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Dragon Ball parody: SubStar Reward

AN: This work is a work of fiction it's characters are fictional and are works of fantasy, as the creator of this parody, I can confirm they consent to all narrative and nsfw choices. This content is only for the purpose of entertainment and doesn't promote or condone any in real life actions, governments, policies, religions, groups, or life styles.

Chapter 1

Chapter 2 Coil Up

King Kai’s training began and Goku passed the trials quickly. The Kai had examined Goku’s mind, seeing what he’s been through and gauged that on what he could learn.

He was able to use ki, able to control his ki to sense others, fly, and adjust his power level. His most powerful technique was the Kamehameha Wave, but he had seen a few other techniques in his life.

As a god he had knowledge of greater and advanced ki control, known as spirit control, given his new form he may be ready to take that step.

He had Goku and Sanzo train with ki restraining cuffs to strengthen their ki. With only needing four hours of sleep he was able to pump lots more time into training.

The Saiyan Nue was able to learn the Kaio-ken and by the use of Spirit Control he was able to form the Spirit Bomb. One needed to understand Spirit Control to draw the energy from the things around them, it was then gathered into a bomb and unleashed as an attack.

King Kai showed off another technique Instant Transmission, moving between Goku, Bubbles, and Gregory. “Wow!” It could be seen as a complex technique as one needed solid spirit control and being able to sense ki. Master’s of this technique could freely move to places they’ve been or have seen.

The Kai wasn’t a master but he had enough understanding to teach Goku the basics. ‘He really is amazing, saiyans were already skilled at adapting in battle, but since becoming a Nue he’s become more of a monster.’ The two were even staying up late chatting about techniques they could do.

It had been so long since he’s gotten this excited.

He trained his absolute hardest for the saiyans arrival.

Vegeta and Nappa arrived on earth and the larger saiyan showed a violent show of force wiping out a whole city.

King Kai sensed it, but Goku couldn’t return to earth until he was revived from the dead. His friends had gathered 6 of the balls and were close to the seventh.

In order to buy time, the Z Warriors confronted the Saiyan pair. Yamcha was defeated by the Saibamen. ‘Hurry guys...hurry!’

Krillin, Piccolo, Tien, and Chiaotzu defeated the Saibamen, and were now taking on Nappa. Tien lost an arm, which pushed Chiaotzu to try and make the ultimate sacrifice, his Self Destruct, converting his body and ki.

Sadly because of Nappa’s saiyan armor and incredible power he was able to avoid being destroyed by the blast.

Tien was about to lose it, when suddenly the sky darkened. “What is this?” Vegeta gasped.

“According to the data on this planet, the night cycle is hours away.” Nappa looked around equally confused.

Krillin smirked knowing what was happening. ‘The dragon...has been summoned…’

Gohan teared up. “Daddy!”

“Hey kiddo!” Goku hugged his son. “Wow you’ve gotten so big while I’ve been gone.”

The boy blushed. “Sorry, do I scare you?”

He shook his head. “No...you look cool!” Goku ruffled his hair.

Vegeta’s eyes widened. ‘No...this means that…’

A wish was made and Son Goku was revived. The dragon finished his business and departed, the balls scattering across the world. “What happened?” Nappa shouted.

Piccolo smirked and Vegeta glared. “I see, so the dragon balls have been used already have they?” Vegeta said. “To bad for you namekian!” The saiyan prince had called Piccolo that before. “We weren’t killing you because we needed you alive.”

“Vegeta does that mean our wish for immortality is…”

“No Nappa it is not lost and we no longer need him or this planet. We just have to pay a visit to the Namekian Homeworld!”

“What?!” Piccolo gasped.

“Immortality...for something like that you monsters…” Tien was furious. “I’ll kill you, I’ll destroy you all!” His ki was flaring.

“Hahahaha what can you do with only one arm.” Nappa laughed.

“I’ll show you...I’ll show…”

Pop! Suddenly Goku appeared on the battlefield, his new form catching his friends and foes by surprise.




“What the hell is that form?” Nappa asked. “What are you trying to pull?”

“You can say that I’ve evolved, I’m a saiyan Nue now!” His snake tail raised. “This is Sanzo!”

“A pleasure!” The snake said with a bow.

“Whoa it talked!” Krillin gasped.

“Goku, I don’t know what happened to you on the other side but I can tell you got stronger.” Piccolo said.

“A what?” Nappa was confused.

“Father spoke of this, that certain species meshed with saiyan DNA creating a hybrid. These hybrids have strange powers and were deemed too dangerous to be allowed to live.”

“But Raditz said his brother was a normal saiyan.” Vegeta nodded.

“If the potential is viable it’s possible another catalyst could cause the mutation.” Since hybrids were seen as taboo and dangerous, they didn’t look into potential ways to evolve or mutate.

“Goku...Chiaotzu he...he’s gone…” Tien cried.

“All is not lost, my friend…” Goku closed his eyes. He was searching for something.

“But Chiaotzu’s already died once, we can’t even bring him back to life with the dragon balls.”

“Stop crying!” Sanzo hissed. “If there is another way we can find it, but first we have to survive this!” Tien was shaken by the talking tail.

“There…” Goku grabbed Tien’s arm and brought it back.

“What are you trying to pull Kakarot?” Nappa shouted but was ignored.

Goku gathered his energy and used it to heal Tien’s arm, repairing it down to the bone.

“His arm!?” Nappa gasped.

‘That power…’ Vegeta tensed. ‘Even the sages on Vegeta couldn’t heal a wound like that so quickly.’

Tien was stunned, his restored arm flexing. ‘It feels even better than before.’

“Now then...for Yamcha…” Goku made his way over to the long haired male.

“Goku...he’s gone…” Krillin teared up. “I’m sorry we lost him!”

“Fools, he’s just mostly dead.” Sanzo hissed.

“Oi!” Nappa snapped. “I’m done letting you do as you please!” He charged up an attack.

“Don’t get in our way Gorgon Glare!” Sanzo’s eyes glowed.

Nappa and Vegeta became paralyzed. “I...I can’t move!” The larger male groaned and tried to power through it but so long as Sanzo’s eye was on he wouldn’t be moving.

‘This feeling...it’s like Guldo’s technique...a psychic power?’ Vegeta wasn’t able to move. This technique was a similar principle but instead of mental power, it relied purely on ki and spirit control. They wouldn’t be moving until the technique was lifted.

He could feel Kakarot’s power over him, holding in place unable to move even a finger. Outside of talking and blinking they couldn’t move at all.

Goku knelt by Yamcha. ‘Please Earth...lend me your energy…’ Goku focused and began drawing in energy from nature itself. ‘King Kai’s healing is greater than mine, no matter how beat up I got he was always able to fix me up good as new.’

He didn’t know the kai was drawing on god ki to heal, but he had to heal his own way, drawing in life energy from the world around him, channeling it through his body and into another. His healing also took time. Goku was tired of watching his friends die and get hurt and being unable to do a thing about it.

Yamcha’s body was healed, and his soul was able to come back. Ba-Bump! His eyes opened. “G-Goku?”

“Hey Yamcha!”

He touched himself. “I...I’m alive…”

“Vegeta...how is this possible…?”

Yamcha’s ki flared, the Z warriors could feel it. ‘He’s stronger?!’ Their reactions caught the prince’s attention.

Vegeta narrowed his eyes. ‘Could it be...a zenkai boost…’ It was a saiyan’s natural evolution system, getting stronger when they fight. If they driven to near death and are able to recover their boost is incredible. This was why Raditz was so weak, the coward was always avoiding a fight, only taking on battles he was sure he could win, he relied too much on his scouter. He managed to survive, but his growth was slow.

“It seems our little Kakarot has gained some interesting tricks.” Vegeta said.

“Release them Sanzo.” The snake tail finally blinked breaking the spell.

“Man that sucked, holding those two was a lot!”

“Sorry, sorry!” Goku apologized to his tail. “But that means…”


“They are tough!” The two said in unison. They were grinning, they were gonna enjoy this.

Vegeta felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up, his instincts were telling him Kakarot was dangerous, but...his heart thumped. ‘I want to fight him!’ His saiyan blood was pumping.

“Heal those weaklings all you want, you won’t defeat us!” Nappa charged at Goku and Yamcha.

The saiyan nue grabbed the bandit and avoided the attack. “Nappa fall back, this fighter is beyond you, I’ll take him on!”

“But Vegeta…” His hand balled into a fist. “Fine...so I can wipe out his little friends.” He charged up a mouth cannon blast.

“Spirit Drinker!” Goku blocked the attack, but more than just stopped it or deflected it, before their eyes Nappa’s ki blast was slurped up and Goku swallowed it. “Baaaa!”

He fired another blast out of his mouth, this one nearly double the power of Nappa’s. “Dodge it you fool!” Vegeta shouted.

Nappa didn’t dodge, instead he tried to block, the blast hit and it obliterated his armor and brought the massive man to his knees. “How...how could a third class warrior...over power me...an elite…” He panted.

Vegeta could see Nappa was shaken, their armor was very strong, some might say the best in the universe. Had the man not been wearing it he’d be dead. Kakarot’s counter attack took Nappa’s blast added power to it and fired it back.

Goku had seen Mr. Popo devour ki before, he had an immortal body so he could drink ki without much issue. Goku found a work around, be launching the ki blast back with his own ki attached, doubling the speed and power. He could also adjust the timing by having Sanzo release the blast.

Nappa was struggling to move, his body recognized he had just faced his death. “Move...damn it…”

“Dad’s gotten so strong!”

“Kakarot, I’ll admit you are quite powerful, but you lack the instinct to kill.” Vegeta said. “You have risen far from your position as a third class warrior, but you could have killed us when you had us paralyzed, and yet you didn’t. You are soft Kakarot, this world has made you soft. This universe is not so kind!”

He took a fighting stance. “Mercy is for the weak!” Nappa knew the life Vegeta has lived since their planet was destroyed. It’s been a constant struggle for survival, with those around them always looking down on them.

Goku took his own fighting stance. “You’re wrong!”

The two began to fight, clashing across the land, leaving the Z warriors and Nappa to look on in shock. ‘He’s keeping up with Prince Vegeta!’

Vegeta was doing well, blocking punches and kicks, while avoiding strikes from Sanzo. He had to be careful what kind of attacks he threw, or risk get countered by that Spirit Drinker technique. To make matters worse, as the fight dragged on, he found himself enjoying the battle more and more.

Goku looked like he was enjoying the fight just as much. They were testing each other, slowly raising the bar as they fought.

“Consider this a reward for your strength I’m gonna end you with my best attack.” Vegeta struck a pose as he charged up his attack. “Galick Gun!” His energy crackled as it surrounded him.

“Ka...Me…” Goku put one hand back, he began to build energy but Krillin, Tien, and Yamcha noticed the energy was smaller and more compressed. “Ha...Me…”

Vegeta unleashed a mighty attack firing a purple energy blast towards Goku. “Ha!”

The blast Goku unleashed was insane, it was bigger and more powerful than Goku’s other Kamehameha waves in the past. Yamcha had seen only one blast that came close, the time when Roshi destroyed Fire Mountain. This trumped even that!

Their attacks collided and Goku’s blast overwhelmed Vegeta’s. The prince managed to dodge out of the way, his armor getting clipped and destroying one of the shoulder guards. If it had hit Vegeta he’d have been on an express way to outer space right now, and he’d likely not have been coming back.

“We should stop this now, if we keep going one of will likely die!”

“Tch, the only way this ends is with you dead at my feet.” His pride was showing. Goku scratched his chin.

“Well I don’t want that, I’ll have to defeat you another way then.” Sanzo moved forward.

“What is this?” The snake tail began to move from side to side, causing Vegeta’s eyes to naturally track it, but as he did, he saw the snake’s eyes.

They began to swirl in a pattern of colors, Orange, Yellow, Blue, Red, then back to Orange. “Kakarot...what...is this...fight me!”

“I am fighting you, this is a martial arts technique my teacher used on me, well more of a style.” Krillin remembered this when Master Roshi as Jackie Chun used the Sleepy Boy Technique on Goku.

Sanzo continued to sway. “Vegeta don’t look!” Nappa called out but it was too late.

The prince of all saiyans had already looked into the snake’s eyes, and he couldn’t look away. His eyes began to match the swirling colors. “You won’t...beat me...I am...Prince Vegeta...you won’t…” His body was tense.

“Just relax My Prince we don’t need to fight anymore.” The words sent shivers through Vegeta. His body visibly relaxed a bit.

“We...don’t…” He sounded confused, struggling to grasp the words.

“Not anymore, but we can fight again in the future. You’d like that wouldn’t you, My Prince!” Again those words sent shivers through Vegeta.

“Fight...again...yes…” He would like that very much, the prince felt he finally found a rival who doesn’t look down on him.

“If we join hands My Prince, we can fight more and get stronger together.”

“Get stronger...yes...fight more…”

“I just need you to relax more My Prince…” Vegeta’s body obeyed, his hand uncurling and resting at his sides. “Yes that’s excellent!”

Sanzo stopped swaying, and the snakes eyes were trained on the smaller male’s. Vegeta’s eyes grew heavy but he didn’t want to look away. “Now relax even further, remove your armor.”

“Armor? I can’t...not safe...never safe…” He began to sweat, his past stirring up. Nappa knew, as some sort of sick joke Freeza often had assassins torment Vegeta keeping him on edge when he wasn’t on missions.

My Prince, it is okay...you are safe here...trust me…” Goku could feel the distress in his mind.

“Trust…” It was such a hard feeling to grasp.

“I’ll keep you safe My Prince, you can remove your armor, you don’t need it now.” The words were not bluster, and held all of Goku’s warmth in them.

Nappa watched in shock as Vegeta removed his armor, slowly at first but with each article removed Goku would praise him. Soon the saiyan prince stood stark naked, his royal cock standing at attention. He was very much enjoying his fight with Goku, and as the nue took hold of his mind, pulling him slowly deeper, it only intensified his arousal. “Vegeta!” Nappa shouted but the prince could no longer hear him.

Vegeta was feeling very exposed and vulnerable, but he kept gazing into Sanzo’s eyes. The pretty colors made him feel better.

Goku approached him. “Thank you for trusting me, My Prince.” Vegeta let out a little moan.

Kakarot took his place gazing into Vegeta’s eyes, his expression melting from hard to one of pleasure. It was a good look on him, dazed and horny.

Sanzo began to wrap himself around Vegeta’s legs. “My Prince, you will be safe in my coils.” Sanzo seemed to extend in a way similar to Piccolo’s stretchy arms. He coiled up Vegeta’s legs holding them together. “Relax and sink deep into my coils.”


The tail left space, leaving Vegeta’s ass and cock exposed and he continued to make his way up Vegeta’s body, holding and squeezing his arms, abs, and back. “When you are in my coils My Prince you don’t need to think, you can let all thoughts melt away.”

Vegeta shuddered and moaned. “It feels good to be in my coils doesn’t it My Prince?”

“Yes...so good!” Vegeta moaned, heat and pleasure washed through him, causing his nipples to harden. Sanzo felt it as he wrapped up Vegeta’s pecs and shoulders.

“Then sink My Prince, sink completely, submit, it’s okay you don’t need to worry about anything in my coils.”

“I...I...I…” Vegeta began to drool. Sanzo was in his face his eyes peering deeply into Vegeta’s, looking through the windows to his soul.

“You understand don’t you My Prince, in this fight I was stronger, you challenged and I won. You know what you have to do!”

Vegeta trembled. “I submit!”


Sanzo gave Vegeta a squeeze and the saiyan came, his dick twitched as he spilled his seed into the air. The saiyan’s toes and tail curled in delight. His orgasm seemed to last forever, just when his release seemed to peter out, Sanzo would give him another squeeze and the orgasm was prolonged.

The Z Warriors couldn’t believe what they just saw. Yamcha and Tien were feeling very aroused, cocks tenting their pants.

Krillin was covering Gohan’s eyes and keeping his eyes closed. Piccolo tried to do the same, but because of his hearing he heard everything, even the sounds that wounding be noticed by the human ear. He was also pitching a tent proving something about him.

Much to Nappa’s humiliation he was also painfully hard, and since he was naked he had no way of hiding it.

To be continued


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