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Quick poll on what the Alive v51 focus should be on. I have a ton of things to do but for the next release I'll pick one of these to be the focus.

DIY triggers
An API system that exposes Alive UI functionality to vam triggers, allowing people that want to use Alive to do their own complicated and complex things themselves and do lots of new triggers that were not possible before in Alive, or in vam in general

AI vision
Give basic vision to AI bots. Asking them things like what do you see, what do you think of this, look at this, etc. will make Alive process what the bot actually sees (through automatic1111 interrogation img2txt) and let the AI chat model know what it sees before answering.

Gaze V3
Or HeadGaze v3, or something. I think there's already a "Gaze" by MacGruber, I might have to rename it. It's not related to that, all my features are made from scratch. And given that I just started coding for vam last year and for unity this year, they're not very good when it comes to very complex systems such as this. The gaze system could be much better and I've been meaning to remake it and add more to it, like chest movement. Also make it more realistic and prevent some of the bugs the current system has where the head goes in unnatural positions or gets stuck.

Androids personality, traits & effects
Continue working on character traits, their personalities, customizing them and the effects system. This will make some vam models be more advanced, have emotional states based on their personalities (happy, shy, etc) and connect those things to the chat AI to give more depth to each character. Also finally give characters their own settings, like being able to set things like voice as something that is part of the character.



auto pose male and female such that I can just embody rhe male in VR and let auto ride, BJ and kiss take over more naturally


I voted for "Gaze V3" I was really thrilled by the plug in of amaimon, especially by the interaction between the models (manage hand for example)....but it just remained by this upload. I am really impressed by the effort already made with Alive. Would love to see this options in future. For myself I consider the plug-in for players more handy. The dashboard I consider not handy and causes for me FPS-drops....despite tools to increase the amount of FPS. Overall......thanx bud for your efforts! Epic!

Jonathon Barton

That's VamX. I'd love to see Alive functionality that *complements* what's already in VamX, rather than trying to replace something that's got a 2 year head-start...


Yeah, his project was awesome. I talked with him a bit about it. He was doing more advanced stuff than me, he was even doing parallel unity jobs for better performance. I didn't look into that yet. for performance there was a recent thread on the hub about 40xx's gpus and how to make them better for vam in case that helps