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My Hero Academia parody: Patreon Reward

AN: This work is a work of fiction it's characters are fictional and are works of fantasy, as the creator of this parody, I can confirm they consent to all narrative and nsfw choices. This content is only for the purpose of entertainment and doesn't promote or condone any in real life actions, governments, policies, religions, groups, or life styles.

Chapter 2

Chapter 3 Study Plans

‘He’s late…’ Katsuki was agitated. He checked his phone and there wasn’t a text or call from the greenette. This wasn’t like him, Izuku Midoriya was almost never late for anything, and if stuff happens he always made sure to text or call. His leg was shaking in agitation, in this world people didn’t just get hung up because their car broke down, this was a world where villain attacks were a thing. ‘Where the hell is he…’

They had plans to study together. Not that he was looking forward to it or anything. (Tsundere)

Mitsuki eyed her son. She knew about the plans, they’ve had study time at least once a week. The two had been close since they were kids, but something happened which caused Katsuki to get a bug up his butt about Izuku, even bringing the greenette up got him snarling like a dog.

Something happened in middle school just before they went into high school that turned things around. She had her suspicions, her son had issues. He had an inflated ego from society praising him because of his quirk, from a young age he was told how special and amazing he is, she tried to check him but it wasn’t easy. The boy had a strong sense of pride, and saw things as a challenge, as if all the world was a fight. He admired All Might because of his strength, to always win and defeat the bad guy.

Katsuki wouldn’t admit it, but he wanted a challenge, the journey to become number one wouldn’t mean anything if he reached the end of the road without a challenge. Mitsuki’s theory was that around the time they started reconnecting was around the same time Izuku started standing up for himself. In Society’s eyes Izuku was quirkless less than nothing, Bakugou who’s been always praised for his quirk and ability no doubt looked down on him to, had Izuku accepted his “fate” Katsuki likely would have turned his back and tried to leave him in the dust.

To see him fight and get strong in his own way, must have struck a cord inside the blonde boy.

Katsuki was no doubt thinking about really complex and confusing stuff for a boy his age, whatever happened between him and Izuku she was sure had been Katsuki’s fault. ‘His tsundere ass makes it hard to understand what he actually wants, little brat won’t confide in his mother either.’ But as his mother she understood him on a level most wouldn’t.

He liked to fight and rumble, if someone stepped into his ring he saw it as a challenge and he got excited, a down side of his youth and being him, he didn’t hold back often coming across as being mean or sadistic. That wasn’t her boy though, she raised him right enough, he was going to become a hero and he wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize that. Like Inko Mitsuki taught Bakugou to never start or go looking for a fight, but if one is brought to his doorstep he could fight/finish it. Katsuki always fought to win.

One of his problems was his pride, he couldn’t stand others looking down on him, which created a challenge in his mind, she had to reprimand him for that. It was hard to say if it got through to him, her son was very smart but also very thick.

Things changed when the two got into High School, they hung out more, trained together, studied together. Izuku was the only thing Katsuki would openly talk about.

How was school? Lame or Fine

Did you learn anything in class today? Nothing I didn’t already know

Did you make any new friends today? With those lame extras not a chance.

How was Izuku today? Boom!

“You should have seen Deku today, this extra was giving him a hard time and he punched him right in his dumb ass face!”

“Deku and I worked on a new combat maneuver.”

“Deku was able to lift 100 pounds today, I bet soon he could pick up a fridge.”

“Deku and I raced in gym class today, I won of course, but we smoked those lame extras!”

“Deku tried to answer in math class, but he messed up the formula he was supposed to use and got it wrong, he was blushing from embarrassment he was so cu…”

“Some guys tried to jump Izuku at lunch, and he totally beat their asses, he didn’t even need my help man he was so hot...from kicking their asses...yeah he was all sweaty and gross…” (Tsundere Ass)

Her son tended to have a sour look on his face, but she noticed how his eyes lit up whenever he talked about Izuku, or had plans with him, or got a text from him. Yeah it was obvious…

‘So smart and yet so dumb…’ She sighed. “Don’t get your panties in a twist brat I’m sure he’s fine.”

Bakugou blushed. “I don’t wear panties you old hag!”

“It’s just an expression brat...though you do have my genes I bet you can pull ‘em off!”

“Don’t say any weird shit like that when Deku gets here!”

“Why? Because if Izuku asked you to, you’d totally wear some?” Katsuki’s face grew redder. ‘Wow he totally would!’ She had been just teasing but damn! ‘He’s got it bad!’

Before Katsuki could respond…

Knock knock knock…

“Speak of the devil that’s probably Lil’ Izuku now!” She went to open the door, while Katsuki stood up.

Izuku had rushed over, he was panting and flushed, trying to catch his breath. “Oi Deku you’re late!”

“Oi brat don’t be rude!” Mitsuki hissed, going from angry mom to sweet auntie as she turned to Izuku. “Izuku sweetie so good to see you, thank you for putting up with my asshole of a son!”

“It’s no trouble at all, I like Kacchan!” Izuku said warmly, making Katsuki’s heart skip a beat.

“Why were you late? Where’s your phone?”

Izuku rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. “A lot happened...one thing led to another...and when I realized what time it was I ran here and forgot my phone.”

Katsuki laughed. “Baka, you’re so scatter brained Deku, you loser!” His insults lacked the punch they normally had when aimed at Izuku. “You shouldn’t worry people, I was about to go look for you, not that I was worried!”

“You were gonna do that for me Kacchan?” Izuku beamed. “You are so cool!” His cuteness may as well been a lethal weapon as those words shot through the young blonde in the room.

“So what happened that got you so rattled?” Mitsuki asked the elephant in the room.

“Oh yeah! Kacchan Kacchan Kacchan!” Izuku bunny hopped. “I finally got my quirk!”

“What?!” That brought Katsuki back down to earth.

“That’s amazing, talk about a late bloomer, if it took this long that must mean you have a…” Katsuki grabbed Izuku and hauled him to his room.

“We got studying to do bye!” Was heard before the door slammed.

“Oi don’t go slamming doors brat!” She growled in frustration, she was about to go and barge in on them but decided to leave them be.

Katsuki knew all too well, usually the standard quirk developed sometime after birth at the earliest or at the age of five at the latest. In very rare cases of late bloomers were those that had a mutation quirk as it took extra time for the body to fully mutate. The only other quirks that manifested beyond that were ones called R-Rated Quirks, quirks that tended to be more erotic in nature, ones that only activate once the body is mature. ‘There is no way he has one of those right...one of those rare and erotic quirks…’ He gulped. “Deku...show me your quirk…”

“Okay…” Katsuki’s heart was racing. Midoriya pulled out a strange orb.

“The hell is that?”

“Let’s consider it my support gear.” He activated the orb and the room was locked down, a shimmer like glaze on the wall and ceiling. “This makes it so no one will hear us.” No one could come in or out.

Izuku began to strip. “Deku...wha…” He had taken peeks at Midoriya in the shower, so he knew about the boy’s physique but the black stars were new. “Are you serious? You better not be playing with me...I’ll kick your ass!”

He finished stripping, his massive rod hanging out with matching big balls. ‘Fuck he’s huge!’ Katsuki was getting hard now. ‘Damn it why is he so fucking sexy!?’ His muscles came from years of hard work, while his assets came from his genetics.

Midoriya aimed his hand at Katsuki, and sent tentacles from the stars on his wrists. ‘Tentacles…’ He gulped. ‘That’s his quirk...fuck that’s kinda hot…’

The greenette acted so fast Katsuki didn’t know what hit him. He was flung up into the air, caught and suspended, Izuku’s tentacles manifesting and working to strip the blonde in a flash. It all happened so fast his cock slapped his abs as he was put into his bed. ‘They moved so quickly and they were so strong.’ Katsuki had a feeling just one could pick him up easily.

“Oi what the hell is the big idea...Dek…” Izuku was on top of him.

“You are so sexy Kacchan…” The greenette praised. His hands roamed over his shoulders to his pecs, down to his abs. “Your cock is so thick to!” He rubbed his butt against his length.

Katsuki’s rod was short and stout, six inches long but quite thick. Midoriya raised his ass over it. “I wanted you to be my first time…”

“Oi nerd the fuck you can’t just do that you’ll…AHHHHH~!” Izuku’s ass swallowed up his cock in an instant. ‘No way...he’s so fucking tight...his ass….ate me up...what the fuck…’ He had no idea a Fuqurass alien ass was made for sex, even virgin tight they never tear or bleed.

Katsuki’s virgin dick was devoured all at once, shaking him to his core and he came. “Kacchan’s cum...inside me...it’s so good!” His hole clenched around the blonde’s meat.

Spurt Spurt Spurt Spurt Spurt Spurt Spurt Spurt.

He just kept cumming. “You cum so much Kacchan...I didn’t know you were such a naughty boy!”

“Sh-Shut up!” Spurt Spurt Spurt Spurt Spurt

His climax stirred Izuku’s loins, his massive meat standing up at attention. ‘Fuck he’s huge.’ Katsuki’s hole clenched, his cock twitched and pumped a few more spurts.

“So much cum…” He rubbed his belly. “I wonder if I can get pregnant?”

“What the fuck Deku?” Izuku laid on him sealing his lips over his Katsuki’s. He kissed the blonde with such passion, all while his hole flexed and squeezed his cock. ‘Fuck!’

Fireworks, Izuku’s kiss was everything the blonde dreamed of and more, his lips parted and Izuku deepened the kiss. Sparks went off in Katsuki’s hand.

Katsuki was blushing from ear to ear. Even as he kissed back his mouth was fully dominated. ‘Fuck fuck fuck...he’s kissing me so good!’ His eyes rolled up. ‘Fuck I’m...gonna...not again...fuck!’

Izuku broke the kiss with a moan as Katsuki came inside him once more. The blonde was flushed, his nipples hard with arousal. His poor dick grew spent, slipping from Izuku’s hole.

He didn’t see it, but Izuku’s hole closed up tight, not letting a single drop of Katsuki’s seed escape.

The blonde caught his breath, and he noticed something obvious, Izuku was still hard. “Kacchan~!” He purred. “I know we had study plans tonight, but would you mind if we study my quirk?”

His cock tail appeared rising out from the star tramp stamp. ‘I’m so fucked!’ He grinned.

“Do you think you can handle me, or do you need to rest?”

“Is that a challenge Deku?” He got up and Izuku sat on the edge of the bed, Katsuki moved between his knees. He flipped the greenette off. “I’m not gonna back down you big dicked bastard, just watch me!”

To be continued...Alien Conquest



Boy, Izu-kun's gone "wham, bam, one more for the road, ma'am?" 🤣 Lovely work, Paper, and you can tell this flowed out easily, you were definitely in the zone writing this. 😉