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I did lots of big but very quick changes for the animation player in v73 and unfortunately messed up some stuff, animations were bugged when the person atom was rotated. In v74 it should be in better shape. The ultimate goal is to get something like an edit button on animations and let you create clips (sort of like the presets in body actions), pieces of the existing animations, and let you do a choreography kind of thing, like a timeline with drag and drop functionality. I'm also trying to get the BVH animation system to be fluid enough to tie it in to the AI chat and let characters do seamless animation with it, as reactions to the chat. It's a very huge task and I'm not sure if I'll get to do all that but I'm trying to sneak it along with other things, that's why I keep messing up with this system.


The two huge new features from v73 had a couple of bugs that should be fixed now. Presets should now save properly randomization options too. Follow mode should unfreeze properly and prevent keeping the model in a frozen state (where controllers would snap back to their originally frozen position)


I'm doing lots of things on this front but it's work in progress. It's hard! And also I can't work on this project too much. But generally the animations should be better. Characters do a lot more now emotion wise, they're more expressive and I fixed many of the bugs regarding morph twitches that used to happen in most previous version. A downside might be performance-wise for some people. The animations are higher-quality but that's at the cost of more operations per second for now. I'll try to review that and optimize it in future updates or add something like an option for lower/higher quality settings.


V74 introduces automatic object tracking for the first time in ALIVE. Previously this required setting up an extra plugin on objects. Now it's seamless and brings more life to characters without any work. For now this is just for objects that you move: characters will look at things that you are dragging around. I'll try to tie it in to static objects too from the scene in future versions.

I didn't have a lot of time to test v74 as a whole so there might be a smaller update later this week if I find any big bugs. If you notice any issues or have any suggestions or requests, let me know!


Full Alive changelogs can be found here .



CREDITS: https://www.patreon.com/posts/61736572




There are no dependencies, ALIVE should work without any of these vars but they're recommended for the best experience in vam and for more morphs & animations. They're all free VAM addons.

V74 FILES (active supporters)



Alive v74

Preview of Alive v74 that should be released soon. More info about Alive: https://www.patreon.com/SPQR_aeternum Alive is a large mod for adult-oriented software Virt-A-Mate. CREDITS VIDEO: Oeshii - Hair, Clothes VL_13 - lashes Bamair1984 - Hair Roac - Hair Riddler - Skin ddaamm - Hair AshAuryn - morphs ascorad - morphs SONG: https://soundcloud.com/fadent/fade2 fade By FADENT is licensed under a Creative Commons License.


Eri Tainment

You've outdone yourself once again, maestro! :) Money definitively well spent here on your project! Sadly, when you click the "Reset position" Button, the character seems to get resetted in a weird way. For me, they seem to rotate/spin their way towards their last position. Hard to explain, but I'm sure you are already aware of this. I would call this a bug because v73 didn't had this odd behvaiour. The "Vision Follow" feature is a nice addition! I noticed that my Character keeps staring into light sources inside the scene. Maybe you can turn this behaviour off for light sources? (Or at least make 'em squint their eyes when looking at the sun or something like that :D ) Oh yea and one request: As I play almost only in Passthrough mode, would it be possible to hide Alive's UI somewhere else then the underground? ;) It's really a minor thing, but either remove it entirely when not selected, if possible, or just place the floating UI in the sky somehwere.


hello, If you mean the quick bar Reset Pose button, that never worked like the VAM reset pose iirc. I made it so that it keeps the position in the world on X Z axis and the Y rotation. To me that's more useful. For example if the model is on a surface or on a top level of the map, sitting on a chair upstairs, hitting the vam reset pose will move the model to 0,0,0. Hitting the alive reset pose only resets the pose (makes the person stand) but keeps it where it is and what it was facing. If that's what you meant, it's not a bug. I might add a separate button like full reset to duplicate vam's button. That's a very cool idea to make them squint the eyes, I'll try to do it If you hide the VAM UI, doesn't the Alive UI also disappear for you? I'm not sure what you mean "when not selected"


Why isn't my follow mode working?


Does the character have this icon? https://imgur.com/a/09O9NKD If so, something (VAM or a different plugin) is playing an animation, and ALIVE stops to let the animation work as expected. It might be playing the VAM native animation: https://imgur.com/a/Xy9APHP . Some scenes play as soon as they start, but it doesn't really animate anything, it's just how VAM works. When an animation is playing, ALIVE will try to pause itself so as not to interfere with it If you don't see the icon, make sure the play button is green, like in my first picture. Otherwise ALIVE will be suspended. If this doesn't help, please provide more details. Does it work in a simple scenario with just one person and no other plugins?