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Referendum results for the next updates are in!

  • A few votes were left out. This was all automated, I downloaded the patreon reports and made a script to calculate and generate this image. Some dudes that voted don't appear in the members report at all though. I have no idea why. I think they either unsubscribed completely or there's a way to vote without being a member. There weren't many I think though

  • The votes were calculated today with the current tiers, not based on the tiers at the time of the vote. Patreon doesn't add that in the reports. If people unsubscribed after they voted, they'll still get a vote, but no multiplier for the tier they had because I don't have that info in the report, can't tell what tier they had

  • Options that received votes will be kept in the next poll, the lowest voted ones will be replaced with other things people suggested


I'll try to add the vr intimacy update to Alive v75. There are already lots of updates: big performance fixes, adjustments to the VAM lip colliders to try to fix issues with mouths staying open due to tongue collision, leaning towards target functionality which adds a bit more immersions and will come in handy with the intimacy update too, and a few more.


ExtraTriggers should have an easier way to trigger body parts groups soon. I did that logic already in Alive a while ago and I'll try to add it here too. I'll look into listing in dropdowns the available options too rather that having to type in stuff


I'm also working on AliveCore. I'm not sure how I'll release this yet but it's pretty advanced now and looking good so it might be soon. I've been using it a lot to debug performance stuff. What is AliveCore:

  • person plugin

  • it's built on the Alive code, not a different branch, just compiled differently

  • doesn't require session plugin

  • doesn't have UI at all, it's just add and play

  • It shares the settings with Alive, so people can load and use the big plugin to change settings when they need it, they'll work in AliveCore too

  • very lightweight, probably the most lightweight Alive since single digits versions


Alive - procedural animation

more info about Alive: https://www.patreon.com/SPQR_aeternum CREDITS: Roac - hair VL_13 - eyelashes MacGruber - PostMagic MUSIC: https://soundcloud.com/erejuche/further-together


thomas d

OK, that is interesting, I will take a look at the json file. Its hard to complain, when you have given us such quality enhancements to VAM. When ever I load a new scene, I probably spend 20 mins just getting all my added plugins and Alive all working the way I want for that particular scene. Even when I save the scene, there are settings from multiple of my plugins that need to be tweaked again, when re opened. Alive is great, I use it in 99 % of my scenes. It is very powerful, but when I tweak it for particular scene and save it. When I reopen I still spend a fair amount of time getting all the settings back like I had them. Lets face it, there are so many settings, that I try to balance with other great plugins, that I have spent probably an hour or more sometimes. And I know that is what VAM is all about, as the results are amazing. Just trying to find shortcuts. I do enjoy the tweaking of VAM or I would have given it up a long time ago. I actually considered giving up some time ago, before you made your splash with Alive. Luckily you and other creators made VAM amazing and fun.


I'm glad that you find it fun! I'll try to add something like different settings. This would be useful for AliveCore too, to have its own separate settings


I'd love to see better support for Koboldcpp. It kind of works already because Ooba emulated the KoboldAI API originally with its legacy API. But you are missing out on a lot of compatibility that should be relatively easy to add. KoboldCpp also emulates OpenAI so most of the API's between the two should be similar and that has vision capability. The other thing it can do is emulate A1111 which I also expect to work out of the box, but your not letting me choose the URL in the UI. With Koboldcpp we don't have to do any complicated installations and we also don't have to download gigabytes of bloat just to get the AI working. If you add support for a general OpenAI users who can't run AI themselves can also use cloud providers among with all the other AI tools. I expect you to be able to pull it all off with minor tweaks, like slightly different checks on if the API exists / url fields. Update: Minus the vision part I can confirm it works with some workarounds. If I change the Koboldcpp port to 7860 it detects A1111 succesfully.