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Kenichi the Mightiest Disciple Parody | Patreon Reward

Chapter 5 

Chapter 6 Puncher Kicker Thrower

Muay Thai techniques were a bit terrifying, as many of them involved striking the person’s head. Do it right and you can kill your opponent do it wrong you can also kill your opponent. In truth the style was positively devastating, even trained martial artists can be killed by some of these techniques, knocked the heck out at the very least.

If used in different ways it could break arms, legs, and really wreck an opponent. Kenichi tested the techniques on Apachai and the man’s bones felt hard like steel. He was a master though, if Kenichi tried it on someone else, he’d likely break a bone or two.

The other masters were impressed with how Kenichi was coming along, and more than jealous of Apachai. Master and student had grown closer, the two were even sharing the same bed together.

Apachai even came up with a brilliant idea of the two of them sleeping naked, to help build up Kenichi’s confidence and help them bond through skinship. They shared each other’s body heat and cuddled.

Sakaki and Akisame were positively mad with jealousy. They were eating together, Kenichi sitting in Apachai’s lap, they bathed together, and slept together. Training and exercise together was a given. He even hung around while the brunette did his homework. Shirahama even shared the knowledge during study time.

With the training going well Kenichi felt it was time to get back to school, mostly because the weekend was over and he really didn’t have a choice.


He figured the whole Tsukuba thing would have died down. Little did he know it’s only got worse.

Kenichi didn’t notice, he was reading a book as he walked to school. Girls trembled at the sight of him, while guys began to sweat and move away from him.

Some girls saw Kenichi and began to whisper about him. Students began to part as if not wanting to get too close to him. He looked up from his book to see a boy see him and freak. “Hm?”

Kenichi looked around and anyone he looked at seemed to tense of immediately look away. ‘Something is up…’ He decided to take a seat.

As students came into the court yard, if they saw him they immediately looked away and began walking extra fast. ‘What’s up with everyone, is there something on my face or something?’

Miu showed up. “Hey Miu!”

“Hey Kenichi!”

Two guys saw her and raced over to her, wanting to ask her out, but when they saw Kenichi, they freaked out, one of them even falling backwards, quickly scrambling to get away. “Hey!” The guy froze. “What’s wrong, why are you so scared of me?”

“That’s because everyone knows that Loser Kenichi…” His friend slapped a hand over his mouth.

“Idiot I told you!”

“Eek!” The guy began to sweat. “I’m sorry, I mean Kenichi...no Kenichi-sama!” He bowed his head over and over.

‘Ehhh?’ Kenichi was so confused. Not about the loser Kenichi thing, “Loser” “Weak Knees” “Useless”he’s had suchnamessince middle school. ‘What’s with the -sama all of a sudden?’

“We’ll repent just don’t break our bones!!”


“Where did you hear such a thing?” Miu asked.

“Kenichi Shirahama has become a demon that not only defeated Daimonji but also beat upperclassman Tsukuba!”

Kenichi clutched his head in horror. ‘How did they find out about this?’ Daimonji sure there were enough witnesses to spread the news but Tsukuba. He hoped things would die down, but someone had been stirring the pot. He had hoped even Ragnarok would forget all about him.

“They say you wield the deadly art of a monster that will destroy anyone who gets on your bad side!”

“It’s all over the school everyone is talking about it!”

“The whole school...everyone…”

“Are you saying it’s not true? You didn’t beat Tsukuba?”

Kenichi twiddled his fingers. He wasn’t good at lying. “Well...technically I did but…”

“Wow Wow Wow!” Kenichi twitched in annoyance as he heard a familiar voice. “Weak Knees Kenichi has now become the Brute Kenichi!! He crushed Tsukuba!!”

Niijima was running around handing out fliers and newsletters.

Kenichi rushed over and grabbed the alien and gave him a quick chop to the neck. He dropped like a sack of potatoes. The brunette rushed around trying to snatch up the fliers, forgetting how crazy he looked doing it. “Don’t look! Don’t read this crap!”

“Kya!” A girl screamed.

“It’s Kenichi!”

“He really is violent.”

“Oh crap!” People began to back up from him. “Wait this isn’t what it looks like.” They ran from him thinking he was gonna attack them next. “I swear!” He cried.

Niijima shifted and Kenichi glared at him. “Am I alive? Man it was feeling warm there for a second!”

The front of his shirt was grabbed and Kenichi began to shake the daylights out of him. “Wake up, answer me Niijima right now!”

“Oh if it isn’t my dear friend Kenichi, how are you doing buddy?”

“Don’t you buddy me you demon!” He slapped the flier. “What is this? Why are you doing this to me, ruining my good name!?”

“You like it it’s some of my best work.” He was in the newspaper club, which pretty much gave him free pass to investigate scoops and wield a camera. As evil as he was his information tended to be correct. “After I learned about your victory against Tsukuba how could I not print about it, it’s big news!” He had spread the word last Friday and Today.

“My life is not news!”

“Aww don’t be embarrassed, you’re trending I got the numbers to prove it!” He flashed his trusty tablet.

“I’m not embarrassed.”

“You tried to hide after being exposed to Ragnarok, you aren’t wrong they are coming for you, I don’t know why but they’ve taken a liking to you Kenichi.”

“Why...why me…” He glared at the wicked alien. “How did you find out about any of this.”

His pointy ears wiggled. “I have my sources.”

It was Miu, the girl had been collecting Kenichi’s homework and bringing it to him. He was able to bribe her with two bowls or rice. The girl was too innocent to know that this info would be used again Kenichi in such a way.

Niijima’s evil sensors were tingling. “Hide Kenichi!”

“Huh?” He was confused but hid himself. Sure enough three members of Ragnarok arrived. It was Takeda, Koga, and Ukita, a trio of enforcers who were skilled in their own rights but together they were unstoppable.

“Tsukuba that weak bastard, he’s causing mud to be smeared on Ragnarok’s name!” Takeda punched a flier and reduced it to pieces. “We gotta find this Kenichi guy, and punish Tsukuba for his loss, if we don’t it’ll be us Kisara will be punishing.”

“Yep!” Ukita agreed.

“No doubt.” Koga said with a cheerful smile. They split up.

“If they find me it’s over.”

“Maybe they want to be friends?”

“THERE’S NO WAY THAT’S THE CASE!” Kenichi snapped in panic.

Miu cried. “There there.” Niijima said. “If you want I can do research on those guys for you.”

“No way!” Kenichi hissed.

“Fine but those guys are from Ragnarok and they are gunning for you.”

“He’s right, if they find me I’m toast.”

“They’ll never find you now that you got this set up going at the dojo!”


“Set up what set up, tell me I’m all ears!” His ears wiggled.

Kenichi covered her mouth. “I don’t want any favors from you Niijima so back off!”

“Oh come now, how about this I’ll prove what a good ally you have in me. I’ll scope out the competition and bring you back information.”

“I don’t want it!” Kenichi snapped.

“You sure, fighting isn’t the only way to win, knowledge is power so they say!”

“He is right about that.” Miu said.

“Maybe…” Suddenly Niijima grabbed his hands and shook them.

“We got a deal then, see you soon Kenichi!” He slithered off.

“Wait...ugh…” Shirahama face palmed. ‘How did this become my life.’


The first thing the trio did was track down Tsukuba and punish him for failure. Said punishment was kicking his ass three ways from Sunday. You could almost feel bad for him he had just recovered from what Kenichi had done to him. “Why don’t you make this easy on yourself? Tell us what you know about Shirahama, and we’ll make this easier for you.” Takeda said.

“His strengths, his weaknesses, what style does he use, his schedule, his club activities.” Ukita listed off.

Tsukuba coughed up some blood. “Fuck off, I know I’m out of the gang I owe you nothing.”

The boxer shrugged. “You have a point, Koga finish him off.”

“Right!” The smaller male approached.

“Heh...I’ll tell you this much, Kenichi is strong and he’s getting stronger, you’ll find out when you fight him...if you manage to catch him that is.” He laughed but his laughter was soon cut off as Koga kicked him in the head and knocked him out.

“We don’t need Tsukuba’s help we’ll find Shirahama on our own.”


Kenichi managed to get through his first day without much trouble. He went to work and train at the dojo after school. Once it was late enough he went home.


The next day the trio were fully on the Shirahama case, and were working to track him down. Kenichi didn’t have any friends so no invites to hang out at his house. The only person who knew was Niijima because...well he’s a freak like that.

School records were sealed, so they had to hit the ground running while also picking up the slack of Tsukuba’s failure. They didn’t find Kenichi the second day but asked around to find out what classes he had.

After school they took out a group of punks. Niijima followed them. ‘Koga the kicker, a nimble guy who fights with kicks, he’s true to his name, his style appears to be Taekwondo. Takeda the puncher, a former boxer, his punches are terrifying. Ukita the thrower, skilled at Judo, he dishes out powerful throws. The three of them are like a three man army. If Kenichi has to fight all three at once he really doesn’t stand a chance, but maybe if he takes them out one by one.’

Takeda had sharp instincts, sensing Niijima’s presence and going after him. The demon’s instincts were better and he slipped away before Takeda could spot him. ‘Was it just my imagination?’

-x-The next day-x-

Niijima gave Kenichi the information. “That’s a solid line up.”

“If you want to beat them you’ll have to divide and conquer.”

“Or I can just avoid them and they’ll go away, they’ll have to get bored eventually.” Niijima didn’t know if Kenichi was being hopeful or delusional. Still he proved how valuable his information was, and hoped to make a deal with Kenichi sooner or later.

As soon as the bell rang he was out the door. Managing to keep a step ahead of the enforcers. He also wasn’t eating in the same place twice, finding all sorts of places he could eat and hide.

-x-The next day-x-

“We know you are in there Shirahama!” They skipped class to come after Kenichi.

Without missing a beat Kenichi opened the window and jumped out. Jaws dropped, no one could believe it. Kenichi wasn’t as skilled as Apachai or Miu when it came to this kind of thing, but he managed to tuck and roll to buffer any damage. As soon as he recovered he took off like a bat out of hell.

The door opened and the three entered. “Huh where is he?” Ukita snapped. No one dared tell him he jumped out the window, it sounded crazy even though they saw it happen.

“Was he in school today?” Takeda wondered.

“Maybe he’s running scared.”

“Ugh we’ll find him, he can’t hide forever.” They decided to split up after school and search the town for the guy.


Kenichi made it to Ryozanpaku. “Kenichi, you kill your enemies today?” Apachai asked.

“No I didn’t!” He snapped before sighing. “I did manage to jump out the window thanks to the leg training you’ve been giving me.”

“Apa!” Apachai praised Kenichi.

He thought he was safe, but today the masters needed him to run errands, so he’d have to go shopping. With the enforcers searching the town for him.

To be continued...


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