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Here is the FULL PATREON EXCLUSIVE reaction to CODE GEASS Episode 25!




Code Geese is real after all!


Finally, it's here!!!!


There is no one on earth who can predict s2 after this finale.


I haven’t watched this yet, but I assume Luke went off about the cliff hanger 😂 Imagine having to wait two years for season 2 with this level of cliff hanger, Luke.


I shot first.


Next week he’s gonna be so confused😂


for Luke this anime be like Code Confusion 😂


cant wait to see your confused face next week 😂


I just wait for Lukes Face when watching S2 Ep1 xD

Aaren YASS

"how is there a season 2?" "Is there time travel?" Bro it was either time travel or the characters change cuz they frickin shot eachother ☠️😂 Literally "everyone dies/ kills themselves" the finale. The hiatus time gap must've inspired Attack on Titan with cliffhanger endings. -


lol, some series I’m following have had over a decade between seasons. It’s just part of being an anime fan.

Ian Ponce

Imagine having to wait between seasons to know about that cliffhanger... AND THEN S2 Ep 1 happens...


Lelouch avoids telling Suzaku the truth about the Euphy mistake because he is now the boy who cried wolf. By lying so much up to this point, he no longer has any credibility. Especially not with Suzaku, and especially not when saying anything that would exonerate himself. Suzaku has no reason to believe the truth, if it's coming from Lelouch's mouth. And yeah, the long wait for R2 was certainly an experience.


Luke is right about Nina, worst character in the series. She is the worst kind of bigot, one based on fear and ignorance. Almost immediately gets herself and her friends killed by calling her fucking captors a slur, immediately goes full stalker based on a single indirect interaction, then and then with her obsessions death, builds a nuclear bomb that by its nature if used against Zero would kill thousands to hundred of thousands of others.


I'm so worried for Luke... Just knowing what's going to happen in Season 2, I think he might hate the beginning and will love it at the end, but because of the beginning, he might not like Code Geass that much because he's not a big fan of that sorta stuff that will happen in the beginning of Season 2.... I'm worried

William Armstrong (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-10 19:25:46 Congrats on finishing what is still likely the biggest cliffhanger with the worst blueballs of any season finale in anime history. Also there is a special anime opening that played only in episode 24 and 25 of R1. The imagery in the openings and endings contain a ton of hidden things that you only realize the significance of once reveals have occurred in the show. 5:30 you are making the case for the Geass Dub here 9:13 saved by cat 9:30 Earl of Pudding is not his official title but it is Rakshata’s nickname for him 28:10 good job looking up the air date, however the english air date for the end of R1 was OCt 26 2008, and the first episode of R2 was Nov 2nd 2008. so some foreign fans had it a bit easier..... but since streaming didn't really exist in a big way yet and networks often created a gap between the seasons it was still rough... I myself think I missed part of episode 24 because I was still depressed by the fate of Euphie and completely lost track of the continuity until picking the show back up years later on a streaming platform. 31:00 CC did say she committed suicide but she is also an immortal witch who appears to have survived being shot in the head multiple times, and being burned alive as a witch among other things
2024-03-02 19:03:34 Congrats on finishing what is still likely the biggest cliffhanger with the worst blueballs of any season finale in anime history. Also there is a special anime opening that played only in episode 24 and 25 of R1. The imagery in the openings and endings contain a ton of hidden things that you only realize the significance of once reveals have occurred in the show. 5:30 you are making the case for the Geass Dub here 9:13 saved by cat 9:30 Earl of Pudding is not his official title but it is Rakshata’s nickname for him 28:10 good job looking up the air date, however the english air date for the end of R1 was OCt 26 2008, and the first episode of R2 was Nov 2nd 2008. so some foreign fans had it a bit easier..... but since streaming didn't really exist in a big way yet and networks often created a gap between the seasons it was still rough... I myself think I missed part of episode 24 because I was still depressed by the fate of Euphie and completely lost track of the continuity until picking the show back up years later on a streaming platform. 31:00 CC did say she committed suicide but she is also an immortal witch who appears to have survived being shot in the head multiple times, and being burned alive as a witch among other things

Congrats on finishing what is still likely the biggest cliffhanger with the worst blueballs of any season finale in anime history. Also there is a special anime opening that played only in episode 24 and 25 of R1. The imagery in the openings and endings contain a ton of hidden things that you only realize the significance of once reveals have occurred in the show. 5:30 you are making the case for the Geass Dub here 9:13 saved by cat 9:30 Earl of Pudding is not his official title but it is Rakshata’s nickname for him 28:10 good job looking up the air date, however the english air date for the end of R1 was OCt 26 2008, and the first episode of R2 was Nov 2nd 2008. so some foreign fans had it a bit easier..... but since streaming didn't really exist in a big way yet and networks often created a gap between the seasons it was still rough... I myself think I missed part of episode 24 because I was still depressed by the fate of Euphie and completely lost track of the continuity until picking the show back up years later on a streaming platform. 31:00 CC did say she committed suicide but she is also an immortal witch who appears to have survived being shot in the head multiple times, and being burned alive as a witch among other things

William Armstrong (edited)

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2024-03-10 19:25:46 When I saw it on Tv I thought for sure I had skipped an episode or several I was so confused
2024-03-02 19:05:32 When I saw it on Tv I thought for sure I had skipped an episode or several I was so confused

When I saw it on Tv I thought for sure I had skipped an episode or several I was so confused

BRUNO Marques

S2 is a roller coaster. Luke is going to have an experience with ep1 for sure. That said, I think people give Luke a bit too much grief for not remembering stuff or being confused. It's fine.

yoash barak

Luke is so constantly confused with this series, and the next episode is going to take the cake XD

Khanh Minh (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-10 19:25:46 I think Code Gess just doesn't suit his tastes. He wanted it to be like AOT, serious with epic battles all the time, pretty slow-paced and gives you a lot of info straight to your face, but CG is not like that honestly. Not to even mentioned he missed way too many hints and clues given along the way to appreciate the story and build-up properly: he thought Lelouch already knew Suzaku was in the Lancelot all the way from ep1 til ep17 lol. I already have the feeling that CG is going to rank pretty low on his anime ranking list. How do you enjoy a series when you spend more than half of time asking what is going on
2024-03-02 19:27:56 I think Code Gess just doesn't suit his tastes. He wanted it to be like AOT, serious with epic battles all the time, pretty slow-paced and gives you a lot of info straight to your face, but CG is not like that honestly. Not to even mentioned he missed way too many hints and clues given along the way to appreciate the story and build-up properly: he thought Lelouch already knew Suzaku was in the Lancelot all the way from ep1 til ep17 lol. I already have the feeling that CG is going to rank pretty low on his anime ranking list. How do you enjoy a series when you spend more than half of time asking what is going on

I think Code Gess just doesn't suit his tastes. He wanted it to be like AOT, serious with epic battles all the time, pretty slow-paced and gives you a lot of info straight to your face, but CG is not like that honestly. Not to even mentioned he missed way too many hints and clues given along the way to appreciate the story and build-up properly: he thought Lelouch already knew Suzaku was in the Lancelot all the way from ep1 til ep17 lol. I already have the feeling that CG is going to rank pretty low on his anime ranking list. How do you enjoy a series when you spend more than half of time asking what is going on

Roxy’s Holy Relic

Congratulations, you’ve just witnessed one of the most brutal cliffhangers in the history of anime but be glad that you only have to wait a week for some resolution. The shots of Cécile changing into her flight suit are crucial to the plot and cannot be ignored… “If you’re a witch, then I’ll become a warlock.” This exchange just hits all the right notes for me. Excited to see the reactions to R2. It’s going to be a wild ride


At least with shows like Attack on Titan and Re:Zero there is a manga or light novel to read if you didn't want to wait. Code Geass is an original anime story so nobody in the world knew what was going to happen.


Couple notes, now that the first season is complete: - Nina is absolutely the Oppenhiemer of this show. You're not meant to like her as a character, but she is one of my favorite set pieces in the massive puzzle that is Code Geass. - Orange Boy is best boy, and that will never change. - I can't believe you called it on the Reset Button. That's hilarious to me. And the big one: - Code Geass was very popular when it premired in Japan. So much so that when it was greenlit for season 2, they moved it from it's Late-Night slot to some time in the Day. What time doesn't matter, the point is that it would now be playing around the time that children would be watching, and so the 2nd season had to be adjusted to fit the new age rating of daytime tv. So many things had to be tweaked, changed, and overall less... adult. (No more tiddies) - Me personally, I was very disappointed with how season 2 started. I really disliked the new character (And he really does take a while to come into his own). I could talk more about it, but that's spoilers. Suffice to say, it felt like Near taking L's spot, really bad. Just ride out the wrinkles, let the show start growing again. Code Geass has always built itself around pulling fragments of a puzzle into the masterpiece, and season 2 is no different. The finale brings me to tears every time. But without a doubt, early season 2 was my least favorite arc of the show.


"For Lelouch all these people are cannon fodder" The more you watch, the more you can see resemblance with light from death note. He might not be as smart as light, but he slowly showing his true colors. EDIT: one has better inner monologues, showing the complex plan from the start (Light), while the other (Lelouch) his smartness is shown by the story and not through his own mind, and you never know what will unfold.

Talix Rune

Now that we're half way through this one, my suggestion for the next Patreon Anime would be Symphogear. It has way too much musical content for it to ever be elsewhere, while also being a crazy hype action anime.


no, you are right. is the worst character


Well, I think asking what's going on is perfectly fine to do during the anime, as well as not picking up on hints because that is what makes a lot of it turn up as a surprise. I do think that Code Geass suits his taste, just not completely. I don't think Luke really enjoys slice of life/relaxed moments in a dark and fast paced and intense show most of the time (Like Code Geass). I like the fact that Code Geass has good and relaxed times to really support and humanize the characters, as well as go dark and intense during the parts where it's needed. I think Luke just doesn't prefer those types of shows which are fine. It's kind of unfortunate though because it'll probably end with him loving how it wraps up and think it's a perfect ending, just like AOT, but will most likely take off points during the beginning part of season 2 and middle-ish part of season 1. Maybe I might be mistaken and he might appreciate it once the show is finished, but I'm not sure. I really hope he enjoys it... Code Geass is definitely a slow burner but if you let it cook.... you'll realize at the end, it was a masterpiece. And all the slow times reallyyyy helped in creating the story as well as creating the characters and humanizing them.


I'd argue that Lelouch is smarter than Light... (After watching season 2 at least)


I recommend 6arleyhuman and Odetari 's music.

Chrono 1002

It's not the only anime that made us wait with a gunshot ending like this, but yeah. It kinda sucks. At the same time, it makes the continuation better when it finally comes out. Btw, Lelouch is not a d**k (at least he shouldn't be considered one). He just only cares about her sister since the very the beginning. In the first place, everyone else just became too dependent on him to the point where they can't act on their own. Btw, I think Lelouch reaction was perfectly normal. Nobody would not care about others, if a family member got kidnapped. The least of his problem is some random person getting shot or having to leave the commanding position to someone else. As for CC, we saw Mao grow up with her, while CC didn't change. She has just lived for a long time. That's also why she said that she only has memories since she was called a witch (medieval times probably).

Mushroom_of_Doom ,

Lloyds name isn't earl of pudding, it's a nicknam rakshata gave him since pudding is his favourite food and they are old friends. PS: you can't imagine how terrible this cliffhanger was when you had to wait over a year

Khanh Minh (edited)

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2024-03-10 19:25:46 I love those slice of life moments, and it's quite obvious that he didn't like those episodes in CG. He wanted to be dark and war all the time like in AOT. He didn't even laugh or enjoy himself that much during the first part of the festival ep, or during the warehouse almost reveal encounter of all the main characters. That's how I came to the conclusion that CG probably didn't suit his tastes. Because it's precisely those moments that makes Lelouch so three dimensional: he has other things he cares about, his friends on campus, and not being a terrorist 100% of the time, and I don't think Luke see it the same way. At this rate I think maybe the recap movies will suit him better since it removed all the slice of life parts and keep only the plot moving parts.
2024-03-02 21:12:53 I love those slice of life moments, and it's quite obvious that he didn't like those episodes in CG. He wanted to be dark and war all the time like in AOT. He didn't even laugh or enjoy himself that much during the first part of the festival ep, or during the warehouse almost reveal encounter of all the main characters. That's how I came to the conclusion that CG probably didn't suit his tastes. Because it's precisely those moments that makes Lelouch so three dimensional: he has other things he cares about, his friends on campus, and not being a terrorist 100% of the time, and I don't think Luke see it the same way. At this rate I think maybe the recap movies will suit him better since it removed all the slice of life parts and keep only the plot moving parts.

I love those slice of life moments, and it's quite obvious that he didn't like those episodes in CG. He wanted to be dark and war all the time like in AOT. He didn't even laugh or enjoy himself that much during the first part of the festival ep, or during the warehouse almost reveal encounter of all the main characters. That's how I came to the conclusion that CG probably didn't suit his tastes. Because it's precisely those moments that makes Lelouch so three dimensional: he has other things he cares about, his friends on campus, and not being a terrorist 100% of the time, and I don't think Luke see it the same way. At this rate I think maybe the recap movies will suit him better since it removed all the slice of life parts and keep only the plot moving parts.


Is that true? I thought it was Lelouche not ducking responsibility - even though he didn't intentionally use his geass, he knew the risks and dangers involved (none the less!), as he says shortly after shooting Euphy.

Khanh Minh (edited)

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2024-03-10 19:25:46 You finally caught on the Marianne name drop. So CC has been talking to Lelouch's mom all this time ( how or why, who knows)
2024-03-02 21:17:51 You finally caught on the Marianne name drop. So CC has been talking to Lelouch's mom all this time ( how or why, who knows)

You finally caught on the Marianne name drop. So CC has been talking to Lelouch's mom all this time ( how or why, who knows)

Dave M

it was a long year and 3 months haha


Oh boy, next week is gonna be rough. Who's ready to sit through through 20+ of "I'm so confused" and "I don't understand"? ;P

Tim Keener

My segestion for the first episode of season 2 is keep all questions to the end. Season 2 is the start of mind blown ideas

Subaquatic Toaster

Next week's gonna be a rough one. Get ready for a very confused Luke!

Tim Keener

It was hell waiting for season 2. Attack on titan cliffhanger s has noting on this episode


I watched it in 2014, so it was also easy for me, although I watched two seasons almost without sleep 😂

Patrick Jacobsen

I swear, Suzaku might be one of the biggest hypocrites in animé history. saying Lelouch doesen't care about the Japanese people, while fighting for the people who enslaved them to begin with. fuck of Suzaku.


@Barack O. Llama Last time, he chose what was most mentioned in the comments, and then there was a vote, if I remember correctly


Right up there with Kira Yamato in Gundam Seed Destiny (who he does have a strange resemblance to, in appearance and character setup...) Specifically in Destiny, where hypocritical behaviour was just ignored to make him the main character of the sequel series again and just walk over the new cast for the hell of it.


Honestly for most of the US watching it dubbed on Toonami back in the day we had it easy. It went straight to season 2 the week after. So it continued to be our normal weekly fix. But get ready for whiplash Luke. Season 2 starts as a bit of a mind scrambler.


Noice cliffhanger! Now you have to wait 1+ year! Yeah that guy is orange boy ! Someone please just kill the most racist girl, there were so many opportunities. Lately Suzaku seemed a nicer character, but he chose this moment to be a great pain in the ass. Remember there is geass! Happy you understand the pain to watch something so good !

One G. O A. T. One Dream

Both Suzaku and Lelouch have there rageing flawed hypocrit sides. Thats what makes this anime so interesting. This battel really showed how the reality of Lelouch is just a Teen who got a cool new eye power, and wanted to play god. But despite all he said he would do, all the commitment he said he had, the moment that got tested he faltered and lost. Tho to be fair, this is a Lelouch that just killed somone he actually cared about, heck that was the second time to. but really in the end it just all showed that his resolve was way to weak.

One G. O A. T. One Dream

I cant remeber how long i waited but well, if anime has given me one thing its patience for stories lol


@nik, well yeah, you are right, there is no point in arguments who's smarter, but my main point is resemblance with Light in terms of character. From being a hero to anti hero and villain sometimes.


That year forged us in the fires of patience and force of will.


I can't wait for next week. He's going to be so confused (as I was at that time) lol


But Lelouch is just a bit annoying in this episode while Suzaku fucking annoying the whole time lol


9:11 "Leave my chew toy alone!" - Arthur 15:29 Many episodes ago we saw her doing a computer sim on U-235. From the context, this was new stuff. I have to assume atom bombs haven't been invented in this world... until now. She's holding a nuke.

Sapfire 31

Yes, that was a massive wait for season 2 and even longer for the movie (which i do recommend, but you should watch the Code Geass summary movies to understand some things/changes that were made from the show.) Rakshata calls Lloyd (scientist guy) the Earl of Pudding, there's some history there that's never really explained. Just as everyone else has said, I can't wait to see his reaction to the start of season 2.

Vicente Gómez

Orange is by far the funniest villain ever

Daniel Golas

Luke making predictions like nobody shoot a gun


oh yes we waited and we hated it but it was worth it because season 2 is where shit hits the fan and where alot of the hype of this anime comes from brace yourselves

Abraham Perez

I think Luke needs to try to see the Code Geass world thru their eyes. Each character sees things from a certain perspective and that is what makes certain things happen in that world. Don't go in thinking everyone k

Abraham Perez

Everyone knows what's going on because they don't. The show is about perspective and appearances along with everything else. You need to go into this show with that mindset because not everyone is going to know what's going on from the start for certain things

Abraham Perez

As for Luke's guesses, they are fun to listen to and laugh along with until he sees what actually happens in shows

Anacik Gabriel

Someone can explain why there was no after credits in luke episode? Is this anothershitty streaming website editing without reason?

Aaren YASS

I feel like cliffhangers should be assigned a level. This is cliffhanger threat level "dragon" or "God" for sure ☠️ -

Ricko Andrew

aldnoah zero cliffhanger really really bad, by that I mean GOOOD


It wouldn't make sense if it was like that(Death Note), considering the scale of the stage Code Geass is taking place on, in Death Note it's pretty much narrowed down to very few characters, whereas Lelouch is in a War Zone literally and figuratively, it is a much more active world and keeping track of all of that is much more difficult. We can draw a comparison to Part 2 of Death Note, when there were more actors in play and it was a lot more chaotic than Part 1, but even then it wouldn't be enough. As you have Lelouch, his Brother(Schneizel), Cornellia, The Emperor, V.V. ; Suzaku and then you have other smaller characters throwing wrenches everywhere. It is not an obstacle or two which Lelouch has to overcome but quite a lot of them. Only ones he has dealt with effectively so far are his brother Clovis and Mao.

Karina ~ Stirret

I just watched this reaction, I remember the wait after that cliffhanger. And we have to remember we waited many months between ep 22-23. It was awful but the hype was real. And there was not source material since this is original so, yeah it was a long wait 😆 and back then there was not streaming services, so we have to wait way more to be able to watch the new episodes. New fans don't know the struggle lol

Jason Kong

imagine waiting for season 2 for months! Most intense cliffhanger in the history for sure.

Shaun since we cant listen and read hentai. Can we read yaoi and listen. (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-02 01:57:09 I remember waiting for season 2. Rewatched season 1 many times. Don't forget this was an anime original so we have no manga to read ahead.
2024-05-02 01:57:09 I remember waiting for season 2. Rewatched season 1 many times. Don't forget this was an anime original so we have no manga to read ahead.
2024-05-02 01:57:09 I remember waiting for season 2. Rewatched season 1 many times. Don't forget this was an anime original so we have no manga to read ahead.
2024-05-02 01:57:09 I remember waiting for season 2. Rewatched season 1 many times. Don't forget this was an anime original so we have no manga to read ahead.
2024-05-02 01:57:09 I remember waiting for season 2. Rewatched season 1 many times. Don't forget this was an anime original so we have no manga to read ahead.
2024-05-02 01:57:09 I remember waiting for season 2. Rewatched season 1 many times. Don't forget this was an anime original so we have no manga to read ahead.
2024-05-02 01:57:09 I remember waiting for season 2. Rewatched season 1 many times. Don't forget this was an anime original so we have no manga to read ahead.
2024-05-02 01:57:09 I remember waiting for season 2. Rewatched season 1 many times. Don't forget this was an anime original so we have no manga to read ahead.
2024-05-02 01:57:09 I remember waiting for season 2. Rewatched season 1 many times. Don't forget this was an anime original so we have no manga to read ahead.
2024-05-02 01:57:09 I remember waiting for season 2. Rewatched season 1 many times. Don't forget this was an anime original so we have no manga to read ahead.
2024-05-02 01:57:09 I remember waiting for season 2. Rewatched season 1 many times. Don't forget this was an anime original so we have no manga to read ahead.
2024-05-02 01:57:09 I remember waiting for season 2. Rewatched season 1 many times. Don't forget this was an anime original so we have no manga to read ahead.
2024-05-02 01:57:09 I remember waiting for season 2. Rewatched season 1 many times. Don't forget this was an anime original so we have no manga to read ahead.
2024-05-02 01:57:09 I remember waiting for season 2. Rewatched season 1 many times. Don't forget this was an anime original so we have no manga to read ahead.
2024-05-02 01:57:09 I remember waiting for season 2. Rewatched season 1 many times. Don't forget this was an anime original so we have no manga to read ahead.
2024-05-02 01:57:09 I remember waiting for season 2. Rewatched season 1 many times. Don't forget this was an anime original so we have no manga to read ahead.
2024-05-02 01:57:09 I remember waiting for season 2. Rewatched season 1 many times. Don't forget this was an anime original so we have no manga to read ahead.
2024-05-02 01:57:09 I remember waiting for season 2. Rewatched season 1 many times. Don't forget this was an anime original so we have no manga to read ahead.
2024-05-02 01:57:09 I remember waiting for season 2. Rewatched season 1 many times. Don't forget this was an anime original so we have no manga to read ahead.
2024-05-02 01:57:09 I remember waiting for season 2. Rewatched season 1 many times. Don't forget this was an anime original so we have no manga to read ahead.
2024-05-02 01:57:09 I remember waiting for season 2. Rewatched season 1 many times. Don't forget this was an anime original so we have no manga to read ahead.
2024-05-02 01:57:09 I remember waiting for season 2. Rewatched season 1 many times. Don't forget this was an anime original so we have no manga to read ahead.
2024-05-02 01:57:09 I remember waiting for season 2. Rewatched season 1 many times. Don't forget this was an anime original so we have no manga to read ahead.
2024-05-02 01:57:09 I remember waiting for season 2. Rewatched season 1 many times. Don't forget this was an anime original so we have no manga to read ahead.
2024-05-02 01:57:09 I remember waiting for season 2. Rewatched season 1 many times. Don't forget this was an anime original so we have no manga to read ahead.
2024-04-13 08:22:17 I remember waiting for season 2. Rewatched season 1 many times. Don't forget this was an anime original so we have no manga to read ahead.

I remember waiting for season 2. Rewatched season 1 many times. Don't forget this was an anime original so we have no manga to read ahead.


I am still convinced Arcane S1 ending is inspired by this one x: shot-boom-credits