the surprise Sabo kept attacking the pirates, and managed to get Luffy down.  

“Ace...Sabo...” Luffy weakly says. “You came for me!”  

Luffy’s tentacles were swollen from the barrage of hits. He had cuts. Bruises, and even burns all over. Sabo felt sick. ‘We should have gotten here sooner!’ Seeing Luffy like that made Ace’s blood boil.  

Ace and Sabo began to kick some pirate ass, and Porchemy got up. “Sabo get him out of here.” Ace says, getting ready to fight Porchemy.  

“What are you talking about? Let’s go!” he says.  

“I can’t...I can’t run away from this!” Sabo groans in frustration and the duo stand to fight Porchemy. The man was way older than them, and they had bested him before with surprise attacks.  

Fighting him head on was not as easy, they were punched and kicked around. “Little runts shouldn’t go around playing pirate!” Porchemy raises his sword on high. “Die!” Ace raised his weapon to block, but with the force his weapon wouldn’t hold.  

Before the blade could come down, a stream of ink hit Porchemy in the face. “Gah!” Luffy slumped down. Ace and Sabo took their chance and beat Porchemy. They escaped for much needed medical treatment. Luffy was crying obviously after hours of beating anyone would.  

“Why didn’t you talk?” Ace asked.  

“Hmm?” Luffy blinked at him.  

“Idiot! They were dangerous pirates, they are killers they have no issue with hurting women and children.”  

“You would have hated me.” he says.  


“If I talked, you would have hated me.” he hugged himself with his tentacles. “I didn’t want you to hate me.” The freckled youth blushed.  

“Idiot for a reason like that.” He looks to Sabo he gives him the look. “You want me around?” Luffy nods. “You’d be sad if I was gone?”  

“Yes, I don’t want to be alone.” he says. “I hate the bandits, I have nowhere to go, even if I explore the sea I’d be all alone.” he says. Ace blushed and hugged him. “I guess you are not so bad.” he says and Luffy grins.  

“That’s Ace for he loves you to.”  

“Oi!” Ace gasps, and Luffy chuckles.  

Thus began their time together as brothers. It had its ups and downs, including an incident that hurt Luffy to remember. Ace protected Luffy until he started his own pirate journey. Luffy would go swimming and travel the seas of the East Blue, during one of these swims he had come across Sanji and given him the fruit.

Garp visited the boys now and then, trying to beat some sense into them, but as the years passed he had to settle with making them strong. The path they choose would be their own. All he could hope was that he make them strong enough to protect themselves.

Luffy grew up to be quite lovely, which only made him a bigger target. He faced dirty looks, pirates trying to catch him to sell, bandits hunting him, and vile whispers. He wanted to build his nakama but he was finding it difficult.

He tried not to let the little things bother him. Monkey continued to explore the sea, and was happy when Sanji and Zeff got off the island. ‘I hope we will meet again.’ Luffy thinks.  

His brother Ace set off on his journey 3 years before Luffy, and Luffy started his journey just a few weeks prior. He set off to find the blonde, he met back then and the rest… well...is...


Luffy and Sanji were sitting in Zeff’s office. Luffy talked about his past, mostly about his hat and his past with Shanks. Thinking about the past brought up plenty of memories, some of them painful. Zeff didn’t press to much on them. “So, you were the one who saved the Eggplant here?” he chuckles. “After all these years, and your a pirate now eh?”  

“Yes, I just started. If possible it’d be nice if Sanji would join my crew.”  

“You want the brat you can have him!”  

“Hey!” Sanji hissed. “Old man, I’m the best chef you got!”  

“Yeah, and I taught you everything you know. Honed your skills, and put up with all your mistakes and flirts.” he knew Sanji felt honored bound to stay. “Luffy, how about you stay here and work in the restaurant?”

“Ehh?” Sanji gasped, Luffy blinked in surprise.  

To be continued

Chap 3 Memories Like the Sea  


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