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It was a good run though! 49 updates in one year. A new update every 8 days, besides all the other 30+ free plugins I made. We're now in negative territory, and the more I work the more people get mad at me and say it's trash and downvote my work.

So I'm thinking to changing releases to like one every 2-3 months. Imagine all the videos of cool features. All the hype... Guides and step by step tutorials. A changelog as long as:

  • CHANGE: added selectable text for chat messages to allow copy-paste
  • FIX: VR UI menu button fixed unloading the UI when dragging clicks from inside the UI and releasing them outside the UI (UI auto hiding when clicking on UI elements close to the margins)
  • CHANGE: Removed aeternum.cslist vam plugin VR UI tab, removed VR Floating mode
  • NEW: added new logic to VR UI to work similar to VAM's UI, sticked to the person view and draggable by pressing down controller buttons: Trigger+X or Trigger+A
  • NEW: added custom separated settings for VR UI width,height & resolution; previously they were shared with desktop floating modes
  • CHANGE: removed & cleaned up desktop & VR UI floating mode, keeping just vam-like menu in VR and Sidebar + floating box on Desktop
  • CHANGE: updated help app with how to set as default plugin info
  • NEW: added \Plugins\AliveAlwaysOff.cslist and Plugins\AliveAlwaysOn.cslist that can be added to a person atom for people that want to micromanage which models autostart with alive and which not for specific scenes.
  • FIX: removed AliveMan & AliveWoman atoms from scene objects screen
  • NEW: added screenshot camera flash setting (Settings > camera flash) to turn off vam's default flashing effect when taking photos
  • FIX: fixed log message appearing when loading plugin while person atoms in the scene as disabled
  • FIX: fixed objects panel atom list bug causing atom list to refresh constantly causing performance issues
  • CHANGE: added on/off indicators on objects panel atom list for atoms (when off, atom entry is greyed out)
  • FIX: AI Cam fixed LowVRAM toggle not working properly, was interfering with better faces toggle
  • NEW: added new logic for settings to reset groups of specific settings
  • NEW: AI Cam added button to reset just the AI settings (AI Cam > Settings > Reset defaults)
  • CHANGE: moved sentiment analysis lexicon to reduce core file size
  • NEW: added connection check to OobaBooga, Automatic1111 and TextAudioTool to indicate and recheck if the connection is working
  • FIX: fixed person logic not initializing completely, was skipping setting things to default (skin gloss,morphs) after the switch to session plugin, not setting lip sync to On, auto blink to Off
  • NEW: lipsync set default volume multiplier to 1 for more realistic lip sync on TTS; added new audio settings for lipsync default state and volume
  • FIX: fix chat AI nodding & expressions not triggering in v49 after switch to session plugin
  • FIX: fixed selected person audio source not clearing correctly, tts still coming out of previously selected person that was unselected
  • NEW: added headlights spotlight angle setting, allows making headlights wider to look better in vr and prevent flashlight effect, and more variety for headlight lighting
  • NEW: added better logic to detect when Timeline animations are playing on a person atom and stop Alive idle procedural movement to prevent interference with static animations
  • NEW: added AI cam sound when taking photo
  • NEW: added Voice Chat VR push to talk button and settings; when pressing trigger close to the headset voice chat microphone command will be enabled and a sound played; distance can be configured from settings > VR

  • CHANGE: refactored all Alive plugin & person modules code to make person logic work as part of the main session plugin
  • FIX: fixed H key shortcut to call over models,it was triggering also VAM's toggle to show hidden atoms
  • FIX: AI Cam fixed controlnet photos to work with latest controlnet extension version (needs to be updated from A1111's extension tab if you're running an older version of controlnet, won't work work with older extensions anymore, just with the more recent)
  • NEW: added Unity based indicator system, added new person indicator on UI person select
  • NEW: added drop hands & drop legs buttons to new UI in person > poses > position
  • CHANGE: added controls info in Help app, removed old multiple plugins help info no longer acurate
  • NEW: added new interaction app, added to person bottom menu and added live sliders for arousal,tease,discomfort, breathing rate, heart rate and effort/tired
  • NEW: AI Cam added ControlNet low & high tresholds, preprocessor resolution settings
  • NEW: AI Cam save in screenshots folder ControlNet processed image too, allowing taking Vam to OpenPose images, and all other controlnet preprocessors
  • FIX: fixed AI Cam controlnet large dropdowns problems due to unity browser, autoclosing on scrolling down, added new format for dropdowns
  • FIX: fixed disabling desktop 1st person movement mode (Tab) still causing some conflicts with vam's default Tab mode keys
  • NEW: added backend logic to make get/post API calls easier and quicker
  • NEW: added AI Cam controlnet models refresh options button, get available controlnet models from Automatic1111
  • CHANGE: Removed AI Cam controlnet custom model input text, no longer needed
  • CHANGE: Removed AI Cam controlnet guess mode, obsolete already; added controlnet mode dropdown instead
  • CHANGE: Readded requested auto-kiss sounds toggle
  • NEW: Alive settings added Alive auto-on or auto-off on person atoms
  • NEW: Alive automatically remove old Alive.cslist found on Person atoms to prevent interference when loading scenes or looks saved with old Alive plugin on them
  • CHANGE: changed atoms list in scene objects to work with object instance ids instead of vam uid
  • NEW: added position indicator animation when selecting an atom from the scene objects screen
  • CHANGE: added reset to t-pose button to pose tabs too
  • CHANGE: changed Alive C# code builder logic to work for a single plugin (unifies source code that's like 100 files in 1 .cs file)
  • NEW: added Alive html code builder to compile css & js in custom files to improve UI load and prevent hundreds of load calls to smaller css & js files
  • FIX: added logic to prevent adding atoms while loading detected, to try to prevent persistent loading icon bug (red hourglass)
  • FIX: fixed AliveConstruct atom being removed due to Alive atoms cleanup
  • FIX: fixed steamvr UI toggle not working properly sometimes due to old extralibraries file
  • CHANGE: removed old Alive triggers - don't want to keep 2 plugins and the one I have to keep is the session one so triggers will have to be done differently
  • CHANGE: removed old Alive vam style variables & presets - setting to be only either global settings or character settings, no more plugin-instance/scene-instance settings
  • CHANGE: remove old touch reactions tabs
  • CHANGE: improved dynamic touch reactions to tease, caress & spank touches, more variation as the levels for those types of touches increase
  • CHANGE: added better tease, arousal & discomfort states general morphs
  • CHANGE: removed nodding as an Aeternum UI option, head gestures handled by gaze system
  • CHANGE: added touch treshold sliders for tease,caress & spank to new UI
  • CHANGE: removed old alive Touch Expressions tab, sliders now in new UI and morphs logic handled automatically
  • FIX: fixed procedural nodding actions morphs, too exaggerated before
  • NEW: Chat AI added nodding when speaking replies that start in an affirmative or negative way
  • NEW: added modelling tab in Poses screen in new UI, replaced old plugin UI buttons from procedural body parts poses
  • CHANGE: removed poses tab from old UI
  • CHANGE: moved help button to remove all Alive atoms to Alive app in main Alive UI, removed help tab from old plugin UI
  • NEW: added new system for scene customization from new UI, added Alive Home number of cars option in home settings app
  • NEW: AI Cam added ControlNet Guess Mode toggle; set to off by default; don't ask me what guess mode is, i don't understand it, but it generates images differently reddit discussion
  • NEW: Added UI close Virt-A-Mate button
  • CHANGE: AI Cam moved image type to Settings from Prompt
  • CHANGE: AI Cam added save vam previews toggle and changed file names so that the AI result and the vam preview images are next to eachother
  • CHANGE: Removed old Alive plugin expressions tab, expressions to be automated through the android emotional states system and be more optimized
  • CHANGE: emotion system added cooldown logic to prevent overlapping emotions
  • CHANGE: added new more realistic emotions to tease & spank touches.
  • NEW: detect when person with alive plugin is talking and add more expressive eyes morphs
  • CHANGE: chat assistant fixed problems with - + characters substitutions causing bad text
  • FIX: fix chat assistant echo command to repeat exactly what was sent, ignoring Rivescript formatting
  • CHANGE: Alive Home removed rigidbodies on moveable pillows, chair, toy, basket for better performance
  • CHANGE: Alive Home balcony door now controls outside city sounds, when door is closed sounds are off; added balcony door as autosave feature, alive home will remember last setting
  • FIX: removed some leftover log messages
  • CHANGE: AI Cam changed screenshot logic to be more similar to vam's screenshot taking process; removed old preview logic that was bad for performance
  • CHANGE: AI Cam added custom width & height logic
  • CHANGE: AI Cam added ControlNet support and two controlnet modes (txt2img & img2img), image type settings
  • CHANGE: Added error message on A1111 errors and blank image result instead of remaining in infinite loading
  • FIX: sanitized AI Cam prompts to prevent A1111 errors on some characters (like new line)
  • CHANGE: changed AeternumUI button (A/X) to toggle the UI on long-press (1 second), not on any press, to prevent interference with vam UI buttons and selecting things in scenes
  • NEW: added support to rotate VAM screenshots on desktop with Q and E, works with AI cam as well
  • FIX: fixed construct room ambient light script loading incorrectly with aeternum ui, overriding vam ambient lighting levels
  • CHANGE: cleaned up code to reduce size, alive+aeternum variables, rounded text sentiment lexicon weights, removed old hardcoded morphs list used in old aeternum UI character generation
  • CHANGE: removed sample songs to keep file size down, added a small example mp3 instead
  • CHANGE: removed pose presets preview images to skip 1k files and reduce file size. People that want to use the poses outside of Alive and want previews in the vam ui for them can use them from the AEstudio var instead which is also has them
  • CHANGE: changed aeternum ui menu button detection on down press, not on release, to prevent misclicks inside the ui and releasing the click outside of it causing the ui to toggle off
  • CHANGE: removed custom music playback location (speaker) on Alive Home to keep the music app experience the same everywhere
  • FIX: fixed vr lasers to work on all scenes not just alive home, fixed on/off toggle instant effect, changed to purple laser line when active
  • FIX: fixed Steam VR laser & AE Home click detection to match the orientation of the steam vr controllers and VaM's native laser pointers
  • FIX: fixed VR 1st person locomotion moving wrong vam object causing wierd jumps sometimes or player drifting away,
  • NEW: added VR locomotion snap-turn angle and movement speed settings, new VR tab in settings app for vr options
  • FIX: fixed VR locomotion snap-turn overriding vam height detection value and teleporting player back on ground floor
  • FIX: fixed person switch/add bottom menu buttons sometimes both on
  • CHANGE: hid old interaction chat button, it was meant to be hidden in v44 but missed it on; old chat doesn't work anymore due to vam looks not having metadata, personality, chat history; chat was rebuild around those and for now is accessible through the androids system (chat tab)
  • CHANGE: Removed old voice sound assetbundle no longer used
  • FIX: fixed bottom menu person avatar not showing after adding Alive plugin to a new person or in various scenarios when turning on/off Alive, switching character, etc
  • FIX: fix performance issue with switching vam person atoms when 2 or more are in the scene due to duplicated calls to send person data to the ui
  • NEW: added head & chest speed & power sliders for the vibe command
  • NEW: added hip side to side action command
  • FIX: fixed scrolling for recent apps screen
  • NEW: added a new head lights setting to help with performance: one headlight only. When enabled, it will enable only one of the headlights, not 2 or 3 as it is by default, reducing the performance hit.
  • NEW: added help info to the headlights settings
  • NEW: added logic to connect to Automatic1111 for stable diffusion AI images; created new app Diffusion camera that can capture a vam screenshot and use AI to enhance it; added sampler & seed settings; added preview cam for better positioning; added image ratio options; started logic for Vr but more work needed there
  • NEW: added logic to save data/states based on Unity scene interaction
  • NEW: added new Construct scene, alternative to VaM's empty scene: simple white room with 1m x 1m grid on the floor, room tone noise (low volume static to make ambience more normal and less like floating in void), no lights but custom rendering light settings for better default visibility even without lights
  • NEW: added UI apps quick switch functionality to top menu to quickly switch between last 2 apps - double clicking on recent apps will swith to the previous app
  • NEW: added UI logic to add location links for easier text notifications that include a link to go to a specific place, added this as a link to the dome room in the vr golf app
  • NEW: Alive Home added support for modular multi-level game system
  • NEW: Alive Home added new VR mini golf game to Alive Home dome room , added 10 mini golf courses
  • NEW: Alive Home added persistent states, things load like they were left: kitchen AC, hallway fan, ambient lights, balcony tarp, elevator doors
  • NEW: Chat added logic to send character specific chat example and character description to AI
  • NEW: Chat added persistent messages & delete messages functionalities
  • NEW: connected UI apps to Alive home mini games allowing UI action & settings; added VR Golf app
  • NEW: created new Alive Settings app and moved alive settings there in grouped tabs
  • NEW: created new Services Settings app, reorganized services settings and added speech-to-text setting
  • NEW: extended Alive backend functionality to work with character based configs, allow storing more meta data that is character based
  • NEW: new apps & functionality for androids, buy & sell, customization, business money & debt system
  • NEW: SPQR ExtraLibraries dll added events for steam VR buttons down/up to be forwarded to vam and be accessible to normal plugins; added steam vr hotkey for mainmenu
  • NEW: Text AI moved as android tab to allow meta data specific to that character to be saved and sent to the AI
  • NEW: VR added toggle UI on/off on pressing A or X (and not focused on VaM UI), move UI to left/right hand based on what button was pressed

  • CHANGE: added 90 framerate to ui framerate limit dropdown
  • CHANGE: added notification (quick 1s thought bubble) on person selection to easier identify the selected person
  • CHANGE: added UI to VaM app change event with old & new app for smarter apps
  • CHANGE: change text to speech functionality to work with general audio as fallback (no person), changed settings test to play as general text-audio instead of forcing a person to be in the scene and selected
  • CHANGE: Chat added logic to clean up repeating characters and punctuation sign floods by chicken brain ai models
  • CHANGE: Chat added logic to prevent chicken brain AI models getting stuck in starting all their messages the same way once they get in a loop
  • CHANGE: cleaned up some not used UI files
  • CHANGE: created poses thumbs sprite images to improve UI performance & get rid of 1k+ files & UI calls
  • CHANGE: fixed and readded old Recent Apps screen, added to top menu to work with the quick switch app logic
  • CHANGE: posing removed All category, too many poses making it not very useful
  • CHANGE: removed old voice snippets & dialogue messages, soundpad app, voice & dialogue to be handled in a single place through the chat screen
  • CHANGE: removed ripple visual effect animation on clicks to reduce performance cost
  • CHANGE: removed setting for alive voice feedback, voice stuff to be controlled differently
  • CHANGE: removed settings app from permanent top menu, added to apps and dropdown top menu
  • CHANGE: renamed & made first tabs on apps bigger to serve as the titles of the apps to make it easier to understand in which screen you're currently in
  • CHANGE: reworked actions system (vibe,twerk,etc) for better performance and to prevent constant calls between the UI and vam with redundant data
  • CHANGE: reworked person select flow to improve performance
  • CHANGE: UI added fullscreen top button for desktop sidebar mode (easier & quicker maximize of the UI), removed right menu popup fullscreen button
  • CHANGE: UI darker overlay background for popups and autohide popups on app change
  • CHANGE: UI forms updates for style & range preview from settings to be usable globally in other apps too
  • CHANGE: UI moved debug app to hidden top menu button
  • CHANGE: UI removed app logic of unselecting app/button & person when clicking on one that's already selected
  • CHANGE: UI removed Enable Dialogue setting, no longer used
  • CHANGE: UI simplified unselect person process, removed background click unselecting person, added unselect button next to people buttons

  • FIX: fixed character switch button appearing when no person is selected
  • FIX: fixed scrolling in VR, when scrolling with right VR hand x and y axis were reversed
  • FIX: fixed setting for background color not updating in vr in realtime
  • FIX: fixed VR version turning off default vam navigation even when alive vr locomotion mode is not enabled
  • FIX: UI fixed help app layout
  • FIX: UI fixed person bottom buttons tooltips
  • FIX: fixed speech to text being forwarded directly to AI, bypassing virtual assistant
  • FIX: cleaned up unnecessary male morphs leftovers
  • NEW: chat added new commands move up/forward/away, move down/closer, move left, move right ,and optionally number of meters, like "move away 5 meters". Doesn't work with float numbers like 0.5 meters, just round numbers
  • NEW: chat added new commands: move to center/go to center/recenter, move to me/come to me/come here, move to flag/go to center
  • FIX: fixed not changing correctly some morphs from newer morph packs for better expressions made by AshAauryn
  • FIX: replaced chat smile & frown expressions for more variety and less exaggeration when talking
  • NEW: chat added new command "echo *" to make the character repeat *, mostly for debugging purposes to force a specific response & emotion
  • NEW: added custom brain file for assistant that can be customized in Saves\Alive AI\Brain\custom.rivescript.js. People that want to play with it can start by copy pasting the example file in Saves\PluginData\Aeternum\Ae\Html\brain\rives, more info there
  • NEW: chat added change pose commands: change pose (standing|sitting|lying|crouching). "change pose standing" will do a random standing pose, "change pose standing 69" will load standing pose 69
  • NEW: chat add trigger any vam UIButton command. "trigger some name" will look to trigger a button with the id "somename", alpha numeric only and case insensitive, so the atom id SomeName will work too, space is ignored too
  • NEW: added elevenlabs AI text-to-speech voices support
  • NEW: added general character rotation and movement in Pose section
  • FIX: fixed character selection button delay in the UI when adding new characters or removing them, making it look for a few seconds like there are more characters in the scene
  • FIX: fixed issue with adding default Person atoms with Alive not initializing all features, teleport flag missing
  • CHANGE: removed forced hand poses on hj,rub, slap animations
  • NEW: added new hand poses, 16 for each hands
  • NEW: added Alive Home city cars driving in the background
  • CHANGE: cleaned up some old unused morphs to decrease performance impact
  • FIX: fixed Aeternum UI cleanup, atoms not being removed when disabling the plugin
  • FIX: fixed idle movement default value label, 0.4 is the default not 1
  • CHANGE: changed pose switch logic to prevent jumping to 0,0,0 and back to the original position
  • CHANGE: removed Actions > actions tab and moved buttons to more appropriate places: pose actions are in the poses tab, person settings & removed added directly to bottom bar when person with Alive is selected
  • FIX: fixed some UI inputs missing VR keyboard in settings & interaction chat;
  • NEW: added Alive Home city street lamps
  • CHANGE: added variety to night light turning on/off so that they don't all go at the same exact time
  • CHANGE: added logic for better collision parent items detection to allow more specific triggers from code, and maybe as some new triggers like hip, chest, head,etc. collision
  • CHANGE: changed haptics to prevent vibration feedback on player left hand & right hand collisions between themselves
  • NEW: AI messages added logic to keep only completed sentences when possible; logic to break extra phrases & reduce AI hallucinated player responses appended in the response; identify repeating phrases and try to get rid of them.
  • FIX: added more layout changes when keyboard is active for easier scrolling to the bottom of the panel
  • CHANGE: removed some of the speech bubbles dialogue, moving towards having all dialogue in a single place in the interaction chat instead
  • FIX: Fixed Alive.cslist problems with most features not working anymore when turning person off and back on
  • FIX: fixed alive home initial move flag position, it was inside the scene causing new atoms added through the UI have collision problems if not changing first the move flag position
  • FIX: lots of small UI layout fixes, removed titles to make more space for VR horizontal UI
  • NEW: Interaction chat added local TTS voices support (requires my Text Audio Tool)
  • NEW: Interaction chat added speech recognition as input (requires my Text Audio Tool)
  • NEW: Local assistant brain logic added with support for rivescript bot commands (similar to AIML) and UI callbacks
  • NEW: Added a few test local assistant commands like "Turn around", "turn left", "turn right", "reset pose", "calculate *"
  • NEW: Alive Home added camshow bedroom, bdsm room and small fixes to make the scene a bit better
  • NEW: added haptics occurrence sliders, optimized detection frequency
  • NEW: added lights on/off button for easier management
  • NEW: added male/female voice sounds on UI select character and teleport reach destination
  • NEW: added performance setting for Anistropic Filtering
  • NEW: added pose changing to the new UI with hundreds of poses modified from klphgz's free packs
  • NEW: added UI range inputs for easier setting & previewing value
  • NEW: logic for ooba booga chat AI connection and basic chat functionality in interaction tab, text sentiment analysis, basic smile/frown based on chat text
  • CHANGE: added Tired person attribute; removed eye squint target setting and integrated that with tired level, when tired the character will squint eyes more
  • CHANGE: changed aeternum.cslist vam plugin ui tabs, added new tab for desktop floating sidebar UI settings
  • CHANGE: custom VR lasers added logic to hide them when too close (< 0.5m)
  • CHANGE: moved idle body movement & body movement extra settings, procedural breathing animation settings to new UI as global settings; removed Idle Body Movement tab from old plugin
  • CHANGE: removed halo indicator vam asset on person selection; planning on replacing it with a new indicator directly in unity that will works for npcs too
  • CHANGE: removed idlehead setting and moved extra head jitters as part of the gaze system
  • CHANGE: removed old idle hip & idle chest settings no longer doing anything, idle body extra controls body idle movement
  • CHANGE: UI settings more help label fixes, added search for general options
  • FIX: fixed desktop first-person movement sliding (shift+c) to be consistent across framerates
  • FIX: added shake controllers feature cooldown to prevent overlapping with sticky head/hip feature
  • FIX: disable grab navigation when new VR first person locomotion is enabled, causing bad movement when used together
  • FIX: fixed day/night ambient light to pause when in screenshot mode to allow vam to do the screenshot flash effect
  • FIX: fixed desktop forced initial move player to 0,0,0 location
  • FIX: fixed floor detection in desktop 1st person mode to prevent climbing above ceiling when jumping too high
  • FIX: fixed haptics detection on same hand (fingers colliding with palm on fist gesture causing vibration)
  • FIX: fixed insertion detection procedural expressions gasp sounds to be controlled by the moaning setting
  • FIX: fixed issue with UI font-size extremely small in some edge cases
  • FIX: fixed new atom from UI not being added at the flag position sometimes, added subscene loading check process

What do you guys think? Nobody will read such long changelogs but at least one or two might get impressed by the effort and rate it positively, or at least refrain from downvoting it. So what do you say, update when ready™ from now to avoid downvotes?



IMHO, posts like this is how to loose subs.


I'm not here to collect subs. I might actually have some patreon record on permanent bans. I banned like 25 people in the last rebellion in April. If they don't want to be here, I refund them https://imgur.com/a/c2Rh4fR and send them on their way, to go bless other people with their support. Posts such as these are to identify the upset people and help them by sparing them from further upset caused by being subscribed to me. They shouldn't be

Lapidarian Moraine

My 2 cents, as someone who subbed for alive: I really love this plugin and appreciate the work you put in, the amount of time you spent supporting it, and what you've done for this community. I also respect what you're trying to do here integrating AI with vam and think it's a really admirable goal. You're the vanguard of vam plugins for sure - you're what acidbubbles was in previous years. I like the idea of less frequent releases, but speaking for myself what I really care about is the functionality of the plugin with regard to the character's small actions and reactions. I'd love more emotion sliders, more reaction options, perhaps even venturing into little procedural animations for different kinds of interaction. For me, that's the exciting stuff - and the naturalness and compatibility of alive is what made me sub to you in the first place. AI is cool and I love that you're integrating it - and I've used your guides to experiment with oogabooga and stablediffusion. Great intro guides. I'm just gathering from the decline in good reviews for your recent plugins that 1. everybody who was going to use alive is already using it, which is a success. 2. people are probably less interested in ai image integration or stuff like your ui redesign which is impressive but I never want to use - I would prefer everything to still be in the alive ui on the atom. and 3. people stop writing rave reviews even if they still really like the product when you update every few days. Thanks for your work.


ok, I'll abandon the new UI and go back to long lists of random sliders like https://vimeo.com/725004984 "or stuff like your ui redesign which is impressive but I never want to use" why do you want to Never use it?