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Ben 10 Parody: Tier 1

AN: This work is a work of fiction it's characters are fictional and are works of fantasy, as the creator of this parody, I can confirm they consent to all narrative and nsfw choices. This content is only for the purpose of entertainment and doesn't promote or condone any in real life actions, governments, policies, religions, groups, or life styles.

Hunter 10
In the vast multiverse there are different Ben’s, some who’ve gained the omnitrix, others who had the anodite spark, some even had a change of events had him a child of ledgerdomain. This universe’s Ben doesn’t have the omnitrix, but he’s gained skills becoming a powerful and skilled hunter.

Chapter 1 On the Hunt

Revonnah in Universe 1821

A ship was heading towards the planet, the pilot opening up the file on it.

Planet Revonnah a majestic and beautiful planet, with multiple suns.

Monthly Cycle: 53 Days

Known Species: Revonnahgander (Worthy Prey), Muroids (Unworthy Prey), Green Caterpillars (Unworthy Prey), Amber Mosquito (Dangerous Predator)

Rare Resource: Amber Ogia

‘Why would he come here?’


Rook Blonko was on guard duty, this wasn’t odd, as the young and strong were often tasked with guarding the silos from rodents and crops from insects. He was wearing typical guard robes, it was something akin to a T-shirt and shorts, but the material was thicker.

Muroids...they were quite large...typically stupid but in large numbers dangerous. Fighting them off was so common it was the most excitement that happened day to day.

Green Caterpillars were slow but were active at night, they eat the crops.

Amber Mosquito were more dangerous, not just to the crops but to all life on Revonnah. They had sharp stingers that can penetrate even solid stone draining the Amber Ogia, they could also drain the fluids from other prey they find, and like Muroids they were quite large. They could kill a muroid in seconds, a Revonnahgander in under a minute.

They made it so travel outside of the villages was very dangerous, and the jungles of Revonnah were seen as forbidden. Muroids typically lived in caves, while the Amber Mosquito lived in the thick jungle.

Revonnah was a low technology planet, they had the equivalent of swords and spears, and farming tools. Their greatest advancement in technology was for farming with the Harvesters. Many of the older revonnahganders didn’t like it, seeing as technology made their people weaker.

While the younger revonnahganders saw technology as evolving and adapting to the march of time.

Even the guard armor was a form of adapting, the exposed arms and legs was intentional as it drew the focus of the Amber Mosquitos, allowing the guards to predict where the insects would attack.

Rook killed a mosquito with a spear, slicing it half. It must have fed on Amber Ogia recently, as the juices exploded and splashed on the ground. ‘I should clean this up.’ He was distracted as a ship broke through the atmosphere. ‘Visitors? Invaders?’ He gripped his spear tight.

The ship landed in the jungles. Rook wanted to investigate, but knew the dangers of the Jungles. ‘Should I tell father...would he even believe me…’ He chewed on his bottom lip. ‘Whoever they are...they landed in a very dangerous place…’


A figure came out of the ship, he had brown hair which was a touch wild, outside of a braid he had, which was tucked over his ear. He had on a mask that hid his face. He was wearing a dark T-shirt, a fishnet under armor, camo pants, with a belt of weapons and tools, sturdy boots, and strange devices on his wrists. A striking accessory was the Vulpamancer pelt that he wore like a cape.

When he exited his ship his blood called out to the Amber Mosquitos. ‘The locals huh?’ He pulled two disks from his belt, with a quick flick blades came from the disks and he let them fly.


The Amber Mosquitos didn’t know what hit them, especially when the disks made a return trip and as soon as the hunter caught them he used them to slice up the Amber Mosquitos that had gotten close to him. ‘Now where is he?’

He activated his scanner.


Rook had no idea who or what had landed on his planet, but the distraction left the amber ogia juices to attract trouble. “Muroids!” Rook rushed to fight them off, to his surprise one not only dodged his attack. “What?”

To his shock, the Muroid stood up on it’s hind legs. With a quick swing of it’s tail it tripped Rook up. ‘Muroids are not this intelligent, since when do they stand on their hind legs.’

He didn’t have much time to think as the Muroid picked up a rock and tried to smash him with it. Blonko rolled out of the way and readied his weapon. The second Muroid rolled up into a ball but instead of running it charge at Rook. He tried to block it with his spear, only for it to break and the beast ram into him.

Rook got knocked to the ground and now had the giant rodent on top of him. It roared in his face as it then reared back. ‘Am...am I going to die…’ His eyes widened before closing, bracing for the strike.


A powerful blast was fired and it hit the rodent obliterating it. The other muroid cried out in anger. ‘I am...alive…’ Rook sat up and saw the masked figure come out of nowhere, his body materializing as it looked out of thin air. The Muroid let out a call for help and four more showed up. ‘Muroid’s do not call for help…’ None of this was making sense.

They surrounded the masked fighter.

The fighter removed his pelt and tossed it onto a nearby rock.

‘Oh wow!’ Rook blushed, this stranger’s physique was...impressive.

A rodent charged at him, and a blade appeared from the device on his arm. He cut one down, making the others scream in rage. They were using pack tactics trying to bring him down.

One even let himself be stabbed to let two others attack him from behind. Too bad for them. The wrist blade rotated, reversing the blade, and with one spin he cut through their heads.

All that was left was the one who called for help in the first place. The blade retracted back into the wrist mount. It tried to retreat only for him to raise his right arm and manifest a blaster, bang! With one shot the muroid was reduced to ashes.

He turned his attention to Rook who began to panic. ‘Am I next...is he gonna...kill me…’

“I Evah Snoitseuq Rof Uoy!”

Rook look very confused. He looked and saw the half of his broken spear, he grabbed it and aimed it at the stranger. “Stay back!”

‘He’s got spirit.’ He pressed something on his wrist device. “Ouy Kaeps Nommoc…Doog…” The figure removed his mask, revealing a human face. “That’s good, we can talk. I have questions for you.”

“You speak?!” Rook gasped. “Who are you?”

“I’m asking the questions here, unless you think you can take me with that broken spear.”

“Do not underestimate me!” Rook stood up. “Revonnahganders are a proud people, we will fight till the end.”

“Okay Tiger...I’m not here to hurt you or your people. I’m a bounty hunter. I’m after a criminal.” Rook flinched at the contractions.

‘He is so vulgar, and what is a tiger?’ The hunter walked over and picked up his pelt.

“Have you seen anyone strange, a human like me?”

“I have not seen anyone here like you!” He relaxed his grip. “But I also do not leave the village.”

“Wow, sounds boring…” He put the pelt on. “Well look, I know he’s here on this planet, I don’t know why but he’s here and I intend to hunt him down. Pretend you never saw me, here…” He tossed Rook a device.

“What is this?” It opened up into a spear, a double ended one.

“That spear won’t break as easily, consider it payment for your silence. I’m only after my prey, as long as no one gets in my way I won’t have to hurt anyone.” His mask finished re calibrating and he put it back on.

“I...I do not think anyone would believe me anyway…”

“Suits me just fine, try to stay out of trouble Tiger.” He pressed a button and vanished, he simply turned in invisible.

‘Why does he call me that?’

“Rook Blonko!” He heard his father shout.

“Father!” He tucked the spear into his pocket.

Rook Da wasn’t alone, he had several other Revonnahganders with him carrying torches and pitch forks.

“What happened? What is all this?”

Rook tried to tell them about the Muroids and how they acted smarter and more aggressive, but he was simply laughed at. “Muroids have always been simple minded beasts, do not make up stories Blonko.”

“I know guard duty can be boring sometimes, but really smart muroids.”

“Looks like you broke your spear too.”

“Father listen to me…” The older Revonnahgander held up his hand.

“Be silent!” He hissed, making Rook flinch.

“Even if you were outnumbered there is no cause for this level of brutality Rook Blonko, clean up this mess before the young ones see it.”

“Yes father…” Rook had many questions, and as the adrenaline died down he realized a few things.

He was alive, the stranger had saved him from the muroids, he didn’t have to but he did. He was given a gift for his silence on the matter, though revealing him wouldn’t have been a good idea. Given his abilities, just what he’s seen so far, even the masters of revonnah kai would be no match for him.

‘I did not even get his name.’ His heart fluttered a bit. ‘He was such a brave and skilled fighter, and he was so handsome.’

The only one who would listen to him about all this was his little brother, Young One. “Unbelievable a warrior from the stars came down and saved you from the edge of death!”

“That...sorta is what happened…”

“Did he hold you close and…” Rook covered his mouth.

“Nothing happened, and I told you to stop listening to those late night tesserbursts.” Blonko was blushing.

“But they are so spicy!” He said his tail wagging. They were actually quite tame, but chocolate can taste heavenly for someone who’s only ever had vanilla. Young One was pretty good with tech, he managed to fix up a radio from parts he found. The young revonnahgander was able to examine and figure out his new spear. “This is quite the gift!”

“Are you gonna see him again?”

“I...I do not even know his name…” That wasn’t an answer, and Young One took notice.

“But you like him?” His brother blushed again. “You LIKE him!”

Rook took the spear. ‘Why can I not shake this terrible feeling, the muroids and the criminal the hunter was chasing are connected…’ Blonko had good instincts.

To be continued


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