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Ranma 1/2 parody: Tier 1

AN: This work is a work of fiction it's characters are fictional and are works of fantasy, as the creator of this parody, I can confirm they consent to all narrative and nsfw choices. This content is only for the purpose of entertainment and doesn't promote or condone any in real life actions, governments, policies, religions, groups, or life styles.

Chaps 1 and 2

Chap 3 Ranma's Ally

Kasumi was up early as she always was to make breakfast. To her surprise Ranma was up as well. She spotted the other guest but she did not recognize him. 'Oh my they appear to be cozy. I don't think I've seen Ranma so happy.' she got the paper and headed back into the house.

“Ranma I'm gonna make breakfast, will your friend be joining us?” she called up.

He looked into Shinnosuke's eyes. The two shared a longing look. “He's staying.” Kasumi smiled and nodded.

The two got a bath. ”Shinnosuke I need to show you something.” He splashed himself and turned into a girl.

“Ranma?” he gasped in shock.

He explained about the curse, and what his father did to him. He returned to being a guy with hot water and waited for Shinnosuke. “So what, boy or girl you are still a man to me Ranma.” he embraced Ranma, their wet naked bodies pressing together.

“Shinnosuke,” he hugged him back.

'Genma Saotome, I will never forgive you!'

Said man felt a chill and woke up. He looked around and fell back asleep. Not even caring where his son was, and since he didn't smell food no point in getting up.

After getting dressed the two sat down for breakfast. “I will find a way to break the curse one day.”

“I'll help. I'll even go to Jusenkyo and bring back the water you need.” He got up and Ranma pulled him into his lap.

“That's sweet of you, but we've been apart long enough.” Shinnosuke smiled, and cuddled with Ranma. The cursed boy kissed him, and they made out.

“Oh my!” Kasumi says as she walks in to set the table.

“Ohh uh sorry Kasumi,” Ranma blushed, and rubbed the back of his head.

Kasumi gave him a stern look. “Ranma?”

“Yes?” Ranma would never admit it out loud but Kasumi had this way about her, despite her being the gentlest of people and the kindest, when she's serious she could make anyone sweat.

“Are you and this boy in a relationship?” she asked.

Shinnosuke got off Ranma, and bowed. “I'm Shinnosuke.” he introduced. “It's nice to meet you.”

Ranma solidified his resolve. “Yes, it might seem weird but he's an old friend. We were both deceived into being separated from each other.”

“I see,” Ranma was nervous as she approached. “Ranma, I've never seen you so happy. I believe you two will be happy together.” she patted his shoulder and Ranma breathed a sigh of relief.

“Thanks Kasumi.”

“I just ask that you break things gently to everyone, okay?” he nodded. She left to finish preparing breakfast.

Nabiki was the next to breakfast, surprised at the new handsome man attending. Tendo was next followed by Akane. They to were surprised at the newcomer.

“What'd you do this time Ranma?” accused Akane.

“Why do you always think I did something?”

“It saves time, it's usually your fault!” she snapped, only to freeze when Shinnosuke glared at her. “W-What's your problem?”

Shinnosuke ignored her and went about eating breakfast. Akane began grumbling, while Nabiki took note of how close the two were.

“Now son, who is your friend?”

Before Ranma could answer Genma walked in and froze. “S-S-Shinnosuke!” Genma stuttered, the man sweating and trembling with terror.

“Hey there pops, you remember Shinnosuke right?” he put on a fake smile. This was the your ass is grass smile otherwise known as I know what you did smile.

“I uhh don't think I do...”

“Funny, he remembers you.”

“Now boy you have to understand, what I did was for your own good.”

“MY OWN GOOD?!” Ranma shouted and proceeded to kick the ever living day lights out of him. “You never cared about my own good!” Genma was knocked around, taking a trip on Ranma's fists. “You've only used me, stealing my food, or selling me!” Ranma's aura was murderous.

“You gotta believe me boy!”

“Like hell I do!” he punched Genma and sent him flying through the roof.

Shinnosuke smiled. Ranma sat down and put his arm around Shinnosuke. “This is my boyfriend, Shinnosuke.”

The boy bowed. “Greetings.”

“WHAT?!” Tendo and Akane screamed.

“Son tell me this is a joke, are you under some kind of love spell?”

“Sorry Mr. Tendo, I admit you've been good to me, better than my own dad at least.” that wasn't saying much. “But I love Shinnosuke, and I would have been with him before now if Pops hadn't messed with him.”

“Ranma!” Akane rushed at him to slap him, only to be blocked by Shinnosuke.

“Don't you dare,” he snapped glaring.

“Get out of my way,” she tried to hit him but Shinnosuke blocked her attack.

“If you try and hit my Ranma I won't go easy on you.”

“Your Ranma?” she screeched. She got some cold water and splashed Ranma reverting him into girl form. “You really want this perverted jerk, who turns into a girl, who's lazy and doesn't do anything but cause trouble.”


Akane's cheek burned. “I've had enough of you.” she cupped her cheek. “Who cares if Ranma turns into a girl, it doesn't change who he is, and it was his father's fault he even went to Jusenkyo it's also my fault for believing him.”

Ranma put a hand on Shinnosuke's shoulder. “Ranma is strong, brave and kind, you'd see it if you weren't such a bitch to him. Why would Ranma be nice when all you do is treat him like garbage?”

“You know he has a point Akane, despite how you treat him Ranma has tried to help you on several occasions, even swallowing his pride as a man to go girl to save you.” Nabiki said.

“Yes and Ranma has even helped out in the kitchen.” Kasumi added.

“What that can't be true, you'd have told me.”

“Well no because you get so wound up, when Ranma does things better than you you get jealous and you take it to an angry place.”

“I...I...I'm going to school!” she ran off. In her head she continued to blame Ranma for everything even though it was clear he had done nothing wrong.

“Ranma!” Soun screamed. “I want you out of my house, if you are not marrying Akane then you have no place here.”

“That's fine,” he takes hold of Shinnosuke's hand. “Let's go.”

“Hold on Ranma,” Kasumi says. “Now father, Ranma has led a rough life all at the hands of your friend. We should do the right thing and let him and his boyfriend stay.”

“But but but Kasumi...”

“No buts father, if you kick Ranma out I will leave with him.”

“What?!” he gasped. “B-b-b-b-b-b-but Kasumi, you can't be serious.”

“I am father, if mother was alive she would not have allowed this.”

“Kasumi that's not fair.”

“I see, alright Ranma I'll be leaving with you then.” She gets up and Tendo grabs onto her desperately.

“But Kasumi there's just no room.”

“Shinnosuke can stay in Ranma's room, Mr. Saotome needs to be taught a lesson. So if anyone is gonna be kicked out it should be him.”

“Right, I understand!” he turned to Ranma and Shinnosuke. “Boys you can stay here, as long as you want.”

“Thanks Mr. Tendo.” the two looked to Kasumi who smiled. Shinnosuke enrolled into Ranma's school, Nabiki helped with that.


Genma returned after they went to school. He found his stuff out on the yard. “What's the meaning of this Tendo?”

“I'm sorry Saotome, but you brought this upon yourself.”

“You can't be serious? Ranma was gonna be with a man, I couldn't let that happen!” he shouted. “What would you have done if one of your kids liked the same sex?” Tendo's eyes widened.

It clicked, Kasumi was right. “If my girls loved another girl I'd support them, as you should have done Saotome.”

“Come off it Tendo,” he looked and saw Ranma's stuff was not among them. “Where's the boy?”

“At school, Ranma will still be staying with us.” Genma's eyes widened.

“Tendo, old buddy, you can't do this to me.”

“Can't do this to you? Saotome I have turned a blind eye to many of your actions. You are selfish and Ranma is a good boy and deserves to be happy.”

“I see what you are doing you plan to use Ranma yourself, come on Tendo!”

Tendo sighed. “I see you've become as rotten as our master Saotome. Leave now you are no longer welcome here.”

“Not yet!” he rushed at Tendo, only to get a punch to the face and thrown back.

“I was going to let you go without an issue, but here Nabiki drew this up.” he dropped a huge receipt. “Living expenses, food expenses, heat and electricity you've built up.” Genma turned pale at the large sum.

“If you want to show your face to me again, pay your bill.” He kicked Genma out.

Kasumi smiled at him. “I'm proud of you father.”

“Don't be I should have done it along time ago. I've made many mistakes I need to make up for.” he went to their mother's shrine. 'My dear please forgive me, I have been blind.'


Genma snuck into Ranma's school.

Shinnosuke was welcomed by the school, no surprise he was handsome and good at sports just like Ranma. While he was in a mob of students Genma came up and whisked Ranma away. “Listen to me son, you gotta believe me. Shinnosuke is no good for you!”

“You are the one who's no good!” he kicked at his father who dodged.

“No you must believe me, he just wants to get his hands on our family's fortune.”

“What fortune?! You are broke and you have to mooch off your son and friend.”

“Tell me boy, if he's gay will he still love you when he sees your cursed form.” Ranma punched him in the face.

“I didn't hide it from him at all and he accepted my form.” Genma began to sweat, he was out of excuses. “Can't you accept the fact that someone loves me for me!”

“Not really no.” Ranma sweat dropped and proceeded to pummel him. “Wait boy, listen!”

“Genma Saotome!” Shinnosuke burst in and kicked Genma through the wall. “You okay Ranma?”

Ranma laughed and hugged Shinnosuke. “You are the best.”

“Ranma, do you have any pride boy, what happens if the whole school learns about you two.” the answer was the two kicking him in the face.

“Get lost pops, I'm done with you.”

'You might be done with me boy but I'm not done with you!' he glares.

To be continued

Chapter 4 Genma's Gambit and Ryoga's Suffering

Ryoga tries to fight Ranma, when Shinnosuke fights him instead. Ryoga's feelings are questioned and he reverts to being P-chan to go with Akane only for his greatest fear to happen.

End preview



Well, I didn't know I needed this in my life until now!