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My Hero Academia: Tier 1/Mix

Hentai + Yaoi = Mix

AN: This work is a work of fiction it's characters are fictional and are works of fantasy, as the creator of this parody, I can confirm they consent to all narrative and nsfw choices. This content is only for the purpose of entertainment and doesn't promote or condone any in real life actions, governments, policies, religions, groups, or life styles.

Love Eater

Izuku has an R-Rated Quirk, his quirk Love Eater allows him to eat affection, literally eat it. When someone confesses their love for him or says they love him he's filled with power. He's faster and stronger with each confession. When under the gaze of a lover his quirk makes him invincible/invulnerable. His quirk isn't all powerful as hate and rejection causes him pain.

Chapter 1 R-Rated Quirk: Love Eater

Izuku Midoriya had a quirk, the tests proved it, but the fact he was showing no signs of abilities at age 5 meant one thing. “Ma’am, I’m afraid your son has an R-Rated Quirk.”

“Oh my!” Inko was surprised. Neither her or her husbands quirks were R-Rated, but quirk mutations did happen.

“He won’t have any powers until he starts going through puberty, 13 at the earliest 18 at the latest.”

“I see…” This was all explained to Izuku who was a bit surprised to hear this, but it meant there was hope.

“I’m gonna become a hero one day, and I’m gonna save people just like All Might.” Inko was a bit worried, as hero work was dangerous. If one didn’t have a strong quirk or the right quirk for the job, they could get seriously hurt or killed. He wanted to be a hero so badly…


Izuku shared the news with his best friend, Bakugou Katsuki. They’ve known each other since they were toddlers, their mothers had been friends since High School and were even maids of honor at each other’s weddings. “So you have a quirk, but don’t have any powers until you’re older?”

“That’s what the doctor said…”

“So that means you’re gonna be basically quirkless for the next few years huh?” Izuku pouted and began drawing circles in the dirt. Kids already made fun of him for being quirkless, and some even picked on him because he had no powers.


Katsuki poked his forehead. “Well then, I’ll just have to protect you then won’t I!”

“You will?” His eyes sparkled.

“Sure...I guess…” He blushed.

“Thanks Kacchan, you’re the best!” Izuku smiled, and Katsuki felt his heart skip a beat.

“Yeah well, you better not make me regret it, you better work your butt off so that you can catch up with everybody else once your powers come in.”

Izuku nodded. “I will!”

Katsuki reached a hand out to him. “Let’s go play!”

“Okay!” Izuku took his hand and felt a strange pulse run through him.

-x-13 years later-x-

Izuku had taken Katsuki’s words to heart, instead of practicing his quirk every day, Izuku focused on training his body and honing skills so he could become a hero. Train he did, dutifully and daily Izuku honed his body growing stronger and stronger by the day. He learned martial arts so he could fight and defend himself, and sure enough as promised his quirk came in.

~Love Eater ~

Midoriya was able to physically eat love and affectionate and use it as nourishment. His quirk could be complex as there were different kinds of love, but because of his quirk Izuku could identify the different flavors of it. Love gave him strength, just someone saying I love you was enough to empower him.

The quirk did cause some physical changes to his body, he had a heart mark on his tongue, instead of a belly button there was a heart mark on his stomach, and above his ass was a little heart tramp stamp. Some believed he got his bod from his quirk cause the boy walked with an aura of beauty and sexiness that seemed otherworldly.

It wasn’t though, Izuku earned his muscles all on his own, his sexy body was acquired through training and hard work. His quirk had nothing to do with it, even the oomf~oomf~ in his pecker area was because of genetics and luck.

The greenette had quite the fan club in high school, his locker was filled with love letters and gifts of chocolate. It was almost like Valentine’s Day every week. Izuku would gather the letters and eat them, as strange as it sounded it was even stranger to see. Someone even confronted him on it, that he wasn’t even reading the letter.

Izuku recited her letter word for word, before waxing poetically about the feelings she felt when writing it, as well as the sweetness of her feelings. He was able to know all of that because of his quirk, and it would always be in his mind.

Midoriya also was very open, freely charming both girls and guys, it wasn’t an act either he won people’s hearts just being his adorable sweet self. Some guys got jealous and wrote Izuku hate mail, much to everyone’s surprise he ate those to, and it made him hurt even coughing up blood. It was a downside of his quirk, the effect varied by emotion.

Just like with the love letters, he memorized every word, and could taste the emotions in it. They were usually pissed because they had a crush on a girl, who was crushing on Izuku, or they were jealous of his fan club.

His quirk let him cut through all the bullshit. He was actually quite the matchmaker, either the couple would go off and be happy or sometimes they both would show affection to Izuku. It was odd but rather tasty, a blend of flavors that went well together.

One might think his dating life would be hectic but not really. He proudly declared he’d one day have a harem, and he’d be looking for partners to fill that harem, he’d date someone for a week with sex being on the table.

This actually was pretty common, those with R-Rated quirks were known for having open relationships poly marriages, and yes even harems. There was a mutual understanding, like dating a porn star you gotta expect some things to be different in such a relationship.

Izuku refused to answer who or what he was looking for in a partner, as he didn’t want someone to fake it or pretend to be something they weren’t. He was such a sweet boyfriend and amazing lover, he had repeat customers. While others were happy to just being his fans.

He was even lucky enough to date a few couples as well.

Still despite many dates and a LOT of sex, Izuku hadn’t picked his first partner yet.

What of his relationship with Bakugou Katsuki...it was...complicated…

“Oi out of my way you playboy nerd!” Katsuki’s words cut deep, making the greenette twitch in annoyance.

“Your words hurt Kacchan.” Izuku coughed a bit.

“Tch!” Katsuki had grown into a tough young man, he had a powerful and flashy quirk, and he had big dreams of becoming a hero. Though his pride and ego made him a bit prickly, to say nothing of his explosive temper.

“Aren’t you dating that girl in our class with the wind quirk? What was her name?”

“Who cares she’s just some random extra!” He snapped. “I bet you don’t remember your last 100 dates!”

Izuku proceeded to list off every name, each one seemed to pelt Katsuki making him more annoyed by the second. As frustrating as it was Izuku loved each person he dated in his own way and he treasured each and every one them. These weren’t flings and Izuku wasn’t playing games, he was pure and honest with every single person he dated. “Well can you say the last ten girls I dated?” It was petty and childish and he didn’t expect Izuku to answer.

“The girl in our class with the wind quirk, the girl in our class with the fire quirk, the girl in our class with the water quirk, the girl in our class with the shine ball quirk…” Izuku remembered their names and quirks, even the girls in other classes that he’s fucked around with.

“You’re so fucking creepy! I hate you!” Izuku coughed up blood and collapsed. Midoriya wasn’t creepy, he was a nerd and very observant, he knew most of this stuff because Katsuki bragged about it to him.

When Izuku came out and started dating, Katsuki was shocked. At first when he started dating girls the blonde took it as a challenge. He got that way about a lot of things, always trying to be the best, even in weird ways. His mother could see right through him. ‘He’s jealous that Izuku’s dating other people.’

Her theory was made all the clearer when he started dating guys as well. Katsuki was absolutely furious, though he didn’t know why. As far as he knew he was straight totally and completely straight. He started bragging about his conquests with Izuku, and the response wasn’t what Katsuki wanted at all, the greenette was happy for him. Those words knocked Katsuki for a loop. ‘He’s happy for me...what the hell does that mean?!’ He couldn’t figure it out.

For one so smart Katsuki could be really dumb in other places. He was an early bloomer with his quirk, his smarts, and his athletic ability, to think this would be were he struggled.

Bakugou refused to lose, so he kept having sex with random girls, strengthening his charm and charisma but his relationships didn’t last long. His heart wasn’t in it, the girls picked up on it always. Katsuki didn’t even remember their names, though those bold enough to tell him the sex was bad, he did try to improve himself in that area.

It always bothered him when he heard what a great love Izuku was, it left him with an explosion of all manner of emotions. Had Katsuki not been so blinded by his pride, he’d have noticed some pretty telling signs. The wet dreams he was having about Izuku weren’t nightmares, while other guys didn’t interest him he did like Izuku, so maybe he wasn’t gay but he was likely bi.

His words also had a very powerful effect on Izuku compared to others. He didn’t know it but the rejection and hate did more damage to Izuku if Midoriya liked that person...a lot...

It was a good thing to, if Izuku became a pro hero, it’d be problematic if a villain could shout I hate you and he’d keel over dead. Some rando saying he hated Izuku or he sucked that’s feel like a prick from a needle, Katsuki’s rejection felt like getting stabbed with a knife, with his words sometimes twisting that knife deeper and hard.

While his words hurt, Bakugou was constantly at war with himself dealing with complicated feelings he didn’t understand, and the answer really was so simple. The answer even crossed his mind now and then, but he tried to blow it up and scatter the ashes. Mitsuki was so disappointed, if he took more after her, she was sure Katsuki and Izuku would be dating by now.

She knew how stubborn the boy was, and if she told him the answer he’d just reject it harder.

Everything was about to change during the Sludge Villain incident.


The Sludge Villain wasn’t some big crime boss, just a petty thug who used another villain’s rampage and capture to grab some cash. He was chased by a certain hero and escaped into the sewers.

This was trouble...as the sewers were practically this guy’s playground. He was able to lose that hero long enough.

Katsuki had been walking home, annoyed and sexually frustrated. He even tried to call one of the girls that enjoyed his dick enough to put up with his ass more than once. She was busy so he was stuck with the frustration.

The villain popped out and was looking for a meat shield. He grabbed Katsuki, the blonde had a feral look as he fought back. Explosion was powerful, loud, and flashy so it drew attention, but Katsuki was about to learn the hard way about quirk match ups. His quirk wasn’t a good one for this fight.

He should have tried to escape but he wanted to take out his frustrations on this guy who attacked him. So he got grabbed and the fight drew the attention of heroes and bystanders. “Looks like we got a crowd, let’s give ‘em a show.”

“What the hell are you talking about…” Yoink!

The Sludge Villain undid and yanked down Katsuki’s pants and boxers in one go, exposing his fat dynamite stick to the world. “Damn kid, you got a real fat piece there, once I take over your body, I’m gonna enjoy using it!”

He began to humiliate Katsuki lifting up his shirt, admiring the real estate. “I’ll save your ass for last, these tits of yours are something else.” The sludge began to grope his chest and tease his nipples.

Katsuki moaned and the villain invaded his mouth. The villain began to play with his cock, working him to full arousal. “Come on brat, cum and give up, I’ll give you a taste of heaven before I send you to hell!” He planned to take Bakugou for a joy ride.

The other heroes couldn’t do much, as their quirks weren’t a match for the villain either and he had a hostage. Katsuki was so embarrassed, this villain was messing with him. ‘I don’t want this fucker to touch me...I want…’ His eyes closed as he came, the villain’s laughter ringing in his ears.

“Kacchan!” Katsuki’s eyes opened and he saw Izuku in the crowd. He had been on a date and heard the commotion. Seeing the desperate look in his eye Izuku raced forward.

“You idiot, time to die!” He started smacking Izuku around, but the greenette managed to force the sludge villain out of his mouth. The blonde was finally able to catch his breath.

“Kacchan tell me how you feel!”

“What?” Katsuki gasped.

“What are you up to, stupid brat!” The sludge villain smacked Izuku around some more, but the greenette was standing firm.

“Tell me, tell me Bakugou Katsuki how you really feel!”

“You’re one annoying bastard!” The villain growled. The words stung.

Katsuki grit his teeth. ‘How I feel…’ He knew how Izuku’s quirk worked, the words had to be true, had to come from his heart. The truth Katsuki always rejected, he needed to say it now or they’ll both be dead. “DEKU...I LOVE YOU!!”

The Sludge Villain swung on Izuku only to be repelled by a powerful force. A heart appeared on Izuku’s forehead. “Love Eater: Full Charge!” His wounds healed and he licked his lips. “Thank you for the meal!”

“What the hell is that?” Midoriya was crackling with a strange energy. Katsuki’s eyes widened. “What the hell did you do?”

‘No way...my confession...made this…’ The sludge villain attacked and Izuku spun like a top, kicking up a wind of pink and green swirls. He couldn’t touch him as the slime got blasted away.

“Don’t move or he’s dead…” In an instant Izuku was gone, and Bakugou was no longer in the villain’s grasp. “I’ll kill you both!”

Izuku’s hand balled into a fist. “How dare you lay your filthy hands on my Kacchan!” He blushed. Energy began to build up in Izuku’s fist.

“You can’t hurt me I’m made of sludge!” He flew at the pair.

“Fist Of Love!” POW!

The villain was struck, and sent spiraling into the air before going splat on the ground. ‘How...is...this...possible…’ He blacked out.

Katsuki looked at Izuku, feeling his heart race. The greenette smiled at him. “I love you too!” He said and the power calmed down.

After the incident Izuku helped collect the villain and wait for the proper authorities to take him in. The heroes praised them both for their efforts, though Izuku got a mild scolding for being reckless. He also had to apologize to his date.

The two were allowed to go home and they walked side by side. “You really mean what you said back there?”

“Sure do, I’ve loved you for a long time.” Katsuki legit had no idea, his jaw dropped in shock, now he felt extra stupid. “It’s why your rejection hurts me so.”

“Man your quirk is ridiculous what a lame draw back.” Katsuki took a step forward. “But you did save me...thanks nerd…”

Izuku’s freckled cheeks lit up and he smiled. “Well, I think it’s only fair, after all you’ve saved me lots of times.”

“Tch like when we were kids, that shit’s in the past.”

“No, like when you beat up those jerks who were sending me hate mail to be mean and make me suffer.”

Katsuki blushed. “You...knew about that…”

“I knew...you’ve kept your promise to me, it’s why I never stopped loving you, if when you can be mean sometimes.”

“Hey…” He blushed and closed his mouth. “I’ll...work on it…”

Izuku held out his hand and Katsuki took it. “You...were actually pretty amazing out there Deku.” They walked hand and hand together until they reached Izuku’s house.

“You think so? Good, cause now I can finally keep my promise to you.”

“Huh what promise?” Izuku giggled.

“Think back.”

Katsuki did and his memory was quite strong, since he dropped that truth bomb a lot of his repressed memories were able to surface. “When I grow up I’m gonna get super strong so I can marry Kacchan!” His face blew up in a blush. There was a piece of the puzzle, Katsuki had remembered that promise kept it in the back of his mind and what started that spark of anger was when Izuku started dating he thought the greenette had forgotten about that promise. A silly childhood promise, he got embarrassed for remembering it, so his pride made him push it down and a domino was dropped and things spiraled out of control to where they are now.

“Now that I know how you feel, watch out, I’m gonna eat you up!” Izuku kissed Katsuki and there were sparks both literal and metaphorical ones. The kiss lasted only a few seconds but felt like an eternity.

“You dirty...sneaky...pervert...playboy...naughty...kinky...sexy...dummy...damn it!” He cursed and grumbled as he stomped his way home.

To be continued...Devoured

Katsuki learns that Izuku’s power helps him out in the bedroom in a lot of ways, and he’s willing to show him, the blonde gets devoured topped and bottomed. “No not my balls aaahhhh~!” One lick and Izuku knows things about Katsuki’s body he’s never told anyone.


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