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One Piece parody | Tier 1

Smiley Trained
Luffy and the crew arrived on Punk Hazard on the fire side, after slaying a dragon and finding the legs, Luffy hears a voice and the crew investigates finding where Caeser kept Smiley. The living ooze escapes but is tamed by Luffy. Smiley becomes Luffy’s pet and helps serve the rubber man in many unique and fun ways. Luffy/Smiley/Harem

Chapter 1

The Straw Hats have come to Punk Hazard, having picked up a distress signal. They come to investigate only to find a sea on fire, so an investigation crew goes to the island. Luffy, Zoro, Robin, and Usopp use the Mini Merry to get close to the island.

They arrive to find even the land is burning, the group encounters a dragon and together, Luffy and Zoro take it down. The rubber boy found a strange pair of talking legs, but before he could chase after them he hears another voice.


“Hm?” Luffy looked around. His eyes landed on Zoro and he smiled. “You don’t have to be lonely Zoro, I’m right here!” His rubber arms encircled the muscular swordsman and gave him a hug.

The greenette blushed. “Oi Luffy! I didn’t say anything.”

“Hm? I thought…”

Lonely...so lonely…’ His eyes widen, and he releases Zoro. Robin notes that the slight look of disappointment when he let go.

Luffy takes off. “Wait Luffy!” Usopp called but the rubber boy was fast, and his crew gave chase.

He followed the voice to a strange building that was all locked up. “Hey Zoro, can you help open this?”

Zoro eyed it. “Sure!” With a few quick slashes the locks and the door were slashed and the door was...technically open.

Opening the door caused the beast inside to stir.

“Aaaahhhhh!” Usopp screamed as a massive ooze creature came out. “What is that thing?”

“So cute!” Robin said, seeing the creatures form as a gelatinous axolotl. As it came out to investigate the crew scattered.

She noticed when it touched a building it began to dissolve. “Be careful it may be poisonous and acidic.”

The creature was half crazed with a mix of loneliness and hunger. It started going wild. “Hey that’s enough!” Luffy snapped.

“Careful Luffy that thing is a monster!” Usopp wailed.

It charged at Luffy, who adjusted his straw hat. “That’s not nice…” He released his King’s Haki, his will power rushing out in waves.

The ooze trembled, it’s glowing yellow eyes turning purple as it calmed down. “You were the one calling out to me right? Let’s be friends!” It tilted it’s head to the side.

“What are you talking about Luffy that thing attack us, it’s a monster!” Usopp wailed again.

Luffy shook his head. “You aren’t a monster, you are just hangry, I get like that to when I don’t eat my 9 meals a day.” Luffy told it to follow them and guided the slime to where they left the dragon. “Here eat some of this.”

He offered the slime some dragon meat, which it ate dissolving flesh and bone alike. “So cool!” Luffy praised.

“So cute!” Robin giggled.

“It is not cute!” Usopp screeched. The ooze shifted it’s tail, when it struck a building it began to dissolve it. “See that thing is dangerous, get rid of that thing Luffy!”

“It seems to have some control of it’s corrosive abilities or he’d melt right through the island.”

“That’s so cool, hey Zoro, can I keep him!” He smiled brightly.

“Huh?” Zoro’s jaw dropped. First a giant kraken now this slime lizard thing.

“No way, that thing is huge, it won’t even fit on the Sunny.”

“Maybe it can control it. Hey!” He waved at the ooze to get it’s attention. Luffy inflated himself, doing a Gum Gum Balloon. “Can you do this?”

Again it tilted it’s head to the side in confusion. Monkey grinned and did a Gear Third! “See?” The ooze seemed to understand, it took in a breath and began to shift in size. It was still huge but now smaller than the dragon they fought. “Good boy!” Luffy praised.

He used haki to touch the ooze, which protected him from the corrosive nature, but poison began to wash through him. Thanks to Luffy’s antibodies the poison was neutralized. “Yosh yosh!” He said sweetly, patting it on his head.

The gentle touch and kind praise warmed the ooze’s heart. He was so much nicer than that other man, who gave him a name and locked him up. The poor ooze was left trapped for two years all alone.

Luffy’s hand was a bit numb. “See it’s poisonous to we can’t trust this thing Luffy!” Usopp continued to wail and the ooze hissed at him.

“He says you shouldn’t be so loud and rude!”

“What do you mean he says, it’s a thing a gooey massive lizard thing!”

“I know cool right!” Luffy put his hands on his hips. “I’ve decided, I’m keeping him, why don’t you join my crew and become my pet!” Usopp’s jaw dropped and Robin giggled.

Luffy spent some time training the massive ooze creature, helping it get a grasp of his abilities. It wasn’t a lizard that ate the ooze ooze or slime slime fruit, it was a toxic ooze that was given devil fruit powers. The beastly soul gained knowledge and had a sense of self.

With Luffy guiding it, the ooze learned it was both toxic and corrosive but he could turn that off and control it. He had him try to pick up rocks without trying to dissolve them, praising him when he did it, and encouraging him when he failed. Like a lizard’s venom.

He was a natural with animals, and with his haki he was able to understand the ooze’s feelings. “Come on Smiley!” Luffy waved.

“Smiley?” Zoro asked.

“He said that’s his name, I like it!” Luffy patted the Axolotl’s head, able to touch him without his haki. “Good boy Smiley!”

‘So cute!’ Robin thought.

Usopp was getting worried about Luffy, first he was saying he heard voices when they were down in Fishman Island, now this?

Smiley licked Luffy making the boy laugh. When it came to the rubber boy, he didn’t want to hurt him, so it was much easier to control his powers with him. His animal spirit was being stimulated and it helped allow him to understand what he was.

Caeser Clown made him from a deadly gas, that he collected and liquefied. A deadly weapon that he used special technology to feed it a devil fruit and give it life. After he was “born” he was sealed away, so his potential wasn’t discovered.

Animals could understand their abilities with time or training. The axolotl was figuring out the limits of his gel body, being able to shift from a liquid to a solid. He was a living poison that could self replicate. Since he was alive he could control it, just like his poison and corrosive effects. Being made into an ooze granted him corrosive traits, while the properties of the poison he could apply in other ways.Caeser thought he was just a living weapon for killing, but he was short sighted unaware of what he truly created by introducing a devil fruit to it, but why would he, it wasn’t his technology he used to give Smiley life.

Smiley already figured out the slime ability to minimize.

The group + one Smiley continued to explore the burning lands, Luffy enjoying his new pet. “I wonder if we’ll find those legs somewhere.”

They did run into the legs, being caught by a cheetah centaur. Luffy thought he was so cool, too bad he was an enemy and swiftly attacked the group. Smiley helped, by spitting a glob of corrosive ooze out, it hit the man’s weapon and helped dissolve the net holding the legs.

In a fist fight there was no contest, the cheetah centaur was built for speed and long range combat. Smiley learned he was omnivorous he could eat anything, plants, meat, bones, rocks, cloth, it made no difference to him. “Another glutton.”

Robin giggled.

As they got closer to the center lake they received a call on the mini transponder snail. It seems while they were exploring the ship was attacked and taken down with a gas weapon, the crew was taken by strange men all except for Brook who was mistaken for a corpse. The ship was moved to the other side of the island, an area of snow and ice.

They could see it across the lake, one side was burning while the other was frozen and cold. Smiley began to jiggle, afraid of the water. “Could he have eaten a devil fruit?” Robin pondered.

Luffy crossed his arms. “Hm?” He got an idea. “Ta-dah!” It was one of Sanji’s lunch boxes. They were durable and tough, able to be sealed for freshness and they were waterproof. “Get inside here as we cross the lake.”

Usopp face palmed. “Luffy...this thing is too big...there is no way it can fit in there.”

Smiley took that as a challenge. It focused, shifting and contracting the ooze and woosh. He minimized himself further and fit himself inside the lunch box, he blinked cutely. Smiley let out a noise that was akin to. “Haha I could do it.”

Luffy sealed him up and they took off, getting attacked by Brownbeard’s centaur squad. Their banana boat got sunk and they managed to escape the water after Brook showed up, but since they were wet and now on the snow side they were freezing.

They hijacked some jackets and warm clothes from the centaur squad. Brook saw the legs and mentioned he was attacked by a torso. Together it was easy to put the body back together again. “I wonder where the head is?”

The headless body bowed and somehow thanked them for helping him get put back together. “Ahhh the headless body is still talking.” Usopp screamed. Luffy just laughed.

Smiley was let out of the lunch box, and he shifted to an even smaller form, with his body more compact he was a lot more solid, and it looked like Luffy had a little red axolotl on his shoulder. “Brook this is Smiley!”

Monet observed all this and went back to report to the master.

Caeser Clown was pissed that Straw Hat Luffy stole his precious experiment. He had more trouble as Smoker and members of G-5 were knocking at his back door. Law was tasked to go deal with the marines, and Caeser sent the Yeti Cool brothers to deal with Straw Hats.

To be continued...Poison


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