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Bleach parody: Tier 6

AN: As a reminder Tier 6 requests are not available for update please patreon or subscribe star request tier, subscribe star has the Special Order tier that's for tier 6's unless a tier 6 is abandoned by its requester can i do anything with them like revamping them into tier 1's. With everything up in the air, I made an exception this month as we moving into unknown waters, please keep this in mind, going forward.
For this and other tier 6's I'll be reaching out to other tier 6 holders and see if they want to keep the reigns on their fics or allow them to be handled as tier 1's (it's been something I've been meaning to do, but like with many of my plans I've had to shelve them because of reasons)

AN: This work is a work of fiction it's characters are fictional and are works of fantasy, as the creator of this parody, I can confirm they consent to all narrative and nsfw choices. This content is only for the purpose of entertainment and doesn't promote or condone any in real life actions, governments, policies, religions, groups, or life styles.

Chapter 4

Chapter 5 How To Train Your Horny Dragon?

Ichigo moaned as Toshiro groped his chest. “Toshiro...stop...it…” His face burned.

The white haired boy said nothing, purely focused on Ichigo’s tits, the orangette’s pecs were slightly swollen, soft to the touch, and yet had a firmness to it.

He must have been in a horny daze as he licked Ichigo’s right pectoral. “Eeehhh!” Ichigo shivered. “Sto-oooohhhh!”

Toshiro bit him! It was a playful nip, but still, it was sure to leave a mark. He wanted to mark Ichigo more, with so many others gathering around his treasure he wished to have a sign or mark on him. Hitsugaya licked the spot, leaving tender licks as if in apology.

‘Stop looking so cute fucker!’ Ichigo held his tongue. It wasn’t fair, Toshiro was a double dicked hung stud, he shouldn’t have a cuteness that melts hearts as well.

Toshiro buried his face in the hybrid’s chest, groping and squeezing his tits. ‘So soft...so firm…’ It was a sinful combo, but Toshiro wasn’t gonna complain about just enjoy. He nuzzled his pecs, taking in the strawberry’s aroma. If he wasn’t so horny he’d likely fall asleep on Ichigo’s chest.

Ichigo shuddered with each squeeze. The cockhuggers must have made his chest more sensitive, sure he had nice pecs before but the damned creatures had modified him somehow. Not only had his nipples become inverted but his chest had gotten plumper and more sensitive. He didn’t know how to feel about the manly pillows of a chest he was sporting, but as Toshiro groped him and nuzzled him he was starting to like it.

His pecs had become almost addictive to the horny dragon, the more he squeezed the more he wanted to squeeze. He kissed, licked, and even nipped along his pecs, earning moans and pants from Ichigo.

Toshiro reached the source of his exploration, Ichigo’s nipples. The buds were now inverted which made his plump pecs even lewder somehow. All his groping hadn’t caused the buds to emerge. ‘Are they shy?’ He was gonna find out as he kissed Ichigo’s breast, sealing his lips over where his nip inverted.

“Toshiro!” Ichigo moaned.

Hitsugaya began to make out with his pec, his hand teasing the left side, his fingers caressing and teasing the area. “Toshiro~!” Another moan as Ichigo shuddered and gasped.

Kurosaki’s head rolled back, it felt weird but he didn’t want to stop Hitsugaya, a hand came up and cupped the boy’s head, pulling him closer. Toshiro pushed closer, letting his double dicks rest against Ichigo, his tails coiled around the orangette’s legs.

Ichigo’s nipple was kissed harder, Toshiro deepening said kiss, trying to coax the nipple out. His tongue slipping further teasing and working the bud.

Kurosaki’s body burned, not only was his cock hard, but his new breeder was growing wet, not a strange feeling as of late as both his ass and breeder had been fucked.

Toshiro’s deep kink bloomed as he began tongue fuck his nipple. Giving a light suck, he managed to cause the bud to bloom, emerging as if for the horny dragon. “Toshiro?”

He didn’t respond instead latching his mouth back onto the nip and began to suck. “Fuck!” He sucked and sucked, and sucked some more!

Ichigo wanted to protest that nothing would come of it, but the boy was both looking to sweet and cute, and also in the back of his mind he wasn’t sure of his initial thought. He ran his fingers through white soft locks, supporting his head and letting him suck harder.

There was a build up, it was so strange and yet Ichigo didn’t stop what was to come. One more squeeze and suck later and milk gushed from the orangette’s tit and right into Toshiro’s mouth. “Gah! Ahhh~!”

Toshiro was trembling, having what could be described as a foodgasm. Ichigo’s milk washed over his tongue and down his throat. ‘Yummy!’ His eyes closed and his body trembled in a dry orgasm.

The passing second felt like an eternity, because now Toshiro felt like a man lost in a desert needing a good drink! Coming back down from subspace Toshiro began to suck on Ichigo’s breast, causing milk to erupt from his nipple which he greedily chugged down. “Mmm mmm mmmm~!”

He now understood why he secretly enjoyed nipples, it was all for this moment. Being held to his treasure’s breast nursing like a young dragon. He continued to drink unaware of his body’s change.

Toshiro was smoking like he did when he was in his bankai for too long. Ichigo gazed down at him, his body was icing up, only to thaw from his lustful heat and steam began to pour off him. “Toshiro...hey...something is wrong...hey!”

Hitsugaya wasn’t listening too busy enjoying his milk. His spiritual pressure continued to rise, the strange smoke coming off him more and growing thicker. ‘What is happening?’

He’d almost swear he saw a face in the fog, but that’s crazy right?

Of course this wasn’t normal, Ichigo’s body was modified and his overwhelming spiritual pressure was condensed into yummy milk. For a soul reaper to drink it...well the effect was about to be made clear.

Toshiro’s energy leaked out of him, keeping him from transforming, but Ichigo’s spirit energy was filling his vessel washing through his body and soul. Zanpakuto spirits tended to be hard to manifest needing special tools or advanced training to do so...but...this was a very rare situation.

The air began to chill as the fog took form, and a tall, handsome, and VERY naked man appeared. Ichigo’s eyes widened in shock. ‘Who the fuck?!’ He gulped.

He had an icy blue x shaped mark on his face, he had gray eyes, teal-green hair which reached down to his lower back. He had dragon hands and feet, even a dragon tail. What caught Ichigo’s eyes was the man’s massive double dicks both 19 inches in length. His spiritual pressure was very close to Toshiro’s but it was different. ‘This...this couldn’t be…’

It was!

Drinking Ichigo’s breast milk had allowed Toshiro’s zanpakuto spirit to manifest. This was Hyorinmaru in the flesh, and not only that but in full human form to boot.

The man’s stare was chilly. ‘Is he pissed...is he mad at me...why is he looking at me like that?!’ In Ichigo’s panic he failed to notice just where the spirit was looking.

He stalked forward, his dragon claws almost making no noise as he moved forward, the ground freezing in his wake. ‘Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap…’ It wasn’t until the man’s cold features softened and he licked his lips did Ichigo realize. ‘Oh fuck!’

Hyorinmaru joined his master, taking Ichigo’s left breast. “Fuck!” Toshiro didn’t even stop nursing, but he did shift to give the spirit room.

He moved in and settled beside Toshiro kissing Ichigo’s left nipple, and giving his all to work it out. Unlike Toshiro he was quick to start sucking first, rushing to get to the main course.

Despite the hungry dragon sucks Ichigo found his hand running through the long green locks. Hyorinmaru purred and began to chill out a bit, tenderly licking Ichigo’s breast. He made the tip of his tongue a tad colder, sending shivers through Ichigo.

His nipple bloomed and the dragon wrapped his lips around the bud. “Fuck!” That chilly tongue was teasing him, swirling around his sensitive skin, feeling like a cube of ice. Was he being more playful that Toshiro. It was hard to focus as both males sucked his nips.

Hyorinmaru caused the milk to flow, and both dragon boys were drinking his milk. The zanpakuto spirit was fed the tasty essence feeling his form become more stable.

Questions could wait, the dragons were both horny and now wished to drink their fill and then fuck.

Ichigo was in a daze, having his tits sucked and milk drank was making him just as horny.

Hyorinmaru began to feel up Ichigo’s body lovingly, his touch was a tad shaky almost fearing this was a dream and either one of them would vanish. He was very real and very hard. Toshiro was still happily nursing.

Toshiro had a kink for his nipples, so was happy to suck on them. Hyorinmaru didn’t share the same kink, or at least not the same way, rather interesting. His larger form allowed him to maneuver Ichigo around and press his dicks into Ichigo’s ass and breeder. “I wanna fuck you, treasure!” His voice was do damn sexy.

“Okay…” Ichigo said, his voice trembling.

Without another word the dragon spirit thrust both cocks into Ichigo’s well fucked holes. “Tight!” Hyorinmaru growled. His dragon dicks slid home fully stuffing Ichigo at once. “You like having your holes stuffed treasure?”

“Yes!” Ichigo moaned.

As if in response, Hyorinmaru slipped two digits into his mouth, his claws playing with Ichigo’s tongue. “Hnnn!” His eyes rolled up and Hyorinmaru began to move, both dicks sliding in and out of him at once.

“You are so beautiful, to have you in my claws at last.” He nibbled on Ichigo’s ear, and the orangette melted.

Toshiro finally released his nipple, but wasn’t done sucking, instead he moved down to Ichigo’s twitching cock and took his length in.

‘Fuck!!!’ Hitsugaya’s sucks were so hard and rough, matching the brutal humping from Hyorinmaru. Ichigo’s orgasm came, his balls tightening as his ass and pussy clenched the thrusting dicks. The dragon spirit came with a growl, pumping his seed into Ichigo’s channel and breeder.

Toshiro drank his seed.

Hyorinmaru removed his fingers from Ichigo’s mouth and grabbed Ichigo’s tits. He breathed in deep, before exhaling lustfully, his breath coming out cold and sending shivers through Ichigo.

The two were the same in ways different in others, Ichigo realized as Hyorinmaru began to fuck him with gusto. His thrusts sent Ichigo’s rod swinging and slapping his abs. The claws focused on Ichigo’s nipples, pinching them and tugging them with each thrust.

Toshiro watched the show, palming his cannons while his cock tails wept.

Ichigo cums, his breeder juice gushing, while his cock erupts, even the pinching caused his milk to squirt. Hyorinmaru made a mess of Ichigo but the two shared the same thought. ‘Beautiful!’ Kurosaki drooled and his body trembled and Hyorinmaru pumped him full of more cum.

Toshiro had enough waiting and he moves up to embrace Ichigo his hard cocks nudging his filled holes. “Treasure…” He looked up at him cutely.

Kurosaki was to sexed up to resist, his body was enhanced so he knew he wouldn’t physically break but mentally…

As he looked into Toshiro’s cute pleading eyes. “Fuck me…”

So he did!

Toshiro slipped his two dicks along side Hyorinmaru’s as the two dragons filled Ichigo with cock. Hitsugaya was longer than the dragon spirit, so he reached deeper than him, but the sheer tightness the two men felt nearly made them cum.

Ichigo had four dicks inside him, the pleasure and pain had him seeing white and black, before things kicked up as...Toshiro had cock tails…

Kurosaki had a cock tail stuffed down his throat. Five dicks inside him…

Hyorinmaru was in for a surprise as Toshiro has two more cock tails, and the dragon spirit was double stuffed. His mouth stretched over by cock and his virgin ass no longer virgin. Turn about was fair play as Hyorinmaru’s tail curled around them and knocked on Hitsugata’s back door. ‘Dragon Orgy!’ He thought as the tail penetrated the captain’s ass.

Dragons tended to be solitary creatures not for the reasons people think, as when dragons gather together they end up in a massive pit of sex.

Ichigo was an honorary dragon, he was reptile like and there were dragons with breeders and cocks. So the orangette was like catnip/dragonnip to the two.

Climaxes triggered other climaxes, and like a snake eating it’s own tail the trio entered a cycle of pleasure, orgasms stacking on each other to almost maddening degree. Toshiro’s moans echoing along the tunnel they found themselves in.

He was so horny he eventually pulled out of Ichigo, and sat on the orangette’s dick, while lovingly sucking and licking the tip of Hyorinamaru’s tail. Like hell was he gonna be the odd one out, not getting his holes stuffed.

The dragon orgy carried on until the males were spent. Their wasted essence was frozen by the two horny dragons, the particles breaking up and vanishing into the air. Toshiro had his head resting on Ichigo’s chest, while Hyorinmaru was nuzzling his neck. He spooned Ichigo from behind his tail coiling around them, protectively. Toshiro’s dragon wings formed a barrier around them.

Kurosaki wouldn’t be moving any time soon, this was a problem as Mayuri’s experiments were causing chaos above.

To be continued…

Preview: Toshiro was so horny he didn’t even realize Hyorinmaru had manifested and the spirit was being quite defiant for Ichigo’s sake. He helps carries Ichigo as the scene cuts to the others dealing with the chaos soul society was being reduced to.


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