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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to HEAVENLY DELUSION Episode 8!




Classic Luke, he didn't notice anything ahaha


Did he miss who they are? I haven't watched any of the HD eps yet.


Seems like he didn't get it. But neither did i watching it the first time :D So are we telling him? it's not really a spoiler anymore i think.


/!\ COMMENTS : don't spoil anything! Luke will understand later like so many people. (but I bet on YT it's going to be a spoiler fest) Man, this ep ! A tough one emotionally...even more than you think. In your reflection, you've put your finger on something that many didn't understand on the first watch. Several clues in the episode, if you see them, help you to push these thoughts further and really understand what you've just watched. It's okay if you don't right away, it's the way it's meant to be. In a few episodes you'll understand...and think back to that episode. Expect other tough moments. Watching this anime again with you remember me how f.... good it is. The story, the characters, the writting, the music, the prod value. And it was completely ignored by the shameful anime awards (just like Vinland saga).

BRUNO Marques

You know why it was ignored. There's tough and then there is that. Vinland was just not as good as s1, and pacifism isn't really what the regular anime viewer is looking for.


I think I have a timeline coming together with this episode. Day 27 requesting that we watch Ascendance of a Bookworm after Vinland Saga.

Muligan Shinzuo

Yeah no spoilers please. This series is like a puzzle and the more pieces you get the clearer the picture becomes. Watching it a second time you can clearly see that there is alot of clues (like the blue eyes in this episode) sprinkled into every episode and you did pick up on some pretty early on(good job). This episode is a pretty hard one to watch (some scenes in this anime are really horrible) . I cannot wiat for the next few episodes, there is one that i expect a different reaction than i had myself.

Keith Merrington

So hard not to inadvertently put in a spoiler. Such a sad episode though.

Andrew Southwell

You'll have *some* answers by the end of the season, and then probably many more questions in their place. Unfortunately it may be a while before we see a Season 2, but it's a great experience nonetheless.

Big T

One of the best episodes in this first season. A little surprised you haven't put more of the pieces together yet, Luke. I think it'll hit you soon enough.


Please check out 6arleyhuman and Odetari


"Shes more like a cat" Funny you say that... theres actually a theory that all anime girls are based on cats 😅

Dave M

It's damn near impossible to get through this episode without a tear or two, at least for me. Being caught up with the manga just makes this episode hurt even more.

Cédric Michaud

It was the same symbol on the pin than the symbol on the gun, so probably the same pin than the facility


Spoiler If it's not a spoiler for the second season, can someone tell me who this woman is? I assume she's one of those kids too?


Why am I crying when I knew what was going to happen?


Okay, I watched it to the end, now I understand who these two are... I think I missed that scene after the credits the first time I watched it. At first I thought the doctor was just a regular guy


I don't blame Luke for not understanding. I needed to see it a second time myself 😂


@BRUNO Marques This is because most of those who watch anime are children, and the second season is not designed for children at all, so it is not as popular as JJK, for example, and if you think it's about pacifism, you don't understand anything 😂


So...is that hotel owner going turn into a monster? Was that doctor a prior scientist? Is that bandaged girl related to him? How does the cancer spread?


That man-eater better be eating that crazy flat earthers😂 Man this episode came from nowhere and that scene with the school explained a lot.


It's better do not understanded :D what is happening in the end


Watching this for the second time with you, and it's crazy how good this series is at feeding you hints along the way. Love it! Also, I think this episode will make me cry no matter how many times I watch it.


This episode never failed to make me cry


Usami death and the girl connects the entire story and is the most heart breaking part.


i missed that ending scene when i first watched it and seeing that with what i know now broke me man the tears wont stop :{


First watch with you, and the message on the tablet also got me. Truly a well written story


When I first watched this anime, I didn't connect the dots here, but now that I think I understand what really happened here, it's even sadder

Silvio Guidi

this is my second watch. and the scene in the school at the end didn't explain anithing for me. what i'm missing? this anime is a total mess sometimes :'(


Sry, can’t explain cause it will be a spoiler, but I may give you a hint: try harder to focus on the beginning of the after credits scene… I hope it was not too much


What the heck.. I think I've never cried so much because of an anime

Chyro Nighthowler

You call the episode horrible.. I call it beautiful. The way it can make you feel emotion so strongly. How it lets you feel the love and loss between those two strangers we didn't even know before this episode.

Aaren YASS

I dont know about you, but doesnt it sound more Like Robin is the one that did the transplant and not the "doc"? He didn't wanna let the boy die perhaps, who gave his life in an attempt to save several racers? But then it would depend on if the girl went brain dead or chose him to live over her. She probably would. -

Asher Sanjan Abraham

So, I'm watching this for the first time with Luke. Are they two connected by any chance? Same colour eyes, I doubt those kids in the facility see the sky as well. I'm so confused and heartbroken.


If you're talking about the couple, he transplanted one of his eyes to her, so they have the same eyes. The rest is a spoiler, if you haven't figured it out yet, just keep watching and then the past scenes will fall into place

Aaren YASS

Well there's Violet Evergarden, Made In Abyss, (on going) Code Geass,ect, take your pic. 😂 His list keeps getting longer. -

Aaren YASS

Luke is the type of reactor where he sometimes needs the narrator to tell him what just happened 😂 As for me, i like to watch with my brain on low power so that im EXTRA surprised at everything that happens. -


I agree with you on Violet Evergarden of course, but I'd say it's a different kind of sad. I cried, but didn't feel an existential dread if you know what I mean. Made in Abyss does give me the existential dread and extreme sorrow, but no tears for some reason. Code Geass, sincerely, didn't hit me that hard. The only thing I can compare is Stein's;Gate, and oh boy, if Heavenly Delusions had one episode that got me, half of Stein's;Gate's achieved that on a regular basis

Dave M

Yeah this show and the manga in general loves to put answers in front of you without the necessary context to understand it.