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The Batman/My Adventures With Superman parody: Patreon Reward

AN: This work is a work of fiction it's characters are fictional and are works of fantasy, as the creator of this parody, I can confirm they consent to all narrative and nsfw choices. This content is only for the purpose of entertainment and doesn't promote or condone any in real life actions, governments, policies, religions, groups, or life styles.

AN: Created on behalf of a wild card request

Batman’s Adventure With Superman

The Daily Planet wants to establish roots in Gotham City, so he's sending new reporters Clark Kent and Jimmy Jones out there to lay down some roots, what better way to get some roots then to get an interview with Gotham's Golden Son. Bruce and Clark meet and sparks kinda fly, but they both got secrets. Bruce works as Batman, and Clark well he's got powers and he doesn't know what to do with them. Some kryptonian tech has made it into the hands of gotham's criminal underground causing villains to raise in threat level and some becoming meta humans. Batman/Superman/Harem

Chapter 1 It Begins

Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent started off in very different beginnings and would have very different upbringings, but these two would both become heroes.

Bruce Wayne was born to Thomas and Martha Wayne, of the Wayne family in Gotham.

Clark...well he was born on a whole other world and came to Earth as a baby. His arrival came with a ship and tech that landed on Earth with him. He was raised by Johnathen and Martha Kent, two humble farmers and head’s of the Kent clan of this generation.

His true name was Kal-El of the house of El, and up till the time he was 10 years old he thought he was a normal human. As his body absorbed the yellow sun energy, he began to manifest his powers speed and super strength.

The Kents tried to show him the truth, showing him the space ship they found him in, but he freaked out. “So I’m not your son...I’m not even human...I...” They hugged him.

“You are our son, we love you!” He clung to his mother but not too tight.

“You’re a good boy Clark, when you found out about these powers you used them to help someone.” His father said. They knew he was an alien, and they didn’t care where he came from or why, to them he was Clark Kent their son.

The boy wasn’t sure he wanted to know, he’d be spending his years trying to be normal even as his powers continued to manifest and grow.

Meanwhile Bruce had met a tragedy, as his parents were taken from him, and the criminal got away with it. Gotham PD never found him, and the case went cold. Bruce was left nearly all alone in the world. Alfred Pennyworth the Wayne family butler served as his guardian, raising him as he would his own son.

Wayne grew up wanting justice, he trained himself to one day combat crime in Gotham City. Bruce made friends with a young man named Ethan Bennett, developing a friendly rivalry with each other. Things got heated on the baseball court, and in the bedroom.

As they got older Bruce devoted his time to Wayne Industries, while Ethan became a detective for the Gotham Police. Ethan also wanted to clean up Gotham’s crime problem. He always loved comic book heroes, and while he didn’t have super powers he wanted to do what he could to help people. Bruce knew he was a good guy, and he’d be a good cop.

Wayne Industries was advancing into the future especially with the strange tech they’ve acquired over the years. It was alien but Wayne Scientists were able to learn from the technology and use it for the benefit of Gotham. The process was slow going as the alien tech was SUPER advanced.

Bruce had used his training and access to tech to become a hero in his own way. He became The Batman!


“Ma I’m telling you, it’s gonna be fine!” Clark was packing up his stuff.

“You are moving to a new city all alone, how can I not worry?” Mrs. Kent said.

“Ma, it’s for work.” Clark had gotten a job at the Daily Planet. His boss Perry had a rivalry with Victoria Vale, the Gotham Gazette was killing the Daily Planet with stories about Wayne Industries and the Vigilante Batman.

Perry was sick of it, so he wanted to establish roots in Gotham. Plus thanks to Olsen they established an internet presence with the Flamebird. Perry thought this would give them an edge over the Gotham Gazette.

“I’m also not going to be alone, I’m gonna be staying in an apartment with Jimmy!” Jimmy Olsen was Clark’s College roommate, they’ve been best friends, and a little bit more. He started Flamebird in college and sold it for some major cash, keeping involved as a reporter for it.

They’ve met Jimmy, they were just worried about his conspiracy theories. The boy was big into the supernatural and sci-fi theme. “I trust him Ma, and you’ve met him, he’s a good guy.”

“What about the danger, what about that weird who dresses like a bat?”

“Ma...you read the Gotham Gazette?”

“Only at the salon and I skim. Don’t change the subject, I’ve heard that city can be dangerous.”

“Ma, I’m super strong, invulnerable, and I can move at super speed. I’ll be fine.” He wanted a normal life but he also didn’t want his mother to worry. “Besides I’m sure the Batman is just an urban legend like a lot of Jimmy’s conspiracy theories.” He’d heard the rumors to, the Batman was a vigilante, a criminal, even a monster. Clark had a different perspective given, how he always feared of being a called a freak or a monster if he ever got found out. ‘Maybe he just wants to help people.’

There was a lot of hugging and crying, more so from his mom. His dad knew he’d be fine. They went by the Daily Planet. “Listen boys I’m sending you two to set roots down for a Daily Planet in Gotham, Olsen you have a year to prove this Flamebird thing has staying power. I want you boys to out scoop the Gotham Gazette, and nab the biggest story in Gotham.”

“Oh is it the Tomb of Dracula hidden in Gotham Cemetery, or revealing the members of the Secret Society of Owls, or maybe the legendary Cobblepot Stolen Fortune…”

“Olsen!” Their boss snapped.

“Sorry chief.”

“Is it getting an interview with Mr. Wayne, he’s apparently involved with a lot of charities and the stuff he does in Wayne Industries is amazing.”

“Hmm, Vickie’s tried to get an interview with the man for a long time, she’s been stuck dealing with the Wayne Industry press team. That’s not a bad idea Smallville.” Clark blushed. “But no, the scoop of the century is Who is Batman?”

“Ohhh!” Jimmy’s eyes sparkled. “That would be so cool!”

“But wouldn’t that end The Batman, if his identity is revealed?”

“Who cares about some criminal vigilante, the story is legendary and the one who cracks it will be famous. Keep it on the down low, I don’t want Vale getting wise or she’ll be more aggressive to get the story.”

“If the story is so juicy why hasn’t Miss Vale gone for it.” Clark asked.

“Because right now the Batman is big news, his exploits draw readers, she’s gonna milk the bat for as long as she can before she finishes him off, but if she thinks someone else is after the story she’ll either get in your way or go after him herself.”

“Oh we gotta be covert...nice!” Jimmy said.

“I’m counting on you boys, you best do the Daily Planet proud or you’re both fired.” He warned.

These two weren’t the only ones after Batman, in fact they weren’t the only ones moving from Metropolis Ellen Yin was transferring to Gotham PD.


Chief of Gotham PD, Angel Rojas was in a foul mood, he didn’t like the Batman to be in the news. He’s been trying to deny the existence of the bat for awhile, but he’s been operating for the last three years. Batman had been raiding gangsters hideouts, crushing their trade routes, taking out their muscle, ruining their criminal escapades.

While this was technically a good thing Rojas didn’t like it, he found the Vigilante thing as letting a criminal run lose. He thought Batman was insane and deserved to be locked up in Arkham Asylum. To make matters worse Batman just brought down the gangster Rupert Thorne. He was dumped on their laps with plenty of evidence to have him locked up for a long time.

He had to switch gears, going from denying to confirm, with plans to capture. “While evidence of the Batman has surfaced we will not condone his vigilante behavior. I am creating a task force that will bring down the bat, and he’ll be sent away where he can’t do any harm.”

Ethan didn’t like this, he had joined the police to do good, and the way he saw it the Batman was helping him, though he never saw him. To make matters worse he was put on the task force with his new partner Detective Yin. She was more on Team Rojas, finding the caped crusader more of a problem, one that needed to be brought to justice.

The police had even been given upgraded equipment from Wayne Industries for helping deal with criminals.

Meanwhile poor Bruce was doing all of this for Gothan, in honor of his parent’s memory. He fights crime at night and gives to the city as Millionaire Playboy Bruce Wayne.

Batman returned to the cave, where Alfred was waiting for him with a cake. “Happy three year anniversary sir.”

“Thanks Alfred.”

Bruce wasn’t stupid, he wanted the police equipped to handle things, but was three steps ahead of them technology wise. He was hands on with the technology, understanding it as much as he could and using what he learned to develop gadgets for himself. “Any news for Bruce Wayne?”

“It seems Miss Vale wanted another interview.”

“She is persistent.”

“Shall I have the PR Team give her the usual denial letter.”

“Hmm, well it might get suspicious if I keep denying her, maybe I should do an interview. I’ll have to think about it.”

“It might be nice for people to get to know Bruce Wayne.”

“Just so long as they don’t get too close in finding the Batman.” Bruce got changed, from caped crime fighter to millionaire playboy.

“Right sir.”

“Anything else?”

“Well there is a project review meeting at the end of the week.”

“Excellent I can see where we are at in studying the tech we found.” Wayne Industries had found or purchased tech from an incident years ago.

“And Bruce Wayne is to make an appearance at the Gotham Gators game tomorrow.”

“Sounds like fun!”


Clark and Jimmy arrived in Gotham, and got their stuffed moved into their place. They got a nice studio apartment, as they’d be working out of it until they got results. It was bigger than their college dorm room so they felt it’d work for them.

It was outfitted with a kitchen and a bathroom, their living room was also their bedroom, but they had plenty of space to work, make videos and arrange stories. “So Clark why do you wanna interview Bruce Wayne, he doesn’t seem like your type.”

“My type?” He squeaked, blushing.

“Aww you’re so cute when you blush.”

“He’s quite the mystery I think he does so much for Gotham.” He had appeared on the cover of a few magazines.

“He seems like a rich playboy type, Gotham’s Golden Son.” Jimmy looked around. “He’d be a likely candidate for the Society of Owls! He might be working with this secret society to manipulate Gotham!”

“Jimmy…” Clark rolled his eyes.

“Fine, fine, but he’s still a playboy, he’s been in pictures at different events always with a different girl or multiple girls on his arm.” Kent pouted.

“I don’t...think he’s really like that. I’ll get an interview with him and see for myself.”

“Just don’t get too close, that man has the looks that can break hearts.”

“I’m not gonna get too close!” Jimmy folded his arms.

“Uh huh, don’t forget Smallville I was the one who popped your cherry, and outside of me who have you had sex with.”

“I...um…” Jimmy had a point. They fooled around in college and because he didn’t want to lose control he let Jimmy top him, Clark learned he really like getting fucked. Some thought the two were dating with how close they were, many speculated the thick brick house like Clark was the top while the nerdy twink like Jimmy was the bottom, but the roles were erotically reversed.

“I trust you Clark, I do, but guys like Bruce Wayne, are the type that chew people up and spit them out, especially sweet hearts like you.” Jimmy gave him a peck on the cheek.

“I can handle myself.” Olsen shrugged.

“Well our first days of Daily Planet Gotham Edition start tomorrow, it’s gonna be a good day!”

It was gonna be a very difficult day...as a creepy clown like man checked himself into Arkham Asylum, not for help, but to cause mischief and chaos.

To be continued Bruce Meets Clark


Damion Andrew

Combining The Batman with My Adventures with Superman. Interesting and prime for some sexy moments!


both shows are interesting and i noticed a lot of tech the villains are using in the batman are more advanced then normal so felt it could be tied into the kryptonian tech. plus we got a younger batman still figuring things out and a young superman trying to understand his powers so thought they'd be a cute mix