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My Hero Academia Parody: Tier 1

AN: This work is a work of fiction it's characters are fictional and are works of fantasy, as the creator of this parody, I can confirm they consent to all narrative and nsfw choices. This content is only for the purpose of entertainment and doesn't promote or condone any in real life actions, governments, policies, religions, groups, or life styles.

Divine Quirk: God’s Hands

Quirks have been appearing for the past 5 generations now, and there has always been a concern of quirks manifesting in someone that was too powerful for their vessel or too powerful for them to control and they bring disaster around them. Such are the divine quirks, divine power in mortal hands, on record anyone who has one of these quirks has not lived past 25. Izuku Midoriya had always wanted a quirk...but fate can be cruel.

Chapter 1 Divine Power

Quirks began to appear, and the world became like something out of a comic book. Study and focus went into understanding quirks and how they could be used in society. If one had a lightning producing quirk they could have permanent job working at a power station charging massive generators for a city or town.

As quirks grew and developed across the generations, there was always a concern that a quirk would evolve or mutate and become too powerful for the vessel, or too dangerous to control and bring disaster. One of the points to the former were the Divine Quirks.

It was a classification so rare, the cases had been studied, and the scary thing was no one with a divine quirk lived past the age of 25.

Noble Heart was a hero in Japan, the youngest hero ever, as he had a Divine Quirk he was given special privileges. He had God’s Heart, a second heart of pure divine power, with his heartbeat he could beat up villains, block projectile attacks, even be used to restart someone’s heart.

The man understood that he had a short life span, so he wanted to do as much as he could as possible, so he was granted a hero’s license and he served for as long as he could, saved many lives, trained many heroes and he died...at 19…

Because he used his quirk so much he accelerated his fate, causing his life to end far sooner.

Izuku Midoriya always wanted a quirk, he was a late bloomer so everyone in class had their quirks and often picked on him for being quirkless. For every birthday he had he wished to have a quirk, and the one that manifested horrified his mother.

God’s Hands!

“Oh Izuku!” Inko cried, but the small boy didn’t understand. He had a quirk now...he could be a hero now...right...right?

Midoriya was taken to a hospital and tests were ran, multiple tests. “I’m sorry to inform you that your son does indeed have a Divine Quirk.”

“But...aren’t those fatal?”

The doctor sighed. “While the media calls them Divine Quirks, those in the science field call them Terminal Quirks. I’m sorry no one with a divine quirk has lived past the age of 25!”

“No how did this happen?”

“These types of quirks don’t seem to have any reason to them, we’ve traced genetic and quirk markers back and can find no clue as to when or how they manifest.” His mother could move small objects towards herself, and his father could breathe fire.

“But he wants to be a hero, if he...if he doesn’t use his quirk is there any way he could live longer?”

The doctor shook his head. “The holder of the God’s Tongue quirk in Paris, he didn’t use his quirk in the exact hope his life would be spared the terminal fate, but despite not using his ability even once in 15 years he still passed away at 25.”


“I highly suggest you make your son aware of his condition, those with divine quirks can also have serious health issues that will need to be monitored. If he also uses his quirk too much it’ll hasten his expiration date.”

Inko didn’t know what to do, her child was only 8 how could she shatter his dreams and tell him that his life clock would be much shorter than everyone else. She was determined even if it was a short life, she wanted her boy to have a quality life. ‘I’ll tell him when he’s older, he’ll be able to understand when he’s older.’

What she didn’t realize, kids were like sponges they absorb everything that’s in their environment, they see and watch and listen. A lot of parents don’t realize that, traits and bad habits can be picked up at a young age. Izuku overheard something the doctor said but he didn’t understand it.


“So you finally got a quirk huh Deku?” Katsuki asked was Izuku’s childhood friend, they’ve played together ever since they were four.

“Yes, mom seemed really weird about it though.” The two were sitting on a bench together. “The doctor said something weird to he said my quirk was a divine quirk but also a terminal one. What does terminal mean?”

“Heh, stupid Deku, terminal means…” His eyes widened. “He said terminal?”

Izuku nodded. “What’s it mean?”

“It doesn’t mean anything, you don’t need to know what that word means.” Katsuki took his hand.


“He said you had a divine quirk right, I’ll tell you what THAT means. It means you have a really awesome quirk, so awesome you need to save it for something REALLY important. Do you understand?”

“I think so...thanks Kacchan, you’re really smart!” Katsuki Bakugou was indeed very smart, smart enough to know what terminal meant, and he almost couldn’t believe it. So when they went home he asked his mom and she confessed. Inko had confided in her on it.

He did his own research and every case and bit of info on Divine Quirk holders said the same thing. ‘I’ll make sure he never uses his quirk, he’ll live as long as possible!’ It was easier said then done. Not that he didn’t try, he stayed close to Izuku and scared off any extras that tried to get close to him.

Just a few months later they were playing in the woods, and their usual path had grown old and they had grown bigger. Katsuki stepped in a bad spot and he fell, he was going head first. This was bad, but no impact happened. “Ah!”

Izuku had activated God’s Hands, his hands turned a strange black color, with glowing green lines forming on the back of his hand, almost as if his bones were glowing through his hand but they also looked a bit like circuits, in the palm of his hand his finger tips had glowing rings on them, with lines coming down from the rings to the palm where a strange array was.

Using his quirk he had caught Katsuki, saving him and bringing him back up to safety. “Kacchan you are okay!”

The blonde grabbed him by the shoulders. “Why did you use your quirk?” He had a mix of anger and scared going on.

“You were in trouble, and you said to save my quirk for something important...you’re important to me!” He said with a warm smile.

Bakugou was stunned by the words and was able to collect himself. His cheeks growing red. “Tch, dummy, I’d have been fine!” He poked the greenette’s forehead. ‘It’ll be fine...he just used it once right...it’s not a big deal...can’t scare him...can’t have him panic…’

That’s what he thought, but the next day Izuku didn’t come to school. He had a serious health crash causing him to be rushed to the hospital. ‘It’s my fault…’ His hand balled into fists.

For Divine Quirk holders depending on their quirks their health issues varied, Izuku got quite the bad hand, his temperature would weirdly fluctuate, causing him to have high fevers or have temperature drops so bad he would start shiver and shaking. If he overdid it he’d end up having coughing fits, even coughing up blood. If he pushed himself too hard he could also faint.

Some believed this was divine punishment for those who foolishly wielded the power of gods.

Izuku was in and out of hospitals, but he met a boy during one of his visits. He was doing some blood tests and he was running a bit of a fever. The boy had red and white hair and he had bandages on his face. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah…” He said weakly. “Just feeling a little hot. I’ll be fine!”

“Can...can I use my mom’s quirk on you?” Izuku was a bit confused by the question but nodded.

This boy was Shoto Todoroki, he had a fusion quirk, Half Hot and Half Cold. Using his ice side he was able to help bring Izuku’s fever down. “Wow that feels nice.”

“That’s because it’s my mother’s quirk, she was a really nice person.” He held his hand to Izuku’s forehead like an ice pack. “It’s much better than my dad’s quirk. I hate it.”

Midoriya thought he was really out of it, cause he didn’t understand what he was saying at all. “Can you show me?”

“Fine, just a little okay.” Izuku nodded, and from his fire side he produced flames.

“Ohh that’s so cool, you have ice and fire.” With Shoto’s help his fever came down and Izuku was feeling much better.

“I inherited the quirks from my parents, but I prefer my mom’s quirk.” Izuku let out a soft chuckle.

“Don’t be silly, they aren’t anyone’s quirks but yours. You’re Half Hot, Half Cold, a unique combination that’s all you.” Shoto blushed. “And I think it’s a very nice quirk, you seem really nice too!”

“I don’t know…” He was so worried about his fire side, thinking if he used it he’d end up just like his dad. “How can you be so sure?”

“Because you helped me! You helped me just like a hero should!” Izuku held his hands. “I don’t know what you see when you look at your quirks, let me show you what I see.” He activated God’s Hands.

Ice and Fire appeared in Shoto’s hands. Using his power he molded the flames and ice into dancers, that leapt out of the peppermint haired lad’s hands. The two elements danced in their own way, Ice cool and elegant, Fire wild and full of passion, but then Izuku had them come together.

These two forces would surely clash but before Shoto’s eye they matched each other, and began to dance in a way that was both cool and passionate. As they moved the glow of the flames reflected off the ice creating a rainbow of colors as they dance. “Pretty…” Shoto’s eye widened.

“I think...you’re gonna make a fine hero some day…” He managed to say before he passed out.

“Oi!” Shoto shook the boy, but he wasn’t responding. “Someone help!”

Some nurses came and rushed the boy away. ‘I...didn’t even get his name.’ Shoto was very socially awkward. Sad part is he was here to get his bandages off, he’d finished his treatments and outside of his scar, he wouldn’t lose vision in his eye. He wouldn’t be seeing the green haired boy again, but his words reminded him of something his mother told him, though he didn’t know the boy’s name, his words would be carried in Shoto’s heart helping him grow.

They’d see each other again one day, but not for a many years. Reunited at UA a school for heroes. This meeting between the two would shift Shoto's fate, a divine meeting!

(Year XXX – Izuku Age 13)

All Might aka Toshinori Yagi aka the Symbol of Peace had clashed in a serious battle one that ravaged his body and even with the best doctors, scientists, and healers he suffered a heavy loss. All Might believed he had crushed All For One, but it was hard to say.

The fact still remained he was now a Broken Vessel, and his ability to use One For All would dwindle with time. Sir Nighteye was the current and soon to be former sidekick of All Might. He said what they were all thinking that All Might needed to find his successor, passing on his quirk and training the next symbol of peace. “It’s not yet time...I can still fight...I can still keep going…”

Nighteye aka Mirai Sasaki frowned, his hand balling into a fist. “If you keep pushing yourself like this you’re gonna die!”

All Might whipped around. “You looked into my future, you promised you wouldn’t do that.” If All Might continued on this destructive path, he’d eventually be put up against a villain who’d bring his death and One For All would go with him.

“I had no choice, but if you insist on staying as the symbol of peace, there is another way…”

“What do you mean another way?” He’s seen the very best, he was lucky to be put back together at all.

“There is a boy with a divine quirk.”

“What did you say?”

“Nighteye you can’t be serious, that boy…” Recovery Girl had mentioned him as a possibility and Sir Nighteye did his own digging.

“He’s already dead, he’s terminal but with his divine power he could fix you completely. Those with divine quirks can make miracles happen, that’s what you need a miracle.”

“You go to far!” Gran Torino snapped.

“My apologies, but this boy is going to die either way, if he’s able to save the symbol of peace, he’d shave what 2 maybe 3 years off his life span?” He adjusted his glasses. “He dies at 22 instead of 25, but he’ll know that he saved All Might…”


All Might had punched him, this was a first Toshinori has never struck Mirai before. The man was very cold and calculating, with his high intellect and ability he saw things in a very...sad way...some things were inevitable and once he saw a certain future it always came true, it’s why he didn’t look too far into anyone’s future, he looks just enough to adjust the odds to his favor. There was only one way, or one time his prediction was wrong/changed they had gone on a group mission and they had met a hero who had the God’s Eyes quirk, it was only by divine intervention was a path changed.

The boy had a terminal quirk, his fate was sealed, there was nothing that could stop this, how much good this boy could do in his few years he had was limited compared to the good All Might could do. “Take that punch as a warning, never say anything like that again. I’m not gonna take away a young man’s future just so I can have a couple more years at being Symbol of Peace.” He knew what Nighteye was saying, that if he kept going he was gonna die, Nighteye had seen his death and it had shaken him, he was trying to save his partner’s life, but Toshinori would not weigh his life against another’s.

They stopped working together after that, but little did All Might know that in just 5 years, he would meet Izuku Midoriya.

To be continued… I Know...He Knows?!

Izuku meets All Might after being caught by a villain, and sees his weakened state. Something compels him to help All Might realizes too late to stop the boy from using his quirk. He panics and rushes to take Izuku to Recovery Girl, accidentally dropping the villain as he went. Katsuki gets captured and Izuku manages to use his quirk one more time and save him. Katsuki is pissed, especially as that stint leaves him in the hospital for two weeks. Bakugou wants Izuku to give up on being a hero, but Midoriya shocks him by telling him that he knows...he knows about his quirk, and that his mom and him have been keeping it from him.


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